September 24, 1997
(3:15 am)

WS: I don't mean to reinvent the calculus, which it appears I'm 
headed toward -- but what do You think is the special 
wisdom in this -- or what would You like to advise 
humanity about regarding this fundamental mathematics and 
physics at the core of the universe in the Completed 
Testament Era?

HF: Good, timeless question. What approach shall I take? 
Father gave a long answer [to one of my questions]. I could 
do that, couldn't I?

WS: Would You like to? Then please go ahead, Sir.


Heavenly Father, September 24, 1997, from 3:15 am
Moscow, Russia, NE Continent

	What is fundamental physics? What is the meaning of all this? 
	Why, I created the Universe. And, not only that, I 
created the spiritual world. And, not only that, I created the 
world of ideals and forms. And, not only that, I AM that I AM, 
as they say.
	So, what is new? That which is new, is that which I 
want to give you who have fulfilled the contents of, the 
meaning, purpose, and essence of, this new age, the Completed 
Testament Era, as of January 1st, 1993, given by True Parents.
	How come True Parents know to declare that it is the 
new Completed Testament Era? Because they are the 
determiners of history. That is, they themselves laid the 
foundations and stepping stones upon which to constitute the 
Completed Testament Era for all mankind, for all time. Know 
what those stepping stones are (the memorial declarations and 
accomplishments of True Parents), and who indeed those very 
True Parents are.
	What else do I want to say? As in "Alpha and Omega", 
True Parents are the first and the last -- that is, the sense, 
meaning and purpose of the whole, entire Creation, the endpoint 
of it, and My Desire (intention) for each individual of the whole 
family of mankind. Since true human beings, as a Couple, is the 
core truth (or "gestalt") of the universe (cosmos), therefore all 
truth (all truths) and all creations relates to (centers upon) that 
(them), the True Couple, True Family -- True Parents.
	Indeed, you will find that fundamental physics itself 
revolves around the existence of and the purpose to make and 
support True Parents (the True Human Being). Furthermore, 
the particles and forces themselves behave in a way analogous 
to the True Human Being (True Parents), of which they are a 
microcosm and symbol, and to which all their interactions lead.
	Now, from this starting point (Ausgangspunkt) you 
may go on to approach and develop all questions, all topics, 
both in science, biology, medicine, even poetry and art. This 
assumption (My Purpose and Design) is namely the very 
foundation of all that is, and in particular, of mathematics and 
fundamental physics. You may go on to study physics and 
math, as those already have, but you must transplant it (those 
accomplishments in the field of knowledge and technique) to 
the original true root -- My Purpose of Creation.
	And now, then, let us go on to look at the conceptual 
structure of knowledge and truth.
	Truth, as you know, is what is, and then, built upon, 
describing, or in relation to that, the description of what is. 
"Truth" then, at the core, is a question of language: how you 
will describe what is, using what language and means, for 
whom, and for what purpose. This is very modern -- is it not? 
So, you see, "truth" is internal and external. There is "absolute 
truth", namely what is, and then there is the expression or 
description of that truth, in whatever language or form, and for 
whatever purpose.
	First, let us discuss the "truth" within God, or, God's 
viewpoint of the truth. You come right away to Divine 
Principle. For each truth is merely an expression of the truth, 
which varies according to the age and culture in which it is 
being taught. The more fundamental truth is that of the 
religionists, or theology, because it deals with God, God's 
purpose, the origin of the Creation, and the fundamental 
principles of human relationships. Namely, religion deals with 
that which is of most vital and primary concern to both man and 
God. So, even when you talk about God, God Himself (I) is 
most primarily concerned about the issues and questions 
revolving around and at the core of the true human existence, 
and the meeting place of man and God -- that is, True Love. So, 
although there are logically prior ingredients to truth and to 
existence than those of True Love, human life, and human 
relationships, in fact, even in God, within Me, these issues of 
True Love (the essence of true religion) are those which 
fundamentally and primarily concern Me, God. That is, you 
may say, "True Love is the Alpha and the Omega", even within 
God. Now, therefore, for the discussion of these issues or 
points, you will refer to the texts of the Completed Testament 
Age, as declared by Father: "The Family Pledge", "The View 
of the Principle of the Providential History of Salvation", "In 
Search for the Origins of the Universe", and "True Family and 
True Universe Centering on True Love". These are the eternal, 
fundamental texts of the Completed Testament Age. In addition, 
of course, you have the "Divine Principle", "The Way of God's 
Will", "Unification Thought", "Blessing and Ideal Family", the 
book "Victory Over Communism", and all Father's over 200 
volumes of speeches. These are the fundamental truth of God. 
Notice the "evolutionary" quality of truth. In other words, truth 
finds its fullest expression in what True Parents have 
proclaimed later, rather than before. Likewise, in the Creation 
Sequence, human being, the purpose of Creation, appears last, 
and not first. In other words, you do not find, hear, or see the 
ultimate truth of God until it is actually realized or manifest. It is 
even so for True Parents and the Completed Testament Age -- 
as you know, True Parents (True Father) have been on the earth 
and teaching since at least as early as 1946, yet only now, 1997, 
do you receive the fullness of his teaching -- the fullness of the 
original, absolute, eternal truth of God. (And so, likewise, it is 
true for religion, in its development -- paganism, monotheism, 
Judaism and Zoroastrianism, Buddhism and Christianity, Islam, 
modern Christianity, New Age teachings, and finally 
Unificationism). And now, I want to let you know, it is even 
true for God! Now, I want you to know, that, even this very 
long paragraph is according to My intention. Because I want 
you to fully and certainly know that the real, fundamental, full 
truth of God, of the universe, is not that which comes first, 
which is particular (relating to particles and fundamental 
relationships, or even in the process of evolution of Logos, if 
you will (and that to you, William Stoertz)), but in that which 
appears last, in the fullness and ripeness of time. So we can say 
with surety that this Completed Testament truth, most centrally, 
the Family Pledge and the three key speeches proclaimed by 
True Parents, is, with My Seal of authority, eternally the truth of 
God. Now, you may translate those speeches how you may 
like, and I suspect even that may evolve somewhat, yet, 
nevertheless, there you have it: the core truth of all time, for all 
ages, there in your hands, which can well embrace or comprise 
all the forms and aspects and particulars and developments of 
truth which have appeared or are yet to appear.
	Could this have been said of Christianity, having Jesus, 
which is with some basis said to be the end-all of religions? 
Yes, he is Messiah, the True Man, and My Son, but My Son in 
persecution and suffering and loneliness. His ultimate purpose 
was not at that time fulfilled, as True Parents. For Christians, 
this is evidenced in the tragedy of the crucifixion, the reminder 
of the promises of the prophets, the bloody history of 
Christianity, the promise of the Second Advent, the expectation 
of the Bride, the mention of the new truth in Revelation, the as-
yet-unfulfilled Kingdom of Heaven, and, I want to stress, and 
chide somewhat, to you who persecuted or denied the Lord -- 
common sense! Therefore, the vaguely sketched model of 
human life presented by the life and passion of Jesus Christ, 
and the _very_ vague suggestion of things to come in the end 
times, leave us with a distinct longing for something yet to 
come, and now, My flock, this thing has been fulfilled, in your 
eyes and your time. Here are all things made anew. But yet, I do 
hope for you to participate in the reconstruction of the ideal 
world, and of your own families, and yourselves through the 
Blessing and the New Truth, and.... -- please know True 
Parents! That's what I would wish for you.
	At this point, and upon this foundation, we are ready to 
launch into a discussion of fundamental physics and 
mathematics, taking the proper perspective. And this quest I 
will leave to the future occasion of our next session.

Heavenly Father, with William Stoertz, 1997.9.24.  4:34 am  

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Session II

	First of all, the universe exists to support human life, 
and the universe exists in the form (image) of an ideal human 

	What is genius? Genius is to know the main, key point 
and keep it in mind, to know the fundamental purpose of God, 
and to construct the four-position foundation, both within the 
mind, and with the surrounding world, in the given situation.

4:46 am, 1997.9.24.

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