Creating a World of Peace - The Thought and Works of Sun Myung Moon by Joon Ho Seuk |
Volume 3 - True Love in a False World [Part 5 of 5]
5. Creating A Protective Sphere For Love
Reverend Moon's teachings clearly explain that sexual love belongs exclusively in the conjugal relationship between husband and wife. Therefore, it is vital that young people maintain their virginity prior to marriage.
In order to experience true love through the blessing of marriage the temptations of false love must be avoided at all costs. To do this we must safeguard ourselves by creating a protective sphere for love.
A. Conscience
Our conscience is to guide us to true love in our lives, and it needs no teacher to recognize when we go the wrong way. Our conscience warns us against promiscuous encounters that derail us from our pursuit of true love. Too often in this fallen world, sex is merely a physical activity undertaken for a self-centered purpose.
People whose hearts are immature, and are not connected to a higher center set by the conscience, seek only carnal pleasure. Sexual unions outside of marriage are often accompanied by deep guilt, self-recrimination and a corruption of character.
The warnings of the conscience are echoed in these feelings and experiences.
From True Family and I, South American Address, June - July, 1995.
If you study yourself, you will notice that your conscience knows everything about you. Your conscience is closer to you than are your own parents. It desires to posses eternal love and to be embraced eternally in God's bosom.
When we marry, we separate from our earthly parents, but not from our conscience. The conscience exists with us prior to our birth on earth. It loves us, and its mission is to transform us into eternal sons and daughters of God. In this sense, the conscience does not need a teacher.
Have you ever heard of a Secretary of Education announcing a plan to educate the conscience? If the conscience had gone the original way, we would have known clearly the course we should follow in life.
It would have taught us and guided us to return to God's bosom. Until today, we did not know that the mission of the conscience is to convert us into unblemished, true sons and daughters of God.
To reach the goal of true love in this world of false love the first step is to listen to our conscience. Our conscience is our link to God's ideal. It naturally teaches us the path toward true love. However, if we disregard the teachings of our conscience, its warnings become more difficult to recognize until, finally, we wander deaf and blind into hell.
Even from the depths of hell, though, God can still reach us if we listen again to the quiet voice of our conscience. As soon as we pay attention to it, it will regain strength and begin to guide us back to God's ideal. Our conscience is eternally with us; it only waits for us to pay attention to it so that it can help us become our true selves.
B. Purity
Purity before marriage and fidelity within marriage are the cornerstones of Reverend Moon's moral teachings. Without purity and fidelity there is no true love. And without true love we cannot experience God's ideal; we cannot live in God's family and multiply God's lineage. Thus, maintaining purity is the most essential aspect of the life of young people.
The Value of Purity
From Blessing and Ideal Family in Blessed Family and the Ideal Kingdom I, New York, NY: HSA-UWC, 1997.
Purity is more important than life. The historical path on which husbands, sons and daughters, the nation, and the world can love is opened by women. With truth, dignity and genuineness, you should devote all your sincerity to building a foundation on which woman's beauty, novelty and emotional tradition can shine.
Purity during Adolescence
From Blessing and Ideal Family in Blessed Family and the Ideal Kingdom I, New York, NY: HSA-UWC, 1997.
You should not ruin your purity during your adolescence, which is the precious time when you cleanse and indemnify the purity lost by Adam and Eve during their youth. You should preserve your purity, precious and clean, and you should have the mind and determination that even if I have to live a thousand or ten thousand years alone, my love will absolutely never be misused.
Adolescence is the time when the temptations of false love begin to exert their powerful influence. The first human ancestors were tempted into false love during their adolescence. Therefore, young people must be especially vigilant to overcome such temptations and avoid repeating the mistake of Adam and Eve.
Purity of Mind and Body
From Blessing and Ideal Family in Blessed Family and the Ideal Kingdom I, New York, NY: HSA-UWC, 1997.
Life starts from a pure being. When a human being is born, he or she is born as an unspoiled being. When it comes out of its mother's womb, it is born innocent, not with some kind of blemish. Isn't that right? Therefore, a person's body is born pure, and his mind is also born with innocence.
Even the heart of a young man, who can smell the fragrance of spring in his puberty, is born pure. Body and mind all are born innocent and spotless. But if a person has self-centered and licentious thinking, can that person be pure? Are you saying that you want to offer that kind of person to God?
Being born with a pure mind and body, can you spend it on someone impure? According to the law of indemnity, you cannot do that.
We are born pure and innocent. This purity must be maintained both in mind and body as we grow to maturity, otherwise we cannot live in the realm of true love with God. We cannot experience true love without having maintained this purity in mind and body until the time of meeting our spouse. Our spouse is also God's child, born pure and innocent.
How can we offer ourselves to our spouse if we have lost our original purity and innocence given to us by God?
C. Modesty
Modesty about exposing the body is a necessary component of purity. Like a prompting of the conscience, embarrassment about sexuality is a warning sign that the moral boundaries of a relationship are being threatened.
It protects the deeply personal and mysterious nobility of sexuality until there is a safe context for its expression. Thus, modesty supports the conscience and the ideal of self-mastery. It helps strengthen the power of morals over instincts, and it elevates human emotions above animal drives.
This tendency toward modesty is part of the self-preservation instincts of youth, especially girls. The beauty of womanhood must be carefully guarded until the appropriate time. Like the blossom of a flower that begins as a bud with many layers of petals, a woman's beauty should be hidden until her husband's love opens her like a flower in the warmth of the sun.
From Blessing and Ideal Family in Blessed Family and the Ideal Kingdom I, New York, NY: HSA-UWC, 1997.
The blossom of the peony is formed from inside many layers of petals. A woman should hide herself deep inside, like that flower. Then, when spring comes, together with the harmony of heaven and earth, she should start a new life.
D. Appropriate Behavior
Reverend Moon has taught the members of the Unification Church very strictly about how unmarried men and women should behave in order to avoid the temptations of the fallen world and prepare for true love in marriage.
In Today's society it is common for young people to publicly display their bodies in sexually inviting ways. In order to remain pure and avoid temptations to participate in sexual activities, careful monitoring of every action is necessary.
Inappropriate Behavior
From Blessing and Ideal Family in Blessed Family and the Ideal Kingdom I, New York, NY: HSA-UWC, 1997.
When a woman is walking on a road and meets a handsome man, she thinks she wants to see him again. This is the nature of the fall. If you are sons and daughters of God, you should not show even the slightest interest in anyone except the spouse God has selected for you.
Looking at someone directly itself is not a sin. But when you look with interest, the powerful force of the fall can take effect and can lead to an unexpected accident. That is why when you are walking on a road and come face to face with a handsome man or a beautiful woman, you should not look with interest.
Unmarried men and women should not shake hands if possible because the electricity of love flows through holding hands. The spark of love cuts a wound in the mind of the other person. The wound made by love cannot be healed with any medicine in this world.
6. Reverend Moon's Activities
Reverend Moon has founded numerous organizations throughout the world that address the issue of true love in a false world. These include organizations that educate clergy, politicians and teachers about the importance of marriage and family; those that educate adults, both single and married, about marriage, family values and parenting; and those that educate youth directly about developing moral and ethical character. The following are some examples:
A. Organizations Educating Professionals
American Clergy Leadership Conference
The American Clergy Leadership Conference (ACLC) carries out activities in churches across America, including revivals, promotion of church growth, ecumenical and interfaith unity and cooperation, and working to engage churches to end racism and all societal ills.
American Clergy Leadership Conference
The American Clergy Leadership Conference (ACLC) has the following purposes:
To unify the body of Christ (the Christian church) and all Abrahamic faiths.
To foster denominational unity and work with all religions.
To dissolve racial barriers by practicing the principle of loving ones enemies.
To provide moral direction for American and world leaders.
To promote the blessing of marriage and the end of divorce as well as strengthening family ties and cultivating a healthy environment for youth in the family and the community.
To bring salvation through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and to live according to the virtues of all faiths.
To actively participate in the renewal of the community by working together with people of faith and faith-based organizations to address the needs of people around the world.
To be led by the work of the Holy Spirit to inspire and direct the people of the nation.
To work for an environment and culture of peace by living for the sake of others.
The ACLC believes in one Creator, though the people of faith may call him by various names.
The ACLC holds conferences throughout America designed to allow members of the clergy to come together in God's spirit beyond denomination, to promote the Biblical foundations of the blessing of marriage and strengthening the family, to promote through fellowship the unity of the body of Christ and foster cooperation and understanding among all religions, and to guide the nation and the world to build families of true love and peace.
In the spring of 2001, a traveling team of clergy held revivals at which Reverend Moon was the keynote speaker in all 50 states in 52 days.
American Leadership Conference
The American Leadership Conference (ALC) was created so that America might present to the world not only economic and technological success but also an outstanding example of healthy families.
Since its founding in 1986, more than 27,175 legislators, clergy, community leaders and educators throughout the USA have participated in ALC programs. Men and women of all ethnic origins and religious backgrounds have acquired results-oriented insights into strengthening families, building grassroots organizations, and affecting public policy.
American Leadership Conference
Conferences sponsored by the American Leadership Conference (ALC) explore:
The ideal of love in the family.
The origin of family breakdown.
The principles which are necessary to restore our families.
America's religious roots.
The present cultural trends that are affecting the family
Solutions to the very real problems that confront Today's families and society.
International Educational Foundation
The International Educational Foundation (IEF) was founded in 1990 to advocate character education, service learning, family education, abstinence education and education to prevent drug abuse in all parts of the world.
The work began in the countries of the former Soviet Union in 1990 with an international exchange that brought students and educators to the United States for leadership training seminars. This led to collaboration with Russian educators to produce comprehensive educational materials for character education in local schools.
Since then, hundreds of teacher training seminars have been held to introduce teachers to these materials and to new methodologies that successfully integrate universal values with specific local cultural traditions.
Currently, curricula developed by IEF are being used in over 10,000 schools in Russia, Mongolia and other countries of the former Soviet Union.
International Educational Foundation
The International Educational Foundation (IEF) has the following purposes:
To cultivate heart and character through a balanced approach to education that integrates the best of Eastern and Western, spiritual and material, as well as traditional and contemporary values.
To address youth issues such as abstinence education and drug abuse prevention with a heart-centered approach to character development and an ethic focused on pure love.
To empower families through marriage and parenting education that upholds the family as the seedbed of virtue and the school of love.
To promote civic responsibility and foster a culture of peace through teaching about conflict resolution and encouraging volunteerism that reaches across boundaries such as race, religion, ethnicity, and nationality.
B. Organizations Educating Families
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification
The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU) seeks to build a peaceful world through true families. It promotes activities that strengthen the love of husband and wife, the love of parents for their children, and the love of children for their parents.
The FFWPU calls all couples to rededicate their marriage in the love of God, beyond race, culture or religion.
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification
The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU) calls couples to dedicate their marriage to God:
Affirming the eternal true love of husband and wife, we rededicate our marriage to God.
We will be faithful in marriage forever.
We will teach our children sexual purity.
We will support all people to uplift sexual purity and marital fidelity, beyond race, nation and religion.
C. Organizations Educating Youth
Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles
World CARP (Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles) is the student and youth affiliate of the Unification Movement, founded by Reverend and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon. World CARP membership is open to young people of all races, religions and cultures.
Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles
The Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles (CARP) advocates the following:
Striving for individual excellence through challenging limitations.
Establishing enduring relationships, based on the model of the true family, which build toward lasting peace within the larger community and the world.
Engaging in regular community service, and practicing moral, ethical relationships in preparation for family life and career.
The central philosophy of World CARP is the Divine Principle, the teaching of Reverend and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon. It is a God-centered and family-based perspective on humanity and the universe.
The Divine Principle is the basis for all World CARP activities and is central to understanding its worldview on true peace. The mission of World CARP is to encourage conscientious young people to live for the sake of others, by bridging the generations and transcending the boundaries between races, nationalities and religions.
To accomplish its mission World CARP carries out the following activities:
Pure Love Education, a worldwide project to promote sexual abstinence in preparation for marriage, and a vital resource in the battle against AIDS
World CARP Symposium and Convention, an annual gathering of World CARP members and leaders from around the world to share testimonies of success, learn new skills and celebrate the World CARP Youth Festival
Mister and Miss University International, promoting character and talent among college age youth
Special Task Force (STF), a full time training program for high school graduates
Workshops and seminars, the study of the Divine Principle, and other student exchange activities
Pure Love Education
CARP encourages young people to sign the Pure Love Pledge:
Cherishing the relationship of pure love between a man and a woman and longing to realize this in my own life, I make the following promises:
To respect and honor the ideal of purity in myself and others.
To refrain from sexual relations before marriage.
To develop my personality and character based on such values as respect for elders and honesty, commitment and loyalty in friendships.
To keep fidelity in my future marriage.
To help others to act accordingly.