William S. Stoertz
January 30, 1998
Moscow, Russia

(8:41 pm)

WS -- I'm still trying.

HF -- To what?

WS -- To figure it out. What useful contribution can I still 
make... What is there I can still discover...

HF -- It is good that you want to know. You know that, why, I 
have been sending those people [who asked you about your 
work]. I don't really want you to give up.

WS -- I am glad about that. I also don't want to. Thank You. Of 
course, I am cautious. Also You have been hurt so much. So... 
what's the point?

HF -- "What's the point?" I think you know the point.

WS -- Yes, of course, actually I do. It is God, and True Love, 
and Heart, and God's Purpose, and God's Will, and the vertical 
axis, and then all things.

HF -- With human beings (man) as the center.

WS -- That is all (fundamental) Divine Principle.

HF -- Why don't you know it?

WS -- Then what else is there to say?

HF -- Then why don't you start practicing it? The books, all 
those speeches, is just an example (of the same Principle, the 
same Heart).

WS -- I'm trying. I must say (admit), I am rather focused on, 
interested in, the science aspect.

HF -- Why?

WS -- It is something missing, something fruitful, something 
productive, something I can do, I can find out more about, with 
concrete connections...

HF -- They all have that [Father's words all have concrete 
connections to reality and practice].

WS -- I know that and I don't doubt that and I want to affirm 

HF -- Then what else is there to find?

WS -- How the power of the cosmos can be made manifest, 
accessible, for us to more concretely and visibly transform this 

HF -- You need focus, and prayer, and conditions, and 
purpose, and realm of Heart. Then you will see, I will show 
you, miracles.

WS -- I'm not exactly asking for miracles... The human mind is 
a daily miracle.

HF -- People who know how to use it know that. The latent 
power, "power of positive thinking", healing, etc. Religion, 
mind control, magic... they all know that.

WS -- Actually, I am more interested in the cosmos, and 
construction of time and space.

HF -- You're a more cosmic person.

WS -- Can You deal with that?

HF -- Of course.

WS -- What interests You?

HF -- Perfection of the Cosmos. Fulfill the Three Blessings. 
Accomplish this Blessing. Save this world. Each person.

WS -- You are very loving and tender. Loving and tender God.

HF -- That's what I am.

WS -- What blocks us (from fulfilling our cosmic goals)?

HF -- (Your) fallen nature. Lack of focus. Indifferent desire. 
Look at Father. Father is not spaced out or indifferent.

WS -- Well, talking around like this, where does that lead us?

     I have some concrete questions. Like, "How old is 
humanity? Why does Father say '25 million years' when it runs 
so obviously in the face of science?"

HF -- He wants you to know...

WS -- That what?

HF -- That God tries with a lot of love, and has been trying for 
a long time, and was anxious to bring man to the earth as soon 
as possible; and how devastating was the Fall. What would all 
that be if it was a finite space of time within the breathing 
space of the cosmos?

WS -- Eagle Nebula is 6,000 years away, and the universe is 

     Is it instantly connected, at once connected, in cosmic 
oneness, or is it the endpoint of a vast multitude of 
trajectories (of photons)?

HF -- You know the answer: instantly connected, in absolute 
oneness, in My palm.

WS -- Is that the way You see it?

HF -- From any one point. Now, you see how you've (you 
had) gotten so far away from such a viewpoint, and how your 
viewpoint is damaged (by your negative thinking)? You have to 
connect again. There's nothing wrong with that. (How could it 
be wrong to connect to the Spirit of God?)

WS -- How do You embrace it all, from all the relative 
(respective) points?

HF -- You know, in Me, all is one, and I embrace all 
viewpoints, simultaneously, and integrate them, and in Me there 
is no contradiction, although to you it appears there would 
necessarily be a contradiction.

     See how (Theory of) Relativity simultaneously allows and 
disallows that? That's (one reason) why people can't 
understand Relativity: because it seems to provide contradictory 
statements or conclusions: "It is both long, and short; both 
before and after." They cannot buy that. For Me it is not a 
problem or question. That is like, for you, in space, "front and 
back": it just depends on which way you turn it around.

     There's a lot of things like that.

WS -- What is time?

HF -- It fits into the same picture. It is all a big picture, in a 
wider screen, with more dimensions.

WS -- But what is "Now"?

HF -- Just like Father says, "The connection of the past and 
future." For you. For you, it is essential. See, I have now, too. 
But, for Me, I am Here AND There. But I am absolutely, 
completely, Here, and also absolutely, completely, There, and 
both too. All of it. Same with people. I am absolutely and 
completely with each person (whom I love). Get the picture?

WS -- I like it. Now, let's see: What can that answer?

HF -- "You stupid human."

WS -- No, I'm trying to get back to the point where I started so 
I can fit it in.

HF -- You need a new point of departure, new point of 
existence. It is good to get away from that, where you've been. 
You see, like Eugene [Marcato] was telling you: "We need to 
change ourselves." "I need to change myself."

WS -- How much is my viewpoint cosmic?

HF -- You lack practice, and discipline.

WS -- Father was a filial son to You.

HF -- He took every advice I gave him.

     I can't contradict Father. You'll have to figure it out.

WS -- I can abide (by) it.

     So how do we get this matter moving, across that space?

HF -- By annular rings. I told you before.

WS -- That's very far-fetched.

HF -- It requires focus. Now, you're not going to do it, because 
I don't want you to, and it's not the time, and there's no need. 
But, when there's a need, it happens.

WS -- How?

HF -- All existences are connected (can be connected, are 
extended) through annular rings, a family of annular rings, in 
all space (and time), but it is strictly governed by Principle. 
Therefore they can be connected or materialized anywhere, if 
need be. I govern that.

WS -- Can You (Do You) do DNA multiplication in that way? 
In other words, would DNA codes (sequences) be the same 

HF -- Hey, the million-dollar question. You'll have to wait and 
see. (You think you'll get it that easy?)

WS -- Well, honestly, I would have to assume so, because it 
would have to be, in order for things to be compatible. We're 
not evolutionists, are we?

HF -- If they're so close, of course, I would govern that. You 
don't think it's all haphazard, do you? Has it ever come out to 
be that way? I am God of Harmony, and Principle.

WS -- Why the difficulty?

HF -- Who said it's difficult? What you need, you find. Of 
course, you have to work for it. But it comes. Everything, in its 
time, and according to effort (responsibility). Is there anything 
that's not right?

WS -- If it's true, and if I got these precious answers...

HF -- There's a lot of atomic reactors [particle accelerators], 
and I didn't give you anything for free.

WS -- How will we do nuclear fusion?

HF -- Juxtaposed carbon (helium, hydrogen) atoms (nuclei).

WS -- How?

HF -- Enzymes (catalysts). What they were doing [in the cold 
fusion experiment in Utah] is the right idea. [Heavenly Father 
adds later: "A lever principle, to push the nuclei together, 

WS -- Did they get it?

HF -- Actually yes, for a start; but the time was not right. You 
haven't accomplished the Pure Love True Family Festivals (at 
that time).

WS -- And now?

HF -- Now, the time is ripe for all things. Cure for AIDS. Time 

WS -- What do You mean by "time travel"?

HF -- Jumping space. You know I don't mean going backward 
in time, or to some other time, in your present reality.

WS -- What are we to do with these latest 700 days?

HF -- 700 days is a lot of time. You can do a lot of things. The 
world can and will change a lot. Do what Father said. He gave 
you specific goals. You do them, and all else will follow. The 
salvation of the world. The Kingdom of Heaven. The 
unification of North and South Korea. The cure for diseases. 
New technology, new breakthroughs. True Parents will be 

WS -- Thank You, Heavenly Father.

HF -- Not at all.
(9:45 pm)

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