The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 2012 |
Sun Myung Moon
August 20, 2012
St. Mary's Hospital
July 3, H.C.
(@lovintp) 오늘의
훈독회 나가는 행보행보마다
아버님이 권고해 주시옵고
아버님이 동행하는 사실을
알게 하시어서 전체의
모든 결과를 당신과 같이
느끼면서 내일의 희망에
벅찬 가슴을 안고 개척자의
사명과 (1)
즐거움을 찬양해 나갈줄
아는 이가 되게하여
참부모님억만세 찬양을
올립니다. 하나님
앞에 죄인일수밖에
없는 저희에게 삶의
희망을 주시고 용서를
주신 참부모님 쾌유를
위해 기도 드립니다
아주아주 아....주 (@lovintp in English)
Today's Hoon Dok Hoe: "Let us receive Father's counsel
with each step we take. Let us know that Father walks with us each
step of the way. Let us become people who feel the results of all the
work together with You. Let us become people whose bosoms are filled
with hope for tomorrow as we go forward with the mission of the
pioneer and the joy of the pioneer... We offer praises of Ok mansei
to True Parents and their eternal reign of peace. We offer our prayer
for the quick recovery of True Parents, who have put hope into our
lives and given us forgiveness, even though we are sinners in the
presence of God. Aju Aju A....ju" [From the Twitter account of
International President Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim on August 20, 2012. Tongil