A Time to be United, Inside and Out

On July 1, 2014 True Mother gave her bi-monthly Hoon Dok Hae to Unificationists at the Cheon Jeong Gung in Cheongpyeong, Korea. During this time, True Mother announced the appointment of Sun-jin Moon, her fifth daughter who is married to In-sup Alexander Park, as the director-general of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification.

There is no distinction made between the children of the True Parents based on their sex. You can become a central figure depending on the extent of your unity with True Parents. God created the heavens and the earth, then Adam and Eve, and then said that it was good to behold. When True Father named our children, each name had a meaning. I gave my sons a period of three years to show their unity with True Parents.

I will talk about appointing my daughter, Sun-jin Moon as the director-general of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU) International Headquarters. My daughter truly recognizes the devotion and hard work of the first generation among the blessed families (a family that received the True Parents’ blessing in marriage at a Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony is called a blessed family) in our Unification family. In all respects, there is still much to be fulfilled in their responsibilities to meet the extent desired by Heaven. Nevertheless, my daughter recognizes and appreciates the fact that they did the best they could, in their own way, in attending True Parents during those difficult times. My daughter is one who would say, “Are not the children of True Parents, the first-generation and second-generation Unificationists, all children in front of True Parents? First-generation Unificationists are also True Parents’ children. As a direct child of True Parents, I am younger; first-generation Unificationists are older; therefore, I shall treat them with respect like an elder brother.”

My daughter makes effort to live up to the principle of true love, of living for the sake of others, without being attached to her position. That is why I appointed her to the position of director-general to assist me during this period. Are there any objections?

God’s only begotten daughter

There are now only forty-two days left until the second anniversary of True Father’s Seonghwa, counting from today. What goes on in your mind while you prepare for the second anniversary? Do you know True Parents? If you wish to stand as a blessed family that meets the standard Heaven desires, you have a long way to go. This entails responsibility. Are you all making your utmost effort right now, regardless of whether you assume a public responsibility? Once again please bow your heads, your mind and body united, and repent before Heaven. Please purify your mind and body once again. I wish to forgive you once again as of today as we have not yet met Heaven’s standard collectively. [Two years ago, I asked you to drop all the lawsuits? Yet, what did you do?] In my heart I am ashamed and sorry that we still have not met Heaven’s standard and we are coming so close to the second anniversary of True Father’s Seonghwa.

Do you know True Parents? In particular, do you know True Mother? After Adam and Eve fell, Heaven could not just wait idly for Heavenly Parent’s lost children. What I mean is that our Heavenly Parent went on a course to remove the conditions for Satan’s accusations. How difficult and miserable was this course! What happened to Heaven’s stature within this satanic world where Satan, the devil, ruled as king? Despite all this, God chose a race of good people and raised them up for four thousand years. Aren’t we all well aware of this providential history through the Bible and the Divine Principle? Are you aware of the hardships Heaven had to go through for Jesus Christ, the only begotten son, to be born in a position free from the conditions of Satan’s accusations? God’s only begotten son was to create a nation. If the people of Israel at that time had united with him, they would have obtained a nation and could have advanced in the world beyond Rome. He should have become the True Parents. Yet, what happened to the people of Israel and those of the Jewish faith who failed their responsibility at that time?

God found and established the position of His only begotten son after four thousand years; this position remains intact. That is why Jesus said he would return. Then wouldn’t there also have been the only begotten daughter of God? Did God create only Adam? He created Adam and Eve. If the only begotten son of God existed in the history of the providence of restoration, there also should be the only begotten daughter of God. Wouldn’t there have been such a providential history? There was. We learned from the Divine Principle that when a central figure chosen by Heaven fails his responsibility, he is replaced. The only begotten daughter of God was not sent through Israel. The omniscient and omnipotent God cannot fail. He has been nurturing His only begotten daughter. Satan was the king of this world. Thus, God has been searching among the good royal families and royal realm within the satanic world. This is something you must understand.

I, the True Mother, sitting before you today, am the only begotten daughter of God born after six thousand years! (Aju.) This can be explained; I have all the proof here. When I was born, Satan tried to kill me. Through my birth Satan would die. So he was intent on killing me. This means that Heaven has been guiding providential history for six thousand years through the Han (Korean) race. Why does the word “han” appear in Daehanminguk (Korea)? In providential history, the Han dynasty is the owner of Asia. They are the race from the East, the Korean race. God chose this race and raised them.

He promised to send a son of Heaven through my family. I am sure you have heard this story about grandfather Han-jun Jo. Heaven ended up sending a daughter of Heaven instead of a son of Heaven because of three brass coins. Do you know that story? This is not a legend but is a fact. It is less than a hundred years since Christianity took root in Korea. After Korea’s liberation, a spiritual revival movement arose centering on Pyongyang. Although Christians were waiting for the Messiah to come on the clouds, people like Sung-do Kim, Ho-bin Heo and the New Jesuit Order were waiting for the Messiah to come in the flesh. Moreover, they made preparations. One well-known pastor, Ho-bin Lee, was the officiator of my parents’ wedding, which led to my birth. Until God sent his only begotten son among the people of Israel, the providential history had been one of selection.

The process of changing the lineage occurred while I was in my mother’s womb. This is something you have to believe. That is why the three generations in my family centered on me believed that Pyongyang would become the palace of Eden. We believed this. That was when I was six years old. After Korea’s liberation, the political situation of North Korea was becoming communized and a border was drawn at the thirty-eighth parallel. Our faith prevented us from leaving Pyongyang, because we believed that the Lord would appear there. It was around this time that True Father went to North Korea after receiving a revelation. My maternal uncle was studying pharmacology at Waseda University [in Japan] at that time. He was supposed to return to his hometown, but we got information that he joined the army in South Korea. My grandmother, my mother Soon-ae Hong (“Dae-mo nim”) and I were three generations of only daughters. We were not fleeing; rather we were on our way to meet my uncle.

There is no denying that this was the providence. Ho-bin Heo was imprisoned at Daedong Prison together with True Father. When True Father found out that Ho-bin Heo had been incarcerated, he sent a note telling her to “deny everything and leave.” What did he say happened to him after that? Didn’t Father say  that he was tortured because of this? Since her daughter was in prison, Ho-bin Heo’s mother was entrusted with all the spiritual works in that group. This elderly lady summoned me and gave me a benediction. Ho-bin Heo’s group was making actual preparations to receive the returning Lord, who they believed would come in the flesh. What do you think would have happened if True Father had gone to that group and met them earlier? That elderly woman blessed me.

After we had come south, a border was drawn at the thirty-eight parallel, preventing us from returning to the North. Two years later, the Korean War broke out. My life during those years was entirely under the protection of Heaven. There is no other explanation. Think about this. When Japan was preparing for the final battle, it expropriated all the iron goods in Korea, even utensils that were used in ancestral rites. Yet, why did all these iron goods end up in the yard of the house at which I was born? How can you explain this?

The same kind of events happened in True Father’s life. The moment when True Father succeeded Jesus’ mission, when Jesus appeared to him this qualified True Father as God’s only begotten son. Do you understand? This is something you have to know. The two-thousand-year history was one of searching for the only begotten daughter of God. Christians today call us heretics, but perhaps they are the heretics and cult. I am talking about Jesus himself.

I am unveiling these historical secrets. For six thousand arduous years, Heaven went through hardships while anxiously searching for Heaven’s only begotten daughter and the True Parents. That is why I am the one. You are all lucky to have met me.

On that day in 1960, heaven and earth rejoiced. It was the day when all creation was in joy. God had waited impatiently for that moment. Yet, what was the reality at that time? The prince and princess of Heaven fell to the lowest of all positions, rather than being elevated to the highest.

You have to be aware of the hardships I had to go through so that the holy day ‘God’s Day’ could emerge. It was a day that could be established by virtue of the victorious foundation of my two sons, Hyo-jin and Heung-jin. You have to love Heung-jin. Satan tried to kill him when he was born. The environment in which he grew up was not a completely good environment. It was the satanic world. Furthermore, True Father’s life was threatened by communism. Knowing this, my son was determined and ready to die instead of True Father. Without such children, providential history would not have continued to this day.

Although I was young at that time, it was still no easy feat to give birth to fourteen children in a span of twenty years. It was not as if I was giving birth to children in a pleasant and quiet environment; I was going to the battleground and had four children through Caesarean section. Just this fact alone should be enough for you to respect True Mother.

I have brought everything to order. Now all that remains is your responsibility. That is not something I can do for you. You have to fulfill your responsibility as tribal messiahs. Should you be the only ones who live within True Parents’ privileged realm? What about the other seven billion people of this world? Even if I am pained because of my children, I still must think about the seven billion people of this world because I am the True Parent. A person who respects me and views me favorably, even though he does not fully understand God’s Will, conveyed a message that said, “True Mother, you seem to be having a hard time; I hope you can forget everything and find peace.” You, the leaders in charge, do you know what it’s like in my heart?

There is one more thing that you need to know. Do not speak poorly about the spiritual work at Cheongpyeong. This falls under Dae-mo nim’s special authority. This is the family of the only begotten daughter of God, whom God raised after a long process of sanctification and selection. That is why other people cannot do what Dae-mo Nim does. Only Dae-mo nim can do it. Hence, do not speak poorly about Hoon-mo, as Dae-mo nim is working through Hoon-mo. You have nothing to worry about while I am alive. Do you understand?

Uplift the stature of the living Heavenly Parent and True Parents

This is a time when we must be united inside and out. You must make effort in the direction of bringing unity between the mind and body, within the family, church, tribe and nation. The church needs to make more effort to let people know of True Parents. We need to reach out and witness. The same goes for all the providential organizations. True Father said that there is no perfection in ignorance. You have to make effort so that people know. These people have to have a chance to do their responsibility. You have to enlighten them so that they can fulfill their responsibility. The course of all the problems that are occurring throughout the world can be changed once people come to know the True Parents.

A couple of days ago I went up the twelve peaks of the sacred mountains in the Alps. Do you know why? It was so that once again I could forgive and embrace you. True Father said that once we have a united world, we no longer will need judges and lawyers. We have to create that world. The secular laws cannot dictate what we can or cannot do. Now you have to know what the priorities are.

There is one more thing that I will announce. During the events for the third anniversary of True Father’s Seonghwa next year, I will grant a Peace Prize. The Korean Headquarters staff should invest themselves completely to become an example to the world during the Foundation Day commemorative events. In all respects—in doubling membership or in its witnessing efforts—the Korean Headquarters staff should become one with the other providential organizations and invest themselves completely in restoring this nation and people. Do you understand? The third anniversary of True Father’s Seonghwa shall be held next year under supervision of the World Mission Headquarters. It shall be elevated globally to a higher dimension through the regional presidents, special emissaries, the UPF (Universal Peace Federation) and all the providential organizations in the world. Please keep this in mind and make preparations.

All the national headquarters throughout the world should focus on building internal stability. You should not be saying that it isn’t this or that. You have to make your identity clear. Do you understand? In this light, you should reflect on your inadequacies and repent during the next forty days. I do not know how many years remain in your life, but you should do your best to return glory to Heaven in response to Heaven’s expectations. With this heart and body you should make sure not to give Satan an opportunity to infiltrate our church. We must become one. I am asking you not to be voicing things differently from Heaven’s expectations. We need to be of one voice. Do you understand? (Yes.) If we can do that, then we can show our results to this nation and the world.

You have to uplift the stature of the living Heavenly Parent and True Parents. Isn’t that what you should do? You should do it while I am here. Only then will you be unashamed before your future generations as a person and blessed family who lived in this age. Please have such hearts and bodies and offer prayer devotions for forty days as we welcome the second anniversary of True Father’s Seonghwa and please make this promise to Heaven as we set off toward the third anniversary.