The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 2012 |
Sun Myung Moon
March 27, 2012
King Garden, USA
March 6, H.C.
NOTE: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They
cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in
the future as an "official" publication of True Father's
words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit"
of the message. - Rev. Katsumi Kambashi (@lovintp in English) 무궁화가
하와이주를 대표하는
꽃인것을 아세요?
Hisbiscus, Rose of Sharon라고도
불린답니다 한국의 국화인
무궁화; 다함이없는꽃,
꽃 마치 ㅊㅂㅁㄴ의
칠전팔기노정을 닮았네요~
Hyung Jin Nim's tweet 14 hours ago
(Mar.27, 2012) Hyung Jin Nim's tweet 8 hours ago
(Mar.27, 2012) [From the Twitter account of International President Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim on March 27, Korea time.
Parents arrived at the King Garden after Father
welcomed Mother at the airport. Right after Father got
off from the car, he had Rev. Kihun Kim to do 'Og
Mansei for the Abel UN.' Then in the King garden, True
Parents stood hand-in-hand, Shin Deuk Nim stood behind
them, and Hyung Jin Nim, Shin Jun Nim, and Yeon Ah Nim
also stood hand-in-hand in front of True Parents. Then
Father said,
"We will do Mansei for
the Cain and Abel UNs, Mansei for True Parents, Mansei
for Hawaii and the assembly in Washington D.C. Do you
understand? This is being recorded. (Father checked
the recording machine.) As of now, the Abel UN hasn't
been announced yet. We have to say Mansei for the Abel
UN, Mansei for True Parents, Mansei for the Cain and
Abel UNs, Mansei for the East. West and True Parents,
and Mansei for the Blessed families in heaven and on
earth. (Then Father initiated Mansei as
위에 서 가지고
아담해와가 하나
완전히 일체 완성됨으로
말미암아 가인 아벨
세계가 갈라진 것을
통일선포하는 시간이
되어서 천지인 참부모가
중심이 되어가지고
가인 아벨 세계통일
만세 ('Mansei.')
천지인참부모 만세
땅을 통일한 하늘
땅의 일체이상 모든것을
해와가 되가지고
종결을 지을 수 있는
모든 천지의 통일적
통일 만세 ('Mansei.')
정착 안착 영원할지어다.
하나님 해방,
일체권 완전통일
일체완성 만세
Sit down. 모든
전부를 참부모 해방,
해방 유엔 발표한
그 위에서 보고하나이다.
받아 주시옵소서!
What Father basically proclaimed through Mansei was
"It is time to be able to proclaim the
unification of the Cain and Abel worlds that have been
separate, thanks to the unity and perfection of Adam
and Eve. Mansei for the unification of the Cain and
Abel worlds centering on True Parents, Mansei for
victorious True Parents of Heaven, Earth and
Humankind, Mansei for the unification of heaven and
earth that can conclude everything through Eve, Mansei
for the liberation of the God of Night and for the
perfected unification and the realm of the unity of
True Parents.")
Jin Nim made a report in Korean and the following are
Father was offering Jeongseong in Hawaii, Mother went
to Moo Chang Po (무창포)
where my elder brother Kook Jin had made a hotel,
called Beache Palace (http://www.beachepalace.co.kr).
He started to make condominiums there two years ago,
and this time 1,500 WFWPU leaders from the world got
together there to celebrate their 20th anniversary.
Mother gave her address at the opening ceremony, which
was a condensed version of Father's speech 천지인
참부모 정착 실체
말씀 선포 천주대회.
Before her speech, my elder brother Kook Jin gave
welcome remarks, in which he emphasized that women
must be strong enough to join the peace police and
peace army for world peace.
When we had the
Blessing ceremony and other events, world leaders came
to Korea (for Nuclear Security Summit which top
leaders from 57 nations and international
organizations joined) which symbolized the Cain world
joined the Abel world.
Within 5 years,
they say China will have the biggest army in the
world. They are not only making weapons, but also
aggressively going to the Pacific ocean. 5 years ago
In 2007, True Father, through his world tour, had
spoken about the settlement of the Abel UN and the
necessity of banding together all islands in the
region such as Taiwan, Japan, etc.
He also
mentioned the danger of Russia and China. Elder
brother Kook Jin is now promoting the national
campaign called 'Strong Korea.' Centering on Korea,
Japan, US and all islands in the region must be
together against the danger and establish the Abel UN,
which will open the era of the Pacific Rim Era."
following are some of Father's words at
"All things must get
together and become even (smooth). 平泰太平主王
(Katsumi: Father suddenly said these Chinese
characters and wrote them with his right hand in the
air). Today we are going over the number 6.After the
fall, God doesn't have 어머니
'wife'). 平泰太平主王
(Katsumi: Father seems to say the new title of God.
While writing, Father explained the meaning of each
Character as follows: 平
smooth), 泰
smooth), 主
) (Then he said again)平泰太平主王
body and my body are fundamentally different. Mine is
so sensitive. You need 8 hours of sleep but I am OK
without sleeping or eating."
his agenda book) "This is my personal agenda
book. I recorded here things I had thought about 50
years ago."
"God wasn't finished
with His creation. Individual perfection of the
creation (개인창조완성)
wasn't done yet. The Perfection of a couple wasn't
done yet. These must be done."
According to Prof. Tek Yong Oh posted on the web page
the proclamation above could be realized due to
Mother's victory on establishing Women's UN through
the 20th anniversary of WFWPU, which strengthened the
foundation of the Abel UN. This proclamation is also
meaningful in relation to D-Day when God's Blessing
ceremony will take place.)
Sharonとも呼ばれるそうです。韓国国花のムクゲ;尽きることがない花、死なない花、あたかも真の父母様の七転八起路程に似ています~ (日本語訳転載)
you know that "Mu gung hwa" is the representing flower of
the State of Hawaii? It is called "Hibiscus," or "Rose
of Sharon" in English. National flower of Korea, Mu gung hwa,
never ending flower, never lifeless flower. It is similar to the
course of seven deaths and eight resurrection (seven fall and eight
rise) of True Parents~
참어머님의 무창포
하고 있습니다 대회에
대하여 여성들이 강해져야하고
평화군과 평화경찰이
되어야하며 모든 아벨나라들이
하나가되어 천일국을
이루자는 말씀의 보고를
今回、真のお母様の武昌浦女性連合世界大会報告をしています。大会に対し女性たちが強くならなければならず、平和軍と平和警察になるべきで、すべてのアベル国が一つとなって、天一国を成し遂げようという御言の報告をしました。 (日本語訳転載)
report is being given about True Mother's work at the WFWP
international conference in Muchangpo, Korea. It was said in the
report that women must become members of the Peace Military and Peace
Police and that all Abel nations must become as one so as to bring
about Cheon Il Guk.
훈독회 천국은 마음과
몸이 일치된 곳에서
시작이 됩니다. 그
한 곳을 맞이하는 것이
천국의 시작 점입니다.
천국은 종말세계를
중심으로 오느것이 아니라
세상을 이긴 '마음'에서
오는 것입니다.(1) 아무리
물질적으오 풍부한 환경이
와도 천국이 와도 그것을
내가 알지못하면 나에게는
천국이 오지 않은것과
같습니다 그러므로 천국을
유지할수있는 곳이 환경이
아니라 내 마음입니다,
今日の訓読会 天国は心と体が一致したところで始まるようになります。その一つの所を迎えることが天国の開始点です。天国は終末世界を中心としていかなる「もの」ではなく世の中に勝った「心」から来るのです。(1) いくら物質的に豊富な環境が来ても、天国が来ても、それを私が知ることができなければ、私には天国が来ないのと同じです。したがって天国を維持することができる所が環境ではなく、私の心なのです。アジュ
(2) (日本語訳転載)
Hoon Dok Hoe: "Heaven begins in the place where there is unity
of mind and body. Finding that one place is the beginning point
toward the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven does not come
centered on the end of times. Instead, it comes from the mind that
has overcome today's world. (1) "Even if a person lives in
affluent surroundings, he will miss the Kingdom of Heaven if he fails
to recognize that Kingdom when it has arrived. So it is not our
surroundings that maintain the Kingdom. It is our minds." Aju