"What's happening."
William S. Stoertz
Moscow, Russia
July 21st, 1999

     What's happening?
     Now all the wars are ended.
     Only one big war is left:
     The battle between free sex and absolute sex.
     Why is that?
     Because everything is going in reverse order 
to restore what went wrong in the beginning.
     After the world was created (6 days or 13.4 
billion years, as you please), then Adam and Eve, 
the lovely and innocent human ancestors, were 
in the Garden of Eden (the original good world). 
They could do anything they pleased, except NOT 
touch or eat the Fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge 
of Good and Evil (that meant they shouldn't indulge 
in the sexual relationship before their maturity, and 
before they were given permission by God). They
were also naked and unashamed (pure and sinless).
     What happened? They ate the fruit. That means 
they engaged in a premature sexual relationship 
while they were still teenagers, and then of course 
they became teenage parents, and of course they 
behaved irresponsibly, so of course their children 
were really brats, and they ended up killing each 
     Before the Fall, Adam and Eve were "naked and 
unashamed". No problem.
     After the Fall, they realized they were naked, 
and sewed together fig leaves (or animal skins), 
and made themselves aprons (clothes). They were 
no longer innocent. And that shame was centered 
on their sexual parts, which they covered, and their 
descendants (us) to this day.
     See what the Fall in the Bible was? Sexual sin.
     So how about now? The same. Sexual sin.
     Therefore, now, in the Last Days, the central 
providence of restoration is to restore the Fall of 
Adam and Eve, the first human beings.
     That's why universal, enormous temptation and 
sexual stimulation through every medium possible 
is taking place throughout the world. It is the most 
dangerous time. Now it is the most difficult to keep 
purity and innocence than it ever was. You can see. 
TV, magazines, popular gossips, fashions...
     So, as I said, "The wars have ended." Of course, 
they haven't. But the big wars have. War is no longer 
the central providence of restoration, which it had 
been for ages. War means the reversal of the Abel-
Cain problem, in which Cain, who was relatively 
evil, killed Abel, who was relatively righteous (good). 
For restoration, throughout history, on every level 
from the individual, families, clans, tribes, societies, 
nations, alliances or blocs, and the entire world, 
the relatively good side had to win out over the 
relatively evil side, through the bloody course of 
suffering and tears. Even Jesus Christ, the Abel of 
Abels, was killed by the Cain-type people.
     Now the Abel side has attained world dominion. 
This should have happened after 1945, but the 
mistakes were made, and Communism ended up 
dominating much of the world, conquering many 
nations, killing over 100 million people, and prolonging 
the suffering of mankind. Finally communism has 
been defeated, and unity of the East and West blocs 
has been accomplished (in Yugoslavia). So there is 
no more world-level Abel-Cain restoration to be 
     The next step of providential restoration is Adam 
and Eve (the man-woman problem).
     If this restoration is not accomplished, then 
mankind will be wiped out by immorality, AIDS, 
family breakdown, and juvenile delinquency. Those 
are all directly connected with the first problem of 
humanity, the Adam and Eve problem.
     So, know what our battle is.
     Brothers and sisters, we MUST win in the battle 
against immorality. No matter how delightful and 
heartwarming the seductions of love (for the wrong 
person!) are, don't succumb to them. This is our 
final battle.
     Let's win.
     Then you can enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

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