Mathematics in the Hierarchy 
William S. Stoertz 
January 2, 1997 
Moscow, Russia, C.I.S. 
    I will try to lay out the hierarchy of creation, and where 
mathematics fits in. 
    The hierarchy of creation is: God's Heart (Purpose), Sung 
Sang and Hyung Sang, Yin and Yang, Universal Prime 
Energy I, Intellect, Emotion and Will, Reason, Concepts and 
Laws, Logos, Hyung Sang (Prime energy or UPF III), 
Creation (creativity, new body, unified body, or UPF II). 
    Just writing out this, I see some unclarity, confusion, or 
difference between Divine Principle, Unification Thought, 
and Unified Field Theory viewpoints or expressions. I will 
first restate this above hierarchy from the Unification 
Thought viewpoint: God's Heart (Purpose), Inner and Outer 
Quadruple Bases... 
Unification Thought 
    Divine Image 
        Attributes of the Original Image 
            Sung Sang and Hyung Sang 
            Yang and Eum 
            Individual Images 
        Structure of the Original Image 
            Inner and Outer Quadruple Bases 
    Divine Character 
Unified Field Theory 
General Principle of Construction of Logos 
Construction of Logos in Creation 
    God's Heart 
    God's Purpose 
    God's Providence of Creation 
    God's Specific Providence 
Construction of Logos in Providential Plans 
    God's Heart 
    God's Purpose 
    (then relating to God's History) 
    God's Overall Providence 
    God's Specific Providence (for a specific time and 
    (then Logos of detailed plans) 
WS -- Okay, where does this go wrong? 
HF -- It's too constructed. 
WS -- What does that mean? 
HF -- It's too linear. Everything has its place. A bird, for 
example, flying. It is flying somewhere. Why? There is 
some reason. It is in a certain cycle of its life, and it is a 
certain season. The earth also has cycles. The bird is also 
part of an overall ecological cycle. So, you see, cycles, 
hierarchies, purpose, energy. 
WS -- How do You balance it all? 
HF -- Never forget My overall purpose: the world for men 
to live in, to relate to Me in love, as My perfect reflection, 
and that means the love of husband and wife. 
WS -- What type of planning or overall review can You 
HF -- The one that relates to My purpose. 
WS -- Okay, what does math have to do with this? 
HF -- There are hierarchies or levels. Math relates to, fits 
into, or describes that. Math is a description of an order that 
WS -- Which is first or prior: the order, the reality, or the 
HF -- It is a fine point, but heart is first, then Logos. That is 
mathematics. Then the reality. Now there is also a 
mathematics to describe the reality. But it is derived through 
the Logos, through the sung-sang, not coming out of the 
reality. Always the sung-sang is subject position. 
WS -- What do You need mathematics for? 
HF -- What is mathematics? Symbolism, describing 
relationships, rules, and standards in Logos. Do I use 
mathematics? The relationships come out by themselves, 
and then there is the formulation. It is very intuitive. 
WS -- What does "intuitive" mean, for You, in Your case? 
HF -- I have My Own computer or assistance. But that is 
subordinate. So it is like invisible, automatic, or intuitive, for 
Me. Yes, it's an angelic realm. That way I don't have to 
bother with it. 
WS -- What type of formulation or Logos do angels deal 
HF -- Fundamental Logos is that which concerns Me 
directly. Once that principle is set up, I can pretty much 
ignore it. That's why the six days of creation. In the seventh 
was your "logos" or responsibility. It requires conscious 
attention. I concerned by My conscious attention, and, once 
established, I leave it for automatically. Subordinate Logos 
does not become part of the major (Providential) 
formulation, but is assumed or subsumed. 
WS -- Then math? 
HF -- Yes. I paid attention to math at one point (at that 
point). Logos itself was created in the creation process. 
Why they are against the concept of the "creation of Logos" 
as in "Jesus Christ was not created"? Because it is internal 
to me. No, Logos is also formed, as the concept of man was 
formed, and then each man, especially the Savior. The 
process of creation of the master plan was a lot of running 
back and forth and around, with principles, concepts, 
Logos. That took place prior to the creation. 
WS -- So what did You create first, in the internal realm? 
HF -- My Desire, then My Object, in the internal realm. 
WS -- Your First Object was very abstract. 
HF -- Like the Holy Spirit. I also loved My Ideal, of the 
True Man (man and woman). 
WS -- But it didn't look like a "man". 
HF -- I had to realize or perfect it. It didn't take place in 
physical time and space. 
WS -- There is a realm prior to the ideal realm. 
HF -- The realm of Logos. The ideal realm is part of the 
realm of Logos. Then there is a realm of the creation of 
Logos, prior to or behind the Ideal Realm. Then there is a 
realm of Heart behind or prior to Logos. 
WS -- So Heart, Logos, Ideal Realm, creation. 
HF -- The process of creation is: Heart, Logos, Ideal Realm, 
physical creation, spiritual world. But the order of the 
created world is: Heart, Logos, Ideal Realm, spiritual world 
centered on man, and physical world, starting with man's 
physical body. 
WS -- Man can relate directly to You through heart. 
HF -- I can relate directly to the physical world through 
WS -- That is: Heart, Purpose, primary Providence, specific 
Providence, Logos, primary unified field, secondary unified 
fields, Universal Prime Force, physical matter. 
    Then how do Logos, unified fields, sung-sang, and 
Universal Prime Force relate to one another, on a detailed 
HF -- Vertical and horizontal. One is the expression of the 
other. They are different forms or dimensions, one of the 
other. Then there are levels. 
WS -- Logos comes from above, vertically. 
HF -- Logos has a vertical and horizontal component, within 
its realm. Horizontal is the store images, principles. Vertical 
is the executive commands (and reporting). Logos comes 
vertically to the realm of creation. 
WS -- How does Logos relate to Universal Prime Force? 
HF -- As Logos is vertical (purpose, command), Universal 
Prime Force is horizontal (a definition of relation on a lower 
level). However, Universal Prime Force is vertical, in 
relation to force of give-and-take action. 
WS -- That is a stepped hierarchy of vertical and horizontal. 
HF -- Yes. That which is horizontal on a higher level 
becomes vertical with respect to the lower level. 
WS -- What is force of give-and-take action? 
HF -- You all know what force is in your world or reality. 
You can feel it. Force is based on action. Action is 
reciprocal action. What is it? The give-and-take between the 
entities. What is that? The give-and-take between their sung-
sangs within the unified field combining them. 
WS -- How does Universal Prime Force translate into give-
and-take action in the horizontal (physical) world? 
HF -- Force is the definition of the give-and-take action 
within that realm. The Universal Prime Force is the 
definition of the give-and-take action as defined within the 
unified field. Then the unified field defines the sung-sangs, 
or, that is, the sung-sangs are defined in reference to the 
unified field. The unified field is subject; the sung-sangs are 
WS -- Which is first, prior, or primary: the unified field, or 
the comprising sung-sangs? 
HF -- Principally, the unified field is primary and subjective. 
However, that is also a give-and-take relationship -- namely, 
the advent of the unified field is conditioned or made 
possible on the foundation of the unification of their sung 
sangs. And that, respectively, is often, practically, based on 
the proximity or the impinging presence of their hyung-
sangs. So the unified field is potential, and become actual, 
when the separated beings become proximate, or come into 
the realm of give-and-take. 
WS -- So some kind of unified field ("realm") is already 
existing, embracing them. 
HF -- Of course -- the universe, or the wider body. 
    So, in the creation, the hyung sang often comes first, prior 
to, the sung-sang relationship. So it would appear. But, in 
fact, actually, the sung-sang relationship, or unified field, is 
already there. 
    There is always an enveloping unified field. It is just a 
question of what degree, what intensity, what order. You 
have to analyze the situation. 
    Within the context of the larger unified field, the lower-
order unified field arises, with reference to the specific 
sung-sangs which are coming into give-and-take. The 
lower-order unified field comes into being according to 
Logos (defining that particular level). 
WS -- So Universal Prime Force (II or III) is defining one 
aspect of the give-and-take of the hyung-sangs of the 
respective entities, from within the realm of the unified field 
immediately enveloping or including them. 
HF -- Now, stating it that way, you now see why the 
general term of "Universal Prime Force" is in fact applicable 
for UPF I (within God), UPF III (origin of physical matter 
and energy), and UPF II (directive energy). Universal Prime 
Force is that which defines the interaction from the sung-
sang realm. That is, more exactly, Universal Prime Force is 
the horizontal aspect of the definition of the relationship of 
interaction, within the more sung-sang realm, of the 
horizontal aspect of that interaction within the more hyung-
sang realm. 
WS -- That's why, "force" to "force". 
HF -- Exactly. 
    So: "How does Logos relate to Universal Prime Force"? 
Logos defines, at the level of sung-sang interaction 
pertaining to the level of interaction in question between 
beings, the aspect of interaction pertaining to "force" -- that 
is, the horizontal definitions relating to force, motion, 
velocity, position. 
WS -- Then what could we say about this specific type of 
creation sequence: God"s Heart, God"s Purpose, God"s 
overall Providence, God"s specific Providence, general 
Logos, specific Logos, overall unified field, lower-order 
unified fields, Universal Prime Force, sung-sang of entity 
7A*, hyung-sang of entity 7A*, physical force. Physicists 
would just say there is physical law, entity 7A*, and 
physical force. There is so much behind that physical force! 
Unificationists would generally prune it down to God"s 
Purpose, Logos, Universal Prime Force, individual truth 
body, and physical force. 
HF -- Okay... good enough for a start. Let"s get started. 
What would you say about that? 
WS -- Why do we need mathematics? 
HF -- To satisfy people"s insistence to make things clear 
and general. 
WS -- What"s wrong with that? 
HF -- Reality is not simple, not at all. Mathematical 
expressions apply within a limited, purified context. 
WS -- Unified Field Theory talks about that context. Why 
else is the validity of mathematics compromised? 
HF -- Because there are higher-order laws which talk about 
the more general levels, overall phenomena. 
WS -- Where do those formulations or laws come from? 
HF -- Yes, but. Out of all the complications of real-world 
complexity, emerge high-order laws of crystalline simplicity 
and generality. 
WS -- Why? 
HF -- That is the beauty of Principle: because it is not all 
that complexity, but the order and simplicity, lawfulness, 
that emerges. Even in history. 
WS -- Why does that happen? 
HF -- Because, although higher-order laws are built upon 
lower-order laws and principles, in fact, the higher-order 
principles are subject, and lower-order laws are attendant to 
WS -- Okay, we discussed that the mathematics of God"s 
Heart, and the fundamental dual essentiality to all things, is 
simplicity and complexity. How is that expressed? 
HF -- Simplicity is 1, complexity is... anything besides 1. 
Yes, you can say 0 and 1. The existence of 0 and 1 both 
within, or attributed to, God"s Heart, is enough to generate 
all the myriads of complexity. 
WS -- How can we express that mathematically? 
HF -- In the set S of elements e there is a function F such 
that for every element e of the set S, F(e)=1. 
WS -- That is so obvious, it seems like a joke. 
HF -- That"s why it is a universal truth. Simplicity means 
that the same is true for all of them. So, for everything in the 
universe and everything imaginable, all of them in that 
group have something in common! God is the harmonized 
Subject of the dual essentialities... You"ll see for most of the 
things in Unified Field Theory, it is so obvious... 

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