The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 2012 |
Sun Myung Moon
June 7, 2012
Cheon Hwa Gung
Las Vegas, USA
April 18, H.C.
37 years ago today, TP's called for 60 nations young Unificationists for "The World Rally for Korean Freedom" in Seoul. Over 1.2 million people gathered and listened TF's mesage.
NOTE: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. - Rev. Katsumi Kambashi
Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of Rev. Moon volume 52, titled "What the Unification Church will solve on Earth Succeeding to the Responsibility of Jesus."
"The mission of a woman is to follow her husband. She must be for the sake of her husband. The ideal of the Garden of Eden will disappear otherwise. Man, woman, family, and heaven and earth, all will disappear."
"My grandfather, Chi Gook Moon (문치국/ 文致國) knew 삼국지 (三國志: History of Three States, Chinese history from 180 AD to 280 AD when three states fought against each other) very well though he didn't know any Chinese character nor Korean alphabets.”
"Among my relatives, four people were killed and two were injured by tigers."
"The capital of Goguryeo was 한성 (Hanseong)" (Katsumi: 한성 was one of the three major cities of Goguryeo together with Pyeong Yang and Kook Nae Seong. However, it is usually said Pyeong Yang was the capital of the country.)
(Looking at Shin Pyeon Nim in Mother's arms) "The time has come when I can love my grandchildren." (Then Father held him tight and kissed him.)
(@lovintp) 오늘의 훈독회 잃어버린것을 찾기위해서는 그것을잃어버린 곳으로찾아가야합니다.그래서 하나님은 에덴동산에서 잃어버렸던 한남자한여자를 다시찾아세우기를원하셨습니다.어린양잔치를 원하셨다는것입니다. 인류의 시초가 행복한 가정을 이루기를 바라셨다는 것입니다 아주
(@lovintp in English) Today's Hoon Dok Hoe: "To find that which was lost, we need to go to the place where it was lost. God has wanted to find and establish the one man and one woman He lost in the Garden of Eden. He has desired to have the Marriage Feast of the Lamb. He wanted a happy family to be formed at the beginning point of humanity." Aju
방송된 축복영상입니다.
잘 드러나 있습니다.^^윤가원님자료감사합니다
?@lovintp - TF saw the >BritishTV dodumentary on blessing. He was very much proud of our 2nd gen' attitude on blessing! thank you~
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The following is the information posted on the web page 통일교.
The Sunghwa ceremony and Wonjeon ceremony were held on 4. 18 HC (June 7, 2012) in Korea for the chairman Seung Ryong Moon who had ascended on 4. 15 HC (June 4, 2012.) He was born on April 3, 1921 and was always together with Father during his childhood. He was Blessed as one of the 36 Couples, and served consecutively as the factory chief of the Unification Industry, the president of Korean Titanium, vice-chairman of the Foundation, and so on. In 1996, he was assigned as the National Messiah for Burundi, and recently he was settled in Geomundo following Father's direction.
Her daughter Rev. Seon Hee Moon from Geomundo (in the white robe on the photo at Wonjeon ceremony) said that day "I am truly thankful for my father who absolutely followed True Father's direction that three generations of a Moon family must live in Geomundo. Our family promises with you here that we will inherit the tradition of the faith that my father showed us," and expressed her gratitude to the Korean HQ which prepared the ceremony for her family. Below is the link to the photos taken that day.
문승룡회장님 원전 성화식이 있었습니다. 참부모님의 사촌이시며 한평생 참부모님 곁에서 굿은 일을 맡으시고, 외로우실때는 벗이 되어주신 귀하고 고귀한 문회장의 성화를 위해 경건히 기도합니다. 아주아주아주~
@lovintp in English) The Wonjeon Seunghwa Ceremony was held for Mr. Seung Ryong Moon. He is True Father's cousin, who stood by Father's side his entire life. He took on the difficult tasks. When Father has lonely, he served as his friend. We reverently offer our prayers for the Seunghwa of the precious and noble President Moon. Aju Aju Aju [From the Twitter account of International President Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim on HC 3.4.18 (June 7, 2012)]