Hoon Dok Hae Seminar Manual |
Appendix B
Miscellaneous Documents Used During Seminars:
1. Welcome Letter for Participants
2. Evaluation Form
3. Resolution of Appreciation and Support
4. WCSF 2000 Congratulatory Committee Sign-up Sheet
5. The Washington Times
6. Sample Press Release
7. Sample Schedule
True Families as the Foundation for World Peace in the New Millennium
International Seminar • September 17-20, 1999 • Washington, D.C.
September 17, 1999
Dear Participant in the International Seminar:
Welcome to the Sheraton National Hotel for the International Seminar on "True Families as the Foundation for World Peace in the New Millennium." I hope your journey was pleasant. We are very pleased that you have agreed to join this seminar, along with so many other distinguished participants representing more than fifty nations worldwide.
The Opening Banquet begins this evening at 6:00 p.m. in the North Ballroom on the Lobby level. Please wear your name badges this is your admission to all events.
Our Seminar Secretariat office is located in Cavalier A (Lobby Level). Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question or concern.
Thomas G. Walsh, Ph.D.
Seminar Coordinator
Sponsored by
Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace
and Family Federation for World Peace and Unification International
3600 New York Avenue NE • Third Floor • Washington, DC 20002
(202) 269-5345 • Fax (202) 526-6904
True Families as the Foundation for World Peace in the New Millennium
October 10-13, 1999 • Washington, D.C.
Evaluation Form
Please take a moment and give us your comments about your experience at the seminar.
Plenary Session Readings:
Discussants’ Comments:
Discussion Groups:
Special Presentations:
What aspect of the seminar most inspired you?:
Suggestions for Improvements:
Would you be interested in helping develop similar seminars in your region or country?
International Seminar Participants’
Resolution of Appreciation and Support
Whereas, the participants in the third International Seminar on "True Families as the Foundation for World Peace in the New Millennium," convened in Washington, D.C., on October 10 through October 13, 1999, represent more than 230 religious, political, and academic leaders from 55 nations; and,
Whereas, we feel the most sincere appreciation for the bridge-building and peacemaking efforts of the sponsoring organizations, the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace, the World University Federation, the World Media Association, and the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification.
Whereas, we also feel profound respect and admiration for the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, who has devoted his entire life to promoting world peace through the establishment of ideal families based on true love, inspiring in us all a renewed determination to embody the ideal of true love in our lives, in our own families, and in our communities; and
Whereas, we recognize that Rev. Moon, on the eve of his 80th birthday, has pioneered the way of True Parents, offering hope, inspiration, and guidance to people of all faiths, nations, and cultures, and together with his wife, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, has given the Holy Blessing to over 400 million couples worldwide,
1) demonstrate our solidarity with the fundamental ideals of true love and living for the sake of others by striving to become true parents and to establish true families, and
2) take responsibility for guiding and educating the youth of our communities by our example, and by promoting the Pure Love movement for young people, and working to expand this Blessing ideal to embrace all peoples, and
3) applaud and support the vision of Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon in establishing the IIFWP as a network linking all sectors of society — political, religious, and cultural as a forum to seek practical solutions to our common problems, in the pursuit of World Peace.
World Culture and Sports Festival 2000
Congratulatory Committee
We, representatives from around the world, wish to express our congratulations to the Reverend and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon, on the occasion of the Rev. Moon’s 80th Birthday and the completion of his 50 years of public ministry. We want to express appreciation for his lifelong commitment to inspiring people throughout the world to dedicate their lives to God and to building families of true love.
Printed Name
Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace
3600 New York Avenue, NE • Washington, DC • (202) 269-5345 • Fax: (202) 526-6904
Press Advisory
For further information For Immediate Release
Contact: Chris Corcoran
703-418-6800 Ext. 5137 or 5579
International Seminar Addresses World Peace Issues
Scholars, Religious Leaders Gather to Study Rev. Moon’s Teaching
WASHINGTON, DC - More than 250 leaders from 57 countries, mostly in the fields of education, government, religion and media, have gathered for three days in the nation’s capital to study the teaching of one of the century’s most famous religious leaders - the Reverent Sun Myung Moon. One goal of the conference, according to officials with the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace (IIFWP), the sponsoring group, is to gather an intellectually diverse, international group which can bring a multi-cultural perspective to the discussion of world peace.
This year’s fourth conference began Friday evening (10/29) at the Crystal City Hilton with a dinner followed by a keynote address and a plenary session. The theme of the conference is, "True Families as the Foundation for World Peace in the New Millenium." The schedule calls for alternation study sessions, panel discussions and breakout sessions. Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak, chairman of the IIFWP, gave the opening remarks on Friday. "Our current world is fraught with horrible disasters and social break-down. We witness perverse and terrifying events with ever more frequency," said Rev. Kwak. "Who can respond to this? No voice sounds persuasive or inspires confidence any longer," he continued.
Rev. Kwak explained that Rev. Moon’s teaching is often overlooked and provides a new moral compass for a world facing a new Millenium devoid of new and insightful teachings. "When we look at the history of human progress there is one most tragic phenomena which is often missed by historians. That is the fact that human kind always fails to seize the moment of God’s special blessing," said Rev. Kwak, alluding to the world’s ignorance of the Rev. Moon’s message.
The IIFWP was inaugurated last February as a global group dedicated to bringing together diverse world leaders to study social breakdown and arrived at holistic, unified answers. At its inception, Rev. Moon commented that too often, governing bodies such as the United Nations fail to embrace the wisdom of the world’s major religions and arrive at solutions based on external and technological concepts. Another goal of the IIFWP is to unify many of the existing global organizations, which Rev. Moon started, some of which have been operating for decades.
Mr. Hyun Jin Moon, Rev. and Mrs. Moon’s third eldest son and vice president of the Family Federation International, will deliver the closing banquet speech at the Founder’s Dinner at 6:30 PM Sunday evening (Oct. 31).
Seminar Schedule
Arrivals and Registration
6:00 pm Opening Banquet
Introductory Remarks
Mr. Neil Albert Salonen, Secretary General, Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace
Keynote Address
Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak, Chairman, Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace
8:00 PM Opening Plenary I: Introduction to the Worldwide Initiatives of the Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon
7:00-8:30 AM Breakfast
9:00 AM Plenary II: Life on Earth and in the Spirit World - Session One
Dr. Thomas G. Walsh, Deputy Secretary General, Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace
Dr. Frank Kaufmann, Executive Director, Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace
Mr. Thomas McDevitt, General Business Manager, The Washington Times
Mrs. Karen Smith, Secretary General, Women’s Federation for World Peace-USA
Dr. Hycel B. Taylor, Senior Pastor, Second Baptist Church, Chicago
Dr. Thomas W. Selover, Religious Studies, University of Saskatchewan
10:30 AM Coffee Break
11:00 AM Plenary III: Life on Earth and in the Spirit World - Session Two
Dr. Gene G. James, Philosophy, Memphis State University
Rev. Michael Jenkins, Vice-President, Family Federation for World Peace-USA
12:30 PM Luncheon Program: Implementing Values Education: The Case of Uganda
Her Excellency Dr. Specioza Wandira Kazibwe, Vice-President of Uganda
2:30 PM Plenary IV: The Ideal of True Parents
Dr. Richard L. Rubenstein, President, University of Bridgeport
Mr. Michael Marshall, Editor-in-Chief, World & I magazine
4:00 PM Coffee Break
4:30 PM Discussion Groups
6:30 PM Dinner
8:00 PM Special Presentations
7:00-8:30 AM Breakfast
9:00 AM Plenary V: The Ideal of True Family
Dr. Muazzam Gill, Director, Center for Economic and Religious Freedom
Dr. Gordon L. Anderson, Secretary General, Professors World Peace Academy
10:30 AM Coffee Break
11:00 AM Plenary VI: The Kingdom of God
Dr. Nona R. Bolin, Liberal Studies, Memphis College of Art
Mr. Patrick Hickey, former Assemblyman, Nevada State Legislature
12:30 PM Lunch
2:30 PM Plenary VII: The Prayers of Sun Myung Moon
Dr. Sulayman Nyang, African and Islamic Studies, Howard University
Dr. Anthony Guerra, Associate Vice-President, University of Bridgeport
4:00 PM Coffee Break
4:30 PM Discussion Groups
6:30 PM Dinner and Closing Plenary
7:00-8:30 AM Breakfast
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