The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 2012

"True Parents in Korea"

Sun Myung Moon
July 23, 2012
Cheon Jeong Gung
June 5, H.C.

True Parents cutting the cake for victory of Peace Cup
2012년의 피스컵대회를 2등이라는 우수한 성적을 거둔 일화축구팀을 ㅊㅂㅁㄴ께서 저녁에 초청을 해주셨습니다~참아버님께서는 "하나로 단결해서 휙날라와요~"하고 일화침에게 축복을 주셨습니다~
(@lovintp in English) True Parents have invited to dinner the Ilhwa football team that accomplished the excellent result of second place in the 2012 Peace Cup tournament. True Father blessed the team, saying, "Unite as one and fly through the air".

NOTE: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. - Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

The Victory Celebration of 2012 Peace Cup and Cheon Jeong Gung Hoondokhae (June, 25 by Heavenly Calendar (July, 23))

On June 25th by Heavenly Calendar (July 23th), there was a victory celebration of 2012 Peace Cup and hoondokhae with trainees from Asia continent centering on True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind.


The victory celebration and hoondokhae was conducted by Dr. Joonho Seuk as a M.C, and after True Parents entered in hoondokhae room, it was followed by celebration cake cutting, flower presentation by Chief. and Ms. Kyunam Park, and hoondokhae by Ms. Wonjoo Jeong.


The Communism centers on the labor and the farmer. It is the bottom. It rallies the lower part, lower classes, the labor and the farmer, Now the Satan has come down to the understructure. If he gets expelled from there, he has no place to go, Since he has nowhere to go and he can’t be served by human, he tries to make that God can’t be served by the ism of “There is no God, no Divinity…”(True Father’s speech vol. 54, page 244)


After the hoondokhae, True Father gave lots of words that “…in the world where we are free to do, how can we do things freely without knowing heaven, earth, and Satan? Without knowing them, how can we do as our will? Where are the mind and the body? It will be hard to find the mind, the true mind and the fake mind. Do you guys have the mind? You have two minds. The mind which protects me should not be two. It should not be eternal. Do you know where the mind which protects you goes around and which town it lives in? Thanks to our ancestors’ efforts, the mind and body are one, and the mind is the owner which protects me…”  


The victory celebration and hoondokhae was finished at 9:58 am as True Parents left the hoondokhae room.



True Parents entering the hoondokhae room



True Parents with the Victory Cake

Flower presentation by Chief. and Ms. Kyunam Park


Vow to True Parents


Sight of hoondokhae


True Father giving words

(@lovintp) 훈독회 자연과 사람을 사랑할줄 알아야된다는 것입니다.사람을 자연을사랑하지못하는사람은 ㅎㄴㄴ을 사랑할수 없다는걸 알아야된다는것입니다. 만물은 ㅎㄴㄴ의 상징적 존재,인간은 실체적존재이기때문에 만물과 인간을 사랑할줄 아는사람은 ㅎㄴㄴ을 사랑하게 되는것입니다

(@lovintp in English) Hoon Dok Hoe: "We must know how to love nature and people. We need to understand that a person who cannot love people and nature is also not able to love God. All things in creation are symbolic existences of God and human beings are substantial existences of God, so a person who loves nature and human beings also comes to love God."

[From the Twitter account of International President Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim on July 23, 2012. Tongil Foundation]


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