Filial Attendance: The Way of Filial Piety of Holy Sons and Daughters of God - Elio Roman |
The laws of the universe originate from love and exist for the purpose of love. Love is the governing force of the universe. Even God wants to be governed by love. Love determines the right of ownership. God is the source and subject of love. God, as the subject partner of love, gave all of Himself in creating the universe for humankind. God created human beings as His sons and daughters who were the object partners of His love. God's children should have loved God in return. Loving God, as His sons and daughters, from the position of an object partner is called filial attendance.
There is an interaction paradigm in accord with the laws of love of the universe. This interaction paradigm exists in all relationships between all entities throughout the universe including human relationships. Regarding relationships between God and human beings and between human beings, the interaction paradigm asserts that the subject partner initiates a relationship by offering to live for the sake of the object partner. When the object partner accepts and lives for the sake of the subject partner, then the subject partner is placed in the position of owner of true love. In essence the object partner receives the subject elements offered by the subject partner, and then gives all its object elements to the subject partner.
The interaction is carried out with complete sincerity from both partners. The subject partner then bequeaths all its elements to the object partner thus entitling the object partner the ownership of all the elements of the subject partner. It is through such a relationship that the object partner inherits heavenly fortune. In such a relationship of oneness, the subject partner and object partner share and own each other's possessions. In a sense they enter into a mutual contract or a covenantal relationship by which oneness is formed. The subject partner completes the object partner and the object partner completes the subject partner as they share ownership of all of each others elements. The ideal of creation on the individual level is the partnership of love between God and His filial sons and daughters.
Human beings should have individually perfected their position as God's object partners by loving and totally living for the sake of their Heavenly Father with absolute dedication and devotion and with absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience. Through their attendance of God, His sons and daughters would have developed and matured their filial hearts as object partners. Having attended God and developed their heart of attendance they would have embodied the love of God. Having absolutely attended God they would have placed God in the position of owner of true love. God's filial sons and daughters who live their lives attending God, inherit the entire ownership, and thus heavenly fortune from God. In this way human beings realize their true value. In this sense God completes human beings and human beings complete God.
God, in the position of owner of true love, bequeaths His love, life, lineage and the ownership of the entire universe to His filial sons and daughters. These are the elements of heavenly fortune. Filial sons and daughters of God gain the right of inheritance and become the owners of the universe. They also gain the right of dwelling together with God and the right of equal participation with God.
Because of the Fall, everything fell under Satan's ownership. Instead of becoming the owner of true love God became the owner of a broken heart. The Father was unable to bequeath His life, love, lineage, and blessings to His children. It is in the parent and child relationship and in other subject partner and object partner relationships that true love and joy are experienced. It is a most serious matter for the object partner to place the subject partner in the position of owner of true love. It is by attending the subject partner that the object partner places the subject partner in the position of the owner of love. This is the source of all blessings for the object partner. Filial attendance is the way to inherit the blessings from the Father.
By fulfilling one's responsibility of attendance as an object partner, the circuit of love is established and one finds one's true value. Adam and Eve would have come to realize their value having attended God with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. God would then have bequeathed and multiplied true love, true life, true lineage and true ideals to subsequent generations through Adam and Eve, thus expanding and multiplying heavenly fortune and establishing the Kingdom of God.
Adam and Eve, who were created as the object partners of God's love, instead became the object partners of Satan's love. Since love, even if it is fallen love, determines the right of ownership, then Satan has a right to claim ownership over humankind. Since it is the object partner that places the subject partner in the position of owner of love, Adam and Eve by becoming an object partner to Satan's fallen love placed him in the position as owner of unprincipled or fallen love. In the bible there is an account where Satan expresses his ownership.
The devil led him (Jesus) up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. And he said to him, "I will give you all their authority and splendor, for it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. So if you worship me, it will all be yours."(Luke 4: 5-7)
Satan is offering Jesus all the nations of the world but only on the condition that Jesus attends him. Jesus replied by saying that one should only live in attendance to God. It was Adam and Eve who attended Satan and placed him in the position of owner. They gained the right of dwelling together with Satan, the right of equal participation with Satan, and the inheritance of sin and fallen nature.
In becoming the objects of Satan's fallen love, Adam and Eve came to embody Satan's fallen love, false life, and sinful lineage and placed Satan in the position of owner. This includes owner of fallen love and owner of the universe. Adam and Eve multiplied Satan's false love, false life, sinful lineage, and false ideals. Subsequent generations inherited the fallen love, spiritual death and false ideals from the false owner Satan. Satan, the owner of fallen love has become the false father, false owner and false ruler of this world. In essence he has stolen everything that God and loyal angels worked so hard to accomplish.
Filial sons and daughters of God return all ownership to God. True Parents have returned all ownership to God. By attending True Parents we then inherit true life, true love, true lineage and ownership of the universe and the right of dwelling together with God and the right of equal participation with God which were entitled to True Parents from God.
The rights of ownership are restored through the process of restoration of the elder son's birthright. The elder son's birthright can be restored when the brother Cain in Satan's position attends and becomes the object partner to Abel who is God's representative. The responsibility of the object partner is to attend the subject partner. The responsibility of the subject partner is to live with absolute love towards the object partner. Abel needs to express absolute love to Cain in order that Cain submits voluntarily and attends Abel. When Cain places himself in the object position to Abel then Abel becomes the owner of the birthright and God's providence of restoration advances. Abel, with the heart of love, must have Cain submit voluntarily. Cain has something which is extremely valuable and necessary for the advancement of God's providence for restoration. Cain has the elder son's birthright through which Satan maintains ownership over mankind and the universe. God's side needs to acquire the elder son's birthright which is owned by Satan. This is accomplished through Abel's absolute love towards Cain and Cain's voluntary attendance of Abel. As Abel figures, having restored the birthright through attending True Parents it is then our responsibility as representatives of God and True Parents to multiply these blessings to all mankind by restoring their birthright.
The interaction paradigm of ownership and inheritance and the true love principle of absolute value state that one cannot become the owner of true love by oneself. A mutual relationship is necessary. The universal principle is that the subject partner must give absolute love to the object partner and the object partner reciprocates by attending the subject partner, which then places the subject partner in the position of owner of true love. The owner of true love then bequeaths its blessings to their object partners. By their filial attendance to God, True Parents have inherited all God's blessings for humankind. By attending True Parents we receive the inheritance they have received form God.
In the Parent and child relationship the loving response of the child is called filial attendance. It is through the mutual relationship between the responsibility of the subject partner and the responsibility of the object partner that God's ideal of creation is fulfilled. Once the position of owner of true love is established by the subject partner, love and substantial blessings are bequeathed to the object partner. In this way filial sons and daughters of God are bequeathed ownership of the universe, they gain the right of dwelling together with God, and they gain the right of equal participation with God. It is the children who place their parents in the position of owner of parental love. Without children one cannot be the owner of parental love. God and parents as the owners of true love bestow their blessings upon their filial children who attend them.
It is our responsibility to become perfect object partners to God by living a life of filial piety by attending our Heavenly Father. In the course of restoration and perfection, ownership of true love is established by setting the condition of indemnity of having attended God and True Parents. The process of restoration is fulfilled through absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. In the course of restoration filial sons and daughters of God place God in the position of owner of true love. They return true love to God and they return all things and the universe to God who then gives all back in greater abundance. Through this process of mutual relationships between a subject partner and an object partner ownership is established. It is by fulfilling its responsibility of attending the subject partner that the object partner realizes its value.
In a husband and wife relationship the husband must initiate and give true love to his wife. The wife by attending her husband as his object partner places the husband in the position of owner of true love. Without a spouse one cannot be the owner of conjugal love. Upon such a union husband and wife can stand as an object partners before God who gives all His blessings to such a couple which then multiply that love and form a family. The absolute law of love of God determines the absolute value system of the true ideal individual.
The laws of love are based on the Four Position Foundation and determine the absolute value system of the ideal family. When a subject partner establishes mutual relationships with three objects, the four position foundation which is the ideal of creation is realized in the fullness of the law of love of absolute value on the family level. The four position foundation maintains its identity when the position of one subject and three objects is fixed. However, in the four position foundation the three objects purpose is fulfilled when any person in one of the four positions assumes the position of subject partner and the other three positions respond as objects partners through their attendance. Filial sons and daughters develop the heart of the object by attending God. Husbands and wives having developed their hearts of attendance as vertical object partners to God now learn how to attend each other from the position of horizontal objects partners to each other. Children vicariously learn to attend their parents and God vertically as they observe their parents attend God. Children establish elder/younger relationships and learn how to attend each other horizontally. It is absolutely necessary that each of the four positions has developed the heart of the object partner which is the way of attendance.
It is through the four position foundation that that all the necessary forces of love, existence, multiplication, action and development occurs, and by which heavenly fortune and all blessings are received from God. It is then the responsibility of these families to horizontally expand and multiply the love, blessings and heavenly fortune received from God to other families. It is in the four position foundation that the ideal of creation is realized. Thus it is paramount that the responsibility of the object partner be fulfilled. God has been seeking his perfect object partners, His filial sons and daughters who can live a true life of attendance as object partners. It is sons and daughters who live a true life of filial attendance who establish God as the owner of true love. The ideal family, as the owner of true love, is the owner of Cheon Il Guk.
In any relationship, it is the object-partner who places the subject-partner in the position of an owner of true love. (Public Venue, 2004.12.13)
In the original ideal of creation, love was to determine ownership. According to the Principle, when a subject and an object form a relationship of love, each shares the other's possessions. Therefore, when we look carefully from this Principle viewpoint, we see that Satan came to have the ownership of all humankind born as the descendants of Eve, because she fell with the archangel through an illicit love relationship. (Ideal Family -- 26, Korean Edition)
Now, we must restore the rights of ownership. Since, in the course of attending God, the things of creation were sacrificed in the Old Testament Age, the son was sacrificed in the New Testament Age, and the parents were sacrificed in the Completed Testament Age, what has to be done now? You should stand in the position representing the mother and father. The sons and daughters are the New Testament Age, and all things of creation are the Old Testament Age.
Because the Old Testament, New Testament, and Completed Testament ages have all deviated from God's true love, Satan has become the owner. Now, however, we must indemnify all this and bring everything to the original owner. (208-345, 1990.11.21)
Love does not start from myself alone; it starts from my counterpart. Who, then, is the owner of love? The counterpart is the owner of love. (Blessing Pt. 1 -- 46)
The path for becoming an owner of love can be opened through the practice of true love, which invests and completely sacrifices itself first for its partner.
Before God created man, He first established the standard of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience and then invested Himself 100 percent. Thus, He brought the realm of the object into the realm of absolute values. One cannot become an owner of love on one's own. This is only possible through an object partner. This love principle of absolute values also pertains to God. Without children, parents can never become owner of love. In the same way, in order for God to stand in the position of the owner of absolute love, He must set up man, who stands as God's object, in the realm of the values of absolute love. Perfection is reached through the emergence of the values of an absolute subject and absolute object. (Public Venue, 2004.5.21)
According to the Principle of Creation, love determines the right of ownership. In a relationship of love the partners possess a right of ownership with respect to each other. By this principle, Satan used his ties of illicit love to claim ownership over fallen human beings. Satan took over the role of the "father" of humanity, even though the true Father of humanity is God. This is why Jesus, in the Gospel of John Chapter 8 verse 44, chastised the people as children of Satan, saying: "You belong to your father the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire." (Public Venue, 2004.12.13)
The wrongful use of love is the cause of the Fall. Through an illicit sexual relationship, Adam united with Eve, who had already united with the archangel, and thus they became husband and wife and formed a family, centering not on God but on Satan. Therefore, all humankind as their descendants came to inherit Satan's lineage. Accordingly, although Adam and Eve's sons were originally to become God's first and second sons, because Eve established a relationship of illicit affection with the archangel, her first and second sons fell into Satan's possession. According to the ideal of creation, love determines ownership. When a relationship of love is created, the subject partner and object partner involved in this love necessarily come to own each other. This is the Principle. Therefore, from the viewpoint of such a principled standard, since Eve fell through illicit love with Satan, the rights of ownership over the human beings born as her descendants passed to Satan, the archangel, who became able to proudly assert those rights. (Blessed Family -- 325, Korean Edition)
The path for becoming an owner of love can be opened through the practice of true love which invests and completely sacrifices itself first for its partner...One cannot become an owner of love on one's own. This is only possible through an object-partner. This love principle of absolute values also pertains to God. Without children, parents can never become owners of love. In the same way, in order for God to stand in the position of the owner of absolute love, He must create His children, who stand as God's object-partners, in the realm of the values of absolute love. Perfection is reached through the emergence of the values of an absolute subject and absolute object…
Our responsibility is to become the absolute object partner before Heaven, the subject partner, and open the way for the age of the creation of a new heaven and earth. (Public Venue, 2004.7.23)
Principle teaches that love is the governing power. That is why Satan has a right to claim ownership over human beings even though his love is immoral. According to the principle of creation, God is the original owner of human beings. Therefore, God and Satan together can claim ownership over human beings. (Tribal Messiah -- 49, 1972.4.1)
After creating Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, God intended to wed them with His Holy Blessing and bequeath to them Heaven's right of ownership. God wanted Adam and Eve to inherit from Him the ownership of the entire universe. Because of the fall, however, all this fell under Satan's control. God is like a father who worked and sweated his entire life to accumulate assets for his children, only to have a thief steal everything in one night.
Who can comprehend the sorrowful, painful heart of God? God lost His lineage, lost His children, and was forced to hand over the ownership of the nations and world to Satan. There was only one way to recover this lineage and ownership. This was the path to win the natural subjugation of Satan, to have Satan surrender voluntarily. What is the secret to accomplish this? It is only by the power of true love, when we love our enemies more than we love our own children. (Messages of Peace 1 -- 18, 2005.9.12)
God is the king and owner of true love. Since God is the king of true love, and the bridegroom, it is an absolute principle that He needs His partner, the queen. Then you may ask who can be the absolute God's partner in true love? The answer is true people. It was Adam and Eve who were to become one with God's love. (275-53, 1995.10.31)
What kind of being is God, the Creator of heaven and earth? He is a being of utmost goodness, the root of all things, and the Lord of love. Therefore, after creating heaven and earth, He wanted to give all the precious things in the whole universe to humankind.
If there is someone whom God can truly believe in, love, and entrust everything to, He will want to pass the most precious things on to him in their entirety. (13-247, 1964.4.12)
Human beings, who have enabled God to be the master of love, can be seen as more precious beings than God. It is like you regarding someone you love as millions of times more valuable and precious than yourself. (181-206, 1988.10.3)
There is a force that moves us toward the final destination of our desire and our desire's greatest standard of perfection. We need to discover the fact that this force is operating within us. The Bible says that our body is God's temple, but we do not understand what this means. These are words of great importance. This is because however great God may be, when we form a partnership of love with God in which we can whisper words of love, and when we become one with God in that love partnership, we receive the right to inherit the universe. Through the principled foundation of love, this world, the spirit world, the incorporeal world and the world of substance, all created by God, can attain the right to inherit from the universe. Unfortunately, people are ignorant of this amazing fact. (137-67, 1985.12.18)
The child is the one who makes the father the owner of love; the wife is the one who makes the husband the owner of love; and the younger sibling is the one who makes the elder sibling the owner of love. On the other hand, without a parent, without a husband, without an elder brother, then the child, wife and younger sibling each cannot become the owner of love.
In order to become an owner of true love, you have to elevate your family members higher than yourself and live for their sake. Therefore, the individual unity of mind and body, the family unity of the couple and siblings, and the unity of the nation are formed to complete the domain of love that is the ideal model of the eight stages of relationships. In other words, by establishing the tradition of unchanging true love through the age of the womb, infancy, siblings, youth, spouses, parents, true grandparents, and true king and queen, the model of true love -- the relationship of true parent and true child -- will be completed.
Thus, the ideal family and nation is where parent and child, husband and wife, and brotherly nations, long to become the owners as the models of the eight stages based on true love. The eternal global equalization begins from here. The Kingdom of Heaven on earth begins, and the Kingdom of Heaven in spirit world is then automatically established. (300-303, 1999.4.11)
Do you know what has pained God's heart the most, causing Him the greatest grief over the long history since the Fall of Adam and Eve? God lost His lineage. And with the loss of His lineage, He lost His right of ownership. (Messages of Peace 1 -- 15, 2005.9.12)
Love is not something that starts from me but something that starts from my partner. You need to know this. Love comes from your husband and from your wife, and from your sons and daughters and from your brothers and sisters. Love does not start from your own self but from your spouse. Therefore, who is the owner of love? Your spouse is the owner of love. (34-331, 1970.9.20)
None of your possessions belongs to you. You need to return them to God and have them engrafted to Him. They are not yours. You have no right of ownership to claim them as yours. Adam is not the owner of true love. You must bear in mind that God is the center, and so centering on Him as the owner, you need to think of yourself as standing in a relationship to Him as His object partner. It is God who should have the right of ownership first, and therefore that right must be restored to Him. (219-214, 1991.8.29)
It is a miracle of miracles that for the first time in history a man has indeed succeeded in attaining the position of Adam. He has secured the status of the owner of true love and received God's anointing as the True Parent of humanity. It is an amazing fact that his lifetime coincides with yours, and that you and he breathe the same air. He is the True Parent on earth, who comes to rescue fallen humanity. (Messages of Peace 1 -- 19, 2005.9.12)
A true person is someone living with true love. True love will live eternally for the sake of the center. This is God's core essence. True love is God's love. A person who loves God for eternity will become an owner of true love. (123-328, 1983.1.9)
True love is the wellspring of the universe. Once we possess it, true love makes us the centers and the owners of the universe. True love is God's essence and the manifestation of His will and power.
When we are bound together in true love, we can be together forever, in the continually increasing joy of each other's company. The attraction of true love brings all things in the universe to our feet; even God will come to dwell with us. Nothing can compare to the value of true love. It has the power to dissolve the barriers fallen people have created, including national boundaries and the barriers of race and even religion. (Messages of Peace 1 -- 22-23, 2005.9.12)
Now these two, the worldwide Abel-realm and the worldwide Cain-realm, must become one and unite with the Universal Peace Federation, which has been initiated as the Abel sovereignty. To establish the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world, we must transcend religious affiliation and nationality and remove all national boundaries and other barriers. I would like to emphasize that this is the only way humankind will be able to achieve the original ideal of creation. It is our destiny to fulfill this responsibility. By doing so, we will establish the original right of ownership lost by the Fall of Adam and Eve. (Messages of Peace 1 -- 26, 2005.9.12)
True love brings about the spiritual order, peace and happiness that serve the common good. True love is love that determines the source, center and owner of the universe. True love is the root, and the symbol of the will and power of God. Therefore, when bound in true love, it is enough to be together eternally; for it is a love that can attract not only the universe, but even God. The value of true love lies in its power, which is strong enough to eradicate the walls of national, racial and religious boundaries, created by fallen human descendants. That is why the absolute condition necessary to enter the kingdom of heaven is a life that has been lived for the sake of others, that is, a life of true love…
Ladies and gentlemen, a man or woman alone can only be one-half of the whole. That is how God created us. For that reason, He has interchanged the owners of the sexual organs, the love organs. The owner of the wife's sexual organ is the husband, and the owner of the husband's is the wife. Only when each is rooted in true love for the sake of the other are they in the position of the owner of their spouse. In other words, irrespective of who they are, human beings can only become perfected individuals -- rather than one half -- when they have secured the position of an owner through marriage…
For what reason, then, are we trying to restore the position of the owner of the sexual organ? It is in order to possess God's love from that position. He is the subject of three great loves. As the owner of the universe, He is the true teacher, true owner, and true loving parent. These form the basis for the true, "three great subjects" principle. All these teachings and truths are created through the life of a true, model family; and with its expansion, the society, nation, the world and even the universe will be transformed into the peace kingdom of the model, ideal family. (Messages of Peace 3 -- 51-53, 2006.4.10)
The path for becoming an owner of love can be opened through the practice of true love which invests and completely sacrifices itself first for its partner. Before God created human beings, He first established the standard of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience and then invested Himself 100 percent. Through this, He brought the realm of the object into the realm of absolute values. One cannot become an owner of love on one's own. This is only possible through an object-partner. This love principle of absolute values also pertains to God. Without children, parents can never become owners of love. In the same way, in order for God to stand in the position of the owner of absolute love, He must create His children, who stand as God's object-partners, in the realm of the values of absolute love. Perfection is reached through the emergence of the values of an absolute subject and absolute object.
Observing the order of the universe, it is not true that the weak are unconditionally sacrificed and exploited for the sake of the strong. The theory of survival of the fittest and the law of the jungle are fundamentally wrong.
Believers of this theory have overlooked the absolute values that aim for the perfection of the owner of love, who stands as the subject by living for the sake of others, investing true love and forgetting ever having invested into the object, who responds in absolute obedience. If true love is excluded from this formula, only the concept of struggle remains, but God's principle of creating is not that of existence and development through struggle. Rather, He seeks harmony and unity leading to absolute values through a mutual process of giving and receiving within the relationship of subject and object.
An individual may be sacrificed for the sake of the greater good, but we should not perceive this as struggle. It must be seen as an investment for the sake of mutual development.
Can we indeed define the act of an individual willingly sacrificing himself for his family, or the family for the nation, or the nation for the world as struggle? In this way, the realm of absolute values exists for the sake of bringing about the full realization of true love, where each strives to first set up the other in a position of an owner of true love.
In this way, nothing exists for its own sake. A life of living for the sake of others, giving and sacrificing through love, and perfecting the owner of love through obedience, is a life that satisfies God's ideal of creation. You were created for the sake of your partner; therefore the law of nature calls you to live for others more than for yourself. This is where the absolute values of true love are created.
How can we transform this world, which has become hell-like? The practice of true love is the only way of finding the absolute values. Since the attributes of God, owner of true love, are based on eternal, unchanging, unique, and absolute standards, we must also inherit them and live according to those standards. (Public Venue, 2004.7.23)
Ladies and gentlemen, why should we get married? It is to restore the position of an owner. A man or woman alone can only be one half of the whole. That is how God created us. For that reason, He has interchanged the owners of the sexual organs, the love organs. The owner of the wife's sexual organ is the husband, and the owner of the husband's is the wife. Only when each is rooted in love for the other can they stand in the position of the owner of their spouse. We marry to secure this position of the owner. Then what are we trying to achieve by restoring the position of the owner? It is to fulfill and embody God's love from that position. God is the subject of the three great loves. As the Owner of the universe, He is the teacher, owner and parent of true love. This is the genuine "three great subjects" principle. All such teachings and truths are created based on the life of true, model families, and once they expand, the society, nation, world and even heaven and earth can be transformed into the peace kingdom of the model ideal family. (Messages of Peace 2 -- 41, March 2006)
Fathers and mothers want to bequeath everything they have to their beloved sons and daughters. Everything in the universe can be bequeathed easily when those involved have an equal standard of love. This is why parents want children of filial piety. Who are these children of filial piety? They are those who, as participants in their parents' eternal love, will continue the tradition of bequeathing love. (140-233, 1986.2.12)
How is a being's original created value determined? The value of an entity may be determined by the relationship between its purpose of existence and the desire that a human being has for it. To be more precise, the value of an entity intended at its creation is not fixed as an inherent attribute. Rather, it is established through the mutual relationship between the purpose of the entity according to God's ideal of creation, and people's original desire to treasure it and bring out its true worth. It finds its true value when it participates as an object partner in a God-centered four position foundation by relating with a person through give and take action and by their union becoming the third object partner to God. (Exposition -- 36)
Value is determined when the conditions are established for a reciprocal relationship. (27-28, 1969.11.15)
A father becomes the owner or master of love through his son. A husband becomes the owner of love through his wife. An elder brother becomes the owner of love through his younger brother. On the other hand, children without parents, women without husbands and elder brothers without younger brothers cannot find the central position, the position of the owner of love.
In order to become the owner of true love, we must serve and honor our parents. By doing so, we will attain mind-body unity as individuals, conjugal unity as husband and wife, fraternal unity as brother and sister, and world peace as nations. In this way, we can perfect the realms of love defined in the eight stage ideal model.
Again, the ideal family and ideal nation are the places where all of us -- as parents, children, couples, brothers and sisters, and nations -- want to establish ownership of the eight-stage model, centering on true love. From there, eternal world peace will emerge, the Kingdom of God on Earth will dawn, and the Kingdom of God in Heaven will blossom. (World Peace -- 152-153, 1999.11.20)
The Bible says that humankind fell. So God must be liberated. Through the Fall, the sons and daughters, husband and wife, the nation, and even the world that was to be ours were forfeited at one stroke. True Parents must come, recover all things, children, families, nations, and the world, and return them all to God. Those who once belonged to God fell under the sway of false love after deviating from the true path of love. Although they were created on the principle of ownership based in love, they were destroyed by fallen love. Now they must be salvaged through the love of True Parents, and all things, children, husband and wife, nation and world must be offered again to God. Then, God will sing praises of that triumph, the return of His universe through true love, and then He will give those offerings to True Parents. They will become God's possessions and thereby True Parents' possessions. In becoming True Parents' possessions, they will become the possessions of the sons and daughters, and then again be distributed in the four directions. Without the world becoming such a place, the Kingdom of Heaven cannot appear on earth. (211-126, 1990.12.29)
Originally, the first and second sons of Adam and Eve should both have been God's sons. But since Adam and Eve had a fallen love relationship with the Archangel, their first and second sons belonged to Satan. According to the original ideal of creation, love decides ownership. In a love relationship, according to the Principle, the subject and object own each other. According to this principle, since Adam and Eve fell through an illicit love relationship with the Archangel, their offspring could automatically be claimed by Satan. (Unification Pt. I -- 5-6)
How can we accomplish a revolution of character and come to resemble God? Because we descended from the fall and are born with fallen nature, each of us must go through three great revolutions in order to accomplish the perfection of our character. I call these 1) the revolution through making atonement, 2) the revolution of conscience, and 3) the revolution of heart.
The "revolution through making atonement" means to recover your internal and external right of ownership by completely atoning for the past. After you have done this victoriously, you then live by a standard beyond that for which any atonement is required. This requires that you purge yourself completely of all the habits and thoughts that you accumulated during the Age Before the Coming of Heaven. It is completed when you accomplish it in the realms of the individual, family and nation.
On that basis you can fulfill and perfect an ideal family, a family of true love based upon the absolute values that are the standard for life in the Age After the Coming of Heaven. In God's family ideal, these absolute values are perfected in a three-generation family composed of parents, husband and wife, and children.
Only after the birth of their children can a man and woman stand in the position of owners of true parental love. Only after marrying and cherishing his wife is a man able to own true conjugal love. Similarly, it is the younger sibling that makes the older sibling an owner of true sibling love. Thus, in any relationship, it is the object-partner who places the subject-partner in the position of an owner of true love. To fulfill this position the subject-partner must live for the sake of that object-partner, invest in that person and forget that investment, and sacrifice for the sake of a greater purpose. Here we create absolute values that are eternal and unchanging. In this way, parents, husband and wife, and children bring each other to perfection as owners of true love. Thereby they form a three-generational realm in the family. The family settles into an eternal realm of unity. They live with absolute values in interdependence and eternal communion with God.
Further, you take the revolutionary step of returning all your property and ownership rights to Heaven. Give up your lingering attachments. This cuts all your ties with the satanic world and separates you from Satan. In exchange, you will inherit all those things and more with Heaven's blessing. In other words, you will accumulate Heaven's riches, riches that have been separated from Satan and over which Satan can never again claim ownership. (Public Venue, 2004.12.13)
This is why love is great. The power of love bridges the distances between upper and lower and high and low. Love transcends space and time, allowing us to participate in the realm where we can immediately share joint ownership. This is an amazing fact. (168-197, 1987.9.20)
You become an owner of heaven after you become a child of filial piety. After becoming children of filial piety, you become patriots, saints, and families of divine sons and daughters. A family of divine sons and daughters is a true family. You become an owner of heaven only when you form a true family. (400-204, 2003.1.1)
Since God is absolute, all-knowing, and omnipotent, He has a storehouse of love which keeps replenishing itself even after He gives and gives. If we were to steal a lot of love from God's storehouse and give it out day and night, will God punish us, saying "You, scoundrel, thief of love!"? Since God is all-knowing and all-powerful, He would say instead, "Okay, do that! That's good. Take as much as you want. Keep doing it forever. Even after you've been here at my storehouse, there is still some left. That is why I am God. That is why I am the Subject!" He will say, "I am the Subject Partner, and the subject partner must have more than he can give to the object partner. As the Subject Partner I must have more than I can give to you as my object partners; otherwise, I would not be God. That is what I am like!" He will again say, "If you want to steal love from me and distribute it like my power plant of love, I will supply as much as you need." If you then say, "When I run out, I will want to get more, so may I connect myself to Your pipeline of love?" God will say, "If you want, go ahead!" (116-240, 1982.1.1)
In the beginning, God practiced true love. Before God created human beings, He first established the standard of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Then He invested Himself 100 percent. These are absolute values of love. Thus, God established the principle that any true relationship must be founded upon these true love's absolute values. You cannot become an owner of true love by yourself. You must be in relationship with a counterpart. Thus, a man and woman can never become parents without having children. And it is the parent-child relationship where we practice the absolute values of and become owners of parental love. This principle also applies to God. In order for God to stand as the owner of absolute love, He needs human beings as His true children. He practices the values of absolute love as He relates with them as His object-partners of love. Ultimately, the relationship between God as the subject-partner and human beings as object-partners becomes absolute, creating the realm of unity and perfection.
Today I ask you to recognize that each of you was created for the sake of your partner. Know that the law of nature calls you to live for the sake of your partner. Practice this way of life, and you will come to embody the absolute values by which you can become an owner of true love. (Public Venue, Oct. 2004)
Becoming an owner of true love can never be accomplished by a lone individual being. It can only be accomplished in relation to an object partner. God, too, has no choice other than to exercise absolute obedience in the face of the true love principles of this absolute value realm. A husband and wife may have received blessings from the whole world when they married and live in such happiness that they lack nothing that the world can offer, but if they have no children between them they can never become parents. By the same logic, in order for God to stand in the position of the owner of true love, He needed to establish human beings as His object partner in the value realm of absolute true love. In other words, it is absolutely impossible to establish absolute values centering on true love without being in relation to an object partner.
Please consider the order of the universe. Even if some being is large, it cannot sacrifice those things that are smaller. The law of survival of the fittest according to a so-called "law of the jungle," a view with roots in Hellenistic thought, is fundamentally wrong. Those who espouse this kind of thinking fail to consider the absolute value by which one being seeks to help a partner reach perfection as an owner or subject of true love. This perfection is achieved when the partner becomes an object-partner of absolute obedience, lives for the sake of its subject-partner, and invests itself in its partner with true love, and then forgets that it has made that investment. If we exclude true love, only a concept of struggle remains. God's principle of creation, however, is not based on survival and multiplication through struggle. Instead, His principle is based on harmony and unity, achieved through a process of give and take action, centering on true love and absolute values, in the context of subject and object-partner relationships.
When a smaller being sacrifices itself for the sake of a larger being, we must not see this as happening in the context of the concept of struggle. It is an investment for mutual development; it must be a voluntary and sublime sacrifice for the sake of producing something greater. When an individual willingly sacrifices for the sake of the family, a family for the sake of a nation, and a nation for the sake of the world, how can this be seen as struggle? In this way, we can see absolute value manifested in the practice whereby each partner seeks first to establish the other as an owner of true love. (Public Venue, 2004.10.3)
This is not a person who seeks selfish love for his or her own sake only, but a true person who makes it possible for his or her partner to become an owner of true love. A true person sacrifices everything for the sake of his or her partner and makes it possible for the partner to dance and live within true love. Such a true person becomes an heir to the heavenly world and is protected and loved by the heavenly world. Satan cannot lay a hand on such an heir to the heavenly world. (Public Venue, 2003.10.3)
I am here to teach you the path to becoming an owner of God's true love. We become owners of true love through practice. How do you practice true love? By giving first, by investing completely for your beloved, sacrificing and not remembering what you have given.
In the beginning, God practiced true love. Before God created human beings, He first established the standard of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Then He invested Himself 100 percent. These are absolute values of love. Thus, God established the principle that any true relationship must be founded upon these true love's absolute values.
You cannot become an owner of true love by yourself. You must be in relationship with a counterpart. Thus, a man and woman can never become parents without having children. And it is the parent-child relationship where we practice the absolute values of and become owners of parental love.
This principle also applies to God. In order for God to stand as the owner of absolute love, He needs human beings as His true children. He practices the values of absolute love as He relates with them as His object-partners of love. Ultimately, the relationship between God as the subject-partner and human beings as object-partners becomes absolute, creating the realm of unity and perfection.
This principle applies throughout the universe, but has been sadly misunderstood. Mistakenly, we have been taught that the strong always devour and exploit the weak. The theory of the survival of the fittest -- the so-called "law of the jungle" -- is rooted in the Hellenistic worldview. It is fundamentally wrong! Its proponents overlook the absolute values of living for the greater good that aim for the perfection of every creature, allowing all to be owners of love.
The owner of love lives for the sake of his or her counterpart, investing true love and forgetting ever having invested. The counterpart responds to that investment of love with complete submission. If true love were excluded from this equation, only the concept of struggle would remain. But God's principle of creating does not base existence and development upon exploitation. Rather, He creates through a mutual process of giving and receiving, as the partners unite within a greater harmony rooted in love's absolute values.
Sometimes an entity is sacrificed for the sake of a greater good, but we should not interpret this as moral evil. It is an investment for the sake of mutual development. Is it evil for an individual to sacrifice for his or her family? Is it evil for a family to sacrifice for the nation, or a nation for the world? No, these noble acts display love's absolute values. They are the way to fully realize true love.
Selfish Individualism Is Satan's Last Gasp
An owner of true love strives, first of all, to lift up his or her object-partner as an owner of true love. Therefore, we must completely rid ourselves of the individualistic mind-set and the self-centered behavior that flows from it. This is the root of fallen nature and the cause of evil. This applies to an individual's self-centered behavior and to collective selfish behavior of communities and nations. Selfish individualism is in direct contradiction to the spirit that blossoms when we live by true love's absolute values. Instead of sacrificing and giving for the sake of others, self-centeredness calls others to sacrifice for me. This leads us to be concerned first with our own interests.
Through the Fall, Satan diabolically injected self-centeredness into the mind-body relationship. He planted this poison mushroom in the human heart. Although the embrace of self-centeredness may lead to a beautiful appearance, worldly fame and earthly comfort, it is a trap. Enter it recklessly, and it leads to addiction and a life of suffering that is difficult to escape. (Public Venue, 2004.10.26)
God's true love wants to give limitlessly to its object, the creation. It is similar to that of parents whose heart of love wants their children to become greater than themselves, and who only want to give and give again to their children. The same is true for the loving husband and wife as well. Each wants the partner to be better than himself or herself, and from this attitude they each determine to invest, and invest more in their partner.
The special characteristic of true love is a longing to give to its object. It is such an expression of heart that initiates a give and take relationship. God stands in the subjective position of true love. He wants to give to His children in this unselfish manner. The eternal existence of God can be traced to the original nature of true love, which is to give and keep giving, and by so doing maintain a reciprocal state of action.
Man is God's eternal object of love. It is God's will and man's ideal that God and man become one in heart, and through the giving and receiving of love, this relationship would last for eternity. When God and man cooperate in the sense of joint ownership over creation in the ideal of true love, then for the first time mankind can come to enjoy true freedom, true happiness and true peace. (Public Venue, 1992.8.22)
If you join a relationship of love with God, you would have the privilege of dominion and independence, and then the right of inheritance...
You must know that if the Unification Church combines the power of love with God's true love, then the right of ownership has already been determined. It is same as the husband's right of ownership becoming the wife's right of ownership when they have a relationship of true love. A husband and wife united with love share the ownership of all their property. Similarly, a person linked with God by true love inherits God's right of ownership. (Blessing Pt. I -- 84-85)
Respected world leaders, what do you think is God's ultimate purpose for creating human beings? Simply put, it is to experience joy through relating with ideal families filled with true love. What does an ideal family look like? First, each person in the family is an owner of true love. When God first created human beings, He made Adam representing all men, and Eve representing all women, with the intention that they become owners of true love. The quickest way for them to cultivate a character of true love was to secure a parent-child relationship with God, whereby they could live attending God as their Father. They were to have followed the path of living as one family with God. (Messages of Peace 1 -- 13, 2005.9.12)
God longed with all His heart that someone would appear and resolve these tragedies, but no such person appeared on earth. God waited and waited, looking for anyone who would take on the role of the True Parent. If someone had come forward, I am certain that God would have appeared in his dreams, carried the sun and moon to him, and showered him with lightning of joy and thunder of ecstasy from the heavens.
In this sense, it is a miracle of miracles that for the first time in history a man has indeed succeeded in attaining the position of Adam. He has secured the status of the owner of true love and received God's anointing as the True Parent of humanity. It is an amazing fact that his lifetime coincides with yours, and that you and he breathe the same air. He is the True Parent on earth, who comes to rescue fallen humanity. I, Reverend Moon, gained the victory in that position. And on that foundation, on January 13, 2001, I dedicated to Heaven the "Coronation Ceremony for the Kingship of God." By that ceremony I liberated and released God, our vertical True Parent who has taken responsibility for the Providence of Restoration. In all of history, this was the highest and greatest blessing humanity has ever received. This victory was absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal. Through this absolute providential victory, God's body and mind are completely liberated! (Messages of Peace 1 -- 19, 2005.9.12)
Ladies and gentlemen, why should we get married? It is to restore the position of an owner. A man or woman alone can only be one half of the whole. That is how God created us. For that reason, He has interchanged the owners of the sexual organs, the love organs. The owner of the wife's sexual organ is the husband, and the owner of the husband's is the wife. Only when each is rooted in love for the other can they stand in the position of the owner of their spouse. We marry to secure this position of the owner. (Messages of Peace 2 -- 41, March 2006)
Then what are we trying to achieve by restoring the position of the owner? It is to fulfill and embody God's love from that position. God is the subject of the three great loves. As the Owner of the universe, He is the teacher, owner and parent of true love. This is the genuine "three great subjects" principle. All such teachings and truths are created based on the life of true, model families, and once they expand, the society, nation, world and even heaven and earth can be transformed into the peace kingdom of the model ideal family. (Messages of Peace 2 -- 41, March 2006)
True love brings about the spiritual order, peace and happiness that serve the common good. True love is love that determines the source, center and owner of the universe. (Messages of Peace 3 -- 51, 2006.4.10)
The world operates through the harmony of various systems and relationships. In this complex and varied world, the principle of becoming a true owner naturally applies to the relationships between people; but it also applies to the relationship between human beings and the creation. The question is what kind of person can be called a true owner. Someone who lives for others, caring for and sacrificing to serve others -- in other words, a person who practices true love in daily life -- can be called a true owner. Only someone who cares for all things in the creation with true love, protecting and nurturing them, can become a true owner of all creation.
In light of this, it is not your position or status that makes you a true owner. It is determined by your character and capacity to love. The president of a company who loves and cares for all his employees with a parental heart is the true owner of that company. Only the president of nation who loves its citizens like a parent who caringly raises his or her children, and who shares the sorrows and joys of life with them, can become the true owner of that nation. (Messages of Peace 15 -- 231, 2007.7.4)
When you follow this teaching, I assure you that you can definitely conquer the carnal desires of your body. You can become 100 percent united with your mind. Then you are eligible to become the true object of God and establish a true love partnership with God.
Whenever two people are bound together by true love, they are entitled to three important rights: First, the right of inheritance. Second, the right of dwelling together. Third, the right of participation.
Take for example the relationship of husband and wife. The husband might be the president of a great nation, while his wife might be a woman of very humble origin and very little education. If they truly love each other, however, they are equals. They own all things in common, live together, and participate on an equal level.
In the same way, when man and woman are connected to God through true love, they will also enjoy the rights of inheritance, participation and living together eternally with God. When you reach this depth of heart, you will constantly experience the presence of God, and God will truly dwell among men. (World Peace -- 201-202, 1990.4.10)
Your talents and abilities are required for the management and governance of Cheon Il Guk. Therefore, cut away and cast off your mask of selfish individualism now. It is but a remnant of the era before the coming of heaven. In order to belong to Heaven, you must change ownership by participating in the Ceremony of Returning Ownership, offering everything you own to God and then receiving it back from God. (Messages of Peace 5 -- 76, 2006.6.13)
After going to the spirit world, Jesus said he would come again, because he must recover his substantial body. His death was a terrible tragedy. The mind and body of Jesus, God's only begotten Son, became divided and, because of this, the spirit world and the physical world remained divided. At the beginning of history, men and women became divided against each other, as were mind and body, and Jesus came to unify all these. Toward this purpose, he claimed the spirit world's right of ownership, but he must come to earth again to claim ownership on earth as well, and make everything one. What will he do when he comes? He will marry, establishing the true lineage and thereby creating a true family. (Public Venue, 2003.10.3)
Ownership in the spirit world is decided on earth. As tribal messiahs, all of you should create many citizens of heaven before you pass away. This is the most valuable thing, the most valuable wish you can make in your life. This ownership is your treasure. There has never been a person like this in the spirit world. Therefore, you must bring more than a hundred, even a thousand people to the kingdom, so that, later, many of your friends can appear around you in the spirit world as soon as you call them. (227-208, 1992.2.11)
Every object in the world came to belong to Satan through the fallen parents. In order for all families to restore this situation centering on the True Parents, in the future they should have nothing in their possession. Nothing in this world should belong to them. Their own bodies do not belong to them, their sons and daughters do not belong to them, and their husbands do not belong to them. Everything must be regarded as the possession of unfallen Adam. Nothing should belong to Eve. She should not have anything established as belonging to her.
The era of the right of ownership is coming, where objects can belong to her only after they have been determined as belonging to Adam, restored to God and acknowledged as His, and then returned to Adam to be finally handed back to her as her permanent possession.
Such phenomena can take place only after you have entered the Kingdom of God and have been registered. Only then can you be restored to the position of unfallen owners in the Garden of Eden and hold possession of all things of the world. In such a manner, you can enter the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. (165-284, 1987.5.27)
What have you done since you joined the Unification Church? This is a serious question. Now that you are past the age of fifty, how many years have you worked for the Unification Church? How many people have you witnessed to? How many did you witness to in a year? This is a serious matter. When you go to the spirit world, your realm of ownership will be set according to how many people you have brought to God's Kingdom. They will be your eternal fortune. The time has come to inquire into these things. The time will surely come when millions of people will be witnessed to in a day.
The Unification Church has tremendous substance. Look at the world. How many people are restlessly wandering around half-crazy, agonizing over whether to live or die, questioning life, and committing suicide? (218-227, 1991.8.19)
Man and woman are the concentrated nucleus of heaven and earth. When a husband and wife are united through true love the entire universe is involved. Man and woman were born for the sake of love. They were created to have both vertical and horizontal relationships. By fulfilling their portion of responsibility, the vertical owner of love comes into being and then the horizontal owner can come into being. This is accomplished through true love. (218-136, 1991.7.14)
When a husband and wife become one in God's love on the foundation of becoming completely one in love, they can advance all the way to God's position. As well as going up to God's position, all that God owns comes to be my possession. The power of God's love is so amazing. God allows them the authority of participation, and at the same time they come to inherit the entire ownership of God. (144-132, 1986.4.12)
The world has become the way it is by receiving a tradition that deviates from God as a result of the Fall. Thus, True Parents must come and establish a new ideology. What kind of ideology should it be? Should it be based on the world or the cosmos? It is the true family-centered ideology. Without its appearance, a true global ideology cannot emerge.
Its representative must be God's true son. He should be the heir who internally inherits everything related to God's heart. He should also be His external heir, the heir of the ownership of all things. In other words, he has to be someone who can inherit God's heart, God's body and all things. Only such a son can stand in God's stead. God's Kingdom will finally be realized only when he comes. (21-49, 1968.9.1)
Your talents and abilities are required for the management and governance of Cheon Il Guk. Therefore, cut away and cast off your mask of selfish individualism now. It is but a remnant of the era before the coming of heaven. In order to belong to Heaven, you must change ownership by participating in the Ceremony of Returning Ownership, offering everything you own to God and then receiving it back from God. (Messages of Peace 5 -- 76, 2006.6.13)
When you think of attending God, how should you think? You should live thinking of yourself as one with God, one with True Parents, and one with everything around you. Living like that, you should think, "All of these belong to God and to True Parents and to me too." What belongs to True Parents belongs to the nation of True Parents, and what belongs to the nation of True Parents belongs to me. This universe belongs to True Parents. This house belongs to True Parents. This nation and the world also belong to True Parents. Since I am the child of True Parents, everything belongs to me. You will come to that conclusion. (161-231, 1987.2.15)