Rev. Dr. Michael D. Hentrich


So, the question is: HOW DO WE GET BACK NOW?

We're all messed up with the Fall. We talked about the Fall yesterday and we hopefully got something out of that. So, now we've gotta get back. And God made religion for that purpose; but, the problem with religion is that people got lazy and thought, 'Well, all I need to do is go to church and sit in the pew and do my dues so I can go to Heaven and I don't have to go to hell. And we just look for the easy way out. And the religion lost its purpose. The purpose was to prepare us for True Parents; because, we can't get the forgiveness and we can't get the lineage/ownership problem straightened out without True Parents.


The Messiah, The new Adam and Eve has to come; and, religion's purpose is to prepare us for that. But we have a very weak understanding. We don't understand the purpose of religion any more. We think it's just to save us. And if we just do our tricks, we'll be saved. But, actually the goal ... God had to create religion in the history of restoration to help prepare ourselves for the new Adam and Eve and the goal of the history of restoration is what? The goal is a new Adam and Eve.


That's the goal of the history of restoration. That's the goal. That's where we're going. That's what it's all about. So, God started the providence of restoration through indemnity, right? Indemnity. Indemnity. What's indemnity? This is a big problem. Back in the late 1970's or early 80's. I don't remember exactly when it was, but Father found out that we had a very wrong understanding of indemnity.


ORIGINAL STATE - Making of conditions - indemnity

Process of restoring - restoration through indemnity

Conditions made - condition of indemnity

God's work to restore - Providence of restoration through indemnity




And Father was really upset. He was so upset; because, somehow we got educated by leaders that indemnity was something that necessitated, you know, pain and suffering and punishment. You know, that's indemnity. You've got to suffer. And if there's no pain, there's no gain. And it's paying the price. The words kind of make sense; but actually, when Father heard that, He said that that is not indemnity. Indemnity is a gift. It's grace. Indemnity is God accepting a little step in the right direction and taking it as if it were the literal restoration of the whole problem, even though you're just giving a little bit, a little step in the right direction.

Father said that you can't possibly restore all the sin and fallen nature and sin in your lineage. He said that it's impossible even if you lived for a thousand years, you can't do that. So, indemnity is such grace. He said that you should be so hungry for indemnity every day, more than food, looking for it everywhere. 'How can I pay indemnity? How can I make conditions of indemnity to restore myself; because, it's such a grace.' It's like tything ten percent and God will restore the whole thing. It's a big deal.

So, Father researched it and He said that the problem is that you don't have a ... somebody used the word 'indemnity' when they translated the Principle from the Korean. But, 'indemnity' is an insurance term. English is a business language, you know. And indemnity means something different, indemnifying the wrecked car from the traffic accident yesterday. You have to pay money to get the car fixed. It's similar. There's some similarity there. But, it's not the point. Restitution would be a better English word to use; but, restitution doesn't really catch it either.

Father said that we don't have a word in English that means indemnity ... the same thing that (restorational) indemnity means. The Korean word for indemnity is 'tan gam.' Tan gam is the Korean word for indemnity. You don't have a word for that in English. So, you need to learn Korean or there isn't any word for it. So, that was the conclusion of His Speech. He was very upset about it, the whole thing; and, He felt like we wasted a lot of time.

But some people still think that way. You've got to have pain and suffering and punishment to be paying indemnity. In fact, there's an old movie (I'm sure you haven't seen it; but, it wouldn't hurt) that is called 'Ghandi.' And Mathatma Ghandi was a great spiritual leader in India years ago; and, (I think it's a true story) a Christian man killed a Muslim and came to Mathatma Ghandi to get forgiveness because his conscience was killing him. He killed this Muslim man. 'So, what can I do because of my sin?' So, Mahatma Ghandi said, 'Well, you need to adopt a Muslim child and raise him to be a good Muslim.'

Now that is a good example of 'tangam' or indemnity. There's no pain or punishment or suffering in it. The man didn't know how to love a Muslim, couldn't love a Muslim. So, his indemnity or his tangam is to fix his mistake as much as possible. And the consequences of his mistake as much as possible. And his problem is that he can't love Muslims. So, he's going to raise a Muslim child to be a good Muslim; and, in the process learn to love Muslims. The medicine is love. Learn to love the Muslims. That's not punishment. That's not pain and suffering necessarily. That's tangam. So Father ... we need to understand that.


So, God started a process of restoring our problems through this process of redoing the mistake as much as possible and fixing it and the consequences of the mistake. If you kill somebody, you can't bring them back to life; so, we do conditions of indemnity. What's a condition? A condition is a small step in the right direction that God accepts for a much bigger value than if we did literal restoration of the actual mistake. A condition of indemnity. (I could talk a lot more about it; but, I'm short on time. I have half an hour left and I'm way behind here.)

restoring love with God
restoring love with each other

So, we have two types of restoration through indemnity, right? We have vertical restoration. That's fixing, rebinding, healing vertically our relationship with God. Between you and God. That's a vertical, personal kind of thing. And the horizontal restoration. That's restoring or healing our ability to love one another.

We can't love one another because we've lost our ability to love because the Source of Love is God, right? I mean, love doesn't come from the person you love. The love you feel in your heart doesn't come from them. You might love a person. You might love a dog. You might love a car, whatever it is. But the feeling in your heart comes from God as you have give and take with that person or that pet, or that car, or whatever that thing.

As you have give and take with it, the experience of love comes into you. The love comes into your heart from God. God's the Source of Love. So, if you want to have love in your life, then you need to develop and enhance and improve your relationship with God; because, He's the Source of that love that comes into your heart. And then we can love one another more. Alright?

both by loving God above all else

So, we have a foundation of faith and a foundation of substance. Jesus said it this way, He said, 'Love God with all your heart and all your mind and soul. Love your neighbor as yourself and love your enemy.' He was talking the Principle, using different words, that's all.

foundation of faith; foundation of substance; foundation for The Messiah; receive The Messiah

So, as you know we've received The Messiah here as we're preparing ourselves for the New Adam and Eve. We receive The Messiah at the top of the growth stage. We fell below the growth stage (below formation, growth and perfection ... You know all that stuff) And so, what does it mean to receive The Messiah? I thought I received The Messiah 43 years ago. But you know, maybe we receive The Messiah on deeper and deeper levels, deeper understanding as we grow. What does it mean 'Receive The Messiah?' When we make a foundation of faith and a foundation of substance, we call that a foundation for The Messiah, to receive The Messiah.

Well, I mean Father was making conditions before He died. What does He need to receive The Messiah for; and, Mother is still making conditions now. So, there's more to it than that; and, we'll see more to it than that.


So, 'components of conditions' We know this. Foundation of Faith has three components. What do you need? You need a Central Person. You need a conditional object and you need a time period, right? (I'm racing through this stuff because I'm short on time and I want to get all this content to you and I know it's late there.)

The Central Person. Who's that? That's you. That's me; because the foundaton of faith is between me and God. Nobody else is involved, usually. And the conditional object, something you're going to offer. What is that? What is a conditional offering. Well, could be fasting meals, could be an offering, could be tything, could be reading HoonDokHae. Some object that you're making an offering to God. We'll talk about why in a minute. Something you're going to make an offering of. What is it? A cold shower, whatever it is.

And a time period. There has to be a time period. We're talking about faith here. You can't have faith with no time period. It's like, 'Oh, I'm going to have faith in one minute.' That doesn't make any sense. Faith requires a period of time; and, we use providential numbers, right? Usually forty, four, four hundred or other numbers, as you know. And then a time period.

The foundation of substance has components. What are the components of the foundation of substance? Cain and Abel. We re-enact the relationship between Lucifer and Adam by having a situation where there is a Cain and there is an Abel in relationship with one another, right? When a person in the Cain position is representing the elder position and has to inherit love and learn love and be obedient to Abel. And Abel is representing Adam's position and he's the younger. Not always. Less life experience. Not always; but anyway, he's in that position and he's practicing the parental role of trying to love Cain whose in the child's role. Even though Cain is younger and Abel is older, they reverse their positions, right? So Abel is trying to develop his parental ability, representing God in Adam's position and Cain is representing the archangel who is supposed to humble himself and unite with Abel no matter who they are.

So, we understand the dynamic of that. We could talk about that all day; but, what we are going to talk about now is:


Pure and Holy and Uncompromised:

'The Central Person'
'The Conditional Object'
'Cain and Abel'

This is something we usually don't talk about, but it's very important. Otherwise, we may not be making them effectively. When you're making an offering, you're making an offering to God. It's not just some ritual, like you're throwing it to the wind or you're doing something for your teacher or your central figure or your boss or your mom and dad. You're doing something in relationship to God. You're making an offering to God. So, your offering needs to be pure and holy and uncompromised.

So, what does that mean: pure and holy and uncompromised. For example, the central person in a foundation of faith, that central person is you, right? So, when you're making an offering, let's say you're fasting. You're going to do a three-day fast, or whatever. So, pure and holy and uncompromised. Well, you should start your fast, should start it in the prayer room. You should make it very holy, light your candle and make a special prayer offering it up and allow yourself any conditions. Another words, if I make a mistake, I will do such and such to make up for that mistake so that you don't lose the whole offering.

You should be wise and set your offering up like that and maybe you should take a shower before you start your sacred offering or at least wash your face and your hands. That's what Muslims do. They can't even go into their mosques unless they wash their feet and their hands and their face. So make yourself holy. Maybe you should put on new clothes or not new clothes but clean clothes, new underwear or something, new socks, clean socks.

Make it holy and certainly, in your mind and heart, you can't be complaining about your fasting or your offering. 'Oh man, look at that food. I can't believe I'm doing this. I'm going to die. I'm so hungry and oh gees I can't look at that food. I'm thinking about food all day and night...' That's not an offering. That's not an offering. As the central person, you need to make yourself pure and holy and uncompromised, right? You can't be abusing and getting out of position internally in yourself, complaining or whatever it is.

And also, don't look for the easiest way, most advantageous way to do your offering. Some people do that. It's very lousy. It's very lousy to look for the easiest way to make your offering. To make it more difficult than it needs to be is better.

The conditional object, how do you make that pure and holy and uncompromised: the conditional object. Well, let's say you're fasting a three-day fast. 'Well, gee ... you know uh, how about these liquid drinks? They have these diet drinks at the Walmart. You know, it's not really a meal. You don't have to chew it. It's a liquid fast, right? So how about this liquid here. It's all full of protein and nutrients. I'll drink that stuff instead of water.' I mean, come on, you know. Or, you're just having snacks. These are not meals. These are just snacks. You can't cheat. You can't fake it.

Father said that when you're making an offering table, and you go buy those fruits and snacks and things that pile up on the offering table that are beautiful, He said, 'Do not buy those things on sale. Buy them at the full price and even give them extra money, a tip; because, that's your offering. Don't cheat and don't make it cheap.'

I want to give you an example here. Years ago, I was on MFT ... (and if I already told you this example, please forgive me. I can't remember who I told what any more) We were fundraising and we used to go out fundraising late at night, sometimes midnight or two o'clock in the morning at the bars and businesses and stuff like that on weekends. And we'd come back to the center where you are there and be counting up our result, taking the money out of our pocket and put it in the bag or the box and count it up and, 'Okay, let's have our closing prayer. Hurry up. We're gonna go to bed. We're tired. Hurry up and put that money in the bag and let's have our prayer ... aju! And, oh man, let's go to bed.

And after we rushed through this, I noticed this one precious Japanese sister standing over in the corner of the room. And she was at the ironing board. And I was amazed and went over there, 'What are you doing?' And she was ironing her money, every dollar bill. She was ironing it. I said, 'What are you doing?' She said, 'I'm ironing the money.' I said, 'Why?' She said, 'This is my offering.' And you know, there's a huge lesson in this. The lesson is that the value you put in your offering is the value that God can receive from your offering. If the offering doesn't mean much to you, it doesn't mean much to God either. You make it special. That's what I'm talkin about.

You go to Cheong Pyeong, right? You go to the prayer hall. If you were there when Dae Mo Nim was there, she taught us how to go to the prayer hall. You go to the prayer hall, you approach the prayer hall before you get to the building, you bow, you get to the door, you take off your shoes, you go to the inside door, you bow. You walk over to where you're going to pray, you bow. You kneel down, you say your prayer. You get done with you prayer and you get up and you bow, you walk three steps backwards, you bow again, you go to the back door of the prayer hall, you bow again, you put your shoes back on, you go outside the building and you bow again. How in the world many times you have to bow? What in the world? From a pragmatic person, you might think, 'This is crazy. I had to bow eight times or something.'

But the point is (and Buddhists understand this very well, you know, we need to be more like Buddhists) the value you put into your offering is the value God can receive. That's why the Tree of Blessing is way at the top of the hill, right? Why didn't they put it down by the prayer hall. It would be real convenient. We can just walk over there. There's a reason why it's up there. If it's not special to you, it's not special to God either. Make it special.

In fact, when you have an offering, do more than is expected. This is what Father taught us. He said, (and Jesus said the same thing. He said, 'If you are asked to walk one mile, walk two.') Father said, 'If you have a seven-day fast and you can break it at midnight, Oh, I think I'll break it tomorrow morning, Satan hates that. That was extra minutes and hours that you added to it that you didn't need to do. That's you offering. That means more than the whole offering.'

Father said, 'The time you show up before church starts, that's your offering. That's your offering. Satan hates that. You're giving more than you need to. He really hates that. That's our way.

And the time period. You can't cheat on the time period, right? That's obvious. Seven-day fast, 'Well, it's eleven thirty. It's good enough, man. Where's my Big Mack?' You can't cheat. You might as well not even start if you have that kind of attitude. You're doing the same kind of thing Abraham did, right? You can't cheat on the time period. Don't compromise it.

So, also, push yourself to the limit. And also, on the Cain and Abel, how to make an offering? You know, like I said before in the introduction. It's all about loving one another, seeing God in one another. It's not so complicated. And the point is: Who is Cain and who is Abel in your life, anyway. Who is Abel? Who's your Abel. And you might say, 'Oh, it's Gabriel, or the brother (I'm sorry I forgot your name) or it's Rev. so-and-so. That's true. That's your formal Able. That's right. Some people say, 'My mom and dad.' Okay, that's right; but, you know what, actually, that is not going to do the job. That is not going to allow you to clean up your fallen nature, which is the purpose of Cain and Abel, right? Not going to do it.

Let's say that you're not full-time missionaries right now and you're talking to your members, right? who live in their homes. You're teaching your members who live in their homes. And they come to church once a week. They come to church somewhere, right? They hear the service and their central figure, their Abel figure is the pastor, right? So, what is the experience there of Cain and Abel? They come to church on Sunday, 'Hi. How ya doing?' and that's it. Might have a little conversation. So, what's that going to do for them? Nothing. Does that restore their fallen nature? No. And they might not even come once a week. Maybe they come twice a month. It's nothing, right? That's not it.

And so, you who say your mom and dad is your central figure, my Abel figure, that's how I'm restoring myself, through them. Well, that's good. When you get about twenty-three or four or five or whatever, you get Blessed, and you start your family life and you move away, have your own home somewhere, or you go to college. And how often do you see your parents now? Not much. At least in America, you might not see them but twice a year or something. They become old. I mean, I haven't seen my parents much for the last forty five years. So, what's that doing for me? It's not doing anything. It's not restoring my fallen nature at all.

So, my point is, 'Who is Abel in your life? Who is Cain in your life?' The only way to make this really work so that you can clean up your fallen nature and restore yourself through this incredibly important dynamic is if you consider every single human being you come in contact with every day as your Cain or Abel. Every moment, every moment in time you're in a relationship of Cain and Abel with everybody you meet. And that relationship can switch back and forth from one minute to the next. It's a dance. It's like a dance on the dance floor. It's ... the left foot is Cain and the right foot is Able and you're just twirling around and you're taking turns. And when you're in the Abel position, you're learning to be in a parental role and sharing and nurturing and helping and caring for whoever it is that you're relating to.

And if you're in a Cain role at the moment, you're receiving that with humility in a child's role. And you're experiencing God through this person whom you have put in a parental role in your life at that moment because you're receiving from them.

So, there are formal Abels and Cains. Those are the ones assigned to us; but, most of the Cain and Abel in your life is not formal ones. They're informal ones that you assign. You decided who's Cain or Abel in every moment of your life. Even if its a small child, you could put them in an Abel position to you or a Cain position to you. It depends on the relationship, whatever is going on at the moment. And you're practicing every moment with everybody you meet, practicing being Cain, practicing being Abel. Cain and Abel is equally important and valuable. There's nothing sacred and wonderful about being Abel and icky about being Cain. No! We've got to get rid of that stupid idea. They're both equally important and valuable. It's just restoring our fallen nature in the two different roles.

We need to master them both. People who just want to be Abel or something because they think that's the honored position, completely misunderstand the whole thing. It's Cain whose the great champion of history, Cain! When Cain digests his fallen nature and embraces with Abel, history is made, right? It's Cain and Abel together. One is not more important or valuable than the other. They're both brothers, that's all. They're twins. Anyway, I could talk about that all night; but, my time is running out.


I just addressed that one.

So, this is an interesting statement by Father. He said:

"In the past, when we offered sacrifices to God, we needed to first split them into two halves, one for God's side and one for Satan's side. Can you imagine what an appalling than this must have been for God? (Wow, I never thought about that, right?) The sacrifice was split into two parts, the right side belonged to God and the left side belonged to Satan. This was true for human beings. This was true for Abel and Adam. Only when you can offer everything centering on God's love can Satan be separated from you completely."
CSG 1st Ed. p. 1432

You know, when I first read this I thought, 'Wow, I never thought about that.' God was appalled that He had to give half to Satan. Wow, interesting.


And you can't make conditions casually. 'Well, I'm going to sit here and do a little Hoon dok hae and (snore, snore), you know. You get out of it what you put into it. God can only receive from it what you put into it. And you've gotta ... You know, in Cheong Pyeong when they'd go for consultation, they would give you a little extra indemnity to pay. They'd say, 'Do fifty keung bae's in the prayer hall.' I noticed that fifty is just enough to get your muscles (at least at my age) a little bit sore, and you might break a little sweat. But if you do thirty five, nothing. If you do a hundred or five hundred, then you really ... you know, feeling it.

So, the dark side and God are both aware of your offering, whether you're putting your skin in the game or not. If you're not putting any skin in the game, then it's worthless. Who cares about it. You can't do conditions casually. Father used to risk His Life doing conditions. He didn't go out fishing just when the weather was nice. He went out when there were storms on the sea, waves thirty feet high. People in the boat thought they were going to die. Father was standing on top watching the storm.

When Father was in Brazil, He went bare footed at night walking into the forest. You can't do that ... You know, there's plenty of creatures out there that would like to make you dinner. He went out in the forest at night with bare feet. What in the world? And Father would have mosquitos all over His face biting him and He just let them bite. That's the kind of way Father approached doing conditions. He always put His Life on the line. He didn't do things casually. Look at this quote here:

"At the Washington Monument Rally I had the same seriousness as someone with a death sentence walking to the gallows. (The gallows is the machine where they cut your head off, right?) In preparation, there were many mornings I mistook for nights, and many nights I mistook for mornings. Only God and I know this."
CBG - 1977/04/18)

with gatitude and love

That's the kind of way Father approached making offerings. It's not a casual thing. And don't forget the grease. You've got to grease your offering. What's the grease? How do you grease your offering? Greasing your offering means gratitude and love. Gratitude. Always be grateful, not just for the nice things in life, Father told us to be grateful for the storms, the rain, you know, the challenges, grateful for all of it; because, it's all things to help us grow our love and to learn virtue.

Love! If you put gratitude and love, if you soak your offerings with gratitude and love, (We're going to learn more about this tomorrow) your offering is really valueable. Why? Because the dark side can't do that, that's why. You're distinguishing yourself from the dark side, who complains all the time, doesn't have gratitude and love. So, the more you make yourself different from the dark side and make yourself like God, the more you're separating yourself from Satan. That's how it works. You make yourself different.

"Knowing that everything we do we do by Heaven's Direction, you must be grateful. (Father said) If you continue being grateful you will ultimately come to a world you had never thought of, and the world that opposed you will fall into consequences it would have never imagined. That is why the life of those who live in attendance of Heaven must be filled with gratitude."
CBG 1st ed. P. 1226 1986.1.16

Very, very powerful thing. If you're not soaked with gratitude, you need to work on it.


So, why do we have to do conditions anyway? I know a lot of young people feel this way. It seems so old-fashioned and religious. It's a lot of work and uncomfortable and why should I bother with it. Even older members my age are thinking this way. It's really ... They're coasting ... lazy. 'Well, I used to do conditions when I was a fundraiser. But, I'm a big boy now and I don't need that. I'm good. I'm good. Why do we need to do conditions anyway?"

Rev. Kevin McCarthy wrote about this in his book, 'The Blood-Stained Voice.' I'm going to put that on my website one of these days. He gave me permission to do that. He gave a really great explanation for this. You know, we would like to think that God is just a big teddy bear, Santa Claus, that He just wants to love us all the time and hug us and embrace us and squeeze us and fill us with love and blessings. And we like to think that God is like that. And, actually, He is like that. That is the way God is. He just is motivated by love. He wants to love you, He wants to love you and bless you all the time. That's all He wants to do; and, He's got this big bag of love and blessings over His Shoulder. It's all dusty and old. He's been dragging it around for millions of years. He wants to give it to you, love and blessings, like Santa Claus.

But, the problem is, especially because of the Fall, the problem is that we have the dark side now. And if God were to pull some love and blessings out of His bag and give it to you just because you have a pretty face or just because He wants to and you didn't do anything at all. You're just standing there, the problem is that the dark side is going to look at that, they are going to look at that and say, 'Hey, did you see that. God gave him love and blessings and he didn't do anything. He didn't make any good conditions. God is not justified in giving him love and blessings. He didn't make any good conditions. He didn't do anything to justify God giving him love and blessings. Well, I'm just gonna tear him to bits. I'm going to wreck his life. And I'm not going to wait for a bad condition because God didn't wait for a good condition. I'm just gonna make his life miserable now.'

So, because of that dynamic going on, God has to wait. God waits. He waits. He waits for some offering from you. Anything ... a prayer, even an informal prayer, just a yearning from your heart. Heavenly Father I need You in my life, some condition that He can be justified to give His love and blessings to you that He's been saving up for billions of years. He wants to give it to you. He needs you to do something to justify that so that the dark side can't say anything, can't do anything, has to acknowledge. 'Uh, God had a reason. God was justified in giving that love and blessing. And, the dark side has to wait for a bad condition because God waited for your good condition. Because life is hard enough, right?

You know, I taught this at a seminar here in our church community one time and this one college age sister (She's a nice sister; but, she never came to any one of my lectures or workshops or anything. She just wanted to see a friend who was in the workshop) So, she came in in the middle and she walked up to the back of the room and sat on the couch, waiting for us to take a break. And all she heard here was this part here, this lesson on why we need to make conditions, make offerings. That's all she heard.

She was so shocked, so stunned. She opened her purse and she took out her checkbook and she wrote her first tything check. Because she realized, 'Wow. There's a reason why I should do this.' And she was faithful ever since. She kept tything and serving and attending and now she's Blessed. It just transformed her life, this one point, why I need to make a condition. If you want God's love and blessings, you need to free God's Hand up and make an offering that justifies Him being able to give it to you. Otherwise, the dark side is going to make more trouble for you than you already have. And God doesn't want that; so, He waits. He waits. He waits for your offering.


(So, there was a lot of talk about this and I'm sorry I'm going to run over time a little bit. I'm going to try to rush through this to finish it)

Father said, some years ago, that the era of restoration through indemnity is over, finished, 'I completed it. There's no more indemnity for humanity ever more; and, I paid it.' And many people my age who'd been in the church for some decades said, 'Oh, wow, how wonderful. No more indemnity and no more central figures. I don't need a central figure any more. I can live ... I can go back to my old life. I can go drinking and have a good time in my old ways and indemnity is over. How wonderful.'

And I thought to myself, 'That can't be right. I mean, yesterday I was full of fallen nature and I needed to restore myself and today I'm fine. That can't be what Father is saying. It can't be the meaning of it, right? So, I had to do some homework, go in and dig. And I got ... so you can understand this and not be confused about this. What is Father saying and what is Father not saying?

Here is a statement in 1983 Father said:

"The Unification Church (I went through a course to restore the standard of historical indemnity. That is the world standard of restoration on the level of the individual, family, people, nation, and cosmos. In Home Church, you can settle down and be free of all the indemnity conditions for the first time."
CSG 1st ed., p. 2037, 1983.1.1.

That's 1983. Here's 1986:

"In the era of restoration through indemnity, people have been moving in a circles. If the first attempt failed they could have a second one. In this way they were able to progress. Now, however, we have passed the era of restoration through indemnity and entered the era of restoration. In the era of restoration we cannot take our time to resolve mistakes."
CSG 1st Ed. p. 1226, 4/12/1986

So, the era of restoration through indemnity is over and we're now in the era of restoration. So, in 1997, Father said:

"Originally, people who were free from indemnity would have received the Blessing. (He's talking about Adam and Eve before the Fall.) However, the Blessed Families have conditions of indemnity to fulfill..."
(286=235, 1997.6.5)

Here's 1989:

"These eight months of January through August have all been part of a new era in 1989. It is now the end of August isn't it? The course of global indemnity has been completed in these eight months. In connection with this we were able to hold many events last year, including the cross-cultural "exchange" Holy Blessing and the declaration of the Foundation Day for the Nation of the Unified World. Thus, all conditions of indemnity were fulfilled."
CSG 1st Ed. p. 1566, 8/31/1989

And here's what Dae Mo Nim said in 2013:

"...True Father said "this is the era without indemnity." But this is from the perspective of God's entire providence. From Foundation Day on, our world will be made separately with absolute good spirits. In this new era, then, we have to live well. Thus, it is a scary era. If we do our best, living with absolute faith, love and obedience, then heavenly fortune will be in us. But, if we live un-Principled, and live poorly, indemnity will come to us. Now, indemnity is invisible. But if we act wrongly internally, many indemnity conditions will follow us after Foundation Day."
Dae Mo Nim 01/19/2013

So, what is the story here? I think you can see that what Father is talking about here is the historical processes of indemnity. Father had to restore all that from Adam and Eve until now. You know, every ... according to the Principle and what Father said ... every central figure has to begin by restoring all the failures of the past before they start their mission. That's ... You can see that in Noah's life, you can see that in Abraham's life. And we're going to talk about that stuff tomorrow.

So, the point is that Father has this job of restoring all the indemnity of history leading up to His Life and Mission. He's got this big, fat Book. He finished it, eight stages. He's looking in the rearview mirror of His Car and there's nothing there. He opens the Book and the pages are empty. He's torn them all out. He has completed the historical course of indemnity that was His to complete. He finished it. He's done. No more does humanity ever have to deal with it. It's gone.

But Mother is still telling us about indemnity today, isn't She? She's still telling us, 'If you don't get off the coach, you're going to have a lot of indemnity to pay.' She's still talking about it. Father talked about it until He died.

So, the point is: We have our book of indemnity. I have my book of indemnity. And you have your book of indemnity, everybody does. That's what Dae Mo Nim is talking about here. Your book might be real fat, three inches thick like a dictionary or a Bible or it might be thin like a comic book. It depends on your life and your ancestors and how you live your life. You might be adding pages of indemnity to it every day, like Dae Mo Nim is saying here. Or, you might be living a holy life and cleaning it up. You might be tearing pages out of it and making it thinner every day. That's our job.

We need to clean up and clear out and finish all of our indemnity for our ancestors and for our own life. Father said, 'By home church you can clean up all your indemnity.' Wow! Tribal Messiah, same kind of thing. So, it's my book of indemnity. That's not gone. I still need central figures, right? I still have an egotistical fallen nature personality. I'm not like God yet. I still have to work on it. That's why Mother is still talking about indemnity, right?

Because we have to clean ourselves up, I have to work on it. I need Cain and Abel. you know. In fact, the person who doesn't like Cain and Abel and complains about it, 'Why do we have to do this? It seems old fashioned. When are we going to be done with Cain and Abel?' The more you're uncomfortable with Cain and Abel, probably indicates that you need it more.

If you're totally comfortable with Cain and Abel; and, you have no problem working with anybody no matter who they are, and you're really comfortable because you love people, you're on the way to graduating from Cain and Abel. You're really making progress. You're doing really well. You probably don't need it so much. But if you feel complaining about it, you're really oppressed by it and frustrated by it, that probably means you need it.


And 'rules of engagement.' What's that? There are rules of engagement in restoration. We never talk about that; but you know, I want to talk about this for a minute because I want to give you confidence. You know, God and Satan made deals all the time. Father did too. Jesus did too, make deals.

For example, tything. God ... Father talked about this tything. We owe everything to God, one hundred percent. But God can't insist on us giving everything to Him because we need to grow ourself, we need to prosper, we need to take care of ourselves. So, God doesn't ask for everything, even thought we owe everything to God. So, He made a deal with Lucifer. He said, 'Look, if they give Me ten percent, I'm going to bless everything they have. If they give me nine percent or eight percent, I'm just going to bless that. But if they give me ten percent, I'm going to bless all of it.' And Lucifer said, 'Okay, I'll go for that. Most people probably won't go for that (ten percent). I'll go for that.' So, that's a deal. It's a rule of engagement. They have to abide by that. If you give ten percent, Satan can't say anything because they made a deal.

But this is how indemnity works, you know. In the Jewish time in Egypt, the spirit of death came through and killed all the first-born sons of Egypt, right? And God told them, an angel told them, 'You put the blood of a lamb on your door post and the angel of death will pass over your house.' Something really happened there. They still celebrate that 'passover' now. I mean, the angel of death did pass over and didn't kill them. Because they had the faith, they put that ... There's rules of engagement. That angel of death couldn't say, 'I don't care if you put blood all over the whole door, I'm coming in and killing that child.' No. There's rules.

Jesus died on the cross, right? Gave his life as an offering on the cross for our sins, willingly. That was his offering. Satan can't say, 'I don't care if you die a hundred times up there. I'm claiming all these people. Who are you?' Can't do it. He made a sincere offering. God had to receive it and Satan had to back off ... because that's ...

Same thing with the holy wine, right? Drink the holy wine at the Blessing ceremony ... removes your original sin with the other steps of the process, the three-day ceremony and everything. Satan can't say, 'I don't care if you drink a whole bucket of that holy wine, I'm not letting go of you. You're mine.' Can't do it. It's a rule of engagement. There's rules. They have deals. There's nothing you can do about it.

So, I'm telling you this because I want you to have confidence. When you make an offering, if you make it sincerely and purely without compromising, you need to be confident that God will receive and accedpt that and the dark side has to back off. It has to. They have to. You can expect something to happen.

The former leader of Cheong Pyeong, he used to keep track of all his wish papers. He didn't do too many wish papers, but he wrote it down. This is what I wrote on this date. And then he'd check off when it was fulfilled until they were all fulfilled. He kept a list. You can have confidence in your offering, if you offer it sincerely with love and gratitude and make a good offering.


So, the end goal of conditions of restoration is what? I mean, Father was still (making conditions until He died) Mother is still making conditions. She doesn't need to receive The Messiah, right? What's the real end goal of conditions? The real end goal of conditions is:


Mother's doing conditions for us.

The point is, if you're not one with God yet and one with one another yet, universally, then we still do conditions because that's how we mend and heal all these relationships vertically and horizontally. That's the real end goal of it all. That's why the Messiah even still does more conditions.


That's why even a holy man ... I mean, I received The Messiah forty-three years ago; but, I'm still doing conditions because I'm not one with God and one with one another yet. So, if you want to experience God in your life, if you want to experience God in your marriage, if you want to experience God in your mission, if you want to experience God in your relationship with other people, if you want to experience God in your family with your children, here's what you have to do: You have to put Him there by your faith. You have to look for God in the other person. Look for God behind your Abel figure, look for God in your central figure, look for God in your children, in your spouse, look for God in nature. If you look for God in them, you'll find God in them.


You know, I hate to tell you a story at this late hour but, when I was a teenager I treated my mother very badly, I treated her poorly. I thought she was stupid and I treated her that way. On day, finally, in my thick German skull, I was sitting in my father's lounge chair and my mother walked by going into the kitchen and I said some stupid thing to her and she started crying in front of me. And then I finally realized, 'What's wrong with you? You can't make people cry. You can't hurt people like that. There's something wrong with you. You're wrong. Even if you think you're right, you're wrong. And I really repented at that time to an extent.

But later when I joined the church and I was a state leader for a few years in different places. And Father was changing us around in our missions; and, He stood right in front of me ten inches from my face. And He looked into my eyes (He did this two or three different times) but He looked at me and He wanted to know who I was. He was going to re-assign me. And His Spirit went down inside of my soul through my eyes. It was like Neo jumping into that guy in that movie clip from 'The Matrix.' Father's Spirit went down inside of me. I could feel it. I didn't feel afraid or anything, because He loves me. So, there's nothing to be afraid of.

But after a minute or so, He came out of my spirit again. And then He assigned me. He said, 'Okay, I want you to be the city leader in this little tiny town; and, your state leader is going to be this particular sister who's my spiritual mother. My spiritual mother is going to be the state leader. She had no experience at all, never been a leader anywhere. So, my first knee-jerk reaction was, 'What! She doesn't know how to be a leader. I know how to be a leader. How can she be my leader?' And I thought to myself, 'Look at you! Aren't you just like Lucifer, looking down at her because she doesn't have life experience, just like Lucifer. Look at you.'

So, I caught myself and I realized what's going on here. Father saw my life. He saw my problem with my mother. You know, my spiritual mother is just like my mother, very much like my mother, her personality and everything. So, Father was giving me another chance to restore myself. And I realized what He was doing. I was so moved. I was so moved. I realized, 'Oh, my God, thank you so much. Thank you so much!' And I went there and I helped my spiritual mother. I helped her to become a good leader. I helped her. I supported her. I gave her advice. I humbly served her, because Father gave me a chance to restore my past. Wow!

You gotta see God in and behind other people. That's what it's all about. If you want to experience God in your life, you gotta put God in your marriage and family, put Him there by your faith just like you do your team leader on your fundraising team, right? Even if he's an idiot, you have faith that God is working through that person in your life. And then you get blessed by having faith. You have to, by your faith, put God into your relationships, just like you do in your fundraising team.

So, here's what Jesus said, a very sobering statement (and I'm finishing now with this Mathew 7)

Mathew 7:21
"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. (He who does the will of my Father) On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?' And then will I declare to them, I never knew you; depart from me, you evildoers.

Every one then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house upon the rock, and the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And every one who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house upon the sand; and the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell; and great was the fall of it.' And when Jesus finished these sayings, the crowds were astonished at his teaching."

Jesus is saying here, 'Don't just believe. You've got to live it. You've got to become it.'

So, M. I. N. O. Don't be a MINO. What's a MINO? A Moonie in name only. Just a spectator who sits back, 'Go for it Father! Go for it Mother! Build that Kingdom! Aju! like a cheerleader or something. It's not going to do anything for you. You're just fooling yourself. You're not going to benefit from that. You've got to get your skin in the game and become the Principle and be True Parents' arms and legs and life and live it. You gotta live it. Just like Jesus said, 'You've gotta live it.'


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