The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 2012 |
Sun Myung Moon
June 18, 2012
Cheon Jeong Gung
April 29, H.C.
참아버님과 참어머님! 몇시간 서로 못보셔도 보고 싶으신 우리 참부모님
(@lovintp in English) True Father and True Mother! True Parents long to see each other even they are separated for only a few hours!
환영하시는 참부모님
(@lovintp in English) True Parents welcome 15-day-old Shin Ju Nim (Kook Jin Nim's family).
NOTE: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They
cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in
the future as an "official" publication of True Father's
words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit"
of the message. - Rev. Katsumi Kambashi Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermon of the Rev.
Moon volume 52, titled "One God and One Worldwide
Religion." "In the Garden of Eden, parents thought of the younger
brother more than the elder one. To block the love of mother and
father to the younger brother, the elder brother killed him. (Father
whistled.) 부모를
활용 안했습니다.
You must know that. How can the elder kill the younger when
their parents are there?" "(Cain and Abel) should have received the blood lineage of
their grandfather (God) but instead they received it from their
grandfather's brother (Lucifer). Their grandfather's brother
should have attended to his elder brother and his wife." "Who can interpret my hidden secrets? It is only One
God, Which is the God of Night, and even the God of Day doesn't know
them. Nobody knows. My parents, brothers and sisters,
don't know them either." (@lovintp) 오늘의
훈독회 하나님이 제일
좋아하시는 것은 사랑의
문화입니다. 성경의
밀씀대로 네마음과 성품과
뜻을 다하여 주 너의
하나님을 사랑하라
하셨으니 그것이 첫째
계명이요, 둘째는
네 이웃을 네몸같이
(@lovintp in English) Today's Hoon Dok Hoe: "God likes more
than anything a culture of love. As it is written in the Bible, Jesus
said: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all
your soul and with all your mind. This is the frist commandment. And
the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.' These are
amazing words." Aju [From the Twitter account of
International President Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim on June 18, 2012. Tongil
네팔보고 네팔의 장관이
된 네팔협회장 에크나핫에
대한보고를 받으시며
크게 기뻐하시는
(@lovintp in
English) True Father reacts with great joy to a report from
Rev. Yong Jeong Shik, continental president for Asia, about Ek
Nath Dhakal, national leader of Nepal, becoming a minister in
the cabinet of Nepal.