Clarification of Education Requirement for Blessing Participants

| December 20 2012

December 20, 2012

Memo: BFD 2012-12-18

Dear District and Local Pastors, Community Leaders, Blessed Families and Children;

As we prepare for the February 17, 2013 Cosmic Blessing Ceremony before Foundation Day, our pastors and families are naturally concerned to help matched candidates and applicants for the Cheon Il Guk matching to complete the educational requirements necessary to participate. We wish to once again explain the targeted, three-level Blessing education system and clarify what is required, and how it can be received.

For couples already matched, the only Blessing education required is a Level 3 Workshop - “Start Smart” for couples. The best way to experience this is as a couple. We recommend that couples join one of the national seminars presented by relationship experts John Williams and Debby Gullery, supported by Rev. Schanker or other experienced Blessing educators. These are for both First and Second Generation couples, and are scheduled December 28-30 at UTS in Barrytown, NY and January 19-21 at the Bay Area Family Church in San Leandro, CA. District 3 has also organized a 6-week small group study program for Level 3. See Memo BFM 2012-12-17 for details about these programs. Couples seeking to be Blessed February 17 who are unable to participate in one of these programs should fulfill all other requirements, and submit a letter indicating their willingness to complete the Level 3 program within 8 months after the Blessing.

Blessed Children who wish to apply for the Cheon Il Guk Standard Matching, which will be held February 12-14, 2013 in Korea under True Parents’ guidance, should participate in a 1-day preparation seminar scheduled for January 5 at the Learning Center at 4 W. 43rd Street, New York, NY. Participants who cannot attend in person may participate via Internet. Details regarding the Cheon Il Guk Standard matching, qualifications and how to participate will follow immediately in a separate memo.

The three-level Blessing education is designed to appropriately target specific age groups, situations and needs. Rather than think of these programs as “requirements,” we believe participants will discover what many who’ve already attended have- they are engaging, interactive and relevant programs that help answer both spiritual and practical questions. The following describes each program’s focus and target audience:

Level 1: “The Ideal of the Blessing”

Designed for those aged 16 and above, who simply want a basic understanding of the Blessing.

This program introduces the original ideal of the Blessing and focuses on personal maturity and character development. It investigates the nature of true love vs. infatuation, why not date, why arranged marriage, and encourages each participant to consider their life goals and how to best prepare themselves for marriage.

Level 2: “Becoming an Ideal Partner”

Designed for those aged 18 and above, and is required before beginning the matching process.

This program considers the value of lineage and the meaning of the Blessing, and helps participants consider whether they are ready and when to begin. It explains the matching process and how to prepare for it: communication with parents, making a plan, etc.

Level 3: “Start Smart” for Couples

Designed for matched couples, and is required before participating in the Blessing.

This program reviews the meaning of lineage and the value of the Blessing, introduces relationship skills, and addresses issues such as understanding and dealing with gender and faith differences. It considers the holiness and intimacy of sex in a Blessed marriage, and helps prepare couples for Blessed Family life.

Remember that Level 2 is designed to prepare candidates for the matching process, and is not a requirement for couples who are already matched. Likewise, candidates 18 and older who are planning to enter the matching process are not required to complete Level 1, but are welcome to participate if they wish, to help prepare themselves individually.

While we encourage Levels 1 and 2 to be organized locally, the Level 3 couples program is best facilitated by experienced relationship educators at this stage. However, Districts or communities interested in organizing a Level 1, 2 or 3 program of their own can contact the National BFM at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . We will provide material and support. For more information about the small group Level 3 curriculum in New Jersey contact Nina Jewell at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

May God abundantly bless you and your family,

Dr. Michael Balcomb
Executive Vice President

Rev. Phillip Schanker
Blessed Family Ministry