November 29, 1981
Translator - Bo Hi Pak
Copyright © 1981 by Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity
In any society or organization, there is always a central point.
The person who is located in that central point must feel a sense of
mastery. The Korean word "chu in," which means
"master," also means "principal person" or
"main person."
In order for any organization to prosper, the center and the
surroundings must harmonize in beautiful give and take. When we
consider a school, there are the teachers in the center who are
surrounded by the students; they must have harmonized give and take
together for that school to be a success. Any company is the same.
There are leaders, or management, as well as the workers and they must
harmonize with each other.
Around what principle can there be such unity? There is a primary
purpose for gathering at a school, and that is for learning. In the
case of a company the purpose by which the central persons and those
who surround them can harmonize is business.
When we talk about a true master, then, what should we consider in
addition to the overall purpose? First of all, in order to be true,
there must be eternal elements, elements which have more than just
temporary value. When you speak of something that is "true,"
you must think about philosophical and spiritual matters. In the
school, learning is important; in the company, business is important;
but on top of that there must be some true meaning of their
existence. There must be some spiritual quality or principle which
causes them to come together, something bigger than the school or
business itself.
When we talk about elementary school, we know that beyond that
there is middle school, high school, the university, and beyond that
there is the world. The company is not just a place where you go to
work to get a salary. The company links the worker to the world,
enabling him to contribute something for the sake of the nation and
for the world.
What is the most important thing for you, as an individual? What is
the thing you value the most? American people think about their
country, right? When you are living in your country, you don't think
too much about the importance of your government or your country, but
once you leave the country, you feel how important they are. A
person's country is very important to him.
Within our country, what is the most important thing? Our own
homes. More than your school, your factory or your business, the most
important thing is your home. That is because within your home the
relationships with your family-your parents, brothers and sisters,
wife or husband-have an eternal quality. It is not because you eat
food when you get home that you value your home the most. You could go
to the best restaurants and receive better food. It is the love of
your parents, of your brothers and sisters that makes your home
When a person is deprived of love, it is unbearable for him. When
we consider freedom and love, which is the most valuable to all of
us? It is not freedom, but love. True love, even if you are in
prison, fills you and makes you shine, no matter where you may be.
Here in America freedom has been stressed, but there is something
greater than freedom, and that is love. Love has not been stressed
here, and that is a tragedy.
Let's talk about freedom a little while. Let's say that there was
some master who controlled freedom. Who do you think deserves to be a
master of freedom? Those people who above all want freedom want to
deny the laws and regulations of society. People say, "I don't
care about anything. I'm free. I want to do this, or that, and I will
do it." Suppose everyone in society thought that way. What would
happen? The society would fall into chaos. Therefore, freedom cannot
be the highest ideal of a society.
What about knowledge? Can knowledge be given the utmost value in a
society? Through knowledge a person has the power of evaluation, of
comparing and judging. Often a person with knowledge will become
boastful. "I have a degree so you must listen to me, obey me,
serve me." Frequently in our society we see a man of inferior
appearance with a little more knowledge than average, and he will try
to control others with his knowledge. Under those circumstances, a
true, ideal society cannot be born.
Another significant aspect of life is money. The possession of
money endows a person with two opportunities-to eat better and to live
better than someone else. So far money has been the tool of
selfishness; people hoard money, caring for no one else but
themselves. People have tried to control society for their own benefit
by using money. A person who tries to control the world with his money
may seem attractive at first. but soon would he revealed as a boring
How about power or influence? The world thinks it is very
desirable. Unification Church members, you are very conscious of your
title or position, aren't you? If someone tries to invade your
position, you automatically feel threatened and try to defend yourself
and your position. The amazing thing is that in a power structure
everyone wants to climb up; no one wants to go down. People just want
to climb up to the top of the ladder so that they can say, "I'm
number one in the world." They become so boastful and arrogant
that they say, "Since I'm number one, God, you have to bow down to
me!" They even try to control God.
The principle of beauty throughout the world depends upon the
turning of give and take. In that turning movement the upper position
becomes the lower position, then goes around again. That's the law of
nature, the law of progress. Therefore, if you seek only power to
become a master, there can be no ideal there. In power, money and
knowledge there is no eternal value.
Where can we find such an eternal quality today? We have to think
about love. If you can fully possess true love, or tap into true love,
then whether or not you have power, money or knowledge makes very
little difference. When you consider your own country, the most supreme
feeling in a true man is patriotism, or love for his country. When you
consider your home, your family, it is the true love relationships that
are most important. But I want you to understand that love does not
exist independently, or all by itself. Love must have two poles, that
of subject and object, entering into give and take relationship. When
you go to your home, what is the center of love there? The parents. The
goal of the family, then, is the relationship of true love between
parents and children.
Suppose at home your father and mother are always criticizing one
another, saying such things as, "Don't be like your mother."
You would feel very uncomfortable and have some pain in your heart.
"Why should they be like that?" you would wonder. You would
evaluate your father and mother and see that, although your father
criticizes your mother, she is a much better quality person than he
is. Children can immediately detect when parents are fighting for
selfish reasons.
Suppose the children hear their parents saying, "Your mother
is a great woman," or "Your father is a great man." How
would they feel? The parents would be showing that there is no need to
command each other, but setting an example of love by serving each
other and lifting one another up. Children would automatically have
pride in their hearts, thinking, "My Daddy and Mommy are the best
in the world." In this situation, the children would be completely
embraced in their parents' love.
Children are very sensitive. They can see when their father and
mother keep their own separate checkbooks and are always fighting over
money. True love can go beyond all these material, earthly things.
Suppose there is a father who is very well educated and a mother
who came from a rural home and is not educated at all. Does the father
have a right to act like a tyrant, treating his own wife like a servant
or the secretary of his company? No. No matter how many college
degrees the father has, when he comes to his home he is a member of the
family. The supreme rule of the family is the rule of love, not power.
That rule also applies to the brothers and sisters as well as parents.
If some brother is trying to rule over the others by the power of his
fists, no one will like him. Only by serving and loving the others can
that brother become popular.
When we talk about the national government, the same rule applies.
Between the leaders of a nation and those who are governed there must
be a relationship of love. The democratic system in this country brings
about changes from time to time. First the Democratic Party governs,
then the Republican Party takes over. Even the Communist Party could
govern if its candidates were elected. Is this sort of switching around
an extension of the ideal family, or not? What happens is that when the
Democratic party gains control, the Republican Party fights against the
Democrats. And the communists, or course, fight against both of them.
Under such circumstances, how can you talk about an ideal society?
Where is the love relationship?
We are certainly not living in a completely ideal society. We all
want to live in an ideal society, but in reality we are living in a
chaotic, confused, fallen society. This is our problem. How can we
bring all this confusion under control? Could we make things better if
we had the absolute power of tyranny? That's what the communists have
tried to do. They try to rule with an iron fist, and they seem to
succeed, at first. They have conquered nations and taken over
governments, but eventually the communists will fall.
For the past three years Soviet Russia has suffered a great
drought. Certainly the heads of state don't want that drought to
occur. They might cry out with clenched fists, "We have the power
in this country! Give us rain!" But that is not the way nature
operates. God has judged them by holding back the rain for three
years. Even if you have enough power to make the nation tremble, you
cannot bring about the ideal society. Likewise, knowledge alone cannot
bring the solution. Money is not the way, either.
The ultimate tool by which to bring about the ideal society is
love, true love. What is this true love? If we say God-centered love,
what exactly do we mean? The best definition was given by Jesus: True,
God-centered love is that which is capable of loving even an enemy. If
white people love other white people, there's nothing special about
that. When white people love black people, though, that is true love.
But the ultimate love is that of loving our enemy. That is the ultimate
love because no one can criticize or condemn such love. It is
invincible love, love which is always there, without contradiction,
always smoothly flowing. That kind of love makes you feel good, no
matter whether it comes in your eye or ear or mouth, or anywhere.
Professor Young Oon Kim, of our seminary, once told me, "When
I made up my mind to love my enemies and forgive everyone who ever hurt
me in my life, I felt such peace in my mind. Nothing bothers me and I
have no grudges anymore."
· Why should she feel such peace? Because she is free to go
everywhere. For her there is no obstacle anywhere. Those who can
unconditionally love everyone, including their enemies, must command
the respect of others, whether they are black, white or yellow. This
would be true in the past, in the present, and on into the future, even
a million years from now. So this must be a universal truth.
Let's talk about the saints. What was the common goal of Jesus,
Confucius and Mohammed? Throughout their lives they talked about loving
the world, loving mankind. For them, national boundaries meant very
little. They transcended such boundaries as customs, traditions,
cultures. American people today, however,
simply cannot go beyond their own culture and habits. As Americans
you eat cheese, bread and butter. Korean people also have their own
habits. They eat kimchee and hot pepper sauce, and they cannot go
beyond that. There is a tremendous power to such habits and it is very
difficult to go beyond these cultural boundaries. But the person who
would become an international man must go beyond his national
boundaries, even if he receives persecution and hardship.
I am always looking at the Unification Church missionaries. When
these Germans, Japanese and Americans come home, I am watching to see
how many of them try to avoid going back to their mission countries.
Suppose there is a person who comes back from his overseas mission and
says, "Oh Father, I have had enough. Let me stay at home in my own
country." That would be the response of an average person, not the
extraordinary person, not the saint. But the amazing thing is that so
far our Unification missionaries, even though they suffer and are
persecuted in their mission, almost always tell me, "I want to go
back." What great brothers and sisters we have in the Unification
Saints, then are those who go beyond their national and cultural
boundaries, and try to love and give life to the whole world and all of
mankind. It is not an easy way of life. How do we know it is not
easy? There have been many billions of people who have lived on the
earth, but we can talk about only four great saints. This proves how
difficult it is to live the standard of a saint.
What are the qualities of a saint? A saint loves all of mankind as
his own family, his own country. This standard never changes throughout
history. How many people have lived and practiced such a way of life?
How many saints are there in America? Wherever you travel in the world
there are anti-American movements. Americans are hated and are even
expelled from many places in the world. Why? Because Americans have not
been living according to this principle. Instead they have been trying
to benefit themselves at the expense of the world. They have not tried
to help or serve any country except the United States.
Many times Americans do not try to teach their technology to other
countries but just keep it to themselves as a secret. But people with
true love would see that this is not the right kind of ethical
practice. This kind of standard has to be criticized and condemned in
the name of justice. True love must go in the opposite direction.
America, for example. has given foreign aid to certain countries.
Instead of expecting a return on that money, as though it were an
investment, America ought to give that money and forget it. She should
let the money work for the good of the local inhabitants. What if
parents kept a record of how much money they spent on each child,
saying, "Last year I spent $5,000 on you, so you owe me $5,000.
For the last 30 years, you owe me $45,000." Is that the parental
way? Of course not. Parents do everything unconditionally for the
children, and forget what they have done.
That way of giving is the central theme of an ideal society; it can
also be called the backbone of the ideal society. Those Americans who
joined the Unification Church are different from the rest of the
country, for you have transcended the national boundary. I want to see
you become men and women who can go beyond your country and love
mankind everywhere as much as you love the people of your own
country-in fact, even more than you love your own country. That is the
Unification goal.
We are talking about the True Master this morning. The true
masters of the world today are those people who practice true love on a
worldwide scale, living each day by that principle.
A loving parent who knows his child needs money for school tuition
would not tell his child, "I don't want to use any of my savings
account, so you can just forget school. Go to a gas station and
work." We apply the same principle on the worldwide scale: we must
invest ourselves and our actions for the sake of the world. Those of
you in the Unification Church-who are you and why are you here? When a
person loves his own son, he will help and serve that son for ten years
and never get tired or bored with serving that son. Consider
yourself-for three years, perhaps, you have been a Moonie and already
you feel like an old-timer who is ready to retire. If you look tired
and spiritless, the reason is that your central purpose is not clear to
If you loved the world with a parental heart then you could not
feel tired or fatigued. If you want to become a true master of the
world, you simply cannot feel tired just by working here in the United
I you still must go beyond the boundary of America. Perhaps you
will become a bit tired now and then, but there is no time to get
discouraged when you are striving to become a true master on the
worldwide level. How can you ever become a true master of the world if
you say, "Well, after three years I'm just totally exhausted and
burned out"? When your spirit is burning bright with the zeal of
true love, you can go on every day for the rest of eternity and no
power under the sun can deter you or discourage you.
Why do I have to come to America, a country which does not even
give me a decent welcome?
I could say, "Forget it. I don't want to bother with the United
States." But that is not my way of life. The more this country
comes against me, the more I will work to melt the opposition with an
intense love. Even the communists are trying to kill me, but I am
trying to warm them up with my love and ultimately restore them. That
is my philosophy and it is one which will go on without diminishing for
all eternity.
Why do you feel lonely when I am away? Here you have all you need
to eat; you have your friends and your homeland. Why should you miss a
Korean man when he is not with you? Something is vacant in your heart
when I am away. For some reason you feel a certain peace and
satisfaction in your heart when I return. Why is that? Because we
share love-the love of God is what creates our relationship. Why did
you come here so early in the morning when it's cold and dark? The cold
and darkness don't matter to you; something urges you to come here.
This is evidence of the power and energy of love.
My entire life has been one of persecution and mistreatment. Yet
you see that I am not tired. I keep moving, step by step, leaving
footprints as I go. When I turn around I can taste a precious joy at
seeing them behind me. Up ahead there is nothing but persecution coming
at me, like a head wind pushing me. But when I turn around and look
behind at my own territory I can feel great exaltation, for there I see
people from all races following me. I see peace, harmony and unity when
I look back at my own territory. That is so beautiful and valuable to
me that then I can turn around and move ahead even more strongly.
Only on the road of love can this happen. If I had been seeking
power for myself, no one would have followed me. If my goal had been to
make money or to accumulate knowledge, I don't think people would enjoy
following me at all. No matter how much persecution came to me along
this path, I never felt alone or discouraged because when I would look
behind me, there was a Love Race growing and growing.
Consider the Japanese people and the Korean people. They were
enemies for quite a long time. But today, the Japanese members are
pledging their service and loyalty to me, more than anyone else in the
world. They are willing to give their lives for this cause. Isn't that
amazing? They are not pledging their lives for the sake of Reverend
Moon; not at all. They are pledging their lives for the sake of the
true love which I pioneered and championed. In this way, the enemy
nation of Japan has become a territory of love.
Many Japanese members who have come to America have been the most
sacrificial. Some Japanese members are getting old, and haven't had
children yet, or they have several children without any material
foundation for their lives. I am waiting for them to come to me and
say, "Father, I have done my time here in America. Please let me
go home to my country and retire." But not even a single one of
them has come to me with that request.
We are really a great movement! It is not the truth we are teaching
that is the greatest thing, but the power of love which permeates the
truth-that is the great, eternal thing. That is why this movement can
go beyond territorial boundaries and can conquer our enemies by the
power or love.
How many people or organizations in our world are pursuing such a
great goal and living such a great way of life? Only you, the
Unification Church members, are in that category. But is it true that
you are only worrying about your fiancé at this time? What about
the world? You should feel that even if your marriage is delayed, the
salvation of the world should come first. Do you feel that your
marriage must come before everything else?
God has much greater problems than your own marriage.
From the viewpoint of God, how small is the problem of your marriage
compared to the problems of the whole world! Of course, your marriage
is an important thing, but compared to the other, incredible problems
of God it is of lesser importance. Suppose that, right now, your one
great hope in life is to get married to your fiancé and make a
home together, and tomorrow it happened. Then all of a sudden you would
discover that marriage is not as rosy as you expected! Your hope would
vanish because it was based only upon your marriage.
By contrast, the man who lives completely for the sake of the world
and mankind can have no failure in his marriage. For that person,
marriage is a part of loving the world. No matter who the fiancé
is, that marriage is bound to be successful, for together the two
pursue the same goal and are absolutely assured of a successful
marriage. We must say, "I marry, not for myself alone, but for the
sake of God. I want to love God and mankind more. All by myself, I
cannot do that well, so I need my eternal comrade." That is a
beautiful concept of marriage. You assist each other in loving God
more, discussing together the ways to accomplish your goal. What a
beautiful couple!
No matter what, we must seek the true master. Who is the true
master? He is the man who has the greatest true love of all and
practices that extraordinary love. We seek such a true master, but
where can we find him? Only God has such a character. In true love,
you look at this world from God's point of view, you listen to the
world with His ears; through His senses you receive the world. God's
love is historical, for He loved from the beginning, through all the
past and present and on into the future. God is the Creator, so when He
looks at the world He sees history. He knows how He created the world
and He loves every aspect of His creation. He loves the processes, not
just the results.
Heavenly Father created the universe with a motivation of utmost
love, so He always had that beautiful memory. Even though man fell, God
has a dream and a goal for mankind. When He sees fallen mankind so far
below that goal, He does not condemn. Instead, He feels mercy for
mankind and tries to bring them back to the original state.
Every man has an original mind which is pursuing that highest goal
of eternal love. Eternal love can own everything, embrace everything,
and harmonize everything. Spirit world is already practicing that
principle. God dwells wherever true love is the center, where
everything and everyone are trying to harmonize with true love.
Once you find the true master, can you change masters or move out?
The true master is the subject and we are the objects. The philosophy
of the true master and his way of life become our philosophy and way of
life. Thus, the relationship between the true subject and object will
continue for eternity. The true master with true love will not just be
concerned with himself, but with the entire world. His goal has always
been to bring the entire world into harmonious unity.
Although we are working only in a limited geographical location
such as New York' our impact is universal because what we do is for the
sake of the world. The work you do in New York is not only for the sake
of New York; it is also for the sake of God and all mankind. Even
though you live in just one place, if the things you do please our True
Master up in heaven, then you are pleasing the entire world. We must
find the True Master and serve Him for our whole lives. Our
relationship with Him should be an eternal one.
Many people think, "Father is too idealistic! He talks about
ideals, but it is not really practical here in America. It won't
work." But wait until you die; then you will find that it is very
real, but by then it will be too late. You have to discover the truth
now, while you are here on earth. Whatever you harvest here will
establish your standard of living in the spirit world. Here on earth is
the place where you must practice and learn the capability to live in
spirit world. The life of one man is very short compared to eternity,
so we have no time to waste in finding our true master. What a pity it
is that so many people waste their time on the earth! During this short
time on earth, we have to consummate our road in life. Each day is so
precious it is like a thousand years.
For a student, the moment of greatest seriousness is exam time. Our
life, when compared to eternity, is more serious than that exam
period. To God, your life is very short, so it is very easy to rate
which kind of life you have lived. In each action there is the
potential for good or for evil. When you go to sleep, it can be for
good or for evil. Your laughter can be good or evil. The true leader is
always trying to push you toward the good and sunny side.
What is good? What is evil? Goodness is something that is good for
everyone. Evil is something that hurts everyone else but benefits only
you. If you were to spread this message of self-serving all over the
earth. do you think that would bring about the ideal world? Of course
not. Therefore, you must teach people that they are existing for the
sake of others; you must teach them to live a sacrificial life for the
sake of others, serving mankind and loving the world. That is the only
The most important aspect is our attitude. Even though you are
working every day to serve others, if you are grumbling inside and
resenting your situation, you cannot win. You must do what you do with
gratitude. Life in the Unification Church is focused on this process of
molding men through unselfishness. This is why in Unification Church
you are called upon to do things that you do not want to do. Especially
if you strongly dislike doing one certain thing, that will be what you
do! If you only did the things you enjoyed doing, do you think the
world would improve?
We have to do such things as fund raising on MFT, but your own
pockets are always empty. Many people think the money goes into my
pockets, but when I pull them out, they are always empty. Where is the
money going? To projects for the sake of the world. This process is not
going to be ended with my lifetime. You will receive the torch and
pass it on to future generations.
You are insignificant people, but you are earning money and then
spending it for the sake of the entire world. In this way, your small
role in the world has become an important one. You are suffering much
tribulation by going this way, but the amazing thing is that the entire
world is coming around to our side. This year's Science Conference was
the tenth. I delivered my Founder's Address to an audience of 4,000. At
the close of the Conference the scientists adopted a resolution with
these points: 1) thanking me for the conference; 2) committing
themselves to the cause; 3) supporting my peace formula.
This kind of support did not come about overnight. It took ten
years to do it. Suppose after three years' time I had given up on the
Science Conference. Five years ago, when I took a poll of our leaders,
most said, "I'm not sure about it. It seems to be a waste of
money." I want you to know that you must persevere. Results take
time. You never knew that those few dollars you earned on MFT could
give such mileage! Do you think money by itself could move the entire
world? Impossible.
Sometimes people wonder how the Japanese can be so clever. The
Japanese people are no inventors- they just imitate. They take apart a
sample of something and then come up with something a little better.
That's not such an honorable talent, yet God has blessed that country
with great prosperity. Why is that? Along with the prosperity of Japan
goes the success of our family members working there: when the economy
is healthy, the members can bring great result which goes for God's
purpose. The Japanese members are doing their very best, so God has to
bless the entire country!
God gave an emergency mobilization order to the entire spirit
world, so now spirit men are working every day in Japan. Customers
come into our stores, and often they feel they can't leave until they
buy something. That is because of spirit world. Because the Japanese
members are dedicating themselves unselfishly, the economic blessings
of the entire world will come to be concentrated upon Japan.
Suppose you Americans should say, "We don't want to fund
raise." What would happen? Then all of America's wealth would be
moved to Japan. Do you think the wealth here in America belongs to this
country? No! It is God's money. If God needs it somewhere else, He has
a right to move it. It is an amazing thing that the little island of
Japan has so much power. No one could have ever imagined such a thing.
Look at the high-technology products that are coming out of Japan.
Spirit world is pouring brilliant ideas upon that country, and the
Japanese are learning not only to make things better but also cheaper.
What we are talking about this morning is seeking after our True
Master and actually occupying the heart of God. True love is our way
to kidnap God. Do you think God will get very angry at being occupied
by our true love? If someone kidnaps you with true love, you feel good,
so what greater ambition could you have than to occupy God? Occupying
the whole world is nothing compared with occupying God. If you want to
receive love from the greatest, most extraordinary master, you should
be able to love him and serve him in everything he does. If he does 100
different things, you should be able to know and serve him in those 100
different ways. Then your master will see how valuable you are.
Our true master, God, is almighty. He has been doing many, many
things throughout history, so to be accepted by that almighty master
isn't going to be easy. You will have to meet a high standard. There is
only one method to deal with that almighty Master- true love. Neither
power, money, nor knowledge could be the way. In order for God to love
mankind, there must be a bridge or a ladder by which the link can be
made, step by step. Someone has to create that bridge between God and
man. The Unification Church is like an engineer corps which is creating
that bridge. We become a human bridge between God and man so that God
can come down to humanity. The dwelling of God will be with man when
God can walk out to mankind on the bridge of true love. That is how you
must think of yourselves.
You might think that your goal will be to do your best for ten or
twenty years, and then you will retire. You might say, "I gave my
youth in service to God, so now I want to do something else." But
is that good enough? Absolutely not. We have not only a lifetime job,
but a job for generations. When we die, our children will take over our
position and continue our work. Am I leaving the American youth with
some tradition? You are mastering your way of thinking. You are trying
to become responsible for this country. You are learning to think,
"Without me, this country has no hope! I must play a central role
by sacrificing myself for the sake of this country." This is where
you have been changed-in your attitudes.
Our goal is to save America and ultimately the world. The United
States is the principal country in the world, so once we transform
America into a heavenly country, changing the rest of the world would
be easy. That is God's strategy. The ideology and way of life we have
adopted is not a bad one-it is the one which God likes and God supports
us in this undertaking. You must have confidence in that! Ultimately,
it is only a matter of time until this way of thinking shall conquer
the world. Then the world will rejoice in exuberance. From this way of
thinking true peace and the true ideal shall emerge on the earth.
We are moving every day along this way of true love. Nothing is
more precious than this. What is home church all about? It is giving
you the method and the territorial boundary within which you can
practice the way of true love. Home church is your arena where true
love begins. I'm sure many of your parents oppose your membership in
the Church, but their ancestors in spirit world are all on your side.
Your children, grandchildren, and all your descendants will praise
you. You need a base where you can create your own territory-this is
what home church is all about.
True love is the target you are shooting at through doing home
church. Home church is like the gun and the goal is true love. Have you
ever truly thought that the number of times you served people in your
home church area was the number of times God visited that area? You
must think about how much God is present with you, walking with you.
God is not dwelling with you when you are Lying comfortably in bed with
a full stomach. The time when you are very hungry and fatigued is when
God is with you. Sometimes you may be sick to your stomach and you
feel you cannot go out. But knowing that your home church members are
waiting for you, you don't want to disappoint them and you walk out the
door, almost falling down. That is the time when God is with you.
You must realize how much God is working in your home church. Have
you thought about that? Do you have confidence that in your activities
True Parents are with you? Do you think, "I'm sure they love me,
and God is with me because I am not ashamed of what I am doing. I am
proud of it, and God must be proud, too." If you have that
confidence, I am sure your home church people will love you without any
question. If you do not go there one day, people will ask, "Why
didn't our Moonie show up today?" They will ask their neighbors,
"Do you know what happened to that Moonie?" They won't want
to be separated from you. Without fail, this will happen when you
practice this way of life.
When you go out to home church, always think that you are escorting
God and True Parents to your home church area as your guests. When God
walks down the most miserable alley of your home church, what will He
think? God's eyes will flood with compassionate tears. How many
thousands and thousands of years have passed before home church could
emerge? I have spent my entire life in creating home church. The home
church system is set up to bring all of mankind into brotherhood. As
mankind becomes one brotherhood then the dwelling of parents become a
reality. Think about that fact when you have your home church; there
mankind and the Parents and God are dwelling in one brotherhood. How
happy, ho wonderful! That is the consummation of the Kingdom of Heaven
on earth.
When God goes back to spirit world, you can go there with Him. You
must have a close relationship with God, like a wife following her
husband. Then God can never leave you. This is the special pride of the
Unification Church which no one else has. We have sought the True
Master and we have found the True Master, and we have a practical
method of haven the True Master dwell with us-home church.
How much have you devoted yourself? One yea' two years, ten years,
twenty years? By doing so, you attract the attention of God, and He has
to look at you and come down to you. True love is the major them' by
which you connect one woman, one man, one family, two families, a
hundred families, 360 families When one new person is linked, you
rejoice over his birth as the new true child of God. What a joy it is
to see the emergence of a new child of God. With this in mind, how can
you neglect to go out every day and night? When this movement of love
is spreading out to the worldwide level, the Kingdom of God is bound to
When true love is at the center of life, all directions are
connected and there is communication on every level, including spirit
world. When you are really longing after God, showing your respect and
love toward Him, then the spirit world will open up in front of your
eyes. True love cannot exist with just one person, but has to be
reciprocal between a subject and object. Those who practice such true
love will be followed by God. You will not have to follow God; He will
come and follow you! He has to come to the spirit burning in your
heart. You will be intoxicated by dwelling in the world of love.
When you look out at the world and mankind from this standpoint,
everything changes. There is no way you can be lonely. Every creature
and everything you see is a work of art to rejoice with. Ultimately,
that is the only real purpose of life which men should pursue.
Shall we go toward that goal? Let us pray.