The Words of Sun Myung Moon's Family |
In August, Sun-jin nim and In-sup nim welcomed to their Tokyo home dinner guests chosen by God. Sun-jin nim had signed a thousand books of Father's speeches to be given as gifts to Japanese members who greatly contributed to the church in 2007. On one book only she placed a heart sticker, and through this she asked God, "Please pick one person." We are pleased to carry that one person's account of the experience.
At first, I was concerned about accepting the invitation to dinner because Sun-jin nim wanted to invite a family and I felt it wouldn't be fair to go alone. My leader reassured me though that there were more church members in our family than in any other family in the region and encouraged me to go with my sisters. [Their older sister brought Satchiko and her younger sister into the church. Satchiko and her husband, who ascended in 2004, were blessed among the thirty-thousand-couple blessing group. Her daughter and two nieces are blessed.]
Then my daughter, who is living in Korea, unexpectedly came home on July 19, after finishing a forty-day workshop in Yeosu for Japanese blessed wives living in Korea. When I told my daughter, who had no idea, about Sun-jin nim's dinner, she was elated and wanted to join us.
On August 22, my two sisters, my daughter and I were treated to Sun-jin nim's home-cooked dinner and received the biggest blessing our family could ever have imagined.
When we arrived in Tokyo, we were amazed to hear from Mr. Han Yon-ho, the director of FFWPU Headquarters, that Sun-jin nim had spent the whole week preparing for the dinner. We didn't know until then that she had prepared the dinner herself. We thought she was going to take us out to a restaurant with a group of other people. When I learned that she had actually cooked for us herself, I was overwhelmed.
Sun-jin nim and her husband greeted us warmly in Japanese and invited us in. In-sup nim entertained us while his wife busily served the dinner. When we sat down at the dinner table, In-sup nim said, "Sun-jin nim loves to cook and has learned how to cook many international dishes. She is also studying Japanese now." After blessing the food, we made a toast with mango juice poured into beautiful cocktail glasses, and started nibbling on the colorfully decorated hors d'oeuvres. In Sup nim said, "Sun-jin nim makes the food, and I help explain it." As he ate with us, he chuckled, "I had no idea that there was such a superb cook in the True Family before I got married. This is how my slim body was ruthlessly transformed into what it is now." He made us feel very comfortable.
The theme of her dinner was the four seasons. It was a full-course meal of Italian and French dishes. She explained to us that the hors d'oeuvres represented summer, the salad, spring, the side dishes, fall and the main dish, winter. The main dish was especially sophisticated. It was beef cooked with mushroom sauce and then wrapped in pie dough and baked. There were mashed potatoes on the side. I have always loved mashed potatoes and have tried many different kinds in the past, but the ones Sun-jin nim made were unlike any I've ever tasted before in my life. I ended up having many helpings.
When Sun-jin nim finally joined us at the table after serving dessert, she said, "True Parents love the Japanese members. Also, the True Children are so grateful to the Japanese members for their hard work."
While I listened to what Sun-jin nim was saying, I felt her deep love for True Parents. I realized that Sun-jin nim thought of cooking for a family because she wanted to do something as True Parents' child to express love for Japanese members. We were all moved by her warm spirit and deep love and could not stop crying as we ate and listened to her speak.
Not only did Sun-jin nim prepare a beautiful and delicious dinner for us but she also listened to each person's story. When we told her that the husbands and sons of my sisters have not joined the church yet, she became very concerned and said, "You should bring them to my brother's service; Hyung-jin nim's service will help them change."
When my elder sister showed Sun-jin nim a picture of our mother, who could not come that day, she was very disappointed and asked, "Why didn't you bring her?" My mother is eighty-three years old, and it is difficult for her to go out even in a wheelchair. She has received the Spiritual and Physical World Blessing, has contributed to the providence and continues to protect us.
When it was time to say good-bye, Sun-jin nim said, "You probably aren't used to this way of greeting" and hugged each one of us tightly.
I asked my daughter, who was crying the whole time, how she felt, and she said, "There's no way I can express this in words!" That was true. It is hard to describe in words the blessing we received. With her delicate sweetness, Sun- jin nim reminded me of True Mother when she was younger.
This was a historic event for our family, which we will never forget. I want to express my deepest gratitude to Sun-jin nim and In-sup nim who not only prepared delicious food for us but also gave us spiritual healing.