July 21, 1998

   To overcome a crisis, you must have a deep 
religion, plans made in detail, and the ability 
to carry them out.

Just as stronger light casts stronger shadows,
harsher trials yield stronger graces.

As a year consists of four seasons, in your life 
there is a spring-like period in which you receive 
blessing, a summer-like period in which the 
blessing grows, an autumn-like period in which 
you bear the fruit, and then a winter-like period 
of trial. Therefore, be grateful for trials. They come 
from the love of God to separate us from Satan.
If you endure and then overcome them, 
a spring-like period of new blessing will follow.

Heavenly strategy is to be struck and take things 
away from Satan. When you are struck, be 
struck well.

Pain and sorrow arise when you cannot establish 
an original, harmonious correlative standard and 
give-and-take action. When you don't take an 
objective position (particularly in front of God, who 
is the essence of all things) then you are not 
living in a way that will guarantee the value of 
your existence.

Just as religions developed the most amidst the 
struggle of martyrdom, you are free of corruption 
when under persecution.

Punishment occurs when you leave the heavenly 
foundation of existence. God does not directly 
punish you.

God always strikes His loving children first and 
then strikes Satan.

All difficulties and trials confront you so that you may 
correctly understand God's past days. Therefore, 
when any difficulty comes upon you, you should 
rejoice and be thankful. It is the proof of God's love 
for you.

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