The Words of True Parents from 2003 |
True Father's Words at Hoon Dok Hae
Sun Myung Moon
May 10, 2003
East Garden, NY
Forty-three days from today, it will be the summer solstice. We have forty-three days to June 22nd, during which time the Unification Family should prepare itself.
What is interesting about today is that it is Hyun Jin (nim)'s birthday. The day and time fit together like that. All the treatment I've been undergoing is over, and even my eyes are like new. Therefore you should all know today is a very important day, since it marks our entering an era for a new start.
The day I offered the Prayer was the 4th, wasn't it? So today is the 6th day from the day of prayer, isn't it? Including the 4th, today is the 7th day, right? Today we are passing through the 7th day. You should all know that we are entering a new era with this day.
The Prayer I offered, was it recorded well? [It was recorded, but it was passed on to Dr. Yang, who sent it to the Unification Church History Committee to be transcribed there. (Rev. Peter Kim)] So it isn't here? [It was sent to Korea. (Rev. Hyo Yul Kim)] We should all read it again and know what era we are living through at the moment. [There are still forty-three days left till the summer solstice. (True Mother)]
The Settlement of Noon (the time when no shadow is cast)! In Korea we have a special holiday called Dahn Oh. That is the day on which the lunch hour is the shortest. This day is May 5th. Through that day we are entering a new era of liquidating everything we have. Now we are entering an era in which the people of the world will fight with each other in order to serve us. Therefore during this period the whole Unification church should offer all they have to the church as the Total Offering. There should be no property under your name.
The Settlement of Noon happens centering on the day with the shortest afternoon hours, and that is why you should renounce all your rights of ownership. From now on we should all transcend all customs and traditions of the world, and become one with the physical world centering on the spirit world, just as we have pledged through Family Pledge verse 5. You are all responsible to do so.
The words Central Families of the Cheon Il Guk mean that all the blessed families in the world and all people have restored the positions of fallen Adam and Eve, so that now they stand as they did before the Fall. Once that is done, the central families will enter a new era when they will be able to register their births and marriages.
Until now you could not register your births and marriages, but now the time will come when you can do both, and so inherit everything achieved by True Parents. You should not hold ownership for anything you have if you want your inheritance. There should be nothing left to your name to be inherited. That is because you have to stand in the position of being reborn. Even if there are tens of billions of people in the world, they will all be reborn at the same time. The perfect day on which we enter this important new era is today, May 10th.
In the mineral world there are subjects and objects, in the plant world there are subjects and objects, in the animal world there are subjects and objects, and even in the human world there are subjects and objects. All beings consisting of subjects and objects fell, and because of that our mind and body fight with each other. This fight has been expanded to the world level, and so recently there was a war between Iraq and the United States, but President Bush has taken care of that.
From now on what will make controlling the world more difficult is that the era we live in is degrading, from the global level to the national level to the tribal level to the clan level. That is why even though the United Nations and the United States are trying hard to unite the world, it is not happening.
Now we, the Unification Church, have declared the Settlement of Noon and are starting afresh, and so now we are entering a new era in which all of us can be punished if we break the heavenly law by not leading righteous lives. In the era of the Settlement of Noon, all the blessed families stand in the position of the Lord of the Second Advent. That position is even higher than that of the Archangel. Passing through the formation, growth and completion stage, now we are standing at a higher position of love than even that of the archangels, and so now we can liberate God.
In this era there is no owner of the world. Now we have to appoint new owners and enter the era of the Settlement of Noon. The day on which we do this is May 10th. How many days was it from the 26th to the 10th? Was it a month, or forty-something days? [It has been over one-and-a-half months. It is almost two months now. (True Mother)] Forty-what days? [When we count the days, from March 16th, April 16th, May 16th would mark two months. (True Mother)] [It is fifty-five days. (Rev. Peter Kim)] Fifty-five days, what a coincidence! It's the same number repeated twice.
That is how we are entering a new era. The numbers and such things all fit together amazingly. Moreover, today is Hyun Jin (nim)'s birthday. You should all know that this ceremony is being performed to commemorate such a special day.
What does the Coronation of the King of the Blessed Families of the Peace and Unity of the Cosmic Parents and the Parents of Heaven and Earth mean? Adam's mistake completely destroyed the Kingdom of Heaven and the throne for God's Coronation. Today is the day we restore all that and start anew. Only when you become families who fulfill the Family Pledge can you enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
After performing this ceremony, we should all make a resolution to do so. This will weaken and destroy the satanic world. They will start fighting amongst themselves. Religious and racial wars may simultaneously break out, and it is I who do my best to ensure that does not occur.
The UN does not have its own nation. That is why we should build a UN nation. All wickedness in the world should be dealt with in according with laws to be determined at the UN. The era of individuals and nations will now become part of the past.
There are no owners in the UN either. If we unite together as warriors to find the owners of the UN, and the more united we are, the shorter the time it will take. We are doing our best to make an Abel UN by the end of this year. Where was it? Was it Indonesia? [It was the Philippines.] This September we will present a new Resolution at the UN General Assembly centering on the Philippines' National Assembly President, and we are doing all we can in every way to ensure it is passed at the UN Assembly.
Once that resolution is passed, the restored Kingdom of Heaven will open up in front of our eyes. The wild olive tree growing on the other side of the wall will be cut and grafted onto the True Olive Tree, and then it will also bear true olives. Three years after engraftment, the tree will bear fruit.
When the people from the neighboring nations see the trees bearing true fruits, they will climb over the wall to steal the branches so that they can also engraft them. They will fight with each other to steal them, if need be. Just like this, when the three generations are all connected together and blessed, it will spread out in the world and grow larger automatically. Therefore the era of liberation will come when the road leading directly to the Kingdom of Heaven will be opened through families, Amen! Remember these words.
Heavenly father, the Absolute Realm of the Ideal of Reciprocity centering on this day May 10th has come to pass today with the restoration planned by Heaven. The Original Garden was supposed to pass through spring and summer and be harvested in autumn by You, but was lost. Now it has been restored by Adam, and the last day on which the satanic world and the heavenly world become divided completely through indemnity is today May 10th. Thank you for giving us this opportunity to announce a new beginning, the Settlement of Noon.
Now we will correct the era in which we lacked so many things, and with the declaration of True Parents' new liberation and centering on the Day of the Settlement of Noon, the families of heaven and earth have all come together under our Heavenly Father. We offer you the condition of all nations' restoration, in this place where we are restoring everything that failed after the creation, and with the UN, we are inheriting all the victories of Heaven.
Moreover, now the time has come when hell is transformed into heaven, so Heavenly Father, please watch over all heaven and earth freely from this day! On this great day when Your eternal grief turns to joy, please rule over all nations and start anew as the Eternal King, Parent and Owner of Heaven and Earth!
Centering on the Holy Wedding performed on True Parents' Birthday this year, God and all the blessed families in heaven and on earth all became one to liberate the ancestors. Please allow the liberated ancestors to go to the Heaven created by the True Parents, with the condition that they are the representatives of Adam.
Thank you again for allowing all the blessed families of heaven and earth, and all people in the spirit world and the physical world, in paradise and hell, to live their lives according to the resolution we have signed. As of this day, I declare the liberation of the Settlement of Noon, the liberation of all nations in the physical and spiritual world, the liberation of eternity and the liberation of all ownership, so please watch over us all. I report and declare this in True Parents' name to the Parent in Heaven, and I hope you will accept it as I report this. Amen, Amen, Amen!
From now on everybody should change. No property should be under your name. You have to know that everyone is in the position of being re-created. I said the Settlement of Noon, didn't I? By that I mean Dahn Oh! It means the noon hour is the shortest. I have coined a new phrase.
From the day Lucifer completely submitted to True Parents (21 March 1999) and what happens afterwards. The part where evil spirits make people suffer by giving them diseases is rather long. When doing Hoon Dok Hae skip that portion but read the other parts. Do you understand? All of you come to the front! Come right out to the front. Record clearly!
(Mrs. Won Ju McDevitt: These are the messages sent from the spirit world by Dr. Sang Hun Lee. The Final Path Our Lives Should Take, Chapter 1: Current Situation in the Spirit World, 1) Changes taking place in the spirit world after the 360 Million-Couples Blessing)
Read the part about Lucifer! Start reading from where Lucifer completely submits. In the part about the changes taking place in the spirit world after the 360 Million-Couples Blessing, the preparations we made until the coming of today is recorded.
(Mrs. Won Ju McDevitt reads: Lucifer's Apology)
They will not be left alone! They will all be put in the big pipe of hell and the top will be covered with a lid. That is because no one wants to hear the way they cry out when they are suffering in hell. Soon the physical world will become like that as well.
(Resumed hoondok)
From now on you should tread your paths wisely. You can't do everything as you please. If you do, your sons and daughters will pay indemnity for your actions. Otherwise you will block the paths of your whole family. The time will come when you cannot live the way you want to. Do you understand what I am trying to say? The era in which we could live any way we want is over. We must live according to our Pledge.
(Resumed hoondok)
Now I am trying to do away with hell. Now the law is set so that if the standard of your life does not correspond that of Heaven, you cannot enter because there is a threshold which you cannot cross. That is why all the wrong doings of the Unification Family were forgiven. Recently I called all the Thirty-Six Couples and forgave them all.
From now on, if for some reason you fail to be on the list of those going to Heaven, you will be out forever. You all have your trinities, don't you? The Thirty-Six Couples, Seventy-Two Couples and 124 Couples all have the responsibility to call on their trinities and set them straight. Until now you have all lived irresponsibly, even though you are brothers and sisters.
The problem here is whether you can be registered as someone from the Royal Family who will enter the Palace of the Kingdom of Heaven and build loving relationships between brothers and sisters. I hope you will all do your best to fulfill your responsibilities, knowing that now we are walking toward the era in which whether we live or die will be judged.
Hyo Yul (Rev. Peter Kim), you know everything that happened in the past, don't you? You know all about everything we have done after declaring indemnity in the Original Focus Holy Ground, the Root Holy Ground and the Victory Holy Ground in Jardim. You should not just doubt anyone! Do you understand? [Yes]
All of you should not sleep at all for twenty-four hours on one day and just work hard. Do you think you will be sleeping in the spirit world? When we consider the fact that in the spirit world spirits are doing nothing else except concentrating on this work, we should work hard and remember our duties as we approach the era of the realm of kings of families, so that we will not be ashamed in front of them. Everything that I say will become like mottos in the spirit world and will be recorded. There is no excuse you can give once you have gone to the spirit world. You cannot say, "we didn't know." I have already told you very clearly. You should all know that if you don't keep to these words, you will never be able to enter this realm of blessing.
No matter who is entering heaven, no one can harbor two minds in his/her mind. They should only know God and True Parents. From now on you have to start living strict lives. I have lived like that all my life. I indemnified all the happenings of thousands of years in one generation, and you should all follow what I did in one step.
If you want to surmount the eight stages of the cross, individual, familial, clan, tribal, national, global, universal and cosmic, you must forget your name. You have to lose your name, your surname, even your nationality. In doing so you will become like the basic creation. When beings were first created, did they have names? What did they have? Did they have consciousness? Only when you are in that position can you be re-created.
Only when you are in such a position can True Parents bequeath all their victories to you. Centering on yourselves you have to connect the three generations. The principle tells you that with the connection of the three generations, God, who had lost the three generations, can finally have a foundation of a unified heaven and earth. Now, continue the reading!
(Resumed hoondok)
Each one of you has the responsibility to restore your clan, your tribe, your nation, the world and the cosmos. Do you understand that? Everything cannot be transformed at the same time.
(Resumed hoondok)
Lineage, it is the total conversion of the lineage! Now your lineage is like the wild olive tree, it has been violated. The lineage should be converted to the True Olive Tree. What I am saying is that the consciousness that you are the sons and daughters of True Parents, who have inherited the absolute true love, absolute true life, and absolute true lineage should be more real to you than your position, even if you are a nation's high official, a minister, or even a president.
To reach that position would be very difficult, wouldn't it? You have to go through suffering. Just as I packed my things and traveled around the world and established the foundation, you should take responsibility for your tribes and your nation, and know that if North Korea and South Korea are not united, the world cannot become one.
(Resumed hoondok)
You are all representatives of True Father, responsible for embracing your tribes and forming a nation. That is why we say as the owners of the Cheon Il Guk, our what? [Family!] It's not as the owners of the Cheon Il Guk our heavenly father, or True Parents. As the owners of the Cheon Il Guk, our families should inherit all the victories of True Parents through your lineage. Don't sons and daughters take after their parents? You should make that possible.
(Resumed hoondok)
What is it that we have to do? What do you think it is? We should build the bridge that connects heaven and earth centering on the resolutions of the spirit world. You have to sacrifice yourselves to do so. You should know that our path has already been defined.
(Resumed hoondok)
Just as seeds sprout shoots and grow and finally bear fruit, you should also stand in positions where you are like True Parents, even if True Parents leave you alone and don't tell you what to do.
(Resumed hoondok)
(One mind!) Fundamentally the world should become a world of one mind. One mind! The body and the mind were supposed to become one. Because of the Fall, one mind, one body and one mindset all became separate things. The body fights with the mind and they don't agree on anything. The original one mind! Just like God you should all have one mind, one body and one mindset. That idea is the liberated settlement of families in both heaven and earth.
It is the family. What do you think was God's original idea? It was to bring about the settlement of God's family after creating them. You should also have the same idea. No matter what you are doing, always remember the settlement of families.
We have to re-create such a standard of the heart in order to restore the process of creation from the very beginning, the providence of re-creation, which is also the providence of restoration through indemnity, as well as the position lost due to Adam's mistake. Adam should be the one who creates it. God will not do it for him. True Parents will not do it for him. Until now everything was done by True Parents, and we were just carried on their backs while they did all their work, but it will not be like that from now on. You have to do your own work. You have to build your own nation. You have to take care of your own tribe.
That is why we say central blessed families, and that our families are the owners of the Cheon Il Guk. Now we have to bring about the wedding of God and the family of the second messiah, and stand in the position of the owners who have even re-created God. Our position will be higher than even that of the archangels, and we will stand in a position whereby we have liberated God. We will then inherit God's heart the way it would have been if he had blessed Adam and Eve who had not fallen. You all have to know that it is not false love but true love which will be connected to the love that exists.
Through the True Parents, humankind will be restored to the positions of Adam and Eve before the Fall, in other words, in the position of re-created Adam and Eve. In such positions they will receive the Blessing, and so the angelic world and the satanic world will have to completely submit to Heaven. There will not be a connection between humankind and these two kinds of worlds anymore. Humankind's lineage will make a complete settlement of families, and since the satanic world does not have such a foundation, it will have to pass away. All the spirits in control of the satanic world and its nether realms will have to pack up and leave, and a great leveling-out will take place.
Heaven, the highest realm, will come down and become level with paradise. Centering on this the border will be formed, which will prevent people from going where they would like to go. With the border, angels from the fallen world will be brought into paradise, into the realm of paradise in heaven, to be part of a flying column. Once they are in their positions, their roles will be reversed from what they were doing before, and so centering on them God can now hold onto the families in the satanic and angelic world, and True Parents will be able to centralize the families on earth and level what was replaced.
Only then can all enter into Heaven and be level and stand in the position of the neutral being with the dual characteristics as at the time of creation. What was formless will then be re-created into a male subject by the True Parents, through which every occurrence brought about by Adam's mistake will be restored and set right. Only then can we enter an era in which God, who previously had no form, will be able to have a liberated body and rule over heaven and earth.
You should all know that only when what I described above happens, the neutral being with the dual characteristics perfects his male characteristics, and God will have absolute authority and start anew centering on heaven and earth, without Satan. This is all based on theology. You should all know this clearly and ensure you don't run foul of this law.
(Resumed hoondok)
Who knew about all these fundamental questions about God and His orders? Only when we solve these problems can the problems of humankind be solved. Now that True Parents have revealed all these facts, heaven and earth will now be able to march towards the Liberation of the Settlement of Noon and the Age of God's Kingdom in Heaven and on Earth when they will have a bright future. Amen! [Amen!]
What I am saying is not pointless. I am sure that if you study history you will be able to see that what I am saying is true. What I am talking about is of the whole world, and everything fits in together so well you have to raise both hands and say "mansei, mansei" for liberation. Now we are entering an era in which all the truths that were buried because of Satan's opposition, which held authority, but were buried deep within, will explode. Don't stand in a position where you will be struck by atomic bombs and lightning. You have learned everything, and you have known of the results that will be brought about by your hard work. But in order for everything to happen the way they are meant to be, you have to have a clear idea about the world.
You should somehow memorize the Divine Principle. While you are attending Hoon Dok Hae you complain that too much time has passed and you can't keep your body still, and you give excuses that you are too busy and all, but what you are busy about will be in vain. You should not be so foolish as to think that worldly matters are important. The fact that I have come all this way only centering on this Will, amidst opposition and attacks, is remarkable.
That is why True Parents are the Savior, the Messiah, and the Lord of the Second Coming. And that is also why they are able to unite Heaven and Earth. Why? Even God knows and all of Heaven and Earth know that that is the right way, and so all people on earth should follow this path and keep to it absolutely.
(Resumed hoondok)
From now on blessed families should not live in cities but go back to nature, and embrace and nurture it with the first love endowed on nature by God as He was creating them. We all have the responsibility to protect the creation from fighting amongst each other and certain species from becoming extinct. Only when we love all creation and all people in God's stead can we return to our rightful positions as owners.
You should love nature. You should love the sea and the mountains. You should love the mountains, the water and the fields. You should love all three. In order for all creation and all living things to grow, you need to love them all. You should all know that you have the responsibility as the descendants of fallen Adam and Eve, to love water, air and earth in God's stead, so that they will supply nutrients for all things to grow, and all creation will become part of the blessed world where they will grow back into their original places before the Fall.
What I am saying is that since we have got back what was lost by Adam, we have the responsibility to protect the creation in Adam's place. So I am planning to make a museum which will prevent any species, whether of insects or animals, from becoming extinct. We have to protect them all. The smaller are eaten by the bigger. All of you have teeth, right? Animals also have teeth. The beasts of prey, as well as small and helpless animals, have teeth.
What is really interesting is the balanced nature of the food chain. Beasts of prey cannot reproduce anytime they want to. They can only reproduce once in two years. In the case of lions and tigers this period is two years and eight months, almost three years. In contrast, rabbits bring forth their young once every three months. By having many offspring, they provide food for the larger beasts and raise their young in God's stead. They all create.
That is the way re-creation is. Adam and Eve create in God's place. The creation was created based on God's characteristics and so their minds cooperate for the perfection of the body, sometimes sacrificing everything for the body. In the same way, those creations in the position of the mind have to sacrifice themselves in order to nurture the body. It is not only one that sacrifices itself. What I am saying is that it does not happen at the individual level, but in the family and tribe.
Greek philosophy looks at the world as being in constant struggle with itself. It states that all things regard each other as enemies, but they are not enemies. It is because of the Fall that such ideas have come about. Das Kapital and the dialectic, which are the principles of Communism, state that development comes about through struggle, but that is not true; struggle is not the answer.
Even the vilest germs disappear when faced with several of their natural enemies. Do you understand what I mean by natural enemy? A tiger is the natural enemy of a dog. When a dog sees a tiger, it freezes and trembles and crawls back to its dwelling to hide. What is not known is that natural enemies balance each other and take care of everything that comes in the way.
The same can be said for doctors today. They cut and slice in order to cure diseases. That is why I am going to make a unified medical science, which will be the combination of eastern and western medicines. It will be a protective medical science. I believe that by using the notion of natural enemies we can protect ourselves in advance, so that we can be liberated from all diseases even without coming under the knife.
Centering on God's love, we were not meant to cut and carve and slice our bodies. How complicated will it be for us to march toward a new world, in which all beings of heaven and earth become one, when we know all these things and try to abide by it? There will be endless fights along the way. Some may even turn back when they encounter such fights, but you should overcome them all. When there are fights, instead of shirking from them, you should absorb them and grow. You should be free from them. You should move from the position of the individual and family to higher places. Through this we will be able to move from the era of kings of families into the era of kings of clans.
That is how you will grow. From kings of clans you will grow to kings of tribes, nations, and the cosmos. Once you reach that position, you are now in a position of liberation, and so there will be no diseases that can harm you in any way. What I am saying is that you will enter a liberated world. The world will become like that. You should bear in mind that there are no other owners except ourselves.
(Resumed hoondok)
That is why I am telling you all this. Do you understand? (Yes) What I am talking about is not a dream. You will have to believe even more incredible things than this, some stories which are thousands of times more incredible. Only then can you become people fitted to walk this path. But some people cannot believe eighty or even fifty percent of what I tell you, and so you titter and go other places and come back and there are such goings on.
You have to know clearly about what is going on in the spirit world. Even Dr. Sang Hun Lee is like that. He encourages scholars and unification members, and in order to introduce us to a direct road towards God, he is sending messages and revealing the actual conditions of the spirit world. You must know that you have to believe even ten times, or even hundred times, of what is told to you. Only then will your positions have something to do with the world and the spirit world.
(Resumed hoondok)
I plan to teach you the details about absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience by the time I go to Korea and come back. The members' heads should all become clear. There should not be any unnecessary things in there. I should visit Korea soon. I think I should go before June or July.
(Resumed hoondok)
This will all be over when God has a wedding and birth registration. Heaven is on my right and hell used to be on my left, but now hell has disappeared. Instead, it is the realm of paradise. I can call at any time to use the spirits in the realm of paradise. Everyone is waiting for my orders. It will be my job to unite the mind and body, which had been separated, and make it possible to attain the position of universal ideal.
Even the spirits in hell can go to heaven through me. When the spirits in hell come to me, they become one with the True Parents, and so can ascend to heaven in a direct line without any obstacles in the way.
The basis of the cosmos is that God with the dual characteristics is a neutral being, and rank-wise He is the Male Subject. In other words He is the Father. The providence of restoration is giving God a physical form as the father. Today we are entering an era in which even in the spirit world True Parents and God will be able to appear in physical form to give directions. We are entering a new era where instructions will be broadcast. Just like the internet age, proclamations will be made around the world at the same time through e-mail.
(Resumed hoondok)
It all sounds like lies, doesn't it? In the past there was only I. Not even God can understand. Can God ask me to bless a saint with a murderer? On my birthday of this year we could not have performed the Coronation of the King of the Blessed Families of the Peace and Unity of the Cosmic and the Parents of Heaven and Earth. Only when we united centering on the one lineage could we carry out this ceremony with Him present.
God had not been able to register His marriage and birth. Did he register, or didn't he? He does not have a nation. How can He register if he does not have a nation? I went through so much to build the Cheon Il Guk, but have you ever thought about the Cheon Il Guk? Do you know what the Cheon Il Guk citizenship cards look like? Do you have them? What is written there? Nation of Cosmic Peace and Unity Learner Card! That means we have to prepare in advance. That is how we can be perfected. From there we move on to the liberation of era of individual and of families and each and every one will be in a different grade, centering on your tribe. It will not be the same. Learner Card! That means you have to practice in advance.
When True Father makes declarations, time shows that what he has been doing is not some underhanded scheme. You should know that we have been working towards a single purpose. There is no one who can reveal how humankind came to be and why we are living the way we are now. Only when you follow Rev. Moon's teachings can you find the answers to all these problems.
Now when the road is open and I address the UN General Assembly, there will be typhoons and strong winds which will blow through the whole world and heaven and earth, there will be lightning and tornadoes. You should be able to stand in the position of the owners, who can look back on the world in chaos and say "farewell world, we are leaving" in God and True Parents' place.
The people standing here came and went fishing. What is a striped bass? Stripe means a line. So that means the bass has a line on it. There are many basses without a stripe. When we catch this special fish, we give it as a live offering on behalf of humankind. That means that we are doing it to stand in the position of owners who are preventing the extinction of any species by growing their young in large numbers.
The people who have come here and worked hard should make farms and breeding grounds and orchards and build a heaven without owners, so that the people passing by can pick a fruit or two and enjoy it. That is not a dream. It will be like that. You should keep such thoughts in your minds and try to live like that, and try to stand in the position of the subject and act like owners and treat others well. Only then can you follow True Father as he goes to the Kingdom of Heaven.
If you don't do that, your way will be blocked. No explanations are needed. There are records for each and every one of you in the spirit world, so you should not be caught transgressing the law. Any obstacle you encounter you will have to surmount by yourself; True Father cannot help you. It is just like the time of Adam and Eve. Even the archangel himself will be in trouble if he is caught transgressing the law. In order to know it by heart, don't forget to study over and over again.
(Resumed hoondok)
The spirit world which was divided into different realms of heaven, paradise and hell will become level. Just as water is level, since you need an object, you should put them in the object position and they should be loyal to you. They should be loyal to you from this end. So you will pass through heaven and paradise and hell and come back to the original position. Only then can you cross the border set by the angelic world, where it is a vacuum and no air passes through.
Now everything is crisscross and highs and lows are all mixed together. When you pass through the eight stages from the individual era to the cosmic era, the world will become level. And then you will be able to fulfill the individual era, the familial era and the clan era, and achieve the kingship of the individual era and the familial era, and attain a position. Then the eight stages you have passed through become parallel lines and like a spiral from the earth, an eternal heaven will be kept up. These words are all according to theory; they are not spoken thoughtlessly.
The secular world tried to erect blockades that our Unification Church could not overcome, but we went under and came out through the bottom. Now we have entered an era in which all the nations of the world will welcome the Unification Church. When a wild olive tree is grafted, it takes only three years for it to bear true olives. Wherever you go in the world, you will be welcomed with open arms and the satanic world and the earth will all become citizens of Heaven. They will all become one, and form a unified world in which God can be served as the King with royal authority. Amen! [Amen!]
By centering on your families, the mother and the father are the king and queen of the family and of the clan. When you restore that kingship which had been lost, and you set it again from the bottom, you will stand in the position of the king in God's stead. Since you have done True Parents' work, who have registered a new place of birth for you, you will become part of True Parents' family and will enter the Kingdom of Heaven with them. You will stand in the position of liberation. It will be for eternity.
From now on when you make a mistake, once you come to the spirit world you cannot come in front of me. You will have to stay where you are, so how will you come to me? Should there be a wall in front of God? No. You should become one. Now you should clean both your mind and your body so that you can be the temple in which God can reside. The elder blessed families of the Unification Family should make it so that God will come to them and wait to enter their bodies and minds. It is their privilege.
When they complete this task and offer themselves, they can stand in the position of the family True Parents' stead and be liberated as the central families of the Cheon Il Guk, in three generations, God being the first, Adam the second, and blessed families the third generation. Yet this will not happen if they do not fulfill their responsibilities. You will have to walk this path for at least seven years. That is the procedure.
The question then arises: how can such a vast thing start from this single system, and how can the relationships of generations fit together and the results answer for the paths taken? You do not know. True Parents are the only people who know the answer. Adam is standing at the completion period of the growth stage, and so he does not know about perfection. I am the person who came up with that. I am even thinking about what God cannot do, and what He does not want.
That is why True Parents and the King of Heaven and Earth have to be liberated. You will be set as the ancestor of the Blessing in the nation where you were registered and you will have birth registrations. The standards according to the generations will be connected automatically to heaven, and for eternity the liberated heaven will become the kingdom of love of God. Amen! [Amen!] Mark my words, because they will come true. Record them and listen to them.
(Resumed hoondok)
Now we should resolve the problem of Lucifer. Since I made the declaration today, today is the beginning. Let's just start pushing. If there is any president who opposes Rev. Moon, grab him by the throat and confront him. Ask him if he knows what Rev. Moon is doing. Tell him to listen to one of my speeches.
What Rev. Moon is doing right now is not for the ancestors, but the kinship. Each one has his/her own responsibility. Whether it is Lucifer or Confucius, they will all be asked to answer for their own responsibility. Even the Four Great Saints in heaven are trying to become one just as they would have done on earth.
Now the time has come for me to place the people who will unite all with the help of heaven and earth. I have the authority to appoint whomever I want to, but if I tell them to appoint the people, they will do so. All the good spirits who believed in the spirit world, and the Christians in the spirit world should all be brought together and united into one.
You just watch: when the Divine Principle is made public and declared and the media make noise, it will take less than six months. It will be a scarier weapon, maybe even several hundred times scarier, than atomic and nuclear bombs. What Satan had prevented until now by taking hold of the media and holding in the world, will all flow out at once.
I will use that information to protect anyone who suffers, and so welcome them to my side. I will not use it for my own good. I made them for the world and not for me. That is why I am not acting even now as the Korean government, the Korean religious sector, the United States and the world are opposing me.
God wants True Parents to wait patiently until the fruit is ripe and it can be harvested. Now the time has come. When the right fruits are ripe they will fall with the help of the wind. By that I mean they will fall only when the wind blows. You should all become the blessed families of the spirit world and the physical world, who become the true fruits and are wise enough to be resurrected to their rightful places.
(Resumed hoondok)
You must have complete faith. Just as it will become like the very beginning of the creation when God spoke His first words, there is nothing else to it except absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. You should burn all that ties you to the past and pack your bags and wait. Only then can you be restored through indemnity.
(Resumed hoondok)
When this does not come right it will become useless. If all the eight stages are reversed, it will all become useless. We have the responsibility to level all standards that contradict each other. Since Adam made a mistake, we should take the responsibility upon ourselves in place of Adam's family and heaven and earth, and all come together in the realm of total mobilization. There is great diversity. Now as the victors, you should all know the incredible fact that an era of liberation blessed by Heaven is coming.
[Rev. Peter Kim's Prayer]