The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 2012 |
Sun Myung Moon
May 15, 2012
Cheon Jeong Gung
March(2) 25, H.C.
NOTE: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They
cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in
the future as an "official" publication of True Father's
words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit"
of the message. - Rev. Katsumi Kambashi "You
should know that this is the place where hoondokhae is
being held with heaven and earth. So you should bring
my speech every time you come here. Furthermore, it
would be better to read the speech at your home before
you come here. Members in the whole world must have
hoondokhae at the same time with True Parents.
Therefore, the time for it could be before dawn, in
the morning or in the evening in your place. We need
to have hoondokhae at the same time. Why? We need to
do it as one family and one nation. Do you understand?
So if it is at night time in your place (when True
Parents have hoondokhae at 5:00 a.m. wherever they
are), you must hold hoondokhae even without sleeping.
True Parents (God) in heaven and True Parents on earth
are together at hoondokhae where we read parents;'
words, and so all need to join together. Do you
understand? Everything adjusts itself to the direction
where the sun is. You
have to adjust your hoondokhae to True Parents'.
Practicing it signifies that we live together, see
together, and hear together with True Parents. Then
Satan can't participate with you, who are different in
blood lineage. In your whole life starting in the
mother's womb, how much aligned with True Parents you
are (is important). When children become three years
old and they know what time they had hoondokhae
yesterday, they can usually know when they will have
it today." "You
should know the language of God's fatherland. If ever
possible, we should educate OSDP in Korean, the
parents' language. (If you study hard) 7, 8 years will
be enough to fully communicate in Korean." "By
having hoondokhae at the same time as True Parents do,
one sees with True Parents, listens with True Parents,
feels with True Parents, and lives with True Parents.
Your meeting should be finished within one hour and 20
minutes. If you have too much material to read, cut
them off and be finished within one hour and 20
minutes. You might share some testimonies and songs
during the meeting, which you do as if you were
sharing them with all members in the world (since we
do it at the same time no matter where we are). By
doing this, (we can say) the whole world, as one
family, lives with and attends to parents, and then
the languages of the world will be unified within 7, 8
years." "'천지인참부모정착
Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and
Humankind)' is everything to be done. Then 실체말씀.
Who is 실체
Due to True Parents, the perfection of the Creator and
His will have been realized in the realm of daily
life. What is 실체?
(This speech is the record of) how True Parents lived.
Why 천주대회?
Heaven and earth is of one family. The whole cosmos is
one's house and God's house." (Indicating
his speech)
"This is my life. (이것이
By 74 pages (which also means 'by the age of 74') I
have done what I should do by my age of 100." (@lovintp) 오늘의
훈독회 죽는것은 무엇이냐?
공기중에서 태 안에서
헤엄치고다니며 사는
것과 마찬가지입니다.
살고 있는 것입니다.
별다를 것이 아니라 제
3의 인생으로
출생하는 갓입니다.
그 순간이
죽는 시간입니다.
(@lovintp in English) Today's Hoon Dok
Hoe: "What does it mean to die? While we are alive on earth, it
is as if we are swimming in a womb surrounded by air. We are living
in a womb of air. To die is nothing special. It simply means that we
are born into the third stage of our lives. The moment of that birth
is the moment that we die." Aju
[From the Twitter account of
International President Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim on May 15, 2012. Tongil