First Victory Over Communism Asian Rally
January 21, 1970, Seoul Citizen’s Hall
The first Victory Over Communism Asian Rally was held in the afternoon of January 21, 1970, at the Seoul Citizen’s Hall. Hosted by the International Federation for Victory Over Communism, this rally was held with success through the participation of more than six thousand anti-communist leaders from five different nations. The main address was delivered by Vietnam War veterans Kim Shin-jo and Kim Ik-poong. Father emphasized the importance of gaining victory over communism, saying that this Asian rally was a ceremony to usher in the 1970s.
Global Expansion of True Families
Speaking Tour
January 17, 1999, Seoul Weightlifting Stadium
On January 17, 1999, the Global Expansion of True Families Speaking Tour began at the Seoul Olympic Weightlifting Stadium. True Father stressed that it was the starting point of the creation of true love and that we must build true families centered on true love. True Parents toured 8 cities around Korea until January 25 and a total 80,000 people attended.