The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 2012 |
Sun Myung Moon
August 12, 2012
Cheon Jeong Gung
June 25, H.C.
NOTE: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. - Rev. Katsumi Kambashi
(@lovintp) 훈독회 사람은 사랑을 중심으로하신 하나님의 이미지로 만들어 졌습니다 그렇기에 결국은 자신만을 위해,자신의 가정만을위해, 물질만을위해 사는삶은 한정이 있는 것입니다 성일입니다.오늘도 예배드리는 모든식구님들의 마음에 평화와 용서가 있기를 기도합니다.아주~
(@lovintp in English) Hoon Dok Hoe: Human beings are created in the image of God, who is centered on love. So ultimately, there is a limit to a life lived for oneself, for one's own family, or for material alone. Today is a holy day. Today, too, I pray that peace and forgiveness may be in the hearts of all shikunims who worship. Aju
[From the Twitter account of International President Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim on August 12, 2012. Tongil Foundation]