Multicultural Family Educational Peace Festival 2015
Victory Celebration
Dr. Sun-jin Moon, Director General, FFWPU International
at the Victory Celebration in Kathmandu Nepal,
on February 22, 2015
Good morning brothers and sisters! Namaste!
It was a true honor to witness and celebrate with all of you these glorious events of the Interfaith Peace Blessing and the International Leadership Conference. I can feel the seeds of joy blossoming and love radiating from Nepal on this blessed new morning. A feeling of infinite hope for a prosperous future and sincere gratitude flowed over me this morning as I looked out my window into the heavens. I could feel the happiness and delight of our HP and TF in the spirit world.
I am eager to return home and give TM a big hug and an ecstatic cheer of victory, “Sung li.” After all, it is due to her amazing life that I am able to be here and meet all of you! I am also over-joyed to congratulate FFWPU, UPF, and each and every blessed family member all over the globe for their support and contribution to this noble quest for peace, prosperity, and true love for all families in this region and beyond.
Yesterday we were privileged to attend the unforgettable Interfaith Peace Blessing Festival and bring TPs speech and benediction to our Asia Region. I pray that you all may harvest abundant fruits and sustainably replant this amazing gift of life among all peoples in your tribes, nations and the world.
We learned from TP’s life course and teaching, the Blessing is the most momentous and singular event that our HP has been painfully waiting for since the beginning of time. As we sincerely study and become enlightened through the analysis of our holy texts, a clear understanding emerges of how HP has been reaching out with unconditional love and hopes to reunite with every child ever brought to life.
Everything in our natural world points to an origin of all life. Whether it is the Big Bang or the Garden of Eden, it is undeniable that all life is a manifestation of a Heavenly Parent or creator of all life. Every religious tradition has a genesis narrative, and we also find a common thread woven into each sacred tradition that describes the separation of humanity from the true parent or true origin, and the coming into existence of a false parent by a force of division. This disconnect is the constant theme and premise for the sorrowful fate of men , women, and families. This is the loss or the fall from the absolute love and harmony with our Heavenly Parent that has led to our descent into the darkness and ignorance we witness today.
When we look out into the world each person’s original mind is stimulated. Somewhere deep in each person’s heart is a yearning for a more eternally loving, joyful world. It is no wonder that we are all nourished and inspired by the lasting role of religion in human history. However, even though every part of the globe has witnessed and been moved to higher consciousness by a benevolent savior, guru or saint, we are still in the dark. We have witnessed in our common human history an endless battle between good and evil, between saints and sinners, the right and the wrong, a series of polar opposites that lead to more division and unbalance.
Given this reality, and despite the existence of all these glorious paths and truths, we should ask why are we are still at odds, at war, and find imbalance at every level, be it racism, sexism, social, religious, economic injustice, or abuse of power in all corners of human industry and rule.
If there is a Heavenly Parent then why is our natural world slowly dying? Why isn’t our Heavenly Parent saving us, especially if we live pious lives? I have hope, faith and believe; yet I am still deceived and defeated.
In DP, we learn that we each have our own individual responsibility, our 5%. This is the foundation of building a peaceful world. When each individual lives a life of higher consciousness, starting with creating harmony in one’s own mind, spirit, and body, then lasting change can become a reality.
This is probably the most difficult challenge a person can undertake, to strive to become our HPs true reflection. Before TPs we never even had an outline or a glimmer of what the perfected son and daughter of our HP may be like. What a miracle that we are alive at this moment to have TPs in our lives and their teachings imprinted on our minds.
Every moment we are living with the miracle and blessing of true love and true joy! When TM spoke to members recently she said we should be joyful, happy, peace-loving, and grateful beings. She explained that these virtues are the keys to realizing individual perfection. I love TMs speeches. In just a few words, like a haiku poem, she can highlight the secrets of success. No one ever, in the existence of the universe, has walked and completed what for millennia evaded human effort.
The counterpart to the savior, our TF, is the amazing legacy of grace and love our TM completed. When we ponder why our 5% is so difficult to complete, then one should also imagine the path of the ones who are doing the other 95%? Those95% are our TPs; I hope you pray and meditate on this in your daily practice and that your path towards completing your 5% can be realized.
This, brothers and sisters, is what we witnessed yesterday. This reality is what fills the pages of our holy texts. With a clear path and truth TPs have indemnified with their eternal lives and grace us with such salvation.
In our tradition we equate our 5% with completing our own individual responsibility, or achieving perfection. Can those who have perfected this 5% please raise their hands? To the ones holding their hands up I offer a full bow and hope you can teach us the way, Namaste. But the majority of us will continue to struggle on a daily basis to achieve this ideal.
We know the struggle to fulfill our personal 5% is not automatically perfected just because we believe in the Principle. If only it were so simple. This is why TPs have continually taught the word and shown the way on the path towards individual perfection, for they are the masters who not only completed their own path, but took the responsibility for all of human history, and have given grace, forgiveness, love, unity and hope to each member who faltered. This is TM’s essential message presented on the second anniversary of TF’s sunghwa.
As a benevolent and unconditionally loving parent, the FLU – forgive, love, and unite message is the key to individual, familial, tribal, national and worldwide unity and salvation. It is the core of our movement’s spirit to live a sincere life of love, and to compassionately practice living for the sake of others. In TF’s last words he professed that he has completed everything. He also crowned our TM as his completed and perfected equal on countless occasions.
When we study DP, everything is illuminated, and one cannot deny TPs as the unified model that shows us the true path of restoration. It is only from this holy union that it becomes possible for all life to come to resemble our HP.
I have the honor of serving our TM. Every day she whole-heartedly fulfills her mission to liberate and restore balance to the world and to pay for our inability to fulfill our 5%. It brings me to tears as I witness the physical difficulties she overcomes in order to clean up and finish what we all as her children have yet to do. This is the true heart of a mother who lives each day for the welfare of her worldwide family. She continually forgives, hopes, and carries the cross, doing all she can to keep the door open so that all her children can be saved. This is our Holy Mother who has completed her 95% and carries our 5% too. Abogi, omoni, jeasong ham nida! In Korean that means: “Father, Mother, I am sorry.”
Before forgiveness can be granted one must humbly atone for ones actions. Otherwise no sincere change is possible. I apologize every day to TPs and acknowledge my inadequacy; I know that I am not enough. But it is TM who encourages and unconditionally believes in and loves me. That is why I have the courage to go on. This same love and encouragement she has asked me to share with you, so that we as one family under our HP and TPs can be victorious.
If you face difficulty on your path please know that TPs unconditionally love you and are with you. Parental love is eternal, unchanging and absolute. Imagine TPs path to restore, indemnify, and return all things back to our HP. We should gratefully stand on the hallowed, completed foundation that TPs have secured, as true sons and daughters of our HP.
I have faith that members in the Asia Region will set the standard of victory for our worldwide movement! Let us all vow to complete our 5% and liberate our TPs! AJU!
As outlined in DP, our 3 blessings are to be fruitful, multiply, and have dominion over creation. From the holy Blessing moment we are sanctified individuals committed to honoring the vow of true love and purity to our spouse. Through a perfected union we grow to bear ripe glorious fruit, the legacy of our united eternal love. We then nurture the growth of our precious children, who must also grow with the same perfected 5% responsibility to create a lasting legacy of healthy, abundant, perfected fruit trees. When we have given birth to this restored orchard, we then have the honor and responsibility to sustain and live in complete harmony with all living things that pollenate, water, purify, and give light and sustenance to our holy garden. This is the complete road map to creating the kingdom of heaven on earth, our Cheon il guk.
But if we look at the world today, where is our holy garden? If you live on this planet, you have witnessed and may have directly experienced the instability of our earth today. TM has stressed this reality in our HI Aloha work-shop for our blessed second and third generations. We are “blessed pure water” and we need to be the advocates for a silent, suffering planet, the manifested body of our HP. If there is no earth, there can be no fruit, no perfected legacy, no dominion over creation; our life and families will cease to be if we do not sustain and restore balance to our planet. Climate change is real; we have felt the devastation of our oceans rising, our polar ice caps dissolving due to the greenhouse effect, our seasons gravely fluctuating and having disastrous effects on our global climate and storm systems, our oceans and skies becoming acidified and polluted, where they can no longer balance and sustain life. The coral reefs and the minutest forms of life are dying out and larger species are being lost forever.
If we imagine the earth as HP’s physical body, then the ocean is HP’s circulatory system. It is the lifeblood of this planet. If we think of the air and ozone, each breath we take, it is the pulmonary or lung function of our HP. If we stand on the earth, the bones and flesh of our HP’s body are holding us up. The sun is HP’s fuel and fire that metabolizes and creates all life. We must honor every natural and living being as if we are attending our HP.
We should be the stewards to protect, nurture, and preserve this blessing for all generations of life to come. If we know the Principle we should spend each moment to awaken our worldwide family to collectively share this vision of peace and prosperity for all.
Yet we are stuck in this cycle of war over resources and the patenting of life on this planet. We hear the anxious voices fearing the end of days, building their bunkers to survive the apocalypse. We live each day seeing so much pain, suffering, cruelty, greed, and sadness. But we are only blind and filled with fear because we do not fully understand our HP and Tps.
If we are a peace-loving movement it is paramount that we delve deep into our faith and beliefs. We will realize that we still have much to learn and much to do. As we made a glorious stride toward realizing this dream yesterday, we should keep our focus and determination going forward until we succeed in realizing vision 2020 of blessing for all. For all of you here who are blessed and awakened to the truth, let us work together and support all of our family members so that we can realize this vision. We have TPs and HP leading the way, and unconditionally loving and raising us to victory! As long as we have life, we have the power to change the world. So let us pledge our devotion and energies to realize this dream. May HP bless each and every precious family member here today!