On Soul
In Memory of Dr. Sang Hun Lee (September 5, 1914-March 22, 1997)
William S. Stoertz
March 24, 1997
Moscow, Russia

WS -- Good morning, Heavenly Father. I love You so much. I've 
been reading wonderful stories about Father. Yesterday the 
Blessing is such a wonderful thing... I feel so good about it. 
I'm in "school". The stage is open for prayer. 
HF -- Good morning. How are you? You are too. 
WS -- Am I real? 
HF -- I'll say... for sure. This is the real time. You'll be 
remembered. What else can you do? 
WS -- Witness. 
HF -- Yes. How? Go through the Metro. It hasn't been 
WS -- Why such a value? Even such negative people can't be 
HF -- Yes, you're here. 
WS -- Why are You big on "me"? 
HF -- Because you're Me. 
WS -- What does that mean? 
HF -- I, you, no difference. I'm God. 
WS -- You're God. I like You. 
HF -- It's positive. I'm more positive than "you". That's the 
difference. (That's one difference.) 
WS -- Where did that negative person come from? 
HF -- Never you mind. What can he say? What can he tell his 
superiors? How can you oppose this? 
WS -- The problem is, how do you break through to the stubborn, 
hard-headed Orthodox Church? 
HF -- I can do anything. I'm God. Don't forget. 
WS -- So what's the issue? 
HF -- Are you ready? 
WS -- I'm trying to be ready, make myself ready. The History 
Project is one of those. How important is it? 
HF -- Not very. 
WS -- How about U.F.T.? 
HF -- U.F.T... One of those. 
WS -- One of whats? 
HF -- The theories. The ideas. The suggestions. 
WS -- And how do I relate to it? 
HF -- You're the inventor, the artist, writer. The poet. 
WS -- So how does Father relate to it? 
HF -- It witnesses (testifies) to Father, indirectly. 
WS -- How do You like that? 
HF -- I like it. I made it. 
WS -- And what? 
HF -- And medicine. And other ones. 
WS -- Which ones? 
HF -- The ones which relate to Me. You can say, I made religion. 
Same sense. 
WS -- U.F.T. is a religion? 
HF -- Yes. In a sense. Some people have made atheist cosmologies, 
which are also a kind of religion. 
WS -- How will all this go somewhere? 
HF -- You're in the medieval period in many senses. Yet Father is 
WS -- Medieval. I'll buy that. Why do we like it? 
HF -- Our original minds like it. And don't like it. 
WS -- Why? 
HF -- It's closed. Locked off. It's based on a failure. 
WS -- What do You define as the "medieval period"? 
HF -- That which corresponds to one generation after the Christ 
which should have been accepted but was not. 
WS -- Whose time period? 
HF -- Any. 
WS -- How long is a generation? 
HF -- Could be a thousand years. 
WS -- Then where is it headed? 
HF -- To a new, greater realization. 
WS -- On whose part? 
HF -- On yours. The miraculous thing is the Messiah is living 
now, and he will ever be with you. 
WS -- As Christ was living with the medieval Christians. 
HF -- Yes. 
WS -- Where are we now? 
HF -- The medieval period. 
WS -- Why is that so significant? 
HF -- Who will win? The good guys. 
WS -- Did they ever win before? 
HF -- By stages. Luther was the conclusion of the medieval 
period, from My viewpoint. 
WS -- And what about now? 
HF -- You are, or can be. You are bright and alive. When Christ 
is inherited, then the Medieval period has ended, or been 
WS -- Why Luther? He wasn't so bright, or... ? 
HF -- They inherited the Word of God. God as Word. Now you see, 
that has its limitation. 
WS -- So in this sense, what can I inherit? 
HF -- God as soul. 
WS -- Is it true? What needs to be connected (inherited)? 
HF -- Soulful thinking. 
WS -- Who can do it? 
HF -- You're on the verge. 
WS -- What is soulful thinking? 
HF -- Something I wanted to tell you and all the others when you 
diverged from the ancient methodology of science and art and 
religion. You lost it by picking up something new (Divine 
WS -- Thank You. I recognize that. You wanted to tell us? 
HF -- Yes, I did. But how could you listen? You were young 
students, learners. Who should have taught you? Christians. 
WS -- Why didn't Father teach us? 
HF -- Father has soul. You people in general don't. 
WS -- Some do. 
HF -- Show Me. 
WS -- Let's say they don't. Where is my soul? 
HF -- In your tears. That's why Father emphasized tears. But who 
understood? That's why you got cut off from tears. 
WS -- I cried when I joined, and when I was blessed, and when my 
little daughter was born. 
HF -- Those were soulful moments. It had to be connected. Such 
moments have to be connected. I try to make sure about that. But 
the rest of the time.... 
WS -- How did we lose soul? 
HF -- A mechanistic style, or understanding. 
WS -- How does that relate to now? 
HF -- You're soulful. That's what's important. It connects. It 
makes sense to Me. It'll work. I'll use you. That's why I'll use 
WS -- This is something rather new... a different turn of events. 
What do You expect is most important? 
HF -- Soul. Connect Messiah with soul. 
WS -- The blacks knew. 
HF -- That's what was wrong with America. Now America inherited 
soul. That's very important. That's the way I see America. That's 
why I see America very differently from you. That's why Clinton 
was re-elected. Soul. He has soul. How could one not? Of course 
Americans didn't concretely (overtly) know it when they reelected 
him. See, that's something you didn't know: a big secret: 
Providence is not the issue, but soul. In all history. And yet 
you think Providence is center. See, even your diagrams say 
"Heart" is the center. Soul. 
WS -- What's the distinction between "Heart" and "Soul", and what 
is the useful distinction? 
HF -- If you say "distinction", none. If you say "useful 
distinction", since you are so sharp, like Western people, I will 
tell you: Soul can be inherited, but heart cannot. 
WS -- Why do You say that? 
HF -- You have to meet Heart. Soul you naturally inherit. 
WS -- So why is that a "useful distinction"? 
HF -- I want you to inherit it naturally. Not be forced. Catholic 
Church inherits naturally. It's a question of culture. So you 
have to make (establish) a culture of heart. You don't know what 
that is. That's a difference between Japan and Korea. The quality 
of heart in the culture. Soul. Soul of Japan, soul of Korea. See 
the difference? 
WS -- Don't You love them? 
HF -- Yes, but: What do I want to be inherited? Look at today. 
Modern civilization. Do I want that to be inherited? Not if it 
doesn't have soul. What kind of soul do I want to be inherited? 
That is tradition. Not "tradition" as you know it from the 
Tradition book. Tradition = soul = heart. Basically, I want them 
to be inherited. You pass it down in your family. That's what is 
really happening. That's the purpose of education. 
WS -- How about Dr. Sang Hun Lee? 
HF -- He will see in spiritual world. 
WS -- There's something bothering him. 
HF -- That's the point. You caught it. 
WS -- We'll continue his work. 
HF -- Not without soul. He made the framework. Now you have to 
add the soul. 
WS -- I catch it. 
HF -- Principally and structurally, it is all right. 
WS -- Why do I have a heartistic problem? 
HF -- You have soul. That's the main thing. This soul will be 
passed down. 
WS -- Where did I get it from? 
HF -- It's not a matter of persecution, nor denial. That doesn't 
hurt soul, nor affect its transmission. 
WS -- What is the useful distinction of heart and soul? 
HF -- Soul is passed down. Heart is both a potentiality and an 
actuality. When it becomes vertical (in time), it becomes soul. 
That's why art has soul. It's connected to something that's 
there. Many Unificationists are trying, but few understand. The 
issue of soul, as vertical heart in time, can't be overestimated. 
See, heart is there, as God's Heart, and heart is there, as your 
experience, but how to make it your tradition (soul)? Because you 
all misunderstand "tradition", that's why I need a new word: 
"soul". Even "tradition of heart" becomes a cliche for you. It is 
hard to make "soul" a cliche. Because your soul understands, what 
it is. 
WS -- Now what is Unified Field Theory in all of this? 
HF -- Unified Field Theory is somewhat microscopic or structural, 
in all of this. That's the danger of Principle, if they include 
details on propagation, Sung-sang, Logos, Unified Fields. It gets 
into the mechanics, without amplifying the heart (soul). Of 
course, the scientists want to know, but [the Russian word 
"nelzya", meaning "absolutely not or never"] without the heart 
(soul). That's what they did. Same thing with economic theory. 
You tend to underestimate this vertical dimension of heart in 
time, or soul. Connected heart. I think that's getting closer to 
it. Now you understand Russian culture. The Russians know. The 
Americans don't. And the Japanese are losing it. The Koreans are 
not. A national culture, from My viewpoint, is a culture of 
heart. Now from your viewpoint, it has been a culture of 
"Providence". Providence is important, but heart is subject. 
Foreigners feel this, in relationship to America. 
WS -- What was the mistake of Israel? 
HF -- Okay. Soul they have. Heart they have, but they made a 
mistake. Jesus' heart was beyond their level, and connected to 
God's original Heart. So they made a mistake, and it became a 
mistake of Providence, and could not be reversed. So Christianity 
is based on the soul inherited from the heart of that experience. 
Each one of these heartistic events becomes soulfully 
significant, and is passed down. 
WS - Our mistake? 
HF -- You inherited the Providence, and Principle, without 
inheriting the heart (soul). So the soul became empty. It didn't 
fulfill. You denied it, what was there. 
WS -- Can the events of Father's life become soulful events? 
HF -- Not if you don't inherit the heart of what went before. 
That's where Father was coming from. Father connected to, 
inherited, the original heart of the events, God's Heart, 
connecting to My Heart. It was beyond tradition. But it has to 
become your tradition. Inherit that. Inherit the soul of God's 
Providence, which no one knew, until Father. Then Father's life 
fits into that. Now there is a providential understanding, and no 
one beats that, in terms of Divine Principle. Dr. Sang Hun Lee's 
understanding. It is awesome. Father has connected to all of 
that, revealed all of that. Heart and Principle. Soul and 
Principle. Soul and Providence. Historical heart. You understand. 
March 24, 1997, Moscow, ITPN. 

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