The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 2012

The World Membership Offers Jeongseong

September 06. 2012
Cheon Jeong Gung and Cheongshim Peace World Center
July 20, H.C.



The period to give our condolence began today, Sep 6th in CP. A large number of members started to gather at CP training center. Since 50,000 people are expected to come, the road to CP training center, which has been under construction, was specially paved for the guests from abroad. The police stated to control the traffic.

On this
first day, True Parents’relatives and elders were blessed to have a chance to attend True Parents at CCG. This morning at 8 o’clock, True Parents’ relatives, 36 family members and regional directors gathered at World Pease Center to go up to CCG where True Father’s Holy Body is. The Altar of Universal Seonghwa Ceremony for True Father was covered by flowers and flowers of condolence from the President of Korea and other nation worldwide were decorating the Altar. After offering flower to True Father in front of the Altar, we all visited CCG by bus to offer our attendance and love for True Parents.

room where True Father’s Holy Body has been kept is the Big HDH room and was filled with serene and sacred atmosphere. True Father is in the holy robe which was used for the honorable entry to CCG in 2006. On True Father’s head, the crown of the King of Kings of Peace was shining brightly. True Mother was sitting beside true Father as usual in white Korean traditional wear, Chima Chogori, and received our condolences. Kook Jin Nim and his wife with Jyeong Jin Nim received our greetings on the left side of the coffin.

We all could not help but
shedding with sorrow and deep appreciation. True Father has been our life and all. We never forget His total dedication to God and limitless True Love for all humankind. The Truth He disclosed is eternal and His heart was filled with the heart to console His father: God. Keeping our personal memories in mind, we gave our bow to True Father from the bottom of our heart.

This period of condolence will
continue till 13th, and the Universal Seonghwa Ceremony will be conducted on 15th.

True Mother is scheduled to speak to members on 17th morning

Note from Dr. Katsumi Otsuka


True Father, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon ascended to the Spirit World at 92 years old. His sacred body is displayed at Cheon Jung Gong Peace Palace, Cheong Pyeong Village, Korea.


Tongil Foundation

True Father's physical body is being viewed in a large room on the third floor of Cheon Jeong Gung. It is placed in a glass case on top of three decks of red, white and yellow roses. He is dressed in gold and red.

After people pay their respects at the altar set up in Cheongshim Peace World Center, they make their way up the hill to the Cheon Jeong Gung to honor Father directly.

They enter the room in groups of about 50. First, they offer a kyoungbae, and then pray silently for a minute. Then they are invited to take a couple steps forward for a final look. After that, they greet the True Family and exit the room.

Tables and chairs are set up in an anteroom to serve refreshments to senior government officials and other important guests.

Kook Jin Nim sat down with several of those guests. To each of them he said, "We have a beautiful church in Yongsan, called Cheon Bok Gung. I hope you will come see it sometime."

He told them how much Father loves Korea. Father's vision for Korea is that it becomes a country that will lead the way toward freedom and democracy in the world, he said.

When speaking with government officials, he explained that the government's relationship to the people should be similar to that of the Archangel's relationship with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. If the government tries to become the master of the people, he told them, it is falls into the position of Satan.

When speaking with members of Korea's National Assembly, he explained it is Father's desire that Korea become militarily stronger and that it form a defense alliance with Japan and strengthen its alliance with the United States. Father makes clear this is the only way peace can be preserved in Northeast Asia, he said.

When speaking with leaders in Korea's financial community, he said the Unification Church theology offers a religious foundation for Korea, or any other country, to become strong and prosperous.



Tongil Foundation

It didn't really hit me until this morning, when I walked up the steps to the Cheongshim Peace World Center and saw two giant banners with True Father's portraits hanging on each side of the main entrance.

The first day of receiving well-wishers at the World Center is off to a good start. Members of the True Family are taking turns greeting guests, with the International President's couple taking the first two-hour shift.

People are coming in an orderly fashion. The Korea UC headquarters yesterday sent out a schedule showing each region when they should come. Members of the 36-Couple Blessing and other senior couples were the first to pay their respects starting at 8 am.

A flower arrangement with a ribbon showing the name of President Lee Myung Bak sits stage right.



[From the Twitter account of International President Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim on September 6, 2012. Tongil Foundation]


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