True Mother: The Mission of the United Nations for Securing Peace in the World ‏

Ladies and gentlemen, I send my warmest greetings to you all. It’s been seventy years since the independence of Korea, seventy years since the United Nations was established and seventy years since the end of the Second World War. All these dates are no mere coincidence. If we see them as results of Heaven’s providence, then we can also say that the efforts of the United Nations during the seventy years after its founding, did not result only in a world of harmony and freedom.

We must know the truth: There is a limit to human thought and action. Man is also part of the creation. This implies that there is a creator. Hence, you must know the absolute God. What was God’s ideal for His creation? Why didn’t that ideal come about? Though the number of member nations in the United Nations has increased to 193 to date, the United Nations has not been able to guide all member nations in one direction.

From this standpoint, it is necessary that we know what is true. A movement to attend God, in particular, must take place in the United Nations. Within the creation, God is the parent of humankind. No matter how many siblings there may be, they can all become one if they attend and serve the parents. We must be able to find such a path.

The purpose of the 2,000-years of Christian history is to welcome the Returning Lord in the Last Days. Who is the Returning Messiah? The Returning Messiah is the one who is to become the True Parents. God wanted to become the True Parents through the first human ancestors during His creation. Once that happened, the world would have naturally become one big family under God.

Can war exist in such a world? What about religious conflict or dispute over territory between nations? Hence, the problems that are arising around the world and afflicting pain today will all be resolved only if we attend Parents at the center. And I believe that the United Nations should take the lead in letting the whole world know of this truth. The problems of the Korean Peninsula, Asian issues and every conceivable problem in the world can be solved. We should all participate in this endeavor toward one world.

We, humanity, should no longer wander in the providential history, but rather, we should work toward realizing a world where we can all live in sincerity and according to our original nature, for eternity. Even though our earthly lives cannot surpass 100 years, our lives in the spiritual world is eternal.

Our God is an absolute, eternal and unchanging being. Will you reject the way to become God’s sons and daughters? I sincerely hope everyone becomes God’s child. It is my desire that you all take the lead in not only resolving the re-unification problem of the Korean peninsula but also in bringing peace in the world.