Explaining Torsion Field Theory in terms of Unification Thought

W. Stoertz, Dec. 24, 2017, in consultation with Dr. Jin Sung-bae of the Unification Thought Institute, Seorak, Korea

God is known also in Unification Thought as gThe Original Imageh, and that above all consists of two sets of dual essentialities, Sung-sang and Hyung-sang and Masculinity (Positivity, Yang) and Femininity (Negativity, Eum).

Torsion Field Theory, originating in the officially atheist Soviet Union with the research of Dr. Akimov and Dr. Shipov from the 1940s through the 1990s, definitively affirms God. The researchers came to this conclusion independently of any government or ecclesiastical prompting, but through their study of the material world and nature. In Bozhidar Paliushev's The Physics of God II, laying out the official version of Torsion Field Theory, the personal nature of God is not as precisely and profoundly developed as in Unification Thought.

God's image or structure contains Sung-sang, which implies Heart, Purpose and Intentionality; and Hyung-sang \ the internal realm of ideals, principles, mathematical formulae, laws, forms, images, and the spiritual world. These cannot be seen nor measured but can be deduced or inferred through human intellect and spiritual apperception.

As a theory or principle, Torsion Field Theory would abide in the realm of God's Hyung-sang, or the Inner Hyung-sang. To compare or situate the TFT, Einstein's Relativity Theory, as a specific, concrete physical and mathematical principle, likewise belongs to the Inner Hyung-sang. As a gTheory of Everythingh, TFT has a broader scope, encompassing both the sciences and the humanities. Religions, philosophies, and isms also belong in this realm.

Unification Thought distinguishes God (the Original Image) and the Universe (the gWorldh). God abides in the world but is not a part of it. A big and hitherto unexplained question therefore is gHow does God interact with the world, with material reality?h In Principle the general explanation is that gMan is the center, mediator, and microcosm of the whole cosmos; God relates to His Creation through humans, the highest of His creations.h Nevertheless, the human being himself being both a material and a spiritual being, two questions remain, gHow does invisible and immaterial God relate to the human being?h and "How does the mind which is spiritual interact with the brain which is physical?h These have been unanswered thus far; Torsion Field Theory offers a very clear explanation which agrees with Unification Thought but goes into more detail.

In fundamental physics there is presently a lively debate about the nature and structure of the gphysical vacuumh. Many theories abound. Most share in common the hypothesis (practically impossible to verify with physical methods) that the vacuum is constituted of infinitesimal particles of Planck size (1.616229x10-35m) in various geometric arrays or in free fluid motion. The TFT position is that the strongest forces in nature reign at the level of the physical vacuum, that the constituent particles are held firmly in position, and this is what enables some of its properties.

Unification Thought must address the issue of the gvacuumh in fundamental physics. The concept of vacuum is not strange to religion; Christians have long believed that God created this world ex nihilo \ literally out of nothing. That is in fact correct. The process of creation, from a physical standpoint, based on the Bible and Unification Thought view, is as follows:

God desired an object from His Heart. He formulated a plan via Logos. This plan was executed starting from Will, termed gCreativityh in Unification Thought. These three (Heart, Logos, Creativity) form God's Sung-sang or Inner Sung-sang of the Original Image. Imago dei is the Image of God in the Judeo-Christian faith. Man and woman are made in the Image of God.

The Sung-sang of God formulates the executive creative plan and will (imbued with heart) for the actual creation by God. This proceeds from God's Hyung-sang, or the Inner Hyung-sang of the Original Image. The Hyung-sang of God corresponds to the gRealm of Idealsh (idea) or gThe World of Formsh (eidos) in Plato's philosophy. The Hyung-sang realm has a hierarchical structure from the highest spiritual level of absolute values (per Sun Myung Moon) down to the individual images in the plan and design for created beings. All spiritual concepts and entities and the entire spiritual realm are subsumed under God's Hyung-sang in Unification Thought. The Divine Principle, Unification Thought, Unified Field Theory, Torsion Field Theory, Quantum Mechanics, Theory of Relativity, Classical Physics, Chemistry and all the sciences find their places in the realm of the Inner Hyung-sang. Human beings cannot directly perceive the Sung-sang nor Hyung-sang of God; we can only access them with our mind.

Then what is the element of God's Hyung-sang (in the invisible, insubstantial realm) which can reach down or out to the tangible, physical, horizontal, substantial realm and effect action, support, miracles, divine light, healing, etc.? This is gprime force.h The Prime Force contains implicitly the Sung-sang elements of God's Heart, Purpose, Motivation, Logos, Providential Will, Specific Will, and Power (Energy, Force, Empowerment). God's direct volition is energizing, activating. It is the subjective element in all the world which directly causes things to move and happen. However, God's Hyung-sang is immaterial and insubstantial; therefore it must activate something in the physical (Hyung-sang) realm of this world. That is the Universal Prime Force.

gUniversal Prime Forceh is the active mover in the Sung-sang realm of the physical world, which underlies or enables all the forces of give-and-receive action (interaction, empowerment, action, dynamic, development, growth, multiplication, fruition). To briefly recap, Prime Force is a horizontal force relative to God, in God's Hyung-sang, and it initiates and directs the Universal Prime Force, which is a vertical (Sung-sang) force relative to physical entities and systems, empowering their give-and-take action. The forces of give-and-take action are the physical forces in the physical realm: These include the information field, the gravitational field, and the quantum fields.

Thus, addressing the issue of the vacuum in physics, Unification Thought holds that the gvacuumh is in fact a non-physical substrate mapping into pseudo-Euclidean space. The vacuum (not called gphysical vacuumh for obvious reasons) is in fact part of God's Hyung-sang. Here is the evident crossover domain for connecting God's Hyung-sang to the Hyung-sang of physical reality.

The next problem is gWhat is the foundation of material occupying the physical vacuum?h In Torsion Field Theory this is the so-called gtorsion field particlesh. Similar in theory to electrons or other subatomic particles, they possess the property of spin \ not physical spin as we picture it, but quantum spin. At size dimensions under the quantum observation limit, the regular physical properties we understand cannot be easily applied, but we may use an analogical physical and geometric representation. The torsion field constituent particle is called a gfitonh and consists of two complementary antiparticles spinning in opposite directions, giving the fiton pseudo-physical properties, especially directional polarization and charge polarization. Many questions of science and even the humanities may be addressed based on the properties and relationships of the torsion field and the fitons which compose it.

With the vacuum located solidly not in the physical Hyung-sang realm but in God's Hyung-sang, the invisible source realm for all ideals, values, principles, laws, formulas  \ we wish at this point to focus on the directivity of God's gprime forceh or gprime energyh. Up to this point a conceptual framework detailing the bridge structure between the Hyung-sang of the Original Image and Hyung-sang of the world (physical, material reality) had been lacking; we now pinpoint this in the vacuum, which interfaces between the prime force in the Internal Hyung-sang and what in Unification Thought is termed guniversal prime forceh in the Hyung-sang of physical reality. Let us look closely and examine what these are.

May we at this point recall an anecdote about the founder of Unification Thought, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon. When he was composing the original Divine Principle (by extended prayer and reflection, dictating to his disciples, who transcribed the contents and compiled them into the Original Divine Principle in 1951 and 1952), at the point in the gPrinciple of Creationh where he explained gUniversal Prime Forceh and gGive-and-Receive Actionh, the disciples were writing extensively, and he stopped them and ordered, gKeep it short. Write only one paragraph about the universal prime force.h Now, almost seventy years later, reflecting on that episode and the disciples' testimony, we can understand that this detailed explanation had to wait until the revelation, from the Soviet side, of the detailed structure and function of the torsion field particles constituting all space-time and all physical and spiritual entities. In here we can see another important aspect of the Principle, namely the necessity of union and cooperation between the gCainh and gAbelh sides in order to be granted the gift of enlightenment from Heaven and to be authorized to proceed in providential as well as scientific and technological progress. Such a time has finally come, and this Torsion Field Theory in its intimate relationship to Unification Thought is now being revealed to the world.

In Unification Thought we find gprime forceh, gprime energyh, gpre-matterh, gpre-energyh, guniversal prime forceh, and gforces of give-and-receive action.h In light of concrete physical theory, with the now added clarification of Torsion Field Theory which provides the long-sought bridge, let us clarify these terms.

gPrime forceh is identical and interchangeable with gprime energyh, without using the important distinctions in physics between energy, force, work, power, momentum, specific impulse, etc. Here we see clearly that additional theoretical work must be done to clarify and mathematically define the many new concepts of Unification Thought. This gprime forceh operates out of the Hyung-sang realm of God and impinges on the Hyung-sang of physical entities as guniversal prime forceh. Prime force emanates directly from God's intentionality, originating in God's Inner Sung-sang as will, and serves as the directional element internally supervising and managing material and interactions in the physical world.

Both here in Unification Thought as well as in Torsion Field Theory, the issue arises of gdomains of competenceh. In other words, not only God but also human volition are capable of mobilizing the potential of physical power and action stemming from the prime force. Human beings are able to harness the creative and active powers endowed by God, especially when one such as Jesus Christ becomes One with God, or in the case of those gifted with supernatural gifts, and also on the foundation of spiritual conditions, hard work, and the investment of jungsung. In TFT these domains are titled gegregoresh, referring to a domain of spiritual authority. In other words, one cannot simply decide to do a significant action involving spiritual mobilization without authorization or competence. If anyone attempts to misuse the Torsion Field Theory principles or the Divine Principle either for that matter, either it will not succeed, or it may turn out badly for the person.

Herein lies an advisory for experimental research into some of the more New Age-type phenomena usually termed gpseudo scienceh: In the realms of quantum effects where Torsion Field Theory operates, the gobserver effecth is very substantial. The scientist is looking at the experimental setup, but at the same time his own mindset comes into play too. If he is very skeptical, the experimental subject itself may react accordingly. Of course this is obvious with human subjects, but even in the case of plants, animals, and inanimate material (such as Masaru Emoto's water crystals) there is a noticeable influence. Many scientific experimenters, setting out to either establish or disprove gpsy-phenomenah have either made exaggerated claims or have dismissed the claims entirely, labelling it gpseudoscienceh or gesoterich research. Thus the approach of science itself must be reconsidered and adjusted, in dealing with the New Physics. After all, our purpose is to discover, theoretically explain, and potentially to constructively use, the true underlying nature of the reality we live in daily.

Continuing to address gprime forceh, as we have stated, it emanates from God's Inner Sung-sang. God is not an abstract, material, or impersonal being. God is not only gGod of Powerh or gGod of Truthh, but the very personal God, in whose image and likeness we human beings have been created. God is a person (not in the physical sense, with perhaps the exception of Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son of God), but in the inward sense. gGod feels like a person.h Dealing with God is like dealing with the most intimate Person, who understands everything. Moreover, even though God is universal, omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, and infinitely wise — God is above all loving, caring, personal, intimate, and faithful. We are hard put to understand how God can be everywhere at once and at the same time totally care about me, as one small individual. In fact, Torsion Field Theory is able to explain very reasonably about how that can be possible.

God's Inner Sung-sang is based on a triune structure of gHearth, gLogosh, and gWill.h Heart is the most central and subjective aspect, close to love, feeling, affection, desire. gLogosh is rational, logical, intellectual, truthful. gWillh is closer to determination, purpose, volition, intentionality. Whether in creation or in providential direction or even in personal relationship, the process proceeds from Heart (God's love) to Logos (a logical, methodological, reasonable and effective plan) to Will (the action or executive order to proceed and realize God's will based upon His love). Incidentally, we use a term such as gheh with God, while all the same knowing implicitly that God is our Parents in Heaven and is both Mother and Father, or He and She. Furthermore, we concur with the Christian conception of the Trinity as three-in-one, indivisible, inseparable, consubstantial, etc. The Godhead, while inscrutable, is structured in Unification Thought for the sake of logical understanding.

Thus when a command is issued from God, it proceeds from his Will (intentionality) in the Sung-sang realm to Prime Force in God's Hyung-sang and is realized as Universal Prime Force in the Hyung-sang of the created world. Here we point out another caveat: God is not a dictator. God is truly the God of freedom. Freedom is the light of the world under God's grace. God endowed free will to all human beings — an important issue in philosophy, ideology, and even in quantum mechanics. Thus, when God gordersh something, He does so gently, allowing the things to proceed according to their own mind, heart and logos (or some call it the gDaoh). And secondly, in order to fulfill proper enactment of His Will according to His oversight, the world is also endowed with a greporting functionh by which the material world itself reports to God in reverse manner concerning their situation, their needs, and their desires. The ultimate case in point would of course be prayer, as directed reporting and petition to the Almighty; at the same time God already knows our situation and our needs before we even ask.

Getting back to the issue of gegregoresh, an egregor is a spiritual domain of authority, competence and dominion. Even though we work under God, and are granted freedom, we cannot just simply do whatever comes to mind without restraint or accountability. The egregores, in Torsion Field Theory, are assigned in domains and in hierarchies, according to many criteria, including like-mindedness (spiritual synchrony), purpose, cultural realm, spiritual level, intellectual level, earthly competence, experience, age, religious adherence, and many other categories. Also, spiritual entities for enactment or enforcement of God's will take the form of gangelsh as observed countless times in all cultures, religions and ages of human history. God at the Creation undertook to realize His complex will by empowering these spiritual composite entities endowed with personality, intelligence, skill, knowledge, competence, obedience, even sense of humor. The angels cooperate closely between God, the egregores, human beings, and nature, especially at times and in questions essential to Divine Providence.

By understanding this internal background which is necessary to recognize the implementation of God's prime force in real action in the physical world, we are better equipped to appreciate and investigate the phenomena in the realm of not only Torsion Field Theory but also quantum mechanics, meteorology, astronomy, materials science, psy-phenomena, medical healing, and even religion. Then our gscienceh will be more truly worthy of its name and reputation to undertake knowledge and understanding of all the things in the world we live in, not limiting ourselves to those within the four-dimensional material paradigm launched at the time of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment.

God cannot be seen, measured, felt, nor proven either in the physical world nor the spiritual world (hthe hereafterh). As part of God, the Inner Hyung-sang likewise cannot be directly observed nor demonstrated. From the time of Plato, the nature of God and the realm of ideals and forms was inferred and deduced by the faculty of the human intellect, including gspiritual apperceptionh in Unification Thought. The human mind is empowered to know God, particularly by analogy with our own mind which, being in His image, is likewise structured. As God's children and also His mediator to all the created world, God certainly desires that we know Him, His love, His capacity, His wisdom, and His power as deeply and personally as possible. Indeed, it is God's consummate hope and dream for each of us human beings to attain Oneness with Him and Her, our Parents, eternal and inseparable in God's Direct Dominion of Love.

The vacuum in physics serves as the bridge or mediator between the Inner Hyung-sang, particularly the Prime Force and information, and the Universal Prime Force acting in the horizontal, physical world. Indeed it is appropriate, for gGod created the world out of nothing.h But gnothingh here is not exactly nothing, but the very vacuum, subject of our discussion, and topic of much theoretical speculation in physics today. In fact there is no such thing as gnothingh anywhere in this world, for all space and all matter is filled with the physical vacuum and is criss-crossed with a complex web of fields.

At each infinitesimal point in the geometry of the vacuum is a torsion field particle or fiton. These are modulated according to their spin and may be charge polarized (electromagnetic or quantum field),  longitudinally polarized (gravitation field) or transversely polarized (information field). Note that Torsion Field Theory introduces the all-important ginformation fieldh. The information field is the sine qua non, essential for complete understanding of all the phenomena in the universe.

The information field, different from the other particle interactions, is hyperluminal, communicating at (variously) many times the speed of light to infinitely fast. At this point we raise two points of speculation and debate for the scientific community, both relating to Einstein's Theory of Relativity: gHow can there be simultaneity in a relativistic universe, where there can be no such thing as absolute simultaneity, as both Torsion Field Theory and quantum mechanics imply?h and secondly, gIf motion is relativistic, i.e. there is no absolute speed through any ether, yet the vacuum is constituted of some kind of particles, how can we reconcile this with the dictates of relativity?h

Allow me to offer a tentative answer to this, based on Unified Field Theory: Each particle, body or system establishes a unified field around it by its presence. Then, when two such systems come into interaction, their relative unified fields are collated and become one overall unified field. The laws of relativity still apply; these are mediated by the mathematical stipulations defined under the Theory of Special and General Relativity, and subsumed under the general Unified Field Theory.

The demonstrated existence of the Higgs boson is a case in point, and raises the same theoretical issues in regard to the ether and the Theory of Relativity. Namely, the Higgs boson demonstrably materializes, albeit for only about 100 yoctoseconds (10-22 second) before decaying into other subatomic particles. On the one hand, this is so rapid that even velocities approaching the speed of light are of no account. On the other hand, the Higgs boson must be responsible for attributing mass to its respective particle substrates. We come to a similar question with the getherh which the Higgs field amounts to, as with the fitons populating the torsion field.

While the torsion field can be a vast, even universal field, at the same time, the infinitesimal particles called fitons are themselves likewise torsion fields. This hearkens to a point of quantum mechanics, whereby the Schrödinger wave equation (quantum field) describing the particle or wave can be isolated at one point, it is in fact a universal field, extending to potentially infinite distances from the core of its manifestation. This curious duality is also applicable to the torsion field particles.

gUniversal Prime Forceh, undifferentiated in the general Divine Principle exposition, in Unification Thought as explicated by Dr. Sang Hun Lee and Dr. Jin Sung-bae, is distinguished from gPrime Forceh in that the latter resides in God's Inner Hyung-sang, while the former operates in the physical realm, the Hyung-sang of the real world. Universal Prime Force manifests variously as gravity, magnetism, the strong force and the weak force in physics plus a host of other forces, energies, and interactions operating in all the realms of human life and the natural world biological functions, sports, family life, research, and even on a grand scale in history. But most primarily, being the directive force from God, Universal Prime Force is behind the information field guiding and connecting interactions in the physical realm. UPF is basically the window, gateway or channel by which God's action, intervention, influence, presence, work, love, healing, miracles, etc. are channeled to the real world we live in.

Universal Prime Force is defined as the vertical, causal force or energy operating from God based on give-and-take action in the horizontal, physical, relational plane. By gverticalh what is referred to could perhaps be understood mathematically as confined to the complex plane. Mathematically there is quite a basis for this, as electromagnetic wave equations rotate through the complex plane, and the unreal numbers are the roots of the real number system implying that the causal reality is not in the observable plane. Likewise, fractal images, which most closely portray actual observed reality, are in fact projections onto a 2- to 4-dimensional plane or space of a mathematical reality which is totally abstract in complex, fractal dimensions. These testify to an underlying causal reality which has not yet been thoroughly addressed by the scientific world.

Indeed, as is well known, the universal physical laws are the same at all points throughout the universe in space and time. The laws themselves are invisible and insubstantial, though their effect is certainly observable, confirming their presence. The existence of such laws testifies to the universality of such an information field permeating all space, and to the existence of the gverticalh or Sung-sang realm within the governing laws and principles themselves abide.

Thus the universal prime force is causal to but not identical to the four fundamental forces or particle interactions. By addressing all these with one primal force, implies the existence of some kind of unified field paradigm. This is what Albert Einstein was searching for to his dying day, and the quest has been picked up by physicists around the world up to the present. In searching for a unified field theory, we recognize that the solution is not to be found in a contrivance to unite the four interactions in the horizontal plane, i.e. in these four space-time dimensions. Alone the precise values of the physical constants are so sensitively and perfectly tuned as to preclude their coincidental adherence to the observed parameters. Therefore we would be obliged to conclude that the relationship among the physical forces had to be artificially established.

Reviewing at this point, universal prime force operates vertically (i.e. in the Sung-sang dimension conceptually perpendicular to the Hyung-sang manifestations of the quantum interactions (electromagnetism, weak and strong nuclear forces) and gravity. At the same time, the prime force is in the subject position, coming directly from God, and working in the world in the person of the universal prime force. Now we turn to the third, and primary, subjective manifestation of prime force, namely the information field.

The concept of ginformation fieldh is unique to Torsion Field Theory, yet perfectly complements and completes the Unification Thought paradigm of God's subjectivity in the internal Sung-sang realm vis-a-vis the objective world in the tangible Hyung-sang realm. gInformationh itself is an internal sort of concept, recognized in physics and chemistry as gnegative entropyh and in communication theory as ginformation theoryh, and given quantitative mathematical substance, while not easily or directly measurable in the same sense as the traditional physical forces. The thermodynamic laws governing the physical world are described by specific, quantitative mathematical formulae. The laws of thermodynamics, entropy, and information are conceptually located in God's Inner Hyung-sang in the Original Image. Information principles are in the realm of laws and formulae; however, information itself is also an internal, albeit quantitative and specific figure. Information may be described in bits, bytes, gigabytes, petabytes, etc. Digital information is what we use in computers; however, quantum information is analog in nature, possessing potentially infinite precision, and is now being developed for computational applications. Information is the second bridge from God or the mental realm to the physical world, originating in the Inner Hyung-sang and manifesting in the outward Hyung-sang realm of physical systems.

The ginformation fieldh is qualitatively different from the quantum field and gravitational field in Torsion Field Theory. It is subjective, primary, and causal relative to the others. As regards the fitons, or torsion field particles responsible for receiving and also relaying the information field, information is transmitted by a field polarization of the fitons. Here the Unified Field Theory is necessary to describe the local and territorial domain of field polarization. Coming from a common source, shall we call it God, the global torsion field is polarized to gtransverse spinh configuration. Exactly what this means is not clarified by the author Bozhidar Paliushev; presumably the researchers Akimov, Shipov, et al. have much further detail to convey through their studies and treatises. Over a vast and infinitesimally continuous field domain, the information content must be specifically tailored to match the target object, its properties and purposes. We can witness such a principle, for example, in the work of artists in their effort to create a realistic facsimile of real objects using tools of macro scale. In a sense, all human endeavors are more or less applications of gunified field theoryh, whether consciously or not. We may even venture to state that all living things, to the degree of their consciousness and their adaptation to a complex environment, are in face living manifestations of the unified field theory in principle. In computing systems, the degree to which the programmed hierarchy and field effects of the application (be it Adobe Photoshop, Quark Express, or any one of many others) can faithfully and accurately embody in the object realm (a film, video, music piece, drama, light show, and a host of other applications) the intentions of the artist or producer and the real properties of the natural or human object field is a fine expression of the degree of mastery of the grand Unified Field Theory. Here is where we can indeed affirm that the ultimate Unified Field Theory, which Torsion Field Theory certainly pretends to be, is not only a scientific theory but also the ultimate all-encompassing thought which can embrace the sciences, humanities, and basically all aspects of human endeavor.

Information is programmed to the torsion field particles, individually and with field effects according to the domain and purpose, from the central source presumably God. Here it is important to note that the information transfer is accomplished not at light speed but instantaneously. gHow?h we may justifiably challenge. According to Einstein's well-tested Theory of Relativity, no object nor information transfer can exceed c, the speed of light (300 million meters per second). Yet, as already observed in quantum physics by the phenomenon of particle entanglement, two entangled sister particles are in communication with one another not at the speed of light but instantly; this has been confirmed and demonstrated up to 1,400 km separation thus far, and presumably at any distance attainable. This remarkable observation alone shows that there does exist information exchange that is instantaneous; i.e. hyperluminal. Also, in fine particle interactions at the quantum level, many other similar effects are observed, including short-span time-reversal exchange reactions, at an atomic level. The conclusion is that there is an information field which enables such things.

On the other hand, we find in Torsion Field Theory an exceptionally firm confirmation of Einsteinfs conjecture about ghidden variablesh – albeit as a possible explanation of the phenomenon of quantum entanglement. In this capacity, Einstein took the position of particle determinism, with which both standard Quantum Mechanics and Unification Thought disagree. However, TFT proposes a fine-structure vacuum with the torsion field particles (fitons) many orders of magnitude smaller than the customary quantum particles themselves, yet themselves (the fitons) being intelligently and purposefully guided by the considerations of the information field, an intelligent, perceptual and subjective field directly connected to God. This gives us an inroad whereby the particles themselves can, upon mandate or necessity, behave in obedience to an overriding will or purpose. This provides a concrete mechanism for the observed phenomena subsumed under what we call gfateh, gmiraclesh, gdestinyh, gfortuneh, gluckh, etc. The intelligence guiding and coordinating such teleological movements must be instantaneously responsive and vastly superior to our limited human capacity. God through the information field, mediated in some cases by the gegregoresh, supervises what takes place in all domains and at all levels to ensure that the Divine Principle is upheld, and that His good Will is ultimately realized with maximum wisdom and expediency, including maintenance of life of all beings and protection of the righteous.

For, another corollary of Torsion Field Theory is that the particles are each connected to Source (God); each torsion field particle is possessed of phenomenal memory storage capacity and functions like a high-performance supercomputer. An analogy to this would be the DNA of the human cells, each cell of which is on the order of a micron, yet holds the entire information of the human genome. The torsion field particle holds practically infinite memory storage capacity. This can explain such phenomena as the capacity for water molecules to grememberh molecules that have resided in their vicinity and preserve their medicinal function even after the pharmaceutical substances themselves are removed. Moreover, in the religious realm, the healing potency of substances which have been gblessedh by holy ceremonies or by having been in contact with the saints or Jesus Christ could only be understood in such a way, seen from the physical side.

In this sense, the Torsion Field Theory firmly upholds the efficacy of religious ritual and spiritual powers, generally regarded as the domain of the supernatural, magic, spiritual healing, ESP, and the entire array of psychic phenomena – much of which is recorded in the Bible and other religious records and traditions. The entire material world is intentionally designed to cooperate with and support human good intentions and purposes, beginning from the family and ultimately all the way up to the eventual Kingdom of Heaven expanded to Heaven and Earth. Torsion Field Theory, supporting Unification Thought and Divine Principle, is greligion-friendlyh science, standing in solid alliance with the realm of goodness centered on God.

Returning to Einstein's theory, we find in quantum mechanics that many phenomena seem to defy general principles of relativity, causality and locality on a local (quantum, subatomic) level. However, as in many other laws of classical physics and thermodynamics, the mass or statistical effects uphold the classical physical laws including the laws of relativity. Thus we see a local departure but a general affirmation of the classical laws of physics. From the standpoint of Torsion Field Theory, we would have to say that the field is gprogrammedh to uphold the laws of physics in support of our everyday stable lives.

Some observable phenomena, say in astronomy, confirm very remarkable accuracy of the cosmic constants. For example, if two photons travel across the universe for 13 billion years, one would hardly expect them to stay exactly neck-a-neck with each other for all this time. Yet that is what we observe without exception. It would be too unrealistic or unlikely to assume that each photon has an independent gclockingh mechanism by which it keeps time. Instead, we propose that a quantum wave front governing the travel of all the neighboring photons with the same emission will absolutely obey the law of the speed of light, without the slightest departure from the norm. In other words, the quantum wave, as a form of the information field, is governing the wave front, rather than viewing the photons as independent beings. This model, that is, viewing the photon(s) not as discrete individuals but as a quantum wave covering all possible intermediate paths simultaneously, is confirmed by all sorts of quantum mechanical experiments, starting from the famous dual slit experiment.

How the information field in Torsion Field Theory relates to God's creation goes as follows: gIn the beginning...h, i.e. in mathematical pseudo-spacetime (pseudo-Euclidean space) before the Big Bang, God defined the gvacuumh. In other words, everything was created from gnothing.h At each point in this mathematical space was a particle of infinitesimal proportions, called a gfitonh, capable of being programmed from the central Source (God), who was everywhere at the same time. This is notably a property of quantum fields, reflecting the essential property of the information field each particle is instantaneously connected to one another and to the same Source. The particles were non-aligned (described in Genesis 1:2 as gformlessh or gchaosh). Then God issued the Word (conveyed in Gen. 1:3 gGod said, Let there be lighth and John 1:1 gIn the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.h), meaning that God programmed all space and time (i.e. the constituent torsion field particles) with the laws of the universe, so that all were in tune, as we observe today. Then in the progressive stages of the Creation story, God gave additional input of information and direction via the information field to all points of the universe, and it was so.

Here we notice that the Biblical creation myth upholds the version of the origin of the universe offered by Torsion Field Theory, as well as by Unification Thought. This is unique among all the physical theories extant. The theory answers a number of questions simultaneously, especially regarding the tuning of the physical constants to enable life, the mechanism of the channel for God's input to the physical world, the apparently hyperluminal information sharing of quantum entanglement, and the omniscience and omnipresence of God.

Some questions admittedly remain unanswered: gHow can we verify the actuality of the torsion field particles (fitons)?h gWhat is the meaning of charge, longitudinal, and transverse polarization of the fitons?h gHow do we distinguish the various sources of information which may seek to control the torsion field?h gWhat are some evident torsion field phenomena?h gHow would we pursue further research in this field?h gWhat are some potential industrial applications?h gHow can TFT concretely help our society, and even my personal family?h

Clearly the New Science, powerfully vindicated with the advent of Torsion Field Theory, upends the old materialistic paradigm that has reigned for five centuries. It grants a sword of truth to God-centered science and even religion. And, most exciting of all, Torsion Field Theory opens the doors, closed for millennia, to explicating, developing and refining the esoteric potentials of nature and of science, enabling us to develop science, technology and industry which we have only dreamed of.

There are many further avenues down which to pursue the Torsion Field Theory. United with Unification Thought and the Institute and associated apparatus, contacts, material, and other resources, with many positively inclined high-ranking scientists in accompaniment, Torsion Field Theory is sure to be fruitful in time to come. Many issues need to be clarified, further research conducted, and many possible paths explored in this exciting breakthrough for physics, science in general, and certainly for the Unification movement!