The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 2012 |
Sun Myung Moon
April 9, 2012
Cheon Hwa Gung
LasVegas, USA
March 19, H.C.
NOTE: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They
cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in
the future as an "official" publication of True Father's
words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit"
of the message. - Rev. Katsumi Kambashi Mrs.
McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons
of the Rev. Moon #47, titled
"Base for the Kingdom of Heaven." After the
reading, she sang "소양강
and the all brothers sang "진짜
Father continued to close his eyes listening earnestly
to the songs. Mr.
Gyeong Jin Yun from the US headquarters made a report
regarding Rev. In Jin Moon's great efforts in
educating 2nd gens. He was especially focused on her
"Generation Peace Academy," which was newly
developed from STF. (See
gpafamily.com) (On
Easter Sunday, True Parents, Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah
Nim, Shin Pyeon Nim, Rev. Yang and others had visited
Mt. Charleston. Peace TV put a video clip of their
visit there.) 를
맞이하고 장년기 노년기
성화를 맞이해야 남아지는것입니다
열의가치를 원하면
열이상의 희생을 해야하고
백의가치 를
원한다면 백이상의 희생을
할수있어야 하는것입니다.
그래야 승리의
기점을 이어받을수있는것입니다.
아주~ 訓読会 神様を中心として青年期を迎えて、壮年期、老年期、成和を迎えてこそ残るというのです。十の価値を望めば、十以上の犠牲を成さなければ ならず、百の価値を望むならば百以上の犠牲を成すことが出来なければならないのです。
アジュ~(K. Tanemori) Hoon Dok Hoe: "For us to remain,
we need to experience our years as a young
adult, our years in middle age and our
senior years centered on God, and reach
our seonghwa centered on God. If we
want to possess value in the amount of
ten, we will need to sacrifice in an
amount greater than ten, and if we want
to possess value in the amount of a
hundred, we will need to sacrifice in an
amount greater than a hundred. This is
the only way we can inherit the
beginning point of victory." Aju <P> [From the Twitter account of
International President Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim on April 9, 2012. Tongil
(@lovintp in English) 훈독회
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Mt. Charleston