Articulation of Rotating Sung-Sang Vectors of Higher Dimensionality
William S. Stoertz
August 17, 1996

     Out of ten dimensions, five are associated with the physical 
world and five with the spiritual world. 
     Four dimensions of the physical world are in the hyung-
sang (horizontal) "plane", and the fifth is the sung-sang 
(vertical) "axis". Likewise, four dimensions of the spiritual 
world are in the hyung-sang (horizontal) "plane" of the spiritual 
world, and the fifth is the sung-sang (vertical) "axis" of the 
spiritual world. 
     The four hyung-sang dimensions of the physical world are 
those of space and time; likewise the four hyung-sang 
dimensions of the spiritual world are those corresponding to 
time and space in the spiritual world. 
     The "fifth dimension" of the physical world is invisible and 
corresponds to the human mind or, in general, the sung-sang of 
all things. The "fifth dimension" of the spiritual world is 
invisible even in the spiritual world, and corresponds either to 
God, to the human mind, or, in general, to the sung-sang of 
individual truth bodies in the spiritual world. 
     When God and man become united, as in Jesus Christ, then 
the "fifth dimension" of the physical world and that of the 
spiritual world become one or identical, and then this forms the 
"central pillar of the universe", meaning "God and man in 
oneness", the "Tree of Life", or the "Holy Mountain". 
     The four physical dimensions of the physical world rotate 
around the central pillar of the universe, namely, the sung-sang 
axis or the human mind; likewise the four hyung-sang 
dimensions of the spiritual world rotate around the same central 
     Man in oneness with God is the subject, center, and 
mediator of both the physical world and the spiritual world. 
     A vertical sung-sang axis is associated with each point in 
space and time within the physical world. 
     The sung-sang axis at each point is absolute; whereas the 
four hyung-sang ("horizontal") dimensions are relative, and 
may rotate about at any angle with respect to the vertical axis. 
     This is the reason for the relativity of time and space within 
the Theory of Relativity of Albert Einstein; at the same time it 
provides for an absolute, God-centered vertical axis at all 
points, for all individual truth bodies, and all beings in time and 
     There is a hierarchy of the levels of sung-sang for each 
individual truth body. 
     The elementary level of sung-sang is at that of the laws and 
guidance (Logos) of atomic particles and fundamental fields. 
The next higher level is Logos of nuclei, then the Logos of 
atoms, and then molecules. There is a special Logos or level of 
sung-sang concerned with enzymes and other living molecules, 
and another special level of Logos for DNA. The next higher 
level of Logos is for the operation of cell organelles. After that 
is the level of genuine life -- cells. Above the level of cells is the 
Logos or organizing heart and principle of tissues. After that are 
organs, and then whole systems of the body. The entire body 
has several types of corresponding sung-sang, including the 
body sung-sang, the physical mind, the body-spirit, etc. Even 
the mind, at the highest level, has various levels of hierarchy of 
sung-sang, some of which are in the sung-sang of the physical 
realm, and some of which belong to the spiritual realm. 
     At the highest level of the sung-sang of the physical world, 
we find the human mind, which in fact is entering and dwelling 
in the spiritual world. So, at this point, the highest level of sung-
sang of the physical world is also the sung-sang of the spiritual 
world, thereby uniting the two realms. 
     Sung-sang domains are in fact not only linear (vertical); 
rather they themselves are articulated in at least three or four 
dimensions. That is, a rotating vector is associated with each 
point, in the sung-sang domain, which itself rotates in at least 
three imaginary, mathematical, or complex planes in the 
invisible sung-sang realm. 
     The articulation of the sung-sang domain associated with 
any one point in the physical world (or of the unified field 
associated with an individual truth body) at any given level of 
sung-sang hierarchy is stepped, that is, in major (primary), 
intermediate (secondary), and minor (tertiary) articulations. This 
may be compared to the articulations of the human limbs 
(shoulder, elbow, wrist, and fingers), which can rotate in 
successively smaller arcs. 
     This allows total flexibility, universality, and complexity of 
the guidance of the hyung-sang world through the sung-sang 
     Guidance takes place as follows: God's Heart and Purpose, 
God's Will, God's Providence, different levels of Logos, 
specific Logos regarding a certain individual truth body and 
action, Universal Prime Force II (relating to guidance of 
physical phenomena), the unified field associated with that 
individual truth body, the articulated sung-sangs coordinated by 
the unified field, and finally the hyung-sang of the individual 
truth body itself. 
     Furthermore, there is a reverse "reporting function" from 
hyung-sang to sung-sang, to the unified field, through UPF II, 
back to Logos, and, if necessary, all the way up to God for 
"executive decisions" based on His Heart and Will. In other 
words, the operation of Logos through sung-sang is not at all 
     Finally, the guidance of sung-sang takes place, not only 
centered upon God, God's Will and Heart, and the Logos of 
God, but also that of human beings, according to spiritual 
domain. That is, each domain of the physical world is 
associated with a unified field domain, and that with a spiritual 
domain, attached to a certain individual, office, company, 
bureaucracy, nation, ideology, or culture. 
     All the sung-sangs and hyung-sangs of the physical world, 
and the spiritual world, belong under spiritual domains either of 
God, of man, of spirits, or even of Satan, until the time of their 

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