The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 2012 |
@lovintp in English) Today, too, a beautiful sunrise can be seen from Geomun Island. We pray on this Sunday that happiness and blessing will be with all those reached by the sun's rays.
NOTE: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They
cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in
the future as an "official" publication of True Father's
words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit"
of the message. - Rev. Katsumi Kambashi (Talking
about his speech 친지인참부모정착
실체말씀 선포 천주대회
/ Cosmic Assembly for the Firm Settlement of the
True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, and the
Proclamation of the Substantial Word of God) "Heaven,
earth and humankind must be united and become the pillar of
the ideal of cosmos of the True Parents. Then (the title of
the speech says) 정착
(firm settlement). There has been no 실체말씀
(Substantial Word of God) in the world. Does
this speech hold the all truth? It does. It says (on page 74)
최종목적 되다 (The
ultimate purpose of the providence is done),' and so it means
everything has been finished. It's that simple. The speech is
not talking about 피조물
(creatures) but 본체론
(Original Substance of the Principle)" (@lovintp in English) Today's Hoon Dok Hoe: "God is a mass of love. What would happen, if God were to enjoy receiving a mass of love? What if, like a miser, He kept His love in a storehouse, and just gave out a little bit at a time? Would it work if a person who loves, and says he is a mass of love, were to just give out half his love?
"God's mass of love is large enough to encompass all humanity, including all those who lived in the past and all those who will live in the future. Even if a person's heart is small and can only receive a tiny amount of God's love, God is trying to give all His love to that person." Aju
(@lovintp in English) Today, on the final day of her speaking tour of Japan, True Mother will be speaking at the North Japan rally in Sapporo. Someone said it is only the person who has faced all obstacles and overcome who can truly speak of hope. Let us consider the heart of our True Parents who give us warmth and hope. For the victory of True Parents' Japan speaking tour, Aju.
(@lovintp in English) As True Mother completed her speech at the final stop of her tour of Japan, she closed her manuscript and said: "Be well! Live well! Fight well!" and offered a prayer for Japan. May Tongilgyo Japan blossom with True Parents' faith, love and hope.
[From the Twitter account of International President Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim on March 11
makes 16, and there are the upper side and lower side and
therefore, 16 X 2 makes 32. (Katsumi: I think Father implies
here the number of teeth) (Indicating his eyes and ears)
Everything is covered by the number 32. Men must learn what
they have to know by the age of 32."
spoke of the necessity of studying Korean in English to a
Brazilian brother of martial arts, but he seemed not to
understand it. So Father told Hyung Jin Nim to translate it in
Portuguese and Hyung Jin Nim did so.
Hyung Jin Nim
reported to Father that (according to the weather report) they
wouldn't be able to sail the boat that day. Then Father said
"You don't have to check it. When we go out with the
boat, we will know it. They are just thinking that the storm
is coming minutes or hours later. With that mindset, soldiers
on the front line of the battle would perish 100%. Do we sail
out to die? I want to say 'Look forward over the typhoon. At
least I will survive.' I made the boat with which one never
dies. It will never sink."
"I won't lie. Keep
watching if I am doing so. They will be realized with the
cycle of 50 years or 100 years, but nobody knows the length. I
had talked 50, 60 years ago about the date of D-Day we are
talking about now. When you find it in my speech book, you
will be surprised saying, 'Wow, 50, 60 years have already
passed!' I was considered a crazy person back then."
Pyeong Rae Moon sang '가고파'
and Father joined him in singing. Yeon Ah Nim (작은
연아님, Hyung Jin Nim's wife)
sang "임진강"
in Korean and Japanese. Then Father sang a song that he
improvised featuring "Geomundo."