Hoon Dok Hae Seminar Manual |
Appendix A
1. Invitation Letter
2. Response Form
3. Air Travel Information
4. General Policies
True Families as the Foundation for World Peace in the New Millennium
International Seminar • November 27-30, 1999 • Washington, D.C.
November 4, 1999
On behalf of the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace (IIFWP) and the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification International (FFWPUI) it is my privilege to invite you to attend an international seminar on "True Families as the Foundation for World Peace in the New Millennium" to be held in Washington, D.C. at the Sheraton National Hotel November 27-30, 1999. This global conference will include more than 200 participants representing over sixty-two nations. It is our sincere hope that you will be able to attend this seminar as our special guest.
The IIFWP and the FFWPUI were founded by the Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon. The purpose of the IIFWP, established on February 6, 1999 in Seoul, Korea, is to encourage and support the efforts of world leaders representing governmental, religious, cultural and educational institutions in advancing solutions to pressing world problems. The FFWPUI, founded in 1996, has as its purpose to promote the ideals of strong, God-centered families as fundamental to the creation of peace in our societies, nations and the world.
The program for this seminar will focus on presentations of the thought and teachings of the Rev. Moon, allowing participants an opportunity to engage in serious consideration of the vision of the man who stands behind the many remarkable institutions which so many people around the world have come to know and respect. Topics will range from the spiritual life, ideal marriage and family, to the ideal society. The schedule will allow for substantial dialogue and small-group discussions among the participants, including political, religious, academic and social leaders from around the world.
The sponsors will cover the cost of your round-trip airfare on a direct flight at the most economical fare available to our official conference travel agent, Go World Travel. In addition, we will provide for your hotel room on a double-occupancy basis, your meals during the conference, and your ground transportation from the airport to the conference hotel. All other personal, incidental costs will be your own responsibility. Please RSVP by sending your completed response form at your very earliest convenience, and at the latest, on or before November 18, 1999. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Seminar Secretariat in Washington, D.C.
Sincerely yours,
Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak
Enclosed: Draft Schedule, Registration Form
Sponsored by
Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace
and Family Federation for World Peace and Unification International
3600 New York Avenue, NE • Third Floor • Washington, DC 20002
(202) 269-5345 • Fax (202) 526-6904
NOVEMBER 27-30, 1999
3600 New York Avenue, NE • Third Floor • Washington, DC 20002 • (202) 269-5345
Response Form
Please respond ASAP by email: family@radix.net or fax: 202-526-6904
Male/Female: ________ Honorific: _______ Do you have your Visa? ______
Passport Name:
Badge Name:
Type EXACTLY as you want it to appear on your name badge
Mailing Address:
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
E-Mail Address:
Departure Airport
Return Airport
Suggested Route where transit visa is not requited
Are you 55 or older? _____ (May reduce airfare)
Stop-over Requested (at participant’s expense) ___________
Hotel room: Smoking __ Nonsmoking __ Dietary Restrictions:__
Sponsored by
Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification International
NOVEMBER 27-30, 1999
3600 New York Avenue, NE • Third Floor • Washington, DC 20002 • (202) 269-5345
I. Reimbursement for those who are arranging their own air travel
Go World Travel will arrange air travel for seminar participants. However, depending on individual circumstances, you may choose to arrange your own travel. The policy of the conference is to reimburse tickets only up to the cost of the best fare available to Go World, and only if such reimbursement has been approved by the IIFWP office in advance.
Note: If you arrange your own travel, please consult with your own travel agent to determine if any transit visas are necessary.
II. Changes after ticketing
Once an itinerary is approved and ticketed, any changes must be made by the participant and at the participant’s own expense.
III. Additional hotel nights
The conference will only cover the hotel expenses for November 27-30, unless additional nights are necessary as a result of approved flight schedules.
IV. Spouses
If a participant’s spouse wishes to attend the seminar, the participant is responsible for paying the airfare.
V. Reconfirmation
If you are arranging your own ticket, please reconfirm your flight to Washington as well as your return flight. Reconfirmation should be made 72 hours before departure.
If Go World is arranging your travel, please reconfirm your own flight to Washington. Also, please touch base with Go World early on during the seminar to reconfirm your departure flight.
Sponsored by
Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification International
IIFWP International Seminars
General Policies
I. Air Travel
A. Reimbursement for those who are arranging their own air travel: In general, Go World Travel will arrange air travel for seminar participants. However, depending on individual circumstances, you may choose to arrange your own travel. The policy of the conference is to reimburse tickets only up to the cost of the best fare available to Go World, and only if such reimbursement has been approved by the IIFWP office in advance. Note: If you arrange your own travel, please consult with your own travel agent to determine if any transit visas are necessary.
B. Changes after ticketing: Once an itinerary is approved and ticketed, any changes must be made by the participant and at the participant’s own expense.
II. Hotel and Meals
A. Rooming Policy: Rooms are assigned on a double-occupancy basis. Requests for a single room will require payment for the additional costs. The conference will only cover the hotel expenses for October 10th - 13th unless additional nights are necessary as a result of approved flight schedules.
B. Meal Policy: Participants meals are covered from arrival on October 9th or 10th until departures on October 13th . Meals taken outside the general seminar meal plan, for example room service or meals taken in restaurants without approval, will not be covered and must be paid by the participant.
III. Incidental Expenses:
A. Incidental Expenses: Incidental expenses are the responsibility of participants and are not covered by the IIFWP. In other words, the IIFWP will not cover the cost of such incidental hotel expenses as room service, laundry, in-room movies, telephone charges, etc. Also, IIFWP does not cover the costs related to visas, travel insurance, meals and lodging en route.
B. Deposit at Check-in At Hotel: Upon check in at the hotel, you will be asked to present a credit card or a cash deposit [$20.00 per day] to cover the cost of possible incidental expenses. If you do not incur any such expenses you will not be charged and any deposit will be returned to you.
IV. Spouses:
If a participant’s spouse wishes to attend the seminar, the participant is responsible for paying the airfare.
V. Reconfirmation of Air Travel:
If you are arranging your own ticket, please reconfirm your flight to Washington as well as your return flight. Reconfirmation should be made 72 hours before departure. Also, please go to the Go World travel desk to reconfirm your flight at least 72 hours before your departure. The Go World travel desk is located in Ballroom foyer.
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