Restoration of Mankind
William S. Stoertz
July 21, 1998
Moscow, Russia

     Fans: Those of you who have been with me from the beginning, 
and those who have joined along the way; and those who are 
just peeking for curiosity just now:
     During all this time (3 years now, since June 1995), in 
discussing Unified Field Theory, you have seen:
     The discussion always starts with God, and with me as a 
substantial person taking charge of a portion of God's Will, 
however small--and that means YOU too--in your family, your 
community, your natural environment, and your personal life, 
body and soul..... and the discussion always comes back to 
God's Will for you, for me, and for the world, by going through 
questioning, reflection, discussion, and some scolding and 
repentance. Furthermore, although this is the Unified Field 
Theory, and specifically includes the "GUT", the Holy Grail 
of fundamental physics, nevertheless you have seen that 
the discussion is highly humanitarian, deals with MAN AND 
WOMAN as the center, the core, much more than with 
particles or mathematical principles themselves.
     Why? Because, as I have always said, the human being 
is of the essence -- no, is THE ESSENCE, and not the 
fundamental particles, laws, and interactions. That doesn't 
mean you will not find the answer, nor that such research 
is not important, but that you will find the answer only by 
referring to GOD AND MAN.
     Okay now, where are we? If you have joined my dialogue 
for the first time, I want to share this; and if you have been 
with me from Day 1, I want to remind you:
     At the center is mankind and God, and God's 
fundamental concern is the RESTORATION OF MANKIND. 
This has been proceeding through HISTORY. If you will 
speak of history, God and man, and the restoration of 
people, then you come to PROVIDENCE. Then what is the 
core of Providence? The restoration (salvation, re-creation) 
of all mankind, by sending the Messiah. So far all 
Christians and Jewish people would certainly agree with 
me. Now, here is the catch-word: TRUE PARENTS. 
Namely, the identity of the restored human being, in other 
words, first of all, the Messiah, and later, all of us who 
follow, is "True Parents". You will note, True Parents is 
man and woman in maturity and perfection of love. Need 
I say more? You should think: True Parents is you. True 
Parents is my ideal self, as husband and wife, with 
     There is the ideal and the core or the essence. Now 
how to get there? So now, I wnat to say, that somebody 
has gotten there, has attained that, that status of True 
Parenthood. You know, you can't just call yourself True 
Parents unless you are really that. There are tests for 
that, there is a course to go, and there are challenges 
along the way.
     Some absolute requirements as True Parents are 
that you are all very much united with one another -- 
there would be no conflict or division among the various 
True Parents. Also, True Parents live for the sake of 
others -- their tribe, their community, their nation, and 
the whole world. True Parents bring about a WORLD 
     So, how to become True Parents? Primarily, three 
things:  1. The Blessing  2. Education  3. True Love.
     The Blessing, because we have inherited a lineage 
of sin. We need to be engrafted to the true root, the 
original True Parents, and thus be cut off from our 
sinful root. That is through the Holy Wine and the 
universal Blessing Ceremony being broadcast 
throughout the world. The last one was on June 13, 
1998; the next will be on February 2, 1999. Soon all 
mankind--you included--will be blessed.
     We need education in truth -- not just knowledge, 
but the truth akin to that which is in the Bible, and all 
religious truths -- dealing with God, true human 
relationships, the purpose of our lives, and the salvation 
of humankind. This truth is being shared as daily 
morning readings of the words of Rev. Sun Myung 
Moon, whose couple we recognize as the first 
original True Parents of all mankind. Read his words 
-- you will find them worthy of the title of the truth that 
can save and unify all mankind.
     Third is True Love. To practice this truth and the 
contents of the Blessing is to practice true love. True 
love is love for the sake of others, love centered on 
God, on eternal values. Your conscience will 
recognize and rejoice in True Love. And True Love will 
bring you and your family and this world into the 
Kingdom of Heaven.
     So actually, that is what my Unified Field Theory 
is really about, or really leading to. And once you 
have that, then the rest will follow -- all the aspects 
and details of everyday life, also the ideal economic 
and political systems, also the exploration of the 
galaxies, also the revelation of the deepest secrets 
of the fundamental particles, and also the incredible 
technology (and art!) to follow from that.
               William Stoertz 1998.7.21. ITPN

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