The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 2012 |
True Father addressed 2,400 people attending the "National Campaign for a Strong Korea Kick Off Rally" Wednesday. Kook Jin Nim gave his "Strong Korea?" lecture first.
Father then came on stage and Father gave an address that concluded: "I hope to see the heroic site of everyone here holding high the banner of the Universal Peace Federation (Abel UN), standing at the forefront of the Peace Kingdom Army and Peace Kingdom Police, and shouting for a "Strong Korea".
March 7, 2012: HDH with True Mother in Hiroshima.
March 7, 2012: True Mother gives her signature in in Hiroshima.
NOTE: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They
cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in
the future as an "official" publication of True Father's
words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit"
of the message. - Rev. Katsumi Kambashi Father said, "Dong Moon Joo. ('Yes.') Come to the front and
read my speech. This speech has important contents. This is the
speech (which is based on the speech) I gave in 2007 when I was
pushing back the opposition in the world by myself. I see members
from Brazil here today." Mr. Dong Moon Joo read Father's speech "A Providential View
of the Pacific Rim Era in Light of God's Will -- The United States
and the Future Direction of the United Nations and the Free World." (Katsumi: The basic contents of the
speech are the same with those of the speech Father gave in 2007 with
some updates featured by Kook Jin Nim's phrase "Strong Korea.") "My speech '천지인참부모정착
(Cosmic Assembly for the Firm Settlement
of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, and the
Proclamation of the Substantial Word of God)' and my textbooks and
teaching materials have to be added on this speech we have read now.
This speech of 2007 had shown the direction we have to take from now
on before the speech '천지인참부모정착
(Cosmic Assembly for the Firm Settlement
of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, and the
Proclamation of the Substantial Word of God) came out.'" "The Pacific Rim is the base for establishing world peace and
the Korean peninsula is the flag bearer in the region. Everybody
knows that Korea is the military fort in Asia for the free world,
which historically has received the invasions for more than 1,000
times but didn't perish. Having passed on the basis of tradition
until now, Korea came to stand on a strong foundation, and it is not
because of Korea herself but because of God. How could Korea, which
nobody had known, come to reach such a position?" Strong Korea National Movement
Respected Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen: I am delighted to
meet you all today. I would like to welcome you, on behalf of
my family. Ladies and Gentlemen: I am well aware that this rally today
is a launch ceremony paving the way for the Strong Korea
movement to actively carry out its campaign throughout Korea.
Therefore, on this occasion I will explain something of the
profound providential plan God has had for the Korean
peninsula throughout history. I will also speak about some
aspects of God’s providence dealing with the Pacific Rim
Era that I have announced.
God’s heart has been in pain throughout history
because humanity has been confined under Satan’s
dominion. Humanity had endured oppression under the
sovereignty of evil throughout the “era before the
coming of heaven.” That time has finally come to an end!
2007 was the zenith at which time it became possible for the
gates to open wide to the revolutionary era after the coming
of heaven, ushering in the time of a new sovereignty of
goodness in which humanity could serve and attend God as the
central being.
Without your being aware of it, Heaven’s providence
has been expanding in extraordinary ways. Now ambassadors for
peace in 185 nations, numbering in the tens of thousands, have
received my teachings and are working day and night in
response to a special decree from God. Hence, today I would
like to convey to you Heaven’s message, which is
entitled, “A Providential View of the Pacific Rim Era in
Light of God’s Will: The United States and the Future
Direction of the United Nations and the World.” It is a
declaration of God’s plan for His dispensation and the
direction humankind should take. Movement of Civilizations Ladies and Gentlemen: If you carefully examine the progress
of history, you will undoubtedly discover God’s plan and
sense His presence as He tirelessly worked behind the scenes.
Consider the history of civilization, which began centering on
four of the world’s great rivers. We are familiar with
the Egyptian civilization that flourished along the Nile
River, the Mesopotamian civilization between the Tigris and
Euphrates Rivers, the Harappan civilization on the Indus
River, and early Chinese civilization around the Yellow River.
The center of civilization shifted over time to the shores of
the Mediterranean Sea where the Mediterranean peninsular
civilizations flourished in Greece and Rome. History continued
to progress and the European continental civilization emerged.
This continental civilization in turn gave birth to an island
civilization, Great Britain, which flourished in the Atlantic
sphere. The British Empire, which dominated the seven seas and
wielded its might as “the empire on which the sun never
sets,” passed its splendid culture on to North America.
We know these facts from history.
Civilization on the North American continent raised the
banner of democracy, which was rooted in Christianity. It
bequeathed to the world the principles of freedom of religion
and respect for equal human rights as it led the struggle
against fascism and communism, which had established
atheistic, evil sovereignties. Through the victories of the
First and Second World Wars, and the third—the Cold
War—it won victory over totalitarianism and communism. However, that victory does not simply mean that America is
great; the development of human civilization did not stop
there. Victory came because God had chosen and raised the
United States of America as the Second Israel, in accordance
with His providential plan, and had raised and trained the
American people through Christianity. God worked through
America to bring His providence to its present stage of
fruition. Ladies and Gentlemen: The present time marks an important
milestone in the development of civilization. Civilization has
completed a circuit of the entire globe and has now arrived on
the shores of the Pacific Ocean. History’s course has
come to the point under God’s providence where it must
be completed and concluded in the Pacific Rim region. No force can stop God’s providence now. Though there
were both victories and defeats during the course of indemnity
under the evil sovereignty in the era before heaven, now
nothing can prevent the rise of the Pacific Rim Era. Herein
lies the special reason that Heaven declared 2007 to be the
beginning of the jubilee period.
New Start for the Providence Ladies and Gentlemen: The arrival of the Pacific Rim Era
signifies many things. What do you think the world would have
been like if Jesus had fulfilled the complete messianic
mission during his lifetime on earth? Jesus came as the Savior
and Messiah, to save all humankind. He did not come just to
save the people of Israel, a small nation located on a corner
of the Mediterranean Sea. At that time, Rome, based at the
center of the Mediterranean, was the center of human
civilization. Rome was ready to rule the seas. Heaven
earnestly wished for Jesus to first teach and transform Rome
and then rule over her empire. Heaven was eager for a
civilization that could bring salvation to all humanity by
employing Rome’s strength. Yet, Jesus was cruelly put to
death on the cross, as we know all too well through the
biblical record. After thousands of years of preparation, God finally was
able to send Jesus to earth as His only son. There is no way
to fathom God’s heart as He anxiously watched Jesus’
each and every action. Jesus’ death was a tragedy that
broke God’s heart. It brought Him anguish even more
extreme than the time when Adam and Eve, whom He created as
the first ancestors of humankind, were lost from the Garden of
Eden due to the Fall.
During the two thousand years since the crucifixion, God,
in the background of history, has walked a suffering path that
is beyond human imagination. Through this course, He prepared
the United States of America to serve as the nation of the
Second Israel. As a Christian nation that includes Catholicism
and Protestantism, as well as the Orthodox world, the United
States’ mission is to bring harmony and unity to
Christianity as soon as possible—and moreover, in the
twenty-first century, to fulfill the responsibility that had
been the Roman Empire’s, but which was not realized in
Jesus’ time. On America’s shoulders rests the
responsibility, within God’s providence, to bring
harmony and oneness among the world’s seven billion
people and to expedite the creation of a peaceful, ideal
world. These are not simply the words of Rev. Moon. This is
Heaven’s decree to America. Then how can we unify Christianity? God has already
revealed the solution through me, Rev. Moon, the True Parent
of humankind. Through me, God has given Christians the supreme
command to practice lives of true love, to understand
completely the reality of the spirit world to which we go
after we die, and to establish model, ideal families—true
families. What kind of love is true love? And what kind of family is
a true family? The essence of God’s absolute true love
is not to have others serve you. Rather, it is to be the first
to give, to serve and to care for others and to seek the
greater good. True love gives, forgets that it has given, and
continues to give without ceasing. True love gives joyfully.
We find it in the joyful and loving heart of a mother who
cradles her child in her arms and nurses her child at her
breast. True love is sacrificial love, such as that of a
devoted son who finds his greatest satisfaction through
dedicating himself with all of his body and soul to helping
his parents. When we are bound together in true love, we will only ever
be happy to be in each other’s company. The attraction
of true love brings not only the universe, but even God
Himself, to follow us when we call on them. The value of true
love is that it has the power to permanently dissolve the
barriers that people, descended from the Fall, have
created—including national, racial and even religious
A Coming Era of Model Families The main attributes of God’s true love are that it is
absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal. Therefore, whoever
practices true love will share God’s pleasures and
pains, enjoy the right to participate as an equal in His work,
and enjoy the same right of inheritance. Therefore, a life of
service, in other words a life of true love, is an absolute
requirement for entering the kingdom of heaven. A life of true
love is the way to create all things; it is the mode of life
of new families that live peacefully centering on God and form
peaceful ideal model families. The path is now wide open for anyone to establish a true
family. The family is the model by which people are to live in
service to one another. The warm environment of oneness based
on love and respect between parents and children, mutual
fidelity and love between husband and wife, and trust and
mutual reliance among siblings is the manifestation of the
model ideal family. This means that you need to establish a
true family wherein the stem of true love emerges from the
root of true love and bears the fruit of true love. The responsibility of tribal messiahs, the mission of
ambassadors for peace, and God’s desire is to seek and
set up families of Cheon Il Guk, comprised of three
generations—grandparents, parents, and children—that
together serve the ever-present God as a united family. You should form families that God will miss and yearn to
return to after He has been away. You should raise families to
which He can come freely as a parent visiting His children.
This is what it means to live in service to God. In such a
family, God is the vertical subject partner of everyone’s
conscience. Following God as its vertical subject partner, the
mind of each family member stands in the position of that
person’s very own vertical subject partner. Each person
must bring the mind and body into unity by following the mind. It is in such a family that the four major types of
love—parental love, conjugal love, children’s love
and siblings’ love—which also form the four great
realms of heart, are perfected. It is only in such a family
that the relationships based on upper and lower, right and
left, and front and rear can be linked together and the
resultant spherical motion continue. This is how God’s
everlasting model ideal families, ideal nations and peaceful
ideal kingdom can be formed. If the entire world were filled
only with such families of true character, it would be a world
of natural order in which the heavenly way and heavenly law
would reign supreme. There would be no need for lawyers,
prosecutors or judges. Dear Peace-loving Leaders:
Among the seven billion people on the earth today, almost
five billion are our neighbors and relatives. They are our
brothers and sisters of the Pacific Rim region. In other
words, they are our relatives within the heritage of the
Mongolian birthmark. Is there anything we cannot accomplish if
we join together as one blood through receiving the blessing
of marriage centering on God’s peace ideal? The future
of humanity is now in the hands of the nations of the Pacific
Rim. Ladies and Gentlemen: God’s providence has now spread
from the North American continent and blossomed in the island
civilization of Japan, which is in the same position that
Britain once held. It is now about to fulfill its destiny by
reaching fruition on the Korean peninsula, the homeland of the
True Parents, who have appeared as the Savior of humanity and
the returning Messiah.
The Position of Korea in the Modern World The Korean peninsula stands in the same position as Rome
did in Jesus’ time, in that it is considered a conflict
zone transcending the spheres of religion and politics that
must resolve all the world’s problems. From a
geopolitical point of view, the Korean peninsula persists as
an arena of the most intense confrontation, despite the
ongoing efforts on the part of all to secure peace.
The principles of restoration through indemnity make it
inevitable that civilization will bear fruit in the Pacific
Rim region, centered on the Korean peninsula. Fortunately,
during the Korean War, the UN Forces, led by the United
States, were, thankfully, mobilized to the peninsula. Yet,
they did not recover the homeland and hometown of God’s
desire as they should have, according to God’s will, and
they left the job half done. As a result, global conflict and
strife emerged, soon to be called the Cold War. As a result of
this, the Korean people lost their property and were
displaced, leading them to search for God. In order to restore this through indemnity, I established
the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) seven years ago. I then
organized the Peace Kingdom Corps and Peace Kingdom Police
Force, comprising heavenly women who have received the
marriage blessing, who love peace, and who are willing to
serve and sacrifice for the work of the Universal Peace
Federation. I have taken the lead in educating those involved
with these organizations. These peace organizations stand in
the forefront for actualizing a world of peace centering on
God. They will create the peaceful, ideal world that God
desires. You may not be aware of this, but I have been assisting
behind the scenes of the Six Party Talks that were being held
for the sake of resolving the nuclear issue on the Korean
peninsula, and working to reconcile democratic nations with
communist nations. I am presenting a solution based on the
principles of peace and harmony rooted in the new ideology of
the Heavenly Father. At such pressing times, what exactly should the role of
America and the United Nations be? Hawaii in the Pacific,
located at the center of the Pacific Rim, bridge East and
West, and link North and South. With the support and
protection of the American continent, the Korean peninsula
should become the homeland that protects and defends the
Pacific Rim region by bringing together all the island nations
of the Pacific. I say this because the future of humankind
lies in the preservation of the Pacific Rim region centering
on Korea, Japan and the United States. As I was well aware of Heaven’s plans for this
region, I invested thirty-three of the prime years of my life
in the United States, beginning in the early 1970s, for the
sake of world peace. On that victorious foundation, I returned
to Korea, where I am working to complete the providence of
establishing God’s homeland and hometown.
Ladies and Gentlemen: I ask that you analyze the current
state of affairs in the world closely. Although the days of
communism are gone, even now powerful nations are constantly
on the lookout for opportunities to pursue their own interests
aggressively at the expense of the powerless and small island
nations. No small island nation by itself can deal with these
powerful nations and their economic, political or even
military ambitions. They are so powerful that if they wanted
to, they could dominate any smaller nation in a single day,
without shedding blood.
Only when peace and security are settled in the Pacific Rim
can peace for all humankind be guaranteed. As I have
mentioned, the small island nations by themselves cannot
contend with the great tsunami of powerful nations moving into
the region. The time has come, therefore, for all these small
island nations in the Pacific Rim sphere to unite and build
the homeland of the new, godly civilization.
The small island nations dispersed in both the northern and
southern regions of the Pacific, on either side of the
equator, as well as Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia,
the Solomon Islands, Australia, New Zealand and other
countries, should become like one country, forming a union to
sustain peace to the Pacific Rim civilization. This will
secure peace and stability for all people.
What I am saying to you is that you have the responsibility
to protect and save the oceanic realm, which is a lifeline
upon which humanity’s future depends, from the
environmental destruction and conflicts that are worsening by
the day, and to shield its natural resources for the sake of
peace in the future.
Ladies and Gentlemen: For the purpose of resolving these
problems afflicting humankind, on September 12, 2005, I
proclaimed throughout all of heaven and earth the
establishment of the Universal Peace Federation (UPF), which
will enable God’s providence to flourish. Now, it is
possible for UPF to serve as an Abel-type counterpart to the
UN in the era after the coming of heaven. It will renew the
Cain-type United Nations and lead the way for millions of
ambassadors for peace throughout the world who have taken up
the ideology of the Heavenly Father, that is, my
teachings—which consist of the principles of true love
and the ideal of a true family—to without fail, fulfill
the heavenly will of creating one family under God. Ladies and Gentlemen: Through the cross-cultural marriage
blessings that transcend religious denomination and
nationality, the Universal Peace Federation will be the
vanguard that carries out the great revolution of restoring
the original lineage of humanity, hearkening back to Adam
before the Fall. Some may laugh and say that this is
impossible. Yet, where there is a will there is a way,
especially if it is God's will. The international and
cross-cultural marriage blessings are conducted according to
the teachings of Rev. Moon, who does God’s work on His
behalf. Please think about this: What do you think will happen
if people from the United States and countries such as Russia
marry across the boundaries of their nationalities through
these marriage blessing ceremonies? The two nations will
belong to one family under God, the eternal, absolute Lord of
all creation. How could anyone aim weapons at, much less
launch nuclear weapons at, a nation that many millions of
grandchildren from their own lineage make their home? The holy task of building the ideal kingdom of heaven—the
sacred reign of peace on earth—by recovering our ideal
homeland and hometown, is being carried out enthusiastically
in all corners of the world. This is God’s hope for
engrafting the seven billion people of the world to the
lineage of the true tribe.
Beloved Leaders, Ladies and Gentlemen: Please do not miss
your chance to ride on the surging currents of heavenly
fortune during this important and sacred jubilee. Take the
lead in protecting and developing the realm of the oceans,
which cover seventy-five percent of the earth. Where else will
you find undiscovered treasure-stores of natural resources
that hold the promise of reviving the earth, which is
endangered by all kinds of pollution and resource depletion?
You have truly come to a significant event today. You
should now join together under the Strong Korea banner. The
scope of this campaign shall soon go beyond the Republic of
Korea to the rest of Asia, and become the beacon that shines
beyond Asia to the world. The Universal Peace Federation's
ideology shall be a cry for a strong Korea because at the root
of Strong Korea is God’s philosophy of peace based on
true love. Is there an ideology or philosophy that can surpass
this philosophy of peace and the ideal of God’s true
love? Heaven shall surely be triumphant! On this meaningful occasion, please engrave this message on
your hearts. The families of your good ancestors in heaven are
already blessed. Numbering in the billions, they have come to
earth today, and they are listening to this message with you.
This is because it is only through you, their descendants,
that they can perfect themselves and advance to the positions
of true parents, true teachers and true lords and owners. You
should not forget the fact that the spiritual and physical
worlds live and breathe together in this way and walk
hand-in-hand. Your families should now find their place in history by
fulfilling their missions as members of the Peace Kingdom
Corps and Peace Kingdom Police Force of the Abel UN, which is
advancing God’s providence in the revolutionary era
after the coming of heaven. History will forever remember you
for leading a noble life of devotion for the well-being of
humanity and world peace. I am now developing globally the
Peace Kingdom Corps and the Peace Kingdom Police Force, which
I founded. I hope to see the heroic sight of you holding the
UPF flag [Universal Peace Federation—the Abel UN]
standing in the vanguard of the Peace Kingdom Corps and Peace
Kingdom Police Force and shouting for a strong Korea.
I pray that you will engrave today's message in your hearts
and use this message as material for educating your children,
the youth in your country and the people of your nation. May
God’s blessings and grace be upon you, your families,
the Pacific Rim and the Peace UN, and upon the launch of a
"Strong Korea." Thank you.
launched in Seoul at the Convention Center on Yeouido Island
More than 2,300 leaders from Korea and abroad
Rev. Sun Myung Moon gave the following keynote
“A Providential View of the Pacific Rim
Era in Light of God’s Will:
The United States and the Future Direction of the United Nations and the World.”