E-Mail and the New Culture 
William S. Stoertz 
December 26, 1996 
Moscow, Russia, C.I.S. 
(10:35 am) 
WS -- As a consequence of all this e-mail and internet 
communication, will we find the true culture? 
HF -- What are you talking about? 
WS -- It is all through computers, sitting at home or at a 
desk behind a TV screen. 
HF -- I don't mind. 
WS -- Where is it going? 
HF -- It is on the way to a true community. 
WS -- What about "national culture"? 
HF -- Honestly, I am sick of all that stuff, and I don't mind 
to see it break down, and something new and pure and 
simple emerge. Love is good. 
WS -- The new world? 
HF -- It is indeed starting. This is an example. A pure new 
medium. No masters, dominating you and telling you what 
to do, what is so and what ain't. 
WS -- It is here then. 
HF -- Yeah, I was preparing it since the sixties. See, won't I 
be victorious? 
WS -- What about soul? 
HF -- What is that nonsense? Okay, I know what you are 
talking about. But basically it arises as a complication of 
simple pure heart. Same with national culture. 
WS -- Why suffering? 
HF -- It came up because of sin. 
WS -- Father says suffering is good. 
HF -- That's because you have to understand God's Heart 
and people's hearts. 
WS -- What do You want? 
HF -- The simple world of goodness. See? Starting from 
Adam and Eve. I'll get back to that. 

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