The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 2012 |
Sun Myung Moon
April 24, 2012
Cheon Jeong Gung
March(2) 4, H.C.
NOTE: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They
cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in
the future as an "official" publication of True Father's
words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit"
of the message. - Rev. Katsumi Kambashi ”I gave a direction that all church
leaders must come to today's hoondokhae. The words you will
listen to through the meeting today is important, which will
enable you to become the representative who can make a new
start for a new era. You don't know the transitions of the
times. Nobody knows how heaven and earth have been progressing
on a daily basis. This place is the place of the Unification
Church. Chinese Character 數
Soo: to count) signifies a father centering on woman and three
stages. Which comes first: the world, woman or father? This
world of the three stages doesn't have a mother. People say
아버지 (Heavenly Father) but
they don't know 하나님
어머니 (Heavenly Mother).
People don't know the mathematical principle." (@lovintp)
나는 많은 죽을 고비를
신기하게도 내가
죽기를 각오하니 다
넘을 수 있었습니다.
내가 원하지도 않았는데
음식을 날라다 주는
역사가 많았습니다.
(1) (@lovintp in English) Today's Hoon Dok
Hoe: "I have been through many situations where I could have
died. Interestingly, I was able to pass through all these by making
my determination to die, if necessary. Many times, I would be facing
death and someone would bring me food, even though I never asked for
this. (1) After completing
an 11-hour Hoon Dok Hoe, True Parents took a brief stroll to view the
cherry blossoms around the Cheon Jeong Gung. We give thanks to our
True Parents for their hard work.
[From the Twitter account of
International President Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim on April 24, 2012. Tongil
唯人最貴 (만물지중
유인최귀: Among all
creation, human is the most valuable). Is this the teaching of
Buddhism or Confucianism? ('Confucianism.') Then what do they
say in Buddhism? They thought they could reach the state of
nirvana (해탈하다
/ 解脫하다)
without having God. Those are scary words. How about
Christianity? Christianity says father must find mother and
have the feast, in other words, a man must find a woman.
Then what does Islam (회회교
/ 回回敎)
say? They can move this way and that way (making circles with
his fingers) and so they do as they like. (Katsumi: 回
of 回回敎
which is 'Islam' in Chinese character means to
move around, and Father interprets the religion by the meaning
of this Chinese character)"
(Indicating his
speech title) "This title is not from me. 천지인
참부모 정착 (Firm
Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and
Humankind). How scary these words are. My previous calligraphy
was '天地父母天宙安息圈
Cosmic Realm of Sabbath of the Parents of Heaven and
"As of now, no Buddhist has reached
the state of nirvana. What is the meaning of 儒
/ Yu) of 儒敎
Confucianism)? It means people (人)
in the rain (雨)
who aren't sure if they do or not (而).
These are not the interpretations of Rev. Moon. Today, when I
draw the final conclusion, I will be liberated (오늘
총론적 결론을 내가
지어주어야, 내가
해방을 받아요)."
you were born, did you breathe in or breathe out? You don't
know this."
(Reading his calligraphy on the wall)
실체말씀선포 2010년
천력 5월
(Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven,
Earth and Humankind and the Proclamation of the Substantial
Word of God, 5.27 HC, 2012)' What season does this indicate?
It is spring. Today is the fourth day of the third month by
the heavenly calendar (3.4 HC). 3 X 4 makes 12. Parents (True
Father and True Mother) have the same birthday. How about the
wedding day? It is different. Why? Rev. Moon had it twice
before? I had been kicked out twice. Twice."
have been seeking for the establishment of Abel UN."
"There was a time when many people hated me
and wanted me to pass away quickly, but in the end it was they that
passed away. This is how I have come this far by sacrificing myself."