The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 2012 |
Sun Myung Moon
March 30, 2012
King Garden, USA
March 9, H.C.
NOTE: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They
cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in
the future as an "official" publication of True Father's
words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit"
of the message. - Rev. Katsumi Kambashi Mrs.
McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of
the Rev. Moon #46, titled "Joyful Workshop."
the reading, Mrs. McDevitt (천년바위),
Rev. Yang Hur (반달),
Mother (가고파),
True Parents (모내기
Santa Lucia), Hyung Jin Nim (If I can Dream), Rev.
Pyeong Rae Moon (돌아와요
sang songs. Father, again, earnestly listened to them
with his eyes closed. Rev. Man Eung Jo gave his
testimony, and Rev. Jeong Ok Yo prayed with tears,
which concluded the meeting that day.
following are Father's words given recently (posted on
the web page 통일교). "When
I see you, I am really worried about you. Thinking of
Foundation Day, I can't sleep at night, but you are
just thinking and worried about what to eat, what to
dress, and your family matters. I can't sleep thinking
how many of you I can bring with me to the Kingdom of
Heaven in the spirit world." (@lovintp in English) 오늘의훈독회
사랑은 나로부터다라고
이제껏 사탄이 가르쳐왔습니다.
하지만 사랑이라는
관계는 상대로부터옵니다.사랑은
극복을 필요로 하고
사랑은 희생을 원칙으로합니다.
부모의 사랑은
희생과 극복을 하여 주는
것으로만으로도 행복하기때문에
今日の訓読会 愛は私からと今までサタンが教えてきました。
Hoon Dok Hoe: "Satan has been teaching all this time: 'Love
begins with me'. The relationship called love, however, starts from
the partner. To love we must overcome. Sacrifice is the basic
principle of love. The love of parents is great, because happiness is
felt just by sacrificing and overcoming." Aju
トカゲをどのように考えますか? ご紹介するトカゲの名前は「ハワイアン
ケッコ!」 トカゲに対する偏見が変わるほど可愛いでしょう! 子供たちと素早く通りすぎるヤツをバナナの木で捕まえました~ そして家に帰してあげました^^~ (日本語訳転載)
do you think about a lizard? The name of the lizard which I will
introduce you is, "Hawaiian day Gecko!" He is so lovely to
change your bias to lizards, isn't he? I caught him passing by
quickly with my children under the banana tree~ And I sent him back
낚시갑니다. ㅎㄷㅎ로
시작된 새아침.
we will attend True Parents as they go fishing. The new morning
begins with Hoon Dok Hoe.
[From the Twitter account of International President Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim on March 30, Korea time