"Science and Soul"
Relative Positions of Fields of Inquiry
William S. Stoertz
October 19, 1996
Moscow, Russia, C.I.S.

     The relative position of fields of inquiry is as follows:

     Newtonian physics. The "mechanistic worldview". This
is part of the philosophical basis for modern civilization
from the Renaissance up to the end of the 19th century,
including also capitalistic and communistic society.

     Einstein's Theory of Relativity transcends and
encompasses or includes Newtonian physics. How can it do
so? Because it is more general, and covers all reference
systems within physical space and time. Newtonian physics
is specific for a fixed Euclidean geometric reference frame
under zero acceleration or gravity. The Newtonian physical
frame is mathematically simple and ideal, and can be found
nowhere in the physical universe, but only as a theoretical
limiting ideal, or an approximation for sufficiently small
spaces. The Theory of Relativity is part of the philosophical
basis for post-modern society, including the hippie era,
cubism, democratic pluralism, and cultural relativity.

     The Unified Field Theory transcends and encompasses
or includes the Theory of Relativity. How can it do so?
Because the Theory of Relativity contains no absolute axis,
and is confined to the four hyung-sang dimensions of the
physical world. However, the "vertical" sung-sang axis is
absolute and universal. All the various configurations of the
space-time coordinate system are rotations of the four
hyung-sang axes about the vertical sung-sang axis. In fact,
Einstein's Theory of Relativity does contain absolutes: the
speed of light and other cosmological constants, the
universal measuring stick of time and space in inertial
reference systems, and the universality of physical laws and
principles. The reason and origin for this is not explained in
the Theory of Relativity. The Theory of Relativity is still
true. However, it has several limitations: (1) it cannot
account for the indeterminate observations of quantum
mechanics; (2) it cannot explain the underlying reason for
the constancy of the speed of light at all physical points in
the universe; (3) it cannot explain the universality of
cosmological constants and physical principles; (4) it has
not been able to unify the four fundamental interactions or
forces of nature; (5) it has not adequately explained the
origin of the universe or the Big Bang; (6) it cannot explain
the fundamental foundation of the existence of physical
matter, energy, space, and time; (7) it cannot explain
emotion and consciousness. Unified Field Theory reflects
and supplements the philosophical basis for Unification
society, the God-centered providential worldview, and the
future development of science on into the 21st century and

     The inquiry of Kevin Convery and others into "soul"
transcends the Unified Field Theory. How can it do so?
Because Unified Field Theory deals with the outward form,
manifestation, or structure of hyung-sang and sung-sang
phenomena both in the physical world and in the spiritual
world, centered upon heart, which is the foundation of all;
but it cannot deal with that which transcends or denies those
two worlds themselves. In other words, "soul" is a quality
or realm which transcends existence itself. "Soul" can
embrace sorrow, regret, loss, pain, loneliness, ennui, as well
as love, joy, and hope. In fact, that origin of "soul" is heart
itself, and ultimately God's Heart, who has experienced all
pains, all hopes, and all joys. Heart is admitted by Unified
Field Theory as the foundation of all existence, but the
quality of heart itself is not embarked upon. The inquiry into
"soul" does that. Furthermore, Unified Field Theory deals
with existence within the Unificationist or providential,
God-centered perspective, but "soul" embraces not only
Unificationism, but really the heart of existence of all other
religions and states of mind as well, many of which do not
agree with the Unificationist perspective. "Soul" reflects and
delves into, not only the consciousness and quality of life of
both primitive, ancient, and classical societies, but also the
heart of religion, folklore, art, poetry, and music throughout
the ages, including often that which was ignored or despised
by the leading worldview of many cultures, including both
the religious and scientific civilizations. Awareness of, and a
life embracing "soul" is a psychologically healthy existence
which can give life to and even save the lives and the way of
life of members of the Unification community as well as the
Western civilization and also the Orient which is now
increasingly adopting the culture view of the West,
including its neuroses and denial. Thus, "soul" is essential
for the future life and existence of mankind.

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