From: William Stoertz 
Date: June 10, 1999
Re: "The end-all of it all..."

Dear observers of science and religion,

     What is the "end-all" of it all?

     What do I mean by that question?
     Well, if you keep watching the latest research 
in science, and keep abreast of the most recent 
(and exciting) developments, you gradually get 
the feeling that it is all headed somewhere.
     You know, all the discoveries of the 20th 
century are exponentially greater than those of 
the entire previous human history. Furthermore, 
the discoveries of the 1990s seem to be vastly 
greater than those of the previous decades of 
the Twentieth Century (that "great and terrible 
century"). And it is yet speeding up. Check 
the internet!
     How about religion? Well, religion is kind 
of funny. It is like a dinosaur, but a necessary 
dinosaur. Like spreading butter. That process 
has not changed for two thousand years. But 
it is necessary. You need to pray, just like 
always. That spiritual technology has not 
changed one iota. In fact, by and large it has 
gotten a lot worse -- more lame and discarded. 
We know less about spirit world than Jesus 
Christ obviously knew. We don't receive 
revelations or divine messages of the caliber 
that Mohammed (PBUH) did. Buddha reached 
the Divine Light in introspective meditation. 
Moses met and talked with God face to face. 
     Religion is necessary. Now what is brutish 
about religion? Number One: Religions can't 
unite. They are the hardest, the last, to unite. 
Businessmen can unite to make money, 
politicans can unite by compromising, 
diplomats can unite with the threat of armies 
behind their backs. Empires can unite by 
conquering. But religions only divide and 
split up into smaller and smaller mutually 
inimical fractions and denominations.
     Exasperating, huh?
     So, now, after tearing down all the idols 
of the market, what have we left; what have 
I to offer you, since I just exposed....?
     Here it is!
     Science is hitting upon the truth of 
     With ever more powerful accelerators 
and colliders, they are finding out the 
unity of all matter and also all energy, 
and also finding out that all in all it is.... 
NOTHING! Nothing but an abstract 
mathematical field in mathematical 
space. And the space itself is actually 
fictitious, created by the matter and 
energy present in it. And that matter 
and energy is created out of nothing. 
and also good Hebrew theology.
     How about the Hubble Space 
Telescope? They launched this fine 
hardware over a decade ago, and 
had to fix it several times, and what 
do they see? They see that the 
cosmos is BREATHING OUT! Yes. 
Through the Hubble Space Telescope, 
the negative gravity, or antigravitational 
force, which was hypothesized by 
weirdos, was indeed confirmed and 
is now accepted cosmology, and 
the research findings more and more 
fit this one-time hypothesis. The age 
of the universe can only be explained 
by the fact that the universe is ever 
accelerating in its expansion. It is.
    Lots of other things. Like, you 
know, particles are indeterminate, 
which you already knew through 
quantum mechanics; but, did you 
know that now they have found 
out that they are influenced by 
humans observing them? I mean 
mind over matter. Really. It is 
accepted physics now.
     What about the Big Bang? God 
planned it, planned and designed 
and adjusted the cosmological 
constants and the relationships 
among the four fundamental forces, 
and He (She?) invested the energy 
from out of Nothing, it's true, and 
created it all. That is, I predict, 
the end-all of scientific research in 
cosmology. But that is just in the 
first sentence of the Bible!
     What about evolution? Yes, I 
believe in evolution. Who could be 
so ridiculous and blind as to deny 
it, when more and more it is being 
proven, in terms of the relatedness 
of all species, and genetic distances, 
etc. I mean: human races (very close!), 
chimpanzees (more distant), whales 
(more distant still), plants (still 
further away), fungi (even more 
remote, but nevertheless related), 
and finally bacteria and archaea. 
Now there are THREE kingdoms, not 
the two you learned about in college. 
Well, all living things use DNA, and 
they use the same code, and they 
also use adenosine triphosphate for 
energy -- basic metabolic pathways 
are similar for all...
     But it doesn't deny God's creation 
but rather confirms it when we find 
out the relatedness of all species. 
However, what is different is the 
way it happened. It was certainly not 
an accident (random). It was rather 
a deliberate, careful, elaborate plan.
     Basically, there are two ways of 
thought, or approaches to life: "Abel" 
type and "Cain" type. Another way 
to put it is simple: the short way to 
the goal, and the long way around. 
Let's put it this way: why walk around 
the back of the tree when you could 
just walk right up to it?! That's, in 
effect, what "Cain" type people do. 
It's necessary to question and doubt 
    But, guess what? Here's a little 
secret: the scientists, with all their 
poking and prodding and dissecting 
and measuring and rocketry and 
accelerators (which you have to 
harness a hydroelectric dam to 
power, by the way) -- come out to 
very deeply appreciate God's creation. 
Actually, many great scientists, with 
a twinkle in their eye, believe in God, 
but they couch It in professional 
terms, and lengthy forums at 
conventions. But they know.
     What happened to religionists? 
Well, when they look around and 
see their congregations flying all 
over the world, visiting each other, 
mingling cultures, using euros and 
dollars, speaking English or Arabic, 
and getting together for good old 
secular pursuits, but not for religion, 
mind you -- no! Never!
     ...well, then religious leaders 
and their members might as well 
catch up with the times and realize 
ALL! That's still a revolutionary 
     The end-all of it is: Scientists 
and secular-minded people will 
eventually conclude there is indeed 
God, and an absolute morality in 
the fundamental order of the universe; 
and religious people will eventually 
conclude that, after all, God is One, 
and He/She has many, many 
manifestations, and the different 
cultures and religions are perfectly 
pleasing to God, as long as they 
love and respect each other and 
realize we are ONE FAMILY.
     It's really simple and obvious.
     Actually, there is a little more 
than this. For example, we still have 
sin (uggh!), and some people simply 
have been trying harder and going 
in the right direction for longer, so in 
fact there are real differences in standard 
between people, and that has to be 
reckoned with.
     Furthermore, there is an enormously 
vast "spiritual world" full of all of our 
ancestors, probably nearly 100 billion 
people there, going all the way back 
to Jesus, back to Noah, yes, back to 
the original one pair of human ancestors, 
Adam and Eve. They are all up their, 
moaning and groaning, or just spaced 
out, or in fact causing LOTS OF TROUBLE 
here on earth. That's why, even though 
we may smile and say, "Don't worry; 
Be Happy!", nevertheless, we should 
take responsibility to liberate all those 
in the dungeons of hell (it means almost 
everyone who ever lived, in fact). To do 
that, there are concrete things to do. So, 
when we realize this, we all have lots to 
do to clean up the spiritual world. Now, 
in case you do NOT BELIEVE in such 
things, I'll just rephrase it for you:
     We are psychologically messed up -- 
I'm talking neurosis and psychosis big 
time -- and it's reflecting as wars, kids 
in schools shooting their classmates, 
sexual perversion, all kinds of weird 
things. Just see "Ghostbusters". Anyway, 
these hangups and obsessions will not 
go away. But I've got a way to get rid of 
them, and reach health and sanity again.
     Now, for the external, physical world. 
The "streets". Aren't they in a shambles? 
I went to Africa, and it's worse there. Things 
are relatively nice in America. To put a long 
story short, we've got a lot of cleaning up 
and reconstruction to do.
     So, for that, here's my proposal:
     Based on the situation of Yugoslavia, 
that way happened because of something 
unresolved between East and West. Now 
it is fundamentally resolved. So there can 
be true peace now. But we have a lot of 
healing to do. Inner healing and outward 
healing. We have to embrace our neighbors, 
including our enemies, and including our 
own family members, and especially our 
husbands and wives, our parents, our kids, 
our brothers and sisters, and, yes, our 
step-parents and in-laws! All of them. 
Now, all the nations of the world should 
cooperate together with an ideal and a 
vision of the World of Peace and True Love, 
starting with Yugoslavia, and rebuild, arm 
in arm, shoulder to shoulder -- Serbians 
and Kosovars, Russians and Americans, 
blacks and whites, North and South 
Koreans, gays and straights, Catholics 
and Protestants and Orthodox, Moslems 
and Jews, all. Then, we should continue 
and expand this Kingdom-building to 
include the whole world. Africa. North 
Korea. East Timor. Northern Ireland. 
Palestine. Iraq. Kurdestan. The Indian 
reservations in America. The slums and 
     It'll be a work of love, because the 
fundamental contradiction that bogged 
us down and split us has now been truly 
     Last time I told you that "The King 
and Queen are here". You may think, 
"So what? Come on!" But I want to go 
on to say we also have a concrete plan 
for Kingdom building.
     You can pitch in, or just watch. But 
please don't get in the way! Also, either 
way, you can come into the Kingdom too. 
But, let me tell you -- if you help build it, 
then it will be more fun, and you'll enjoy 
it more when you are living in it; and, 
furthermore, you will be already living in 
the Kingdom of God, even as you start 
to work together to build it, with all races, 
and furthermore, at this very moment, if 
you determine in your heart to say, "Yes! 
That is my challenge, crusade and odyssey, 
too! I'm with you!" Then, with elated joy, 
you are already in God's Kingdom, and 
you will also start to see it manifested more 
and more in the external world, the world 
about which we once said, "Oh, this world!"

 -- WSS. Moscow, 1999.6.10.  Peace!

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