15. Life of an Owner of Cheon Il Guk (PDF File)
Chapter Two - God's Kingdom and the True Family
Section 1. God's Ideal of Creation Is the Realization of the Four-Position Foundation and the True Family
God's original intent was to create everything in heaven and on earth, and then bring everything into perfection through human beings. In this way, the dignity of God and human beings in relation to the creation would be established. We can conclude that this would naturally lead to the perfection of human beings and the realization of God's ideal of creation. Had this happened, God would have possessed authority as the Center of the entire creation, human beings would have been united as His children, and the world of His ideal love would have been realized on earth.
If this had happened, humankind would have begun not with God's sorrow, but with His joy. He would have praised the authority of human beings in a state of joy. They would have seen how highly God praised them, and would have praised Him in return. Then God and human beings would have shared a common destiny. (92-145, 1977.4.1)
God wanted not only to exercise dominion over the creation through our first ancestors Adam and Eve, but also to bring about a family of love. In the Unification Church, this standard is defined as the completion of the four-position foundation. Ultimately, God's will is the realization of His ideal of creation, which in concrete terms, is the completion of the four-position foundation.
So what is the four-position foundation? It is for perfected Adam and Eve as God's son and daughter to be blessed within His love to become the husband and wife that He desires. After that, it is to raise children to perfection because children are necessary in order to bring about the family that God desires. (80-268, 1975.11.2)
God's will is fulfilled through the realization of His ideal of creation. So, what is God's ideal of creation? Of course, creating all things is a part of His ideal, but He also wanted to realize it through Adam and Eve. What is the perfection of God's ideal of creation, the fulfillment of His will? His ideal of creation and His will are realized when the four-position foundation is completed centering on God and His love. In other words, you need to know clearly that the realization of God's will always implies a loving environment within a four-position foundation centering on His love. (102-174, 1978.12.24)
A four-position foundation develops in all four directions of north, south, east, and west. If you remove love, then there is nothing left. That love does not belong to just Adam or Eve; both of them must connect to God's love from a unified position. Their conjugal love will be there with the love of their children simultaneously included.
The term three-objects purpose that we commonly use identifies from Adam's standpoint, God, his wife, and their children as his objects. The term refers to a realm of twelve objects because three times four equals twelve. It also refers to the three objects of each of the four positions centering on love.
Yet until now, people of faith did not know that realizing God's ideal of creation based on His love carried such meaning. The fulfillment of His will and the realization of His ideal of creation comes with the completion of the four-position foundation. What happens when the four-position foundation is completed? Heaven and earth find their rightful positions and settle for the first time. Heaven forms an upper axis and earth a lower axis; everything can be united with them at the center.
In this case, the children need to have a form on the horizontal plane allowing them to become one in the direction of the axis in the center, rise to that center, form a circle and ultimately an ideal sphere of love. (170-62, 1987.11.8)
Everything must pass through a central line. Why does the human nose run from up to down vertically? It is because the center must not be lost. We see in the face that the eyes symbolize God and the mouth symbolizes all the things of creation. This is why there are thirty-two teeth. Four times eight equals thirty-two. This refers to the number of the whole creation. The number four represents north, south, east, and west; and eight represents all numbers. It is a multiplier. So four times eight equals thirty-two; this symbolizes the whole creation and means that we should eat all the things of creation. When we speak, our mouth inhales that which is external and exhales that which is internal. Everything comes about through the four-position foundation based on the law of give and take. (174-220, 1988.3.1)
The four-position foundation is a realm combining vertical and horizontal love. Only through it, can parents take their proper place. Only by being parents, can they take their place as God's physical representatives. God allowed human beings to have the power to raise children so they could physically experience the joy that He experienced spiritually when He created Adam and Eve. This is God's ideal of creation. (64-33, 1972.10.22)
If by uniting with God, Adam and Eve experienced love, then that love was God's and that four-position foundation was centered on God. Children should grow in that love and the relationships among them should be reciprocal centering on God. Yet, if parents simply give birth to children and then do nothing to educate them, it would all be of no use. The children must be educated. They have to grow. In raising children, the boy should take the right and the girl should take the left. (233-75, 1992.7.30)
The four-position foundation in the new age begins with the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve. So, if Adam and Eve marry and multiply, eventually they would create the realm of the four-position foundation. How would they enter this realm? A reciprocal realm is created centering on God's original heart and the ideal family that He desires.
Does the four-position foundation have three tiers? Yes; God, Adam and Eve, and their children. In this instance, it is vertical. This must be developed horizontally. By coming down to earth horizontally, the vertical element uses this as a foundation to spread out in innumerable parallel patterns. This becomes the model.
In order for the four-position foundation that was Adam's ideal to develop throughout the world, this type of family tradition must be established. Without doing this, there can be no horizontal link, so do not think of these as separate. If Adam and Eve marry and live together, this in itself means that God stands to their right and their children to their left; they are as one. We need to understand that these three are unified. (240-14, 1992.12.11)
Viewed horizontally, Adam is the eldest son, the second son is Jesus, and the perfected Adam is the third son. Vertically speaking, the third son is the third generation. So the grandfather's position is the first generation, the father's position is the second generation, and the son or grandson is the third generation. If this is inverted, then the grandson will be in the grandfather's position. It will be grandfather, father, and grandson; the other way around. Thus, you will be able to enter God's Kingdom by completing the four-position foundation -- the realm of three generations -- through me by practicing absolute obedience. Hence, it is restoration through indemnity. (258-208, 1994.3.17)
The Unification Church's Juche (Subject) ideology is God-centered. Within this thought system, there must be three tiers in terms of its structural order. Thus, it has parents, spouses, and children. Our Juche ideology is the realm of the ideal of love which is capable of linking its center to God and expanding the ideal of the four-position foundation.
Love contains a power that makes it possible for it to be expanded. When it is compressed, it creates oneness. If we want to link ideals that can be expanded and lead lives that embrace all humanity, we must expand our love. The expansion of love in this way is the multiplication of the human population. It is the horizontal expansion of two people, Adam and Eve. So, a brief summary of Juche ideology is that God is the absolute Subject in all love relationships.
Next are the True Parents. After that, comes your own couple. You and your spouse become representatives of the True Parents and bear children in their place. This is the four-position foundation. (164-93, 1987.4.26)
The four-position foundation refers to a parent-centered origin of true love. After that, it refers to the perfected parent-child oneness in love. This oneness is not temporary, but eternal. At the same time, it is also absolute. The origin of this love is unique, unchanging, and absolute. However, love does not exist only in God or only in the father or mother. It comes about on the foundation of the family -- a true family!
Fidelity in such a love-centered family requires that love be absolute. It is absolute in all its relationships. An invasion of even one of these relationships cannot be allowed because that would mean the destruction of all of them. Thus, each family member within the four-position foundation must guard against the possibility of love being invaded even to the point of self-sacrifice. The most fearful thing is for the foundation of love to be broken. This single nucleus expands to become the world.
The one family of Adam must give rise to the family of the son. Then, the parents' family and the son's family must become one. When these four-position foundations come into being, they will eventually become four-position foundations in the spirit world. (106-57, 1979.12.9)
In terms of the Divine Principle, the ultimate point of God's ideal of creation is for human beings to fulfill their portion of responsibility and realize the family ideal of the four-position foundation through love. The four-position foundation is necessary because we must establish the family ideal in terms of the parent-child relationship. Adam and Eve, who inherit the vertical tradition of a mother's and father's unity centered on love, must then develop this unity as a horizontal tradition.
The twelve tribes ultimately originated from Adam and the 360 days arose based on that number twelve. The perfection of the ideal of creation is to establish a base for the expansion of all races in a way similar to this.
From this perspective, the way of God's will is the realization of the ideal of creation, which refers to the completion of the four-position foundation. This is not centered on the father, the mother, the son, or the daughter. It is the completion of the four-position foundation centering on true love and the true family. It is the fulfillment of the human portion of responsibility motivated by true love.
Fulfilling the human portion of responsibility means that once a man and a woman attain perfect oneness with each other based on the standard of all the ideals of love and come into harmony with all the standards of God's act of Creation, they then develop horizontally through their physical bodies all the traditions of Adam and Eve that they have inherited vertically while on earth.
It is not intended that they have just one or two children. When the era of Adam and Eve arrives, it is intended that they have many children to the north, south, east, and west. (228-249, 1992.7.5)
A man has to form a family together with a woman. Without doing this, they cannot enter the unified world. In the past, people of faith left their families behind, but now they must rebuild the families they left behind on a higher dimension and establish them as victorious families. Otherwise, they cannot enter heaven. Just by forming a family does not mean that we can enter heaven on the basis of that family alone. We can only enter heaven through forming a four-position foundation.
Where must we form that four-position foundation? On earth. When? Before we pass away. Without doing this, we cannot become citizens capable of welcoming God's nation or a human race capable of welcoming His world. We cannot become citizens of heaven capable of welcoming His kingdom once His will has been fulfilled. (45-62, 1971.6.13)
You may feel happy about having a wife, but I do not think like that. Women and children are not happy, either. Rather than being happy, you must shoulder a cross. The subject partner must make the object partner happy. If he has children, then he must also make them happy. He must shoulder these three great crosses. That is why restoring the four-position foundation is the most difficult thing. It is like conquering the world. (46-95, 1971.7.25)
Each of your children is born into the family of God as a precious beacon of hope that He has established by sacrificing innumerable prophets and patriots through six thousand years of history. When we consider that the children of each family bring with them the ultimate end to the holy task of completing the four-position foundation, our feeling of gratitude toward these children must increase day by day. When parents feel this way, their children will never die of starvation. (33-177, 1970.8.11)
You are now in the realm of the Fall. Families blessed at the top of the growth stage still have a path before them to climb. I am referring to the path that enables you to follow me. Nevertheless, the True Parents and the four-position foundation must be united. When Noah built the ark, do you think his wife did a good job helping him? Do you know how much his children criticized him? No, Noah packed his lunch and ascended Mount Ararat to build the ark saying that God was about to judge the earth not just for one day, but for 120 years. Think about whether his wife helped him. Since his wife did not help him, the children did not help either. You must become one with True Mother. (137-111, 1985.12.24)
You must form a three-dimensional four-position foundation. The positions of above and below and front and rear must be unified three-dimensionally. When you do this, then no matter how this structure may revolve, when it stops revolving, the center will always be perpendicular, like a soccer ball. There is only one point. The three-dimensional ideal of the four-position foundation must come about in the family. (295-201, 1998.8.28)
You must not only be filial toward your parents, but you also need your spouse. Thus, you must form a four-position foundation. This is the absolute Principle. When we understand this, we need to ask what has happened today to the individual, family, and national four-position foundations. The expansion of the family four-position foundation creates the nation, the expansion of the national four-position foundation creates the world, and the expansion of the global four-position foundations is the cosmos. The family is the base.
Education in Jardim will make it so that not even a single Satan will be able to follow you as you go this way. Without going through this education, you would fall away. You would become a family that has lost its nationality. Things might occur even more tragic than going to Bethlehem to register the family and giving birth to the baby Jesus in a stable. You have to receive education at Jardim. (297-187, 1998.11.20)
If you love God, you will be loved by the eternal Parent to the degree that you love that Parent. The more filial a child you become, the more you will be loved by your parents. The more loyal a subject you become, the more you will be loved by the holy sovereign. The more you become a true husband, the more you will be loved by your wife. (83-207, 1976.2.8)
What constitutes a wonderful and good husband or wife? The quality of seeing the spouse as absolute in the place of God and in the place of the True Parents. Such a husband and such a wife together constitute the true couple. Children who are born into the family where God is seen as absolute, parents are seen as absolute, and the conjugal relationship is seen as absolute, must themselves be seen as absolute. This is what is referred to in the Unification Church as the ideal of the four-position foundation. (147-231, 1986.9.28)
Section 2. True Families Produce the Citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven
You need to understand that women possess a treasure so precious that it cannot be exchanged for the universe or even for God. Within you is the palace of the origin where love can be fulfilled. What a safe place God put this in! What would happen if you had no flesh on your buttocks? You would become frozen solid.
What about men? Is your love organ not in a place where it is easily protected? All of your energy is concentrated in that place. Due to this, your organ enables you to re-create a person who is like you. This place that enables you to become a mother or a father is a mysterious palace!
When you go to the spirit world, there are no places for reproduction. Why did God make human beings? It is because there is no reproduction along the vertical, which has only one point. God's love is on the single point in the position of the vertical, so there can be no reproduction there. People cannot reproduce in the spirit world. For this reason, there needs to be 360 degrees on the horizontal. In the horizontal world, there are unlimited positions where reproduction can take place in the north, south, east, and west.
Thus, we call this the production plant for creating the citizens of God's Kingdom. People who come into the world as citizens of this world are themselves sons and daughters of the spirit world. They each become the child whom you love. That person is like one of God's cells. After we enter that world, we becomes like His cells. We become integrated into Him. We came from the Origin, so we return to the Origin.
Hence, when men and women go to the spirit world, they form one body and resemble God. Later, they become godlike. They should resemble God. Don't we say that God has dual characteristics? Where do the dual characteristics begin? They begin in love. By bearing the fruits of love, we come to resemble the original God and return to Him. Also, God would be lonely if He were alone. He wanted to create a garden of love full of flowers blooming in all sorts of colors and filling the air with their fragrances. In that garden, He wanted to take naps and walk around. This is the kind of God He is. (206-137, 1990.10.3)
Our sexual organs are palaces of true love, true life, and true lineage. They are the most precious place. If these organs were to disappear, heaven and earth would disappear. Without these organs, God's ideal, His family, and His will could not be fulfilled. These organs are an origin from which everything can be perfected. (216-218, 1991.4.1)
Why did God create people so that they could have many babies rather than just one? If He had created people so that they could have only one, then there would only have been Adam and Eve and one child. What would have happened then? They would have had to just live with each other. Just the one family would have been alive. In that case, the world would have disappeared. In order to bring about God's Kingdom, there needs to be horizontal expansion so that innumerable families are reproduced. This is how to reproduce citizens of His Kingdom.
There is no reproduction in the spirit world. Husbands and wives on earth are the production plants for the citizens of heaven. That world cannot be filled in one step. Its citizens must be born over many generations. Hence, God feels joy when He sees the citizens of Heaven increasing. In that world, there is no concern about what to eat, what to wear, where to sleep, or anything else. There is no need for cars and factories. It is a place where everything has been prepared. You can fly anywhere anytime you want. It is a place of incredible speed. You take just one step and find you have moved thou- sands of miles. (246-69, 1993.3.23)
You will be able to see me, but not God. When a husband and wife are in the midst of making love on their first night, God enters there and becomes one with them. What was His purpose for creating human beings? In the spirit world, there is no reproduction. Families in the earthly world are where citizens of the spirit world are produced. The person who gives birth to and raises many citizens of heaven while on earth will stand in a glorious position. If you want to stand in a position of glory, you must give bear many children. (249-323, 1993.10.11)
The earthly world is the production plant of the citizens of the heavenly world. There is no reproduction in the spirit world. Due to the Fall, we became the devil's offspring. Hence, we need to carry out a process to engraft all people and bring them back to being citizens of the heavenly world. Thus, when you go to that world, you will be like a bride taking her dowry to her in-laws. For you, the issue will be the number of people you establish and bring to God as citizens of heaven.
God never had grandchildren. He intended to have them through Adam and Eve. He grieves that He could not do so. Because of this, He wants us to bear many of His children here on earth, raise them, and then present them to Him. The heavenly world is so vast and immutable that it will take billions and billions of citizens to fill it. Knowing this, I have spent my life -- even those times when I was in prison -- forgetting about sleeping and eating, so that I could work to save even just one more life. Many times, I thought it was morning when it was actually evening or I thought it was evening when it was actually morning. I did this so I could save even just one more life. All national boundaries are transcended here. (212-309, 1991.1.8)
Human beings are created so that everyone will be linked together through love-centered marriage relationships. In the same way that perfect children are born on a foundation where love has been perfected, it is the responsibility of people on earth to bear and form God's ideal filial, fraternal, and conjugal realms in His family. Reproduction is impossible in the spirit world. The center has no area, so there is no space in which to have children.
Thus, God created a plane and three-dimensional space to produce citizens of heaven, who would then enter and inhabit that vast realm. Couples are therefore individual production units for reproducing the citizens of heaven. To create a reciprocal realm with the right of inheritance and the right of ownership in the next world, they need to bear many sons and daughters on earth and eventually be with them in that world. Those without children will not have such a reciprocal realm. Such a reciprocal realm can only exist when you have children. You should try to have at least twelve, the number of months in a year. (255-265, 1994.3.11)
You must be proud of God and proud that you are a man or a woman. Such men and women must multiply the citizens of heaven. This is an iron rule. Adam and Eve must multiply. Mind and body must be as one and God's love must be overflowing within you. Then your spiritual five senses and physical five senses become as one and you become eternally one with true love. Men who can do this -- men with whom women can share eternity -- will be kings possessing kingship representing humankind eternally. Women will be queens standing in the reciprocal position to the kings. Such men and women will be in our hearts as eternal mothers and fathers. We need to understand that this is the background that is linked to the term "true love."
We become one through a love with this mind-set. We marry to explore this love. We go there because of love. Marriage is not something just for two people. Its purpose is to occupy the vertical God. After being divided between east and west, do you know where we come to meet and explode together? We meet on the vertical line. When we meet on the vertical line, we explode and spin, ascending and colliding with God. On the vertical line, God descends and we ascend so that God enters the center; and when we descend, we see that God has become the central core of love. Thus, if you want to make this line running vertically from here go in a horizontal direction, you must have children. Therefore, even if a man and woman have created this vertical line, they will not be able to serve God in the heavenly world if they do not have children.
Only those who have had children and loved them are able to serve God, the ideal Subject of dual characteristics. They also need to have children in order to serve the True Parents. If those who cannot bear children are going to adopt a child, they must train themselves so that they will be able to love this child even more than if they had given birth to it. This is difficult to do. Hence, in the Unification Church, we teach people to bear many loving children. Babies in our church bring heavenly fortune with them. They are born with food to eat. Some will become judges, prosecutors, and presidents. All types of people will be born. All the colors of the rainbow will come from them.
So, based on true love, you should have nothing to be ashamed of in terms of your motherhood or fatherhood and you should bring many citizens into God's Kingdom. (210-375, 1990.12.27)
Husbands and wives today are to be the production units of citizens of the heavenly world, so entering heaven with many children is not an unhappy event. You will go to a high position in that world. Based upon north, south, east, and west, the four seasons have three months each making a total of twelve months. This is the reason Jesus chose twelve disciples. Centering on him, they were archetypal of north, south, east, and west. This encompassed the four directions centering on God. (233-247, 1992.8.1)
The family on earth is the horizontal entity whose purpose is to create the heavenly kingdom. Reproduction is not possible in the vertical world. The number of children expands in the horizontal world and they become God's citizens. When members of royal families who are God's citizens multiply, they are all citizens except the firstborn. They become relatives. Those citizens become clans. There must be a firstborn among the clans, right?
Among tribes, too, there needs to be the firstborn that ties all the tribes together. This is Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve were to be the king and queen of the eternal tradition. In a democratic world, all this disappears. Then what is the spherical shape? The foundation for producing the citizens of heaven is not the family foundation in Heaven, but on earth. To bear children is to produce citizens of the heavenly world. (234-165, 1992.8.10)
Section 3. Citizens of God's Kingdom are Educated in True Families
Earthly families are the production plants to re-create citizens who can be brought along into the heavenly world. We act as the owners of these factories before entering the spirit world. If Adam and Eve had set the straight path, we would not need to educate our children. It would have happened naturally. Everyone would have had God within himself. There would have been no need to educate them. We are where we are now because of the Fall. As a result of the Fall, humanity has been ignorant of all the fundamentals. (254-246, 1994.2.13)
God's cherished desire is to recover the true family that was lost in the Garden of Eden. You have to understand that the heavenly family where God wants to reside is the family that can establish loving true parents, true spouses, and true children. When such a family appears, even Jesus will be able to take delight in them as his siblings. Such families must emerge. (8-114, 1959.11.22)
A true couple is formed when a true man and a true woman come together to begin their life as husband and wife. When sons and daughters are born, the true couple becomes a true family. In the place where a man and woman -- each having attained perfect mind-body oneness -- unite in eternal love, they give birth to children who can never be separated from them. If the mother and father are divided, their children will be divided within themselves. It is a natural conclusion that a child whose mind and body are one begins from a husband and wife who are each united in their own mind and body and are united together centering on true love. Otherwise, true love cannot stay there. God cannot stay where true love does not exist. This is our logical conclusion. (270-324, 1995.7.23)
In order to enter the storehouse of heaven, you must become pure in connection with God's love, life, and lineage. To do this, you must be God's children from the time you are born and while growing up, and be God's family in your daily life. When you do this, you will enter God's Kingdom on earth and in heaven as families and clans.
We are not saved as individuals. In our life course, we are to love our children from the position of the second creator in the same way that God loved Adam and Eve. We are to love each other as siblings who can receive His love and as husbands and wives who can practice His love. It all begins from, proceeds through, and ends in love. Heaven is a place we enter by having perfected ourselves in conformity with the textbook of love. We do not enter it as individuals, but as complete families. (226-307, 1992.2.9)
How should a wife relate to her husband? She should hold his hand and say, "I now know that you and I are twin brother and sister born together, so we can never be separated." When Adam and Eve were chased out of the Garden of Eden, they were separated from God, shedding tears of sorrow, but now in the age of restoration, we must shed tears of the opposite kind. Through the process of our lives, we must indemnify the fact of our not having been sons and daughters of God's Kingdom. (238-254, 1992.11.22)
To establish God's Kingdom there must be a king and a queen who have sons and daughters. There also must be central families that can guard the kingdom. This is why Jesus is now waiting in paradise. Heaven is not a place you can enter alone. (265-94, 1994.11.20)
Through the ownership of love, the hometown and the family of your partner can become yours. This is where children, siblings, couples, and parents are perfected. We were previously unable to realize any of the contents presented in God's textbook, but today we come to understand them through the True Parents. We need to do these things again so that, in the original position unrelated to the Fall, God can completely surmount the summit of grief and pass down to us His standards regarding education. This is how we become people and families qualified as citizens of His kingdom. (226-173, 1992.2.4)
The Holy Spirit in Christianity is feminine. It had the responsibility to give birth to two worlds spiritually and substantially, and then to raise them up. In the same way, the Unification Church's blessed wives must be responsible for two worlds. They must create citizens of God's Kingdom who become able to denounce the satanic world and govern its people.
Your sons and daughters are citizens of God's Kingdom. They are not citizens of any existing nation, but of God's Kingdom. You must raise them with this kind of purpose in mind. Otherwise, there will be no hope for your families in the future and they will all go to hell. (216-277, 1991.04.7)
You need to understand that True Parents always exist for your sake. You should not raise your children to become people like you. You should be determined to wholly inherit True Parents' tradition now in order to raise the descendants who will be able to live in God's future world. This is my single cherished desire.
What will you do if you turn your precious children into people like yourselves? You need to offer devotion, saying, "I am this way. I am, but I will not raise my descendants to be the kind of person I am. Instead, I will raise them to be true sons and daughters."
In order to raise them as true children, you will need to do as God did in the Garden of Eden after He created Adam and Eve. You must embrace your children, protect them, and be joyful. Do not let them go the same course as descendants of the Fall. You will need to offer utmost devotion, take responsibility to prepare everything, and make certain that all the necessary content is there so that they may be blessed by God. If you form such families, your children will be sons and daughters of God's Kingdom. (158-272, 1967.12.29)
In educating your children, do not teach them to love only their parents. Say to them, "We are loyal citizens and patriots who love this nation. We love our nation. We are not parents who are patriots, but patriots who are parents." This is how you should educate them. (26-295, 1969.11.10)
If the mother and father thrive, the children of that home will thrive. And if the children thrive, even the dogs and roosters kept in that home would thrive. If the dogs don't bark nor the rooster crow, would you say they are thriving? If people say, "The mother and father of that home get along well with each other and at that home the dogs bark often and the rooster crow a lot," then you will know that the home is thriving. Even if people talk about the roosters crowing too much and the dogs playfully biting a lot, in reality the people in that home are not acting wildly and are not declining, but are doing very well. (202-229, 1990.5.24)
Children should serve their mother and father in God's stead as parents greater than even the True Mother and the True Father. In this way, your family can be such that your children will bow to you before they bow to the True Parents. Parents represent God in our daily life. Thus, it is important that the four great realms of heart and three great kingships are realized in the family. (241-179, 1992.12.24)
God's sovereignty of love is absolute, unique, eternal, and unchanging. As this is true of the sovereignty, citizenry, and property of His nation, we must reorganize everything and re-register ourselves with a national identity that is absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal. This is a time when the created beings must be reorganized in this way as well, so everything must be reversed to go in the opposite direction. We need to understand that things that have been going around this way must now start turning in the opposite direction.
God's nation needs absolute sovereignty, citizens, and created beings. We see in our families that we have parents who represent sovereignty, children who represent citizens, and objects that represent created beings. This family is a foundation of God's Kingdom in miniature. All this must be offered to Him. Only then will a large nation and world come about. (304-258, 1999.11.8)
Section 4. Heaven is Based On True Families
God is an absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal Being. The same is true for His will. As He is absolute and unchanging, His will is also the same. Because God's desire is for true families which are perfected through the true love of the Creator and of human beings, it was necessary for Him to create the conditions that would make it possible for Him to become one with human beings.
For this reason, He needed a commandment that He could give to our first ancestors. What was that commandment? The commandment was the condition for His promise to permit them to inherit a family of love, the entirety of love, and all precious things. Knowing that human beings would grow during a period when they were not yet perfect, God gave them that commandment in order to bequeath to them the most precious things -- namely, true love and the family. The inheritance of true love and the true family was the promise of His commandment. (283-171, 1997.4.12)
God's will is to make everything become one. Had Adam and Eve not fallen, our mind and body would become one. The minds and bodies of man and woman would be one. Had the two formed such a family, then the world of unity would have expanded from there. There is no unity in the world today; it is an extension of disunited men and women. (133-259, 1984.7.20)
God exists covertly in the deepest place. The deeper we go down, the greater love becomes until finally we come to discover God's true love. If you love your children more and more deeply, you will eventually meet God's love. Such families of true love become the foundation for His kingdom on earth. Heaven can be located in no other place. (161-325, 1987.3.8)
Heaven will be composed of true families. People will live with God. It is a living environment where husbands and wives can live together eternally with God, their internal Parent. Heaven is a place where people and families that are a part of God's body and that belong to His family can enter. Adam's perfected family enters it. People can only enter heaven with the whole family and not individually. The individual salvation that people strove for until now pertained to the archangelic world. Ownership of the true family is in heaven. Heaven is the realm true families can own. It is the realm where they become owners, where they have the right of true ownership, and where they exercise their family rights of ownership. (297-165, 1998.11.19)
God's Kingdom will come about only when you become His sons and daughters and form His families. It is the same with each individual family. Satan is pulling on the trap where you are ensnared. God is also pulling. If all family members are to enter God's presence, you will have to offer devotion. Only then will each individual -- if there are five family members, then all five of them -- be able to break free of Satan's trap and return to God's side. (115-49, 1981.10.28)
When husband and wife enter the room of love, they must feel that they are entering it together with God. When their minds and bodies attain perfect oneness, the husband should consider that his wife is the queen of all queens under heaven, the most beautiful woman in the world, and his absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal body. He must think of her and love her as he would his own body, as a body of love.
When subject and object partners become as one in love, they come to own each other's love. They also come to own each other as well as their possessions. As they each have the same value, the entire universe becomes theirs. This means that they must be able to sense God. Thus, everyone must be able to serve God in their lives and have the experience of having loved Him. Only then will they become royal families and kinfolk that belong to royalty in Heaven. When God beholds such Blessed Families from the heavenly world, they appear to Him as brightly shining stars. As such, they always bring Him joy. (297-167, 1998.11.19)
The term "a glorious true family" refers to a family that can be happy on earth and in the spirit world. A family that can live directly with God, the central Being of the next world, will be a true family in glory. You must become families that like each other more and more for eternity. If you do not like each other, you should work together to actualize an ideal world of love. As ideal subject and object partners, you need to create an environment in which each partner feels grateful to, lives for, and respects the other because they have received each other as partners of love. (294-312, 1998.8.9)
The core of the true family is the couple. What then are husband and wife? They are the bodies of God -- His substantial object partners. We refer to God, who possesses true love, as Father. If God is our Father, then He and we are in a parent-child relationship. We are father and son or mother and daughter. We are one body because this is a combination of vertical and horizontal. (297-167, 1998.11.19)
The cherished desire of young women and men is to form ideal families -- that is, true families. Here, "true family" refers to a family that God likes. Hence, the most important thing is your understanding of God. (298-248, 1999.1.16)
A true family will be the apple of God's eye. He will embrace that family and dance. When we feel overjoyed, God, who is almighty, would like to hold on to us, and dance, and fly through the air. A true family is God's object partner that can liberate and comfort Him. (301-169, 1999.4.25)
A true family is one that has realized the ideal exactly as God created it. Adam's perfected family would have been called the true family, but he did not actualize this and must therefore be resurrected. A resurrected family will form a resurrected tribe, society, nation, and world. Then there will no longer be Satan, sin, or the wars of human history -- the struggles between God and Satan -- on earth, and the world would not be like it is today, divided into many nations with different races, cultures, languages, and endless other divisions.
Where do True Parents come from? They come from God. They are linked with Him. From there, we need to become first His love, second His life, and third His lineage. What all this means is that everything in the world came into existence for the sake of His love, life, and lineage. There will be no place for love, life, or lineage that is centered on Satan. All the love, life, and lineage that have existed until now will be returned to God. As they cannot be returned to God directly, they must be returned through our children here. This is when Adam and Eve return them to God through Cain and Abel. (230-67, 1992.4.19)
Man and woman cannot unify their minds and bodies without true love. It is only when each has achieved this individually that they can become a couple of true love. It is only when they become a couple of true love that they can be children of God bearing true love. Thus, they become God's family.
What does God like most? It is true love. Love is not something that can be actualized alone. In creating human beings, God was creating His partners. He created human beings to be His partners in true love. Based upon this, the entire universe was created according to a pair system. As such, God's love, man's love, woman's love, and children's love are eternal. This is God's family. (201-192, 1990.4.1)
The commencement of Blessed Family life signifies the start of God's family. In becoming one with God centering on love, we are not just establishing our own couples, but families of God's Kingdom. (248-12, 1993.5.30)
The family that liberates God from His sorrow is His family. God's abode of rest is in the family formed by people with the qualification of the first son and husband that can love more than all his other brothers. The mission of Blessed Families in the Unification Church is to create the realm of the Sabbath where they, as parents, would want to welcome even beggars as their own children to live with them. Do not forget your destiny as blessed couples to fulfill this mission. (295-245, 1998.8.28)
The true family is the fundamental nucleus of a peaceful world for it is here that we learn about God's true love through true parental love. It is here that we are trained by means of true fraternal love to acquire true universal love for the true nation and for all humanity of the true world. (288-199, 1997.11.28)
When they go to the spirit world, ideal couples and families will be able to live with God anytime they want. This is why men must become God's internal nature, putting themselves in the position of His heart, and women must become His external form. Then the two must become one. They expand one level and become one. The mind-like aspects of these two become internal nature and their bodily aspects become external form, and then, for the first time, they bear fruit. This is how the realm of mind-body oneness centering on God is formed.
When this happens, Adam and Eve's children will develop bones centering on God's love and bodies similar to theirs. Hence, God Himself is able to rule over visible human beings who possess external form similar to those of Adam and Eve. When this happens, the entire world will become His kingdom on earth and we will be able to meet Him.
If you go to heaven now, you will not see God. It is necessary that God enter the minds of the True Parents after they have accomplished everything and gone to the next world. When this happens, He will take on a body and we will enter an age when He will be able to move and rule over everything in the universe. In other words, He will take on a holy external form.
When all this has been completed -- the accomplishment of His kingdom in heaven and on earth -- He will take on an external form. This is possible centering on love. If love becomes physically one in Adam's family, God too, can have a combined internal nature and external form so He can take on a body. This cannot be done without love. This is where the term "one body" comes from.
The spirit world is a place governed by true love -- that is, absolute love. Everything is linked to true love. True love is the seed. Seeds unrelated with the Fall are linked together and fill all of heaven and earth. The world today came about as a result of the Fall, so it must disappear. We must do away with the lineage of the fallen world and link ourselves to God's original lineage. How do we create such a world? Blessed marriage is the way. The Blessing is the means of engrafting ourselves onto God's lineage. (294-316, 1998.8.9)
People in the spirit world also need true families. Without true families, they cannot be linked to God's position nor can they enter heaven. Couples living in God's Kingdom on earth will eventually enter His kingdom in heaven. This is God's ideal of creation. In that place, there is no religion -- only one culture -- and everything is perfected through families. The family is the center of everything. As such, our families want to stand in the center.
There is no need for religion there. Christianity, Buddhism, and all religions will be liberated. Jesus, Buddha, and all the saints need families. Who will create these families? The True Parents. Until now, all families were linked to a false lineage; they were not original families. Through the appearance of Blessed Families, there can now be true families that are linked to God's lineage.
Rev. Moon has created a victorious foundation extending in all directions. The same is true with the spiritual and physical worlds. Therefore, we can develop from the true family to the true world. From the true family, we can bring about the true tribe, people, nation, world, universe, and heaven. (279-237, 1996.9.8)
Now we clearly understand ourselves. We know now where we are connected to, what process of life we have come through, and where we are heading. In going this way, what do we carry with us? We carry in our bosoms God's concern. If our family has been restored, we cannot rest.
We must know that we still have a tribe centering on the family, a people centering on the tribe, and a nation, world, and humanity centering on a people. As long as we are on the earth, we must go to the ends of the earth to bring many societies to the Father. After that, we must yearn for the day when all humanity can be blessed, and we must strive every day to bring this about. Such people can represent God. (152-192, 1963.5.10)
Until now, the concept of faith was, "I will believe in God and enter Heaven." But do you know what you must do before you can enter Heaven? Each person must unite his or her mind and body. We must strive to reach that state. Anyone who does not attain such unity will not be able to enter Heaven. Anyone whose family is not united cannot go to Heaven. If you want to lead your relatives to a good place, you must build an altar of devotion. Otherwise, you cannot bring them there. (155-213, 1965.10.30)
When Adam and Eve fell, they were conquered by the world of death. Satan, who exercises dominion over the world of death, created families that would turn against God in the age of the ideal of creation and has formed a world that stood in opposition to Him until now. When we consider this, we understand that what God wants most in His heart is the creation of ideal families. He wants to establish families that surpass the standard desired by His enemy. He wants families surpassing the standard that existed in the ideal age before the Fall. We need to think about this. (159-128, 1968.3.7)
Jesus came to the earth and taught a simple truth: "The God who created Heaven and earth is my Father; I am His son. By believing in me, you can become His children. As He is my Father, He is also yours." Then Jesus taught us about our Father and about our responsibilities as His children. After that, he said: "I am the groom and you are the brides." What does this mean? Jesus came and taught for the first time about the elements needed for creating God's families. (156-224, 1966.5.25)
The Bible teaches that God is our Father. It refers to Jesus as God's only begotten son and to Jesus' followers as his brides as well as his siblings. As it reveals content in which everything exists within a framework of God's family centered on His love, it is a doctrine that builds His family and teaches the duties of that family that will allow God's son to rest within it. (195-195, 1989.11.15)
The Bible teaches us about the family. Jesus is the bridegroom and we are his brides. The bridegroom and bride meet, hold the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, and restore the family. This is the conclusion that summarizes the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments. This is the reason the Bible is great.
What is the goal toward which the Bible points and what is the hope that it requires? It is not Jesus the individual. The Bible's eager anticipation is for God's family, the union between Jesus and his Bride. What will we do with God's family? If there is a family -- that is, a bridegroom and a bride -- children will emerge. When children emerge and multiply, they form a tribe, society, nation, and world. What kind of world is that? The world connected to God's love is that of Godism. It is the world based upon the ideology of Adam and Eve. It is the world of the philosophy of parents. (160-277, 1969.5.17)
The ultimate goal of God's Kingdom is the perfection of true families. Within true families, there must be the ideal of a true nation and world. The term absolute sex emerges here as the tradition of true love that can influence a true world and nation. Absolute sex refers to that which is absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal. Everything that has to do with being harmonized in love with a reciprocal partner to whom you are linked through love -- an attribute of God -- is bound together in sexual relations. (281-282, 1997.3.9)
Even if a husband and wife are of different racial or cultural backgrounds, if the family is unified in God's true love, there will be no racial or cultural clashes among the children. The children will love and value the two cultures and traditions even more than they love their parents. Attempts to solve interracial conflict -- a serious issue in many societies around the world -- purely through political or economic means can only fail. Racial discrimination begins in the cradle, so a fundamental solution to this problem is possible only through the ideal of a true family centered on true love.
Thus, the highest ideal is to build true families centering on the true love of one being -- that is, God. If humanity had become one with God at the beginning of history, we would have formed true families and practiced love that gives and gives again. We would already have formed a true nation and world of peace.
To end this historical conflict, we must return to God. First, the mind and body of each individual must become one centering on Him. When a true man and a true woman form a true God-centered family, they become able to serve Him in their midst again. The true family centered on true love is the earthly base where God can reside and becomes the starting point of a true nation and a true world of peace. This is how the world of true freedom and happiness will open up. (271-88, 1995.08.22)
We need to stage demonstrations from now on. We must demonstrate to boast about the True Parents, true families, true lineage, and true purity. The True Parents are globalizing their purpose for coming to the earth so that each of you within your families, tribes, peoples, and nations can all become true parents. Individuals establishing true parents, true families, and true purity at level of the family, ethnic people, and nation, bring about globalization. From the national level, the true parental standard can be linked from the individual through to the global and cosmic levels. The true family standard and the lineage of true purity must be linked so that we cross over into the era of true liberation, the age of the world without the Fall. Thus, we need to stage demonstrations that will clear away all fallen things. We should give this work greater priority than witnessing. (298-221, 1999.1.8)