future lies with the youth! How often we hear that! And this
is not just wishful thinking on the part of the young, for
demographic researchers tell us that young people under 35
are the ones whose decisions determine the future political,
social, cultural and economic courses of every nation. According
to the United Nations department of statistics, almost 70%
of the entire world population is under age 30, and the number
is growing.
But what kind of influence do we have? All over the world,
young people are hurting and killing each other in endless
political and racial disputes and cultural or religious discord.
This month, tit-for-tat violence in the Middle East reached
new depths of mindless ferocity and hundreds are dying. In
Africa, millions of lives are being destroyed through AIDS
and sexually transmitted diseases.
At the World CARP Convention in Seoul last month, thousands
of young people from over thirty nations gathered in peace
to study the answer to all these problems. We have to love
each other, to serve each other. This means learning to live
for the sake of others.