True Parents’ Holy Wedding 
3.16.1960, former headquarters church, Korea


The Holy Wedding of our True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind was held at the older of the two former headquarters churches in Cheongpa-dong, Seoul, on the 16th day of the 3rd month by the lunar calendar in 1960, beginning at 10 a.m. The ceremony had two parts—the first was the ceremony of the restored parents through indemnity and the second was the ceremony of the glorious parents. The church chose around 700 members from across Korea to observe this historic, glorious Holy Wedding. On that day, True Father said, “This Holy Wedding could take place based on the seven years after the liberation of Korea and another seven-year period, making a fourteen-year period,” thereby showing that a providential preparation period had been needed.

"Our Holy Wedding that was held in 1960 was vital to indemnifying and resolving all the issues that had impeded the four thousand-year course of history from Adam to Jesus and the two thousand-year course of history from Jesus to the present day. Despite the global and cosmic significance of that ceremony, in reality it was held in the presence of a small number of people and amid persecution that was beyond imagination. The period from 1953 to 1960, when I was preparing for this ceremony, was a time of enormous persecution as well. During those days, we received persecution from at least 3.6 million people, from three denominations and three nations. Our Holy Wedding Ceremony was the victory attained by going through all this and setting up indemnity conditions. That day was the day that decided the destiny of the Unification Church."
(Cheong Seong Gyeong, book 11, chapter 5, section 2, verse 2)


True Parents’ 56th Holy Wedding Anniversary - April 22, 2016

On Friday, April 22, 2016, True Mother along with Unificationists in Korea and international guests and leaders celebrated True Parents’ 56th Holy Wedding Anniversary on the lawn of the Cheon Jeong Gung. As the sky slowly faded to evening and the decorative lights shone brighter, festivities began and were broadcast live around the world.
The garden celebration made for a beautiful setting, and the oncoming of spring created a peaceful atmosphere. True Mother, looking vibrant and healthy, took a seat on the stage built around the Cheon Jeong Gung steps, and the anniversary program began.
Unificationist elders Col. Bo Hi Pak and Rev. Young Hwi Kim shared words on this special occasion about their experience walking side by side with True Father and True Mother for the majority of their ministry. Col. Bo Hi Pak’s story, read to everyone by his assistant, included a heartwarming anecdote about the first anniversary celebration he attended, where he was asked by True Parents to sing a song. He spoke about the beauty of practicing a heart of attendance for True Parents, and testified that through our lives we can bring honor to True Parents’ vision. He closed with final words of hope that everyone in this world come to feel like children of True Parents, as he does.
True Mother’s message, which was read by Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP) International President Prof. Yeon Ah Moon, focused on outreach and teaching others about True Parents, an ever constant vision we hold and practice. True Mother conveyed her earnest determination to see True Parents’ teachings reach every single person by 2020.
She also said that every problem we encounter can and should be resolved with True Parents, and this is the conviction that will give us the confidence to go out into the world and share about True Parents. After her main address, True Mother offered a toast and then made her way to one of the many dining tables dotting the lawn. Everyone present shared a meal, and soon after, lively entertainment ensued. 
Rev. Yoo Kyung Sok, President of FFWPU Korea, emceed the entertainment program, introducing several elder Blessed families who shared their testimonies to True Parents on this occasion. Then, several singers graced the stage and offered songs to True Parents. Su Bin Kang, a young unificationist and Korean pop singer, sang several songs, followed by a musical offering by a group of Japanese Unificationists, songs by the Little Angels, and performances by the band, Apple Heaven. To top it all off, True Mother took the stage and sang a favorite tune that she and True Father sang often, Saranghae, during which the whole audience chimed in. To close this reverent and elegant anniversary celebration, Dr. Ki Hoon Kim led everyone in cheering for True Parents, their 56 years of marriage, and our continuous dedication to their mission and vision.