April 5, 1981
World Mission Center
Translator - Sang Kil Han
Copyright © 1981 by Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity
Today is the 22nd Parents' Day. Parents' Day was established on
April 10, and after that came Children's Day, Day of All Things, and
God's Day. Centering on Parents' Day and Children's Day, Day of All
Things, God's Day and the Day of Heaven would all have come into being
at the same time. Then, of course, the history of restoration would not
have been necessary. As a result of the fall, however, children have no
connection with parents, and the things of creation have no connection
with either parents or the children of God. Certainly, no true parents
have been found in the world of the fall.
Salvation actually means saving the four heavenly days also. They
should have no other origin except God. The first Parents' Day marks
the beginning of transition from the old world to a new world. This
transition is not a concept; in the 21 years since the first Parents'
Day, the world has really changed in dramatic ways. There has been no
comparable period in all history, and now the completion of that
transition is inevitable. One day we will also bring a Day of Heaven
into being, the day when the world will be united. The Unification
Church is marching toward this definite goal.
This new history is not compiled by the human element alone; God
has an active part in it. Therefore, in the past 21 years and in the 21
years still to come-roughly forty years-we will witness unique
developments. The first 21 years was the period in which the
Unification Church emerged in this new world, becoming quite visible to
the communist and democratic blocs. Also, a world of Unificationism
will come into being. What characterizes that world? It puts God at
the center of life; we can call that ideology Godism. The three
ideologies-democracy, communism and Godism-will interact as the new way
of life is brought in. Increasingly, however, Godism will be brought to
peoples' attention.
What is communism? It is materialism based on Satan. What is
democracy? It is chiefly centered around religion, particularly
Christianity. It is a way of life centering around children, for Jesus
was filling the position of adopted son. Democracy stresses
spiritualism and things of the mind, instead of material things. In
contrast, communism stresses materialism and is servant-centered; in
Principle terms, it is the Cain-side. Thus, democracy would be the
Just as the mind and body of the fallen individual are always in
conflict, communism and democracy are always in conflict. The
contemporary world is a reflection or deployment of that individual
conflict on a world scale. There are broadly two kinds of person: one,
who is pursuing material things, and the other who is turning inward to
spiritual things. Which would be the ideal way of living? The original
way would be for the mind and body to be in accord.
Where would the mind send the body? The original goal of the
individual was to follow his parents. Where would they go? Toward God.
Once they reached God they would not face Him, but stand behind Him.
Wherever God goes, the parents would follow; and wherever parents go,
children would follow. If the body raised any objections, the mind
would refuse to change direction. The mind would have firm control and
tell the body that it cannot go anywhere it wants to, but must follow
the direction of Principle.
Why should the path be uniform? Because everyone and everything
want to go where love is. Thus, it is inevitable that they go in the
same direction. Love is where God is and where parents are; therefore,
all things are directed there. When seen through the glasses of love,
everything is beautiful and nothing will be disagreeable to us.
Wherever we are would be a place of happiness.
Freedom is very precious, but it becomes meaningful only after we
find happiness. Which is more important- freedom or love? Love is by
far more precious. Love must exist only according to God's law of
creation. It only comes when we follow parents and when parents follow
God. That is the Principle. Love comes into being whenever that
happens. In other words, there is no love unless we follow parents and
follow God, and there is no freedom when we do not have love. Today we
see that the world is confused, that young people are searching for
freedom without even knowing what it is, without knowing what will lead
them to love.
American members in Unification Church who were used to doing
whatever they wanted are now challenged by everything we do here, but
now they know why they must do those things. We do them because true
freedom comes from true love; once we have true love, then we will have
true freedom. To reach true love, however, we have to abide by God's
rigid law, and in doing so we do things we may not enjoy. We accept
that with the knowledge that we are guaranteed to reach parents, God
and love. Through this gospel we realize that in True Parents there is
a way to get to heaven and God.
Meeting God does not mean we become His equal in a democratic
sense, but that we follow God. When God and His children meet, where
would they go together? Certainly they would go to heaven. Certainly
if there had been no fall, going to heaven would have been automatic.
As it is, would the few fallen people who find True Parents and God
leave everyone else behind and go to heaven? The first few individuals
would assemble as families and a clan, and ask God to be their leader.
After more clans are assembled, they would ask God to be the leader of
the nation, and then to be the leader of the world.
This is what we have stood for all along. In Unification Church our
goal is to bring the whole world under God, and with God as a leader to
go forward in the ultimate direction. Will it be an easy thing to
achieve? There is only one style of life in the Unification Church-even
if the individual sees he must be sacrificed, still he feels the family
must get ahead. Each one of us is determined that the nation and the
world will get ahead because of us. Otherwise, it is wishful to think
of bringing the world under God.
Is it easy to live the Unification Church life? We have to go
through difficulty so great that, though we are alive and moving, still
we are like dead people. If someone talks to that person, he will not
respond, but will keep on going. Jesus said that those who are willing
to die will live, and those who want to live will die.
Are we going to follow the servant's ideal, which is communism; or
the children's ideal, which is democracy; or the parents' ideal, which
is Godism? It was inevitable that these three ideologies appear in our
age. Even though people may find the ideal of Godism in Unification
Church, from lack of understanding they may still be inclined to either
Cainism or Abelism. The whole world will come to this ultimate
Then how will Godism continue to exist? The only way for Godism to
flourish is for the people who believe in it-the Unification Church
members-to work harder and more bravely than the communists and those
under democracy. What is the essential difference between the two old
ideals and the new ideal? First, Godism has the vertical relationship,
whereas the other two are horizontal and have no vertical connection.
Certainly the vertical connection would be closer to the original
way. Without the fall it would have been automatic. God created Adam
and Eve in a vertical relationship with Him, intending for them to
deploy that in a horizontal relationship with each other. First Adam
was created from the image of God, and then Eve was created from the
image of Adam. First came the vertical relationship, and from that the
horizontal relationship.
Throughout history, East and West have had a different emphasis,
with the East emphasizing the vertical, or spiritual side of life, and
the West focusing on the horizontal, or physical side of life. It is
only natural, then, that the four major religions have begun in the
East. Buddhism began in India, Islam in the Middle East, Confucianism
in China; Judaism and Christianity also began in an area considered to
be the East. The Unification Church also sprang from an Eastern
The more you search for spiritual things, the more you have to
discard material things. Since the physical side of life cannot be
totally wasted and disregarded, custody of its advance and development
was given to Western civilization. Today we see an Oriental nation
starting to surpass the materialistic West in industrial matters. Why
would that happen? The time must come when the spiritual side and
material side will connect somewhere. Japan is taking that role.
Westerners must be aware that material things do not belong to
them, but belong to God. Those who were given custody of material by
God should follow a course back toward the spiritual side, but instead
they have followed a materialistic way of life. God will make them
understand they are wrong and try to change their minds. If they still
do not change in time, then He will allow the communists to deprive
them of all their wealth. Westerners must quickly find the reason they
have been able to accumulate so much material wealth, which is to make
it of use for the spiritual side. If they can quickly make the
transition, then fine. But if they don't, the communists will deprive
them of their wealth anyway.
The present American government is really rocking in uncertainty.
It is still undecided about whether to boldly confront the situation in
El Salvador or not. The winds of communism are like a typhoon blowing
those two countries together. Since a collision is inevitable, we
should be determined to deal with it, not be broken by it.
At this point only the ideal of Godism is strong enough and
all-encompassing enough to solve the situation. Neither democracy nor
communism is adequate. This is a dramatic age of uncertainty, with
people under both democracy and communism unsure of what to do. We can
be assured that at such a time Godism will come to the forefront.
Democracy has always worked to make each nation a better place for
its citizens to live in; witness such countries as Denmark and
England. They tried to do that in a material way and were able to
succeed somewhat without really looking toward God. Those nations
seemed to be progressing, but today we know that those countries have
come to a standstill. We see every day that America also is floundering
without direction. This is the result that comes when man tries to work
by himself, without God.
Japan has set itself a new course as a developing nation. The West
has criticized it for not paying much attention to social welfare and
security, but Japan doesn't want to repeat the mistakes of the West.
Japanese workers are content with longer hours and lower wages, but in
the West workers want fewer hours and easier tasks, like the
grasshopper in the summer. The Japanese work industriously like the
ants, and when the cold winter comes it will be the ant which rescues
the grasshopper.
I knew this is how things would develop. I am committed to change
this trend in the West, based on Godism, and I want to make Westerners
strong enough to do even more than the Japanese.
Though Godism is the stronger ideology, the only way for people
under Godism to win the victory is to work harder than the opposition.
It is only reasonable that without working harder we cannot become
better than democracy or communism. Do you have confidence to do
Rather than simply getting along with the other two ideologies, I
want to be an independent central figure. I want to grab both of them
in our hands and bring them closer to God. You must clearly know that
this is our goal. If the members and leaders think that they cannot
meet a higher standard-or are reluctant to work in Africa, for
instance-with that limited thinking they will never meet the goal.
Godism has no boundaries; it will go beyond all boundaries and
encompass the last person on earth. There is no distinction here
between black and white. It is imperative that we go beyond racial
feeling, and not be aware of who is white or black. We must bring the
black nations with the left hand and the white nations with the right
hand, and make them one in love. This is why we have stressed
international marriage.
In the present age we must bring these three "isms"
together. Today in the democratic and communist countries we see the
symptoms of the end of ideals in the immorality and the drug use. We
have to wash away all those things and make new people there. We have
to make and administer a medicine for all that. Democracy and
communism have both gone as far as they can, so this new Godism will
have to rise up strongly and reach out nation by nation. When the time
comes, you must approach the nations; you cannot remain a lone
individual. You are working impossibly hard in order to better
yourself, so that when the precise time arrives you will be prepared.
In a short time here in America, I have brought people of all races
into oneness.
Godism is here to fulfill the ideal and purpose of creation; that
ideal is for parents and children together to center around God, making
the four position foundation. Then all men will yearn to go in only one
direction, to one destination, which is to become unified with love.
We go to every corner of the world to bring people into love, into
one unity with God. Once we do that, we will have heaven on earth. We
only cherish a person as God's child, not for his race or nationality.
The only thing I remember is whether a person is in God's image, not
that he is of a certain race; not whether he is handsome or beautiful,
but whether he has much or little love.
What is the difference between children, servants, neighbors and
cousins? The children are different in that they will fight against
anything that threatens their parents' ideal. You can recognize a true
child of God by his sensitivity and willingness to risk his life to
protect God's ideal. Cousins and neighbors will tend to be critical of
the direction God and parents may go. But a child would love them even
if they did something upside down, even if they were limping. He would
feel that his parents are limping because they worked so hard taking
care of their children. He would be proud of his parents, not
If you apply this criterion, you can immediately discern what
position someone is in. Which position would you like to be in? When
the parents carry a cross on their shoulders, we also want to carry
that cross. Whoever is reluctant to carry that cross is more of a
cousin or neighbor than a true child. Are you sons and daughters of
Are you Americans going to go out of your way to help protect the
cause of a yellow man like me? When there is pressure and persecution
from the government, will you shrink into a corner, or will you shout
out, "What's wrong with the Moonies?" I don't like those who
try to hide; they can never be real sons and daughters. What would have
happened if I hadn't fought back against the accusations of the Fraser
committee and the Carter administration? If anything blocks God's way
to the world, I will say so without hesitation and get rid of it. Are
you 120 day trainees children of God, servants of God, or bystanders?
Will you confront anything that opposes you? I have found in the past
that Americans give nice answers very easily. Is your answer today a
cheap one, or an expensive one?
God created religions, and Christianity in particular, so that
democracy could grow and fallen man could be free to reach perfection.
America was started by the Abels of the religious world who gathered
here to build a new nation. It stands to reason, then, that America
should always be ready to stand up for God with unswerving belief. It
should have strong families which unite around a belief in God, but
today America is not that way.
God has three major problems today-the churches are separated from
Him, the young people indulge in immorality, and families are breaking
apart. If the churches and families are broken down then eventually the
country will break apart under the force of communism. The problem of
immorality, the social permissiveness toward homosexuality, free sex
and drugs, are all fragmenting American families and churches. If God
wants a strong America then Satan will try to weaken it through all
these trends.
The communists want to destroy everything the free world stands
for, such as spiritual life and strong families. Thus, we can see that
communism is a satanic ideology. Communists discourage good traditions,
trying to influence people to deny America's ideals. The communists
always want to cause separation-between children and parents, between
families, between old people and young people. Then they try to cause
conflict there. Satan characteristically tries to cause division and
conflict, and that is exactly the technique used by communists. In the
beginning Satan separated Adam and Eve, and they inherited that quality
from him. When the communists cause separation and conflict between
parents and children, Satan will approve it.
In contrast to that, what is God's ideal? He wants to unite instead
of separate. He yearns for everything to be united with Him. We see
this struggle throughout the world. Every day in the news we hear of
fierce fighting in the world, with one side promoting God's cause, and
the other trying to destroy it by slandering God's side and misleading
people. You must understand the significance of this age-it is the
culminating theme of these three ideologies.
Then why do parents come to this earth? There is a twofold
purpose-to realize God's ideal, and to save fallen mankind. If there
were not fallen people then certainly the task would be easier and more
pleasant. If there were only a million people in the world, don't you
think the word of God would have been established already? This is why
religions have always encouraged people to remain celibate and not have
Then what is the objective of true children? It is the same as
their parents' ideal-to help establish God's original ideal of
creation, and help restore all the fallen people. How do you save
people? By recreating them; to restore people means to recreate them.
In the garden of Eden there were Adam and Eve, and Cain and Abel. When
they reached perfection, God wanted them to become completely one,
which meant that God could be situated right between them. The process
of becoming completely one is love itself; without love, it is
If there was any rift between Adam and Eve then certainly they
could not become one. But when they become one in love then God would
live with them and they would wear the clothes of love. God wanted to
cover them up with love. Then wherever they went they would inhale the
fragrance of love and see nothing but scenes of love. If God was
pulling Eve around, Adam would certainly follow because of love. Once
love sets in, there can be no separation.
Is love necessary even when we eat? Why? If you are eating for the
sake of love, how much more joyful it is. If you have beautiful
clothes, you wear them for the person you love, not your enemy. If you
have a beautiful mind of love, you wear beautiful things for the
subject of your love. Then wearing nice clothes is a wonderful thing to
Do you need love when you are sleeping? Do you need more money or
more love? American women are so practical that they would want money,
right? You only need money on a few occasions, however, not every
minute. If you go to your husband's bedroom, must you carry money? If
you are full of love, that is all that is needed. We know that love is
more necessary than any other precious thing. Does God need money,
power, knowledge, or love? ;
When love is fulfilled then the archangel has no place to invade.
He can come close and stand on the periphery, but can't get in. True
children should stay close by, wherever their parents are, but because
of the fall that did not take place. Adam and Eve did not become
close; because there was division between them, God could not dwell
with them, and their children went away on their own independent
course. Wherever they went, Satan stood guard and demanded a passport,
asking where they were going and why they should be allowed to move
Satan has been working that way all through history for a good
reason: as long as the boundaries remain, Satan can dominate, but when
they are eliminated then the satanic world is no more. Satan set up a
checkpoint which he won't allow people to cross, so that he can keep
his own domain. Larger checkpoints were needed as societies and nations
developed, but that pattern has lasted until today. Instead of allowing
God to be at the center of the original world, Satan has used a similar
pattern to bring everything under him.
There has to come a time when the satanic side will have to do its
worst, promoting everything that God hates most. When that happens we
will know that even the end of communism must be near. Parents and
children should be the closest, so when they feel like enemies it will
mark the ending of the false world. If parents and relatives try to
prevent the children from going to the godly side, then we know that
Satan must be working.
We can figure out that what Satan would hate most would be for God
to expand His foundation. That final foundation would be the new
religion of God's original ideal. Another distinguishing characteristic
of the God centered movement will be unity in its families, for in
Satan's world parents and children would be enemies. The most difficult
thing to achieve, even though people have talked about it for
centuries, would be unity between black and white people and between
East and West. But the God-centered church will achieve it.
This is precisely what Unification Church is doing, and we are
carrying it out with our lives to the world level. People will be wild
to oppose that movement, just like mad dogs. A mad dog doesn't know why
he is mad, but just barks at everyone-the master, the servant and the
children. If a mad dog starts barking, other dogs will join in, even
without a legitimate reason. But one dog has a keen enough sense of
smell to recognize the master, and that is the Unification Church.
In your opinion will communism or democracy survive the longest?
Unificationism or democracy? God protects us because He loves the cause
we are working for. How could a country boy from the mountains of
northern Korea survive great opposition and come to world prominence if
God was not there? God protected me because He loves me. God protects
us because He needs us. I have always been alone, with no nation taking
my side or helping me. That is why the world will call me a fearful
person, a heroic, indestructible man.
How can we say we have True Parents now? Always the evil side has
attacked goodness and taken it to the evil side by force. But now with
True Parents the good side will deliver the evil side with love. No
brothers can come into unity horizontally without parents. First Cain
and Abel come into unity, then become one with parents, and then become
one with God Himself. This is the pattern of restoration, the four
position foundation. Once the children become one with their parents,
becoming one with God is automatic. This applies to nations as well.
There will always be conflict in the satanic world, but by following
this heavenly pattern mankind will always come into unity.
The Cain individual will follow the Abel individual. The church is
in Abel's position to the country, like the mind is Abel to the body.
Together they can go into heaven. Through Abel the country will
eventually enter God's world. The individual will follow Abel, who is
in a position following the family. In other words, the individual
Abel's position becomes Cain to the family level.
The clan is Abel to the family; that family must follow the higher
Abel. The nation is Abel to the clan. Because the nation must bear more
difficulty and pay more indemnity, it is Abel to the clan. Whichever
has more difficulty is Abel. The spirit world will be on a higher
level; since it includes thousands of generations, it has a more
difficult burden.
How can an individual take the Cain position to the family, and
then in the family take the Cain position to the clan, then be Cain to
the nation, and finally the world and spirit world, all in one
lifetime? All of this has to be restored in actuality, not just
concept. But God has arranged a passport system; if you are issued a
passport which shows that you have followed Abel, you can go
everywhere. Do you need that passport? The person qualified to sign
your passport is the one who is king on the individual level, and king
of the family, clan, society, nation, world, and spirit world.
When the President visits a governor's house, he is automatically
welcomed there, and also in the homes of individuals. He doesn't need
some passport to go to those various places. Whoever has the
President's signature authorizing him to travel can also pass as freely
as the President. Isn't that reasonable? What would you call the person
who could sign your heavenly passport-your brother, teacher, friend, or
parent? God knows you would call this person your parent. His signature
will authorize another person to go anywhere.
Here is a sister from Russia, an enemy country. If however,
President Reagan signs a paper authorizing her to travel, she can go
anywhere in America, can't she? Travelers don't have to get clearance
every time they want to journey to another place. If True Parents come
in the name of God, then the individuals they authorize can travel
freely anywhere. This is the only way anyone can go all the way from
the family to the national level.
Do you want to qualify for this passport? You have to meet some
standard first. If you finish home church successfully, then you can
have a passport clearing you to go to any level. Everyone has to meet
the same standard in order to get that pass. Do you think American
citizenship exempts you from that qualification? Do you need
Unification Church? Do you need Reverend Moon, who is an Oriental? How
can you say it doesn't matter if my eyes are black and yours are blue?
We can say so because the color of love is the same for everyone. Since
you all need love, you need parents.
From this transition point on, the horizontal ideal will not
suffice; we need Adam's country and Eve's country as a vertical
foundation. When that foundation becomes the focus of the horizontal
relationships of other nations, rest assured that the last days are
near. When countries representing Adam, Eve, and the archangel are
finally united, the democratic nations and communist nations will come
into unity without fighting. That is spiritual law.
Korea, Japan, and America are the focus of world attention, each
being unique. They are still overcoming the feeling of being enemies
from forty years ago, but with the love of God they can form unity.
Then, according to God's law, the rest of the world will become one.
Under what ideal can this unity come? Not under communism or democracy,
but Godism.
America, under democracy, cannot bring Korea and Japan into unity
to oppose communism. Korea will always be anticommunist, and America
also is basically anticommunist. But Japan still entertains the
possibility of following communism, and needs a strong leader to direct
it the other way. Japan is an island, an Eve country. Eve will do
better to listen to the Adam country than to the archangel, or any
other nation. Can Korea exercise any influence over Japan? Korea does
not have horizontal influence over Japan, but in the vertical way it
has some influence.
America must follow the example of some country; it is helpless
under democracy, which it has tried for two centuries. If there is any
FBI or CIA agent here, he can tell the government that I said the only
way for this gigantic nation to survive is to listen to Reverend Moon.
Try as it may, no individual nation can find the solution by
itself. When South Korea, Japan and America and the free world all
make unity, they can exercise meaningful influence over the communist
world. As soon as Christianity wakes up to its mission, this will not
be difficult to do. For many years the Unification Church has been
establishing the pattern of what a family should be, showing what
morality young people should follow, and working to revive Christian
churches. This will help America be reborn as a great nation. With
that great nation as the center, the whole world can be united under
Godism. This is God's blueprint.
What if America fails to achieve this? Then it will cease to exist
as the great country we have known. Then the center of Unification
Church activity will move to another country. We are working to
eliminate racial awareness among us. International marriage is a
difficult thing, but we are working headlong on it.
Today is the 22nd Parent's Day. This has come into being because
God worked for this goal. The fallen seed was planted on this earth, so
Adam, Eve, the archangel, Cain and Abel must be restored to the
original ideal. Individual nations are already assuming the roles of
Adam, Eve and archangel, and the communist nations and democratic
nations represent Cain and Abel.
Japan is taking the role that England should have assumed, but
failed to fulfill. Economically, Japan has done more than anyone in
restoration. Because Eve fell, the Eve nation should work to bring Adam
and the archangel into harmony. In just the last four years Japan has
brought an incredible degree of achievement in playing this
dispensational role. Japan is like a beautiful naked woman, coveted by
everyone. Korea wants to be friends, America wants alliance, and the
communist world wants to take it to the communist side. Which country
Japan marries will be important not only to Japan's future, but the
world's future.
Today's young people have cut themselves adrift from the past
generations, which have so loudly opposed me. These young people will
all come to the Unification Church in the future. Can any military or
political power digest and influence the Moonies? Will the small
number of Moonies digest America, or will America engulf them? We are
following God's blueprint to bring unity and peace to mankind. Then
former enemies can come into unity and establish a new tradition. For
instance, Japanese members love me more than their own emperor, and
when they come to America they love this nation more than Americans
do. The Unification Church has caused that amazing phenomenon.
Not too long ago American members wondered why so many Japanese
members were needed here, but now you know. They are fulfilling a
different position than Americans; also they take me more seriously
than American members. Naturally those in the archangel position must
listen to those in the Eve position.
The world is divided into two big blocs of communism and
democracy. Korea and Germany are both divided nations; one is divided
horizontally, east to west, and the other divided vertically, or north
to south. This is symbolic of all the separations in the world. The
division of Germany represents separation between brothers, or the
human element. Korea's division represents the elements of the satanic
world and heavenly dispensation. Korea is being offered as an altar
for all the heavenly elements God has worked on.
If the situation in Korea is worked out, the other kind of division
can automatically be solved. As soon as East and West come into unity,
the problems of Western civilization will healed. If Korea were a big
country, with hundreds of millions in population, that would be
difficult to achieve. But because it is small, it is easier for God to
work there.
If the Unification Church will grow in numbers, then Korea will
automatically turn to the heavenly path and unity will be attained.
Then unity elsewhere will follow. It is not so difficult for 50 or 60
million people to support us; just think, if the New York Times
and Washington Post endorsed the Unification Church and said
it was good, many people would listen. If I had been a white man, they
probably would not have opposed me in the past. If they ran positive
articles about me for one week, all America would support Unification
If those papers repent then they will prosper again and be trusted
by people. But if they continue going the wrong way then I will buy
them out. We will make much money in the future so we can speed up the
restoration; that's the only reason we need money. Recently those two
papers are looking at me in a different way. The News World has
spoken out bravely about what is wrong with those papers, which no one
else dared to do.
If I don't carry out this purpose then you can do that in my
place. You are smart, so you can judge what you must do. This is the
day I have been working toward all the time. If I teach the presidents
of any other nations exactly what I have taught here, they will accept
it better. This will certainly be done. Are you going to stand by and
watch, or will you participate in doing that?
We are not following the Oriental way, but the providential way. I
brought the Japanese members here because here we are making unity
between the three providential nations. At engagement time, white
members weren't so interested in marrying other white members, but in
marrying men or women from the fatherland, or from Japan. Some
American women complained, "What about us? " It is according
to Principle that men from the archangel nation like the women from the
Eve nation. Do American women think I am right or wrong? If I were you,
I wouldn't think I was shortchanged. If you marry a Japanese or Korean
and dedicate yourself to that country, you will be the central figure.
How can you complain then?
We are Abel, and Abel must digest the four great cultures. Those
are the Adam nation, Korea; Eve nation, Japan; Cain nation, the Soviet
culture; and the archangel culture, which is America. If you can unite
those four cultures then you can win the whole world, and by doing that
you can accomplish God's purpose. As Moonies, we must establish a new
culture, so we must digest four cultures. We are already on that
road-you like rice and kimchee, and are encouraged to learn Korean and
Japanese. One day we must also learn Russian. Then you can win over
Now you know what I mean by "this age, " or "today's
world. " You cannot connect God to the world on an individual
basis, but through the five positions-Adam, Eve, archangel, Cain and
Abel-and the formula course of restoration you can do it. You only
have to wait a few years to judge whether the world is or isn't going
in that direction. Are you confident to do it now, or will you wait and
see? There is no question that this is the future trend of the world.
Everything I have predicted in the last twenty years has come true,
no matter how incredible it sounded. It doesn't matter whether people
help or criticize-this will come to pass because God is working.
Regardless of what the world is today, the fact that True Parents have
established Parents' Day is truly the gospel. At this unique time in
history you can work, sweat and receive the same persecution with the
Parents. Will you drag along in discouragement, or will you go with a
shout? God and the spirit world will go along with you if you go
joyfully. If you go dispiritedly, later they will ask why you did not
work fully when the opportunity was there. Divine Principle directs us
clearly this way, and spirit world already knows it.
You cannot go to heaven whenever you like; spirit world must
endorse you. History will judge whether you lived up to the standard of
the Abel side. Unification Church members have not understood the
formula clearly enough to be determined to follow this path, but have
vacillated. If you can correct that now, then you will go straight
It will be more difficult to see me in the future; I will not
always be speaking every Sunday. Not everyone will be able to come
where I am, whenever they want. Already you have seen that as the
dispensation broadens I am away more and you do not see me as much. If
presidents of 120 countries want to see me for three days each, that
alone would take 360 days. When would I find the time to see you and
encourage you? I certainly have to visit many countries.
As time goes on you will have more and more to do. Especially here
in America you have heard enough about God and the dispensation
already, so even though I don't talk to you every week you should be
able to carry this out.
It is up to you. It remains for you to live up to what heaven has
shown you; you don't need me to lead you by the hand. Unless you go
forward on your own, you can never be independent. In doing home church
you will be doing exactly what I have been doing on earth, so you are
stepping into my shoes, into what has already been established on a
world scale.
Unification Church leaders will consult with everyone who works
hard for the heavenly cause and will work with them for God's goal. If
some members are working harder than the leader, he must consult with
them; then the work and that leader will prosper. If not, that leader
will decline and the harder-working person will prosper. That is
because God's mainstream always follows the one who works hardest.
Some person may speak very well and have many nice ideas, but his
endeavors may not last long. God's work will be expanded through the
person who works hardest and gives his heart the most. All my life I
have been working, even after my responsibility was finished. I only
want to add to the foundation that has been built, not to live off it.
God does not follow the person who expects recognition, but follows the
person who does more than his share and still continues to give. That
is the mainstream of the Unification Church.
This is the tradition the True Parents leave behind, and is what I
want you to inherit; it has much more value than leaving you money or
property. I am entitled to rest now, but I don't, so no one else is
entitled to take things easy either. This tradition is the best gift I
could give you. It is the result of my sweat, and through home church
you can distribute this to the world.
If I had only given orders in my capacity as Abel, then Unification
Church progress would have been very slow. But instead I carried out
everything myself and showed the members through my example. That is
my tradition. Now the leaders have seen this clearly-not by being
taught, but by seeing me do that firsthand. If they follow my tradition
then many people will follow them. If you follow my direction in this
then your members will more easily follow you.
I have no choice-that is the Divine Principle way. If the
grandfather does that, then the parents and children must also go that
way. There is no exception. This is the precious tradition you are to
receive and follow. Now under my authority you carry this out in home
church, shedding sweat to leave the best tradition. If you don't do
that, then the next generation will have to do it.
Communism, the decline of morality among young people, and the
decline of Christianity are the big problems we must be responsible
for. These are God's biggest problems, and as His true children you
must inherit them. I will solve this source of God's agony, and will
gather all the countries to work on this also.
We are all in the same boat. You may have a nice first class cabin,
but if there is a hole in the boat then the water will eventually reach
you. You have to be alert for that, and help repair any hole to make
sure there is no danger to the ship. Can you rest and do nothing then?
There is hardly time to eat. You even have to think about educating
some person who can take your place if you collapse. This is a holy war
we are fighting.
The crew of the boat may not be aware of danger if they see that
the boat is dry. God knows more about the future of Unification Church
than you do, and what dangers lie ahead, so He needs people to share
His concern and make certain the boat reaches its destination. We must
not just feel that if our cabin is all right that we don't have to
worry about anything else.
You can't feel that you don't care what America does. We have to
reach shore safely by a given time. If we take too long then danger is
always increasing, so we should only care about the boat going faster.
We have to work desperately and hard, day in and day out. If each of
you will live up to this Principle standard, then already there are
more than enough people here.
Those who are determined to live up to that standard raise your
hands. Then please be confident that your fist will have enough power
and your muscle enough strength to accomplish it, as long as you are
God bless you.