"Topics in Unified Field Theory"
Conversations with Heavenly Father
Part 3

WS -- Where are the fields found?
HF -- Everywhere. In many dimensions. At all scales of size. 
And different classifications of force fields (different types of 
unifying principles).
WS -- If I try to organize them...
HF -- (According to) different sense organs too. Look through 
an encyclopedia. The categories are not just man-made.
WS -- According to dimensions...
HF -- Better to start with the sense organs.
WS -- Visual, auditory, tactual, olfactory, taste (gustatory). Are 
there other senses too?
HF -- Chemical (gradients), many different kinds (ways of 
organizing them). It includes taste and smell. In visual, it is very 
complicated -- there are many different ways of organizing them. 
Try texture, distance, color, shininess (then you start getting into 
qualities), shapes, border effects...
WS -- How can the brain work with all that?
HF -- Ah-ha! I designed that. There are many levels. Subject and 
object. Even the simplest animals detect unified fields (pattern 
recognition). It is much more complicated than stimulus-
response. Each cell takes subject position to seize and assess its 
environment. Like a little Mariya-chan. Mariya-chan came from a 
cell too. They [the cells] all work together. There are levels of 
WS -- Where does the spirit come into play?
HF -- Where does the spirit meet the brain? At each cell. Each 
one can respond.
WS -- How many dimensions does a cell work or operate in?
HF -- Ten.
WS -- How complex can the cell deal with situations?
HF -- With the wisdom and creativity (spontaneity) of Me.
WS -- So it's really out of hand, for us to deal with.
HF -- If they try to deal with it as a material, scientific 
phenomenon. But man is the Lord of Creation. That means, 
using your mind (spirit) and body, you can embrace all those 
things. Go to Unification Thought; there you will see some of 
the qualities that cells can assess or make sense of. The cell has 
heart. It came from Me. It is the first level of truly living, 
organic, eternal being I could relate to.
WS -- Why are we approaching the locus of the unified fields 
from the point of view of the senses?
HF -- That is the purpose of the senses. They are perfect.
WS -- Face recognition. Why does it work in a holistic (gestalt) 
HF -- There are many things you don't know. It takes place 
centering on the sung-sang realm, the.... [God did not say 
"spiritual world" nor "heavenly world."]
WS -- So that can't be programed in a computer.
HF -- You can try. The cells all work together. What causes 
that? The unified field. There are many unified fields at the level 
of the human mind. And frequencies.
WS -- You're trying to answer these questions?
HF -- As much as it can help you. I understand it's also for 
others. But also I wouldn't encourage a wrong direction or 
motivation of research. In the medical field they're doing a lot of 
good, and it is going in a good direction, and they are learning a 
lot, so I am encouraging it. Of course they will discover the 
Unified Field Theory too.
WS -- Is somebody coming close?
HF -- Microsoft programs in a hyung-sang sense, in three or 
four dimensions. Go back to categories and levels.
WS -- Objects in space. What defines the boundaries?
HF -- [pause]
WS -- Are they in the objects themselves?
HF -- Yes, and in man, and in God. In the objects themselves, 
there are man-made objects and natural creations, and shattered 
fragments. They have lost their purpose. There are four-position 
foundations, built up and broken down. A unified field in an 
object is not necessarily eternal. The form is, the blueprint from 
WS -- Do You remember every single thing You have created?
HF -- That would be ridiculous. It is in flow. The individual 
images of created beings is always changing or flowing through 
generations. What I keep is the blueprint, the original form, the 
species image. Then, each variation is a pattern of the rotating 
vectors specific to that specific (individual) object. It is also like 
quantum uncertainty or multiple universes. Centering on one 
species design (image) there are any number of multiple 
expressions unfolding in parallel, existing simultaneously. The 
change of species is a deeper change, which I take very 
seriously. They are also on rotating vectors, at a deeper level.
WS -- Would people understand this?
HF -- Of course. It is very simple.
WS -- The language we are using is rectangular.
HF -- So are the dimensions. English is good for Unified Field 
WS -- What would You like to do?
HF -- Who are we talking to?
WS -- Someone 170,000 years from now.
HF -- This is the time of origins. Respect these people.
WS -- What will they do with the Unified Field Theory?
HF -- I created life.

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