Global Expansion of True Families speaking tour (January 17, 1999 Weight Lifting Stadium, Seoul)

Global Expansion of True Families speaking tour was held on January 17, 1999 in the Olympic Park, Weight Lifting Stadium in Seoul. In his speech, True Father emphasize true love is the beginning point of creation and we must fulfill true families centered around true love. The speaking tour that covered eight cities around Korea continued until January 25, and the tour was completed successfully with 80,000 participants in total. (Courtesy of the History Compilation Committee)




Holy Marriage of 72 second-generation-member couples

(January 11, 1989 Seoul)

The Blessing Ceremony for 72 second-generation-member couples was held on January 11, 1989, in the Little Angels Performing Arts Center. Two thousandpeople from Korea and abroad came to the ceremony. Here, True Parents prayed to Heaven that they may become seventy-two second-generation-member couples that can become the pride of heaven, earth, and humankind. They also spoke that second-generation 36-couple and 72-couple members should unite and become model families for all families. (Courtesy of the History Compilation Committee)


Founding of The International Federation for Victory Over Communism

(January 13, 1968 Former Headquarters Church, Seoul)

The International Federation for Victory over Communism was founded in the former headquarters church in Yongsan, Seoul, on January 13, 1968. The Victory Over Communism movement started in 1965 and many small anti-communistenlightenment groups were formed in Koreas eight provinces. The International Federation for Victory Over Communism registered with the Ministry of Culture and Public Information (number 164). Mr. Kim In-cheol was the first chairman. True Father said, We need an ideological organization based on the results that we can show to the world, when explaining the significance of the founding of the International Federation for Victory over Communism. (Courtesy of the History Compilation Committee)






Jan. 1

Holy Marriage of 72 second-generation-member couples (1989)

Little Angels Performing Arts Center Seoul

Jan. 12

1,275-couple International BlessingCeremony (1989)

Ilhwa Training Center,Yongin, Korea

Jan. 13

Founding of The International Federation for Victory Over Communism (1968)

Former Headquarters Church, Seoul

Jan. 17

Global Expansion of True Familys speaking tour (1999)

Olympic Park Weight Lifting Stadium, Seoul