"Time in the Complex Plane" 
William S. Stoertz 
November 10, 1997 
Moscow, Russia 

(4:30 am) 

WS -- Now, I want to ask about light transmission in time and 
space. We say fundamentally, no time elapsed. 

HF -- Yes. I have been consistently saying that. The formula says 
that too, doesn't it? 

[Note: L = the square root of (a squared + (bi) squared) where b 
is the time unit, and a and b are expressed in the same units; 
that is, t(a) = a/c and b is time. c is the speed of light.] 

WS -- Now, my question: Why does "i" come into the "t" dimension? 

[Note: i = the square root of -1] 

HF -- It always does, as you can see, in differential equations 
(solutions) and circles involving time. 

WS -- In other words, time naturally involves i? Is that Your 
fundamental design? 

HF -- Yes. You see, it is a plus-minus relationship. They are 
reverse, like a breathing out and a breathing in. Actually, time 
is plus and physical space is minus, or i (the square root of 
minus 1). Time is not a physical dimension. 

WS -- What is time? 

HF -- Time is an ideal dimension, or construct (imaginary) -- 
(see imaginary is i, the square root of -1). In the physical 
dimension, things are rotating in time. That means they all have 
circles into the ideal realm, imaginary plane. All of them. It's 
what gives depth and reality to the physical world. Computers 
too. (33 megahertz, for example). 

WS -- Now, what does it mean, in interval, that for a = b, L = 0? 

[Note: L is interval; a is distance in space using light units, 
such as light-seconds or light-years; and b is separation of an 
event in time] 

HF -- Interval is zero. Centered on the photon, which travels at 
the speed of light. (It's here), it's out of the physical world, 
now it's there. Interval is zero. For the photon, nothing 

WS -- What is frequency? 

HF -- (H = nu times n). For what? 

[Note: H is the energy, nu is Planck's constant, and n is the 

WS -- Photon? 

HF -- Photon has energy level. Frequency is associated with the 
physical object it affects. 

WS -- Frequency is imaginary? 

HF -- Exactly. 

WS -- What do we want? 

HF -- True Love. 

WS -- Okay! What does that have to do with all of the above? 

HF -- Photons connect instantly in true love. There is no time. 

WS -- Tachyons, minus particles...? 

HF -- They connect backward. They are not subject. Relate more to 

WS -- What about the 25 million years? 

HF -- If in True Love, I had to wait. But I could not accept that 
which is not right. So the time meant nothing. Just waiting, in 

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