The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 2012 |
Sun Myung Moon
February 6, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas
January 15, 03 by the H.C.
NOTE: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They
cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in
the future as an "official" publication of True Father's
words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit"
of the message. - Rev. Katsumi Kambashi Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech titled "True Path of Life"
from his speech book # 41. Rev. Yang made a report on the performance of the Little Angels. "They will arrive in LA today (Feb. 6), and take a bus for 8
hours to get to Cedar city, Utah where they will hold the
performance on Feb. 8. The best day for the next performance is the
11th, which is Saturday. It was amazing that although all the other
major hotels in Las Vegas had been sold out, Caesars Palace was
available for only that day. So we will have the performance at
that hotel on the 11th. Yesterday, I conveyed Father's direction to Dr. Park, and he
changed the space from 1,200 seats to 3,000 at the hotel accordingly.
Rationally speaking, it is very difficult to change the size of an
audience a couple of days prior to the performance day, but I
strongly believe that nothing is impossible. True Parents are
with us and this is the rally that heaven and earth are focused on,
so I am determined to bring a great victory through this
opportunity. At the rally, we are planning to give 'peace medals' for 15
veterans who have been carefully selected through Dr. Park and the
committee. We will also present a gift for True Parents
(Katsumi: Rev. Yang then talked about True Parents' photo at their
Blessing Ceremony in 1960 seen through the twitter of Hyung Jin Nim.
Please see the attachment). We will provide a DVD which
contains the video clips of the life of True Father and True Mother
(one hour each in Korean, Japanese, and English, which was shown at
the celebration of True Parents' Birth) to give to all the
participants after the event." Father said, "This rally will be a good opportunity for
the Unification church to make a new start inside and outside," and
asked all the participants to make the utmost efforts for the rally
in Las Vegas. Hyung Jin Nim performed martial arts in front of True Parents.
During his performance, he said, "Martial arts is the most rapidly growing sport in the
world." "Father said that world peace must be promoted through soccer
and martial arts." "Martial arts is a method that makes men peaceful by
releasing their energy." "I have been in public mission for the past three years and
have never showed my performance on purpose, because I thought the
young people might misunderstand it just thinking 'It's cool!.'
Rather, I have been focused on educating how to find True
Parents as 'my Messiahs and parents,' and the unification of mind and
body. But this time when I was with True Father at Geomundo, Father
told me to do it and he liked it. Then he told me to continue
to do it. (Laughter) So I do it with this explanation. The martial art itself is not the best way to fight. True
Father is the best performer who has subjugated Satan, and that's why
I think we must be more focused on internal training. How to
win without physical fight is more important. Physical strength
will be deteriorating without fail and so we need to be more focused
on obtaining the internal wisdom, mind-training and loving True
Parents. But I personally love it and it is a big part of my
life. So actually (by telling me to do the performance) Father
liberated me in a sense. I tried to hide my feeling but Father
said, "시범하라,
이 자식아!"
(Laughter). So, though I am still a little bit worried about
the young people who see my performance, I am happy that Father
liberated me on this." (@lovintp in English) Today's Hoon Dok Hoe: "Anyone who cannot love people cannot love God. We do not love in order to receive love. Instead, we love people in order to give love." Aju.
From the Twitter account of International President Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim on Feb. 6, Korea time.