"Topics in Unified Field Theory"
Conversations with Heavenly Father
Part 4

WS -- Dear Heavenly Father, I am here. I heard a good program 
about World Religions on the radio here in Russia, about 
HF -- It is the foundation of or contribution to many religions. 
The idea of God and Satan, good and evil, spirit world, the Last 
Days, judgment, the Messiah.
WS -- You know about the world's religions.
HF -- I made them or inspired them.
WS -- Why aren't they perfect?
HF -- They were made by or through men. I wanted them to 
unite and share. Of course, Satan said it couldn't be done. Mostly 
he was right. They should all contribute. All together they have 
the truth. I could only give part to each. In addition, the 
perfection stage religion can only come with True Parents. The 
perfection stage religion transcends religion itself.
WS -- I was watching the soup again.
HF -- You like that. What did you see?
WS -- The swirls. They form little circular revolving cells. 
Secondly I saw the modes of oscillation of the water, forming 
oscillating patterns in synchrony or reverberation. Thirdly, I saw 
the little globules on the surface, looking upwards as it were, and 
vibrating in unison.
HF -- Why does that matter to you?
WS -- I am looking for the truth, for the deep foundation of 
HF -- Don't you have it?
WS -- Let's see if I can say what it is. Sung-sang and hyung-
sang is the foundation of the universe. Heart is the foundation of 
the universe and the starting point and final goal of God. 
Universal prime force is the internal foundation of energy, 
directed by God, and directing all interaction.
HF -- That sounds right. God is love. Then what more do you 
WS -- Hearing it or reading it makes me feel that it is inadequate 
just to say it.
HF -- Don't I know!
WS -- Then that is the experience I am seeking: to experience 
Your existence and Your wisdom and Your creativity and Your 
lawfulness or Principle and Your love through all things. Why 
do we seek more?
HF -- There is more. How did I make everything? I wanted to 
see it, first of all. I thought about it, and loved it in advance, and 
then sighed a big sigh, an expansive exhaustive breathing out, 
like the final moment of love, and created the physical world. 
Step by step. I couldn't be hurried. I took My time. It is here.
WS -- Where are You?
HF -- In your heart. Not in your world. Could you find the 
WS -- To most things. What about....
HF -- What could you not?
WS -- Let's say I found everything. What could I not find, what 
have I still not found?
HF -- How it knows. How it knows itself. How I could live in 
every particle. And one more thing: How to become that 
yourself. You didn't do that yet.
WS -- We have the perfect communication.
HF -- Where is the heart?
WS -- Can it come to life in the things?
HF -- Whose things?
WS -- That's right -- it's a question of dominion. All things are 
under travail...
HF -- Don't I know it.
WS -- Did You find the ideal communication?
HF -- Through Father.
WS -- How will You tell people about him?
HF -- I wish you could.
WS -- What's limiting me?
HF -- Yourself.
WS -- My concepts?
HF -- Something like that.
WS -- What do I need to do.
HF -- Get out.
WS -- Leave the office?
HF -- "They need me."
WS -- What would I do?
HF -- Be like Jesus.
WS -- I know. ...I will.
HF -- When?
WS -- I haven't been given the direction.
HF -- I'm giving it.
WS -- Am what I am teaching is true?
HF -- Yes. What are you teaching?
WS -- God is love.
HF -- What is the most complicated thing you are teaching?
WS -- I did promise to go out.
HF -- Okay, so I am waiting.
WS -- Okay, I know it. I see You. I am here. I'm not leaving 
You. I've got You and Your Will in mind. ...Whatever anybody 
wants to hear. Can you witness by just telling people, "Have you 
thought about such questions...?"
HF -- You see how bored I've been, not even being able to get 
started with people?
WS -- How about me? What is there that You cannot tell me?
HF -- What you are not ready to take responsibility for, what 
you cannot do, what you don't have a foundation to understand.
WS -- It's all in the heartistic realm.
HF -- No, in the physical realm too.
WS -- What is something with the atom?
HF -- Would you have understood even what I have told you if 
you didn't know Mendeleev's laws?
WS -- What is the proportion of what we know now compared 
with what there is to know?
HF -- Who is the Master Creator who created all this, made it all 
happen, put all this together, breathed life into it? It is working so 
quietly, so smoothly. You couldn't. So, you see, there is a great 
art and a great knowledge and a great wisdom to be learned. I 
know about how a delicate plant in a mountain rill grows. And I 
know how to do wise counseling to the sick at heart.
WS -- It sounds like Job.
HF -- There is a lot there.
WS -- How can we get beyond, to make the big leap?
HF -- Practice God's Will. Stand in God's Will. Like you said.
WS -- What is God's Will for me?
HF -- Let's see how well you do to answer that.
WS -- God's Will for me? To fulfill the Three Great Blessings.
HF -- Something special.
WS -- To create... ...something great.
HF -- Can you imagine what? What would you like to create?
WS -- A space ship. A time machine. A crystal clear and 
expansive, a true theory.
HF -- Why do you like that?
WS -- It's sort of personal. You see, there is something different 
about the physical world and the spiritual world.
HF -- I'll say.
WS -- I like to... ...actually do it, actually go there, actually see it. 
I like to have the right one, that covers it all.
HF -- How much of what you have do you?
WS -- I have it. See this computer I'm working with? It is being 
used for the right purpose. It exists.
HF -- Yes.
WS -- So now we can make the great leap.
HF -- You went to the moon, didn't you?
WS -- Yes, we did, all together. They were regular people like 
us. American guys.
HF -- I like it. So now, what is the important one?
WS -- Can I say it? The Messiah is here. We found him, we 
know him, we love him. And her. How would they have 
known? I was with them on the Holy Grail search. I know the 
feeling, of looking and longing and waiting.
HF -- So that's the great one. Now you see there is more. You 
are just beginning.
WS -- To become perfect. The Tree of Life.
HF -- Of course that's the right one. Why are you always off?
WS -- Perhaps I'm covering the sides.
HF -- Why don't you take the center?
WS -- After all this, can I see the light, have it clear in my heart, 
the genuine one?
HF -- The genuine quest? You already know what it is. So will 
you go forward?
WS -- It is the quest of True Love.
HF -- What stops it? It is even here now, today. I am always 
there, the people you need are always there.
WS -- How am I doing so far?
HF -- You know what you have to do, and you in fact make 
effort, because you know.
WS -- What could we not handle, because we know God's Will? 
One thing, You know, when you're calling people about the 
speech, you call one more person, but what's the point, it bothers 
HF -- I am at the sideline. Actually you need to turn to Me. 
That's why I am just looking at you. But now, also, you know, it 
is your part to do.
WS -- Is that why Father fishes, all day? What does he go 
HF -- When he fishes, he is fishing with Me. What else would 
he rather be doing? When he gives a speech, he is with Me, 
giving the speech, with Me, for My sake, to the people. Why 
should he not get up there and speak?
WS -- How about me when I am witnessing or calling people or 
HF -- Will you remember that you are with Me? You see why, 
in some sense, it makes not the difference that you go out 
WS -- What are we doing when we go out?
HF -- Someone is waiting for you. You see, if you don't.... It's 
like you...
WS -- Is this valuable?
HF -- It is time spent with You. Only if you really realize what I 
am trying to tell you. There is something.
WS -- What is happening with Fujiko-san?
HF -- She knows it too.
WS -- She wishes I would change. Become more mature. It is 
not just a question of acting.
HF -- She can't relate to you.
WS -- What do I really need to break through?
HF -- Are you asking me?
WS -- What do I need to really change to make a base with 
HF -- How when you come home... actually she wants to see 
that you have a relationship with Me.
WS -- It is written. Now what will this be for my reality?
HF -- Could you say precisely what it is?
WS -- I need to change... that I actually relate to You, God, 
myself, with or without her.
	What is that about the Unified Field Theory? It is the 
bigger connections, the overall picture, the scope of the 
relationships, that is important. We have three dimensions, God, 
man, and creation. Same as the Korean philosophers.
HF -- Of course, it is all there. I found it.
WS -- The language should relate to the unified fields.
HF -- According to My Will and Principle.
WS -- What is the priority?
HF -- The order of creation. God is love. Man is the subject of 
the created world. Heaven and earth, internal and external world. 
Man and woman. All things. Parents and children. The Four 
Great Realms of Heart. The Three Great Kingships. What else?
WS -- The Three Great Blessings. Give and take action. The 
Four Position Foundation.
HF -- The Principle contains those most important things.
WS -- Is there any important thing that the Principle doesn't 
HF -- No. Why ask?
WS -- In that case, why would there be a Unified Field Theory?
HF -- Because it is truth.
WS -- What is special about it?
HF -- It is true. The unified fields are in God, in man, and in the 
objective world. And it is the correct way to do science.
WS -- Why do science?
HF -- That's right: why do science? It is only if it is in 
accordance to God's Will and Heart and desire. This is the 
proper context. Science should serve man.
WS -- Knowing this, how shall we do science?
HF -- Now you already know a lot. How will you proceed?
WS -- It depends who I am.
HF -- So, you see, you come to a real position. It has to go 
beyond you.
WS -- Who knows it? Would it do them any good or any 
different if they did?
HF -- Science shall take its proper place. So Father is doing the 
science conferences (ICUS).
WS -- Are they coming out with anything new?
HF -- How to approach science. How, if you are a politician, 
you should use science. They are realizing more and more. 

(11:11 pm)
WS -- What does it really come around to?
HF -- Okay, take for example the neutron accelerator tunnel they 
were building in Texas. Okay, if they knew Principle, how 
would they would have proceeded? It is better to investigate out 
of the linear dimension in which they were proceeding, at a much 
cheaper cost. Really sit down and study Principle, and put their 
heads together, and see what it means. There are a lot of 
contradictions in society, and Principle has the answers already, 
right there. For example, AIDS. It is obvious, you have to teach 
the Principle on the national level, and then you can fight the 
AIDS problem. Have workshops, and begin to get people into 
practicing True Love.
WS -- They'll mock it.
HF -- That's 'cause not enough indemnity is paid. When they 
finally accept it, it'll be right.
WS -- So that's why we have to keep witnessing and doing 
restoration work. Until we reach that point.
HF -- People have to bow down to True Parents. First things 
WS -- Otherwise it'd be a farce. Nobody would respect the 
government, saying that.
HF -- When True Parents win, they will win completely. A real 
victory. And you too.
WS -- What is my victory?
HF -- You're working on it. You have some already.
WS -- What is the point of indemnity or point of challenge for 
HF -- To win your wife.
WS -- If she knows the Principle, why doesn't she just follow? 
Let's say she is a completely good person.
HF -- She has some Cain nature, resistance, or rebellion. But the 
point is you. If you don't have it right, why should she humor 
you (gloss things over)?
WS -- Is it that serious? What is the point?
HF -- Can you catch it? You have to have that kind of prayer. 
This isn't it. I can give you all the answers. I think you know all 
the answers, even in physical theories.
WS -- Did I catch it right? It is the prayer is the point. That's a 
hard one.
HF -- You can keep going around and coming back.
WS -- It's a chance.
HF -- Yes.

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