"We thought that spirits lived in spirit world"

Dae Mo Nim
July 14, 2012
Cheong Pyeong, Korea

by David Carlson

“Good morning, everyone. Even though the weather is not good, or very enjoyable, still many people came, so I would like to express my gratitude to all of you. Some people have come to Cheongpyeong (CP) for the first time, so I am going to explain about the chanyang session (cys). Even some members do not understand about it so well. We thought that spirits lived in spirit world (SW).


Even I thought like that. But I can see spirits inside of us. Also, as ghosts they wander around the SW and PW. We thought that we only had our ("my") spirit in our (my) body. But, as I see us, in our bodies are not good spirits but evil spirits (ES) filled with resentment and hatred. These are inside, filling us up fully. These ES came to us, to release their resentment and grudge. As they got harm from our ancestors, they want to hurt us, but even more. Of all the diseases and problems we suffer, 90% are spiritual in nature.


Lots of the pain and suffering we have in life, much of it is related to a spiritual reason (ES) and some are not. Of the problems in our body, some is spiritual and some is physical. When I see disabled people, many of those disabilities have a spiritual reason. Of depression and mental diseases, 100% are from a spiritual reason. In our lives, ES are dominating and controlling our hearts and minds. Without removing them, we cannot remove fallen nature. ES are expressing their resentment from the injury they received. They are giving us a very hard time.


For 24 hours, of all things happening to us, most are caused by a spiritual reason. Without removing ES from the physical body, we cannot be happy or at peace. After the fall of AE we became ignorant. If there had been no fall, we would not be like this. When I see you spiritually, you would all be the same, if the fall had not happened. People cannot see spiritually very well. People don't know how to remove ES or how to make them into AGS. TPs are the savior, the Messiah. Until now, TPs have made many conditions, they have made the training center in the SW, so that ES can be made into AGS. AGS resemble God; ES resemble Satan.


After creating the world, G created human beings in the final stage/s. If no fall, then no problems. No greed, anger, jealousy, etc. They would only live life with TLove. That is how G created us with love at the time of creation. That was the method of G's creation. Lucifer understood this, but he made Eve fall. Lucifer did it through his excessive desire and greed. Also, there was a lack of love. He made Eve fall, and Adam fall. This is Osin. AE gave to their children sins, more and more. All of us have fallen nature, collective sin, individual sin, etc. SW does exist.


Today, I went to SW, found your ancestors and brought them here. When we go to SW, we will go to that place matching the quality of our physical life.  Some people live 60, 70, 80 years. As we line in the PW, our physical body embraces our spiritual body. Our spirit becomes healthy if we live a good physical life. When PB and SB separate at the time of our death; we call it Seunghwa. The physical self goes to the soil; the spiritual self to the SW according to the shape of our spirit self. If our spirit is wearing a red color, you would go to a red place. If wearing a blue color, you would go to a blue color place. You go where you "belong." People should live with TLove, and LFSO. But they lived with selfishness, anger, etc. They live in the SW in the same place, with selfishness, anger, jealousy, hatred, etc. That is called hell. We cannot find love there.


That is what hell is about. We may think that "my grandmother (for ex.) lived a good life, and that she can go to heaven, or maybe Paradise. But, when I began CP works, there were no AGS; all were ES, and all were living in hell. As we live in this world centering on Christian culture, for 40 days after death (in Buddhism it is 49 days after death) a ceremony is offered. But, what this means is: for 40 days the spirit has that time to go to its home. But that is so difficult to do in SW. So, it takes 40 days. The SW trandscends time/space.


If you think about the USA, many places, etc. that situation will arise. So, in the 40 days after shedding the PB, you have to go to your home. During those 40 days it is not easy to find your home in SW. Those spirits who go, even after living a good life, there are spirits already in SW who hit them and beat them. If they are able to come even close to their home, they get hit and beaten, so they must go back. So it takes 40 days. If you can enter your house within 40 days you are very fortunate. If you do not enter within 40 days, the door of the SW will be closed and you will be locked out.


You will become a wandering spirit. You might rent a house in this physical world, or buy one if you have saved lots of money. But you might borrow money to do so, and pass the debt to your descendants. Similar in SW. Our SW home is decided by all of our physical world behavior. You cannot easily find it. Nor will you find your home, your nation, etc.

You will end up a wandering spirit. If you go to your descendants house, it doesn't help.  If you happen to "touch" your descendants, you can give them disease and suffering.

They want to come out of their difficulty in life. But you may go there, and so you go to your descendants and give them harm. And you are like a wandering spirit. We think earthly life is important, and we center on greed, jealousy, anger, etc. We try to live life for "me," and as time passes by... We need to know something: even people who live together in the physical world don't understand, but everything is painted on our spirit self. We think people don't know about our evil behaviors, so we feel safe.


But it all becomes revealed in the SW. Even a wife does not know about what her husband has done. But it will all be revealed in the SW. So, when you go to SW, "I lived this (good) way and that (good) way, but the record of your life is there so you cannot lie. Also, there is no freedom in the SW. At the time of seunghwa, those ES inside of us, come out first, before the separation of our PB and SB. And they stand by the photo of the person. When you go and sit there, those ES grab us, and pull us here and there, and then finally put us inside the body of our descendants. 


So, diseases, like stomach cancer and atope, or mental illness, is caused. People will be mentally ill, or become.... The suffering becomes larger and larger. We are living according to the result of our ancestors. This is our life. We don't understand about SW. but people still naturally think and wonder about that. "Because of your hard life, we have this bad fortune." We even talk to God and to our ancestors like that. Even now, religious people talk like that. If it is hot and there is no rain, they will blame G for it.  People blame God. People beg G to resolve a situation.


TPs are Messiah. Can we say with confidence that "I am a member of the UC?" If there is lots of persecution, can we be confident to say that? ES in us would also like to receive joy. So, we have CPW. In CPS you do for your head, etc. 2 days ago I went to Japan and people came and did ansoo on their heads, etc. They worked very hard. All diseases coming from our mind, have a mental and spiritual reason. If you don't have good posture of the body, you will have bad blood circulation, etc. With bad posture disease can be made. If the backbone is bent, the liver can be affected, etc. If a child bends over on a chair, other parts can be affected. The function of the lungs is not good if one's posture is poor. In chanyang session your posture can be improved.


 Many nerves are dying and even the brain parts should fit well. If they don't fit well, bad things may arise inside, and there can soon be many problems. The chanyang session is very scientific and based on medicine. If nerves are old, won't work well; at the end of the neck is a big projecting bone. If it is too big, it is not good. When you hit it it can help. Hit the projecting bone part. For a herniated disc, the blood vessels have poor circulation. The blood vessels can be blocked or clogged. The toes, the hips, you can heal a herniated disc. The projecting bone, if it is hit well, the neck can be improved. Many diseases appear during physical life. Blood must be healthy, posture healthy, these can be improved gradually. Your intestines should have a healthy pink color, but not the color is grey due to many toxins. If you look inside of the intestine, there is a lot of inflammation. All those things I can see.


When you do chanyang session, all toxins can come out through the urine. It is not easy to clean the intestines completely. The fat existing around the intestines is so much. Even an operation or medicine cannot remove it well. But your hands are medical tools given by God, and as you hit all the fat can be removed.  Do you believe what I am saying? (yes) This chanyang session is so good to do. But it is not easy to utilize. In the outside world, there are more and more mental hospitals and people with mental problems, and atope. This is increasing.  But in the UC atope and mental problems are decreasing.  Bad thoughts, bad behaviors, etc. will be removed.


Hereditary sin, sexual sin, bad habits can be removed. With a good chanyang session, ES will come out. If you have lots of ES, those who first come out will go to your descendants and make hereditary disease. With the chanyang session, they will become AGS and you will have help when you go to look for your house in SW. 2013.1.13 we are looking forward! July 16 TPs are coming and they will speak to us at the world peace center. If you are children of TPs, WA is very important.


TPs are Messiah,, and they want to give heavenly fortune to all people, and open the door to more heavenly fortune. This heart of TPs; so we need to do WA (witnessing activities).  Some of you are here at CP for the first time. You came from other areas. First come, and study more. Without going through TPs, cannot remove Osin. TPs, True Prophet, True Messiah. All evil forces centering on Satan are opposing TPs.  Please understand DP and about TPs well.


 Please work hard. So far, I have removed ES causing  fallen nature, anger, greed, hatred, immorality, and arrogance. Today, I will remove those ES causing greed from you. Hit well from head to toe. Other ES will be removed, of course,  but if you have greed you cannot live well. Today, there are lots of members with greed, so I gave the instruction,  and those ES will be removed. Don't think that you don't have greed. Life in this physical world is not easy, but as you work  well in chanyang session, we can improve and become a happy family. Please become filial children before our TPs. I will close here.  Thank you.