March 7, 1993
Belvedere International Training Center
Translator - Sang Kil Han
Please be seated. The topic of Father's sermon this morning is
rather unusual, in the sense that it has two forms of expression. One
is oral and the other is written. This is in the form of speaking
rather than writing. "Nanun Champumonim Gwa Kachi" In
English it won't make so much difference. It translates to, "I
Will Live With True Parents."
When we hear "True Parents," we immediately perceive the
meaning in two ways: one in the vertical sense, and one in the
horizontal sense. This is because, as we know, there are two sets of
parents: one spiritual, from heaven, and one set with physical bodies.
In the secular world when we hear of father, mother, or parents, we
think of them only in one dimension. We think of only one person or
two persons. But here, we immediately think about three or four
persons, both vertically and horizontally. We also see a vertical
father and vertical mother, while the secular world sees only the
horizontal form.
If we know the Principle and nature, we cannot deny the existence of
God, who is our Father. He is our vertical Father. Immediately we come
to know this after knowing Principle. But there is always an order to
things, so which comes first? Should the vertical come first, or the
horizontal? Always, we know, vertical comes first and then horizontal.
That is a kind of duality. There is only one, but there are two within
Centering on love, here are the parents, and here is the son
(pointing to blackboard drawing). As we see, centering on love, when
the offspring is born, the boy goes one way and the girl goes another.
They grow from childhood through elementary school, into their middle
years and their teens. Then they go to college, graduate, and then as
man and woman, they meet right at the center of the horizontal line.
These two represent the physical world and the spiritual world. The man
represents the spiritual side, and the woman the physical world. Where
do they meet? Right here, at the center point.
They start from the position of sons and daughters, experiencing
that type of love. Then they go on to brother and sister love, then to
couple or spouse love. Then when they have their own children, they
have parental love. These are the four levels of love. Where is the
focal point; where are they all united? That is the question. What is
their center point? Centering on what do they come together?
Each level of love has its own perfection. What is the perfection of
son's love? We must achieve perfection of son's love, and we must have
perfection of brotherly love, the perfection of couple's love, and the
perfection of parental love. These four different levels of love
comprise each person. Where do these four different levels of love
become one in me? Right there, when you grow up and you and your spouse
meet together.
The man who has attained the state of perfection has all these four
different levels of love perfected. Likewise, woman has four different
loves. They grow up, but they are not together yet. Where do they get
together? First, son's love, then brother's love, then couple's love,
and they come closer. You cannot see, but it's diagrammed like so.
God's original ideal of creation for son's love, brother's love,
couple's love, and parental love now become perfect here. By marrying,
we have perfected son's love, brother's love, and couple's love, right
here, which then resembles God. Therefore, we carry out the act of
creation, just like God did. This is the whole crux, the nucleus of
existence for human life. Now the couple is ready to give birth to a
child. That means to create life just like God.
Then we can state that we are like the visible God, while God
Himself is still invisible. Until we get married, we are still in the
process. It is when you marry that this perfection takes place. Do you
follow? This is the crux or the origin of the universe, the base of the
universe. There we are recognized, centering on love. That is where we
get the seal of recognition, so to speak, from God. Originally, that of
course, was supposed to occur between Adam and Eve. We, too, must go
through the stages of children's love, or love as son and daughter.
This model of perfection we can now deploy by millions and billions
horizontally. That is another form of creation. Each one forms the
four position foundation, with himself or herself in the child's
position. They formed it with their parents and connected with God.
Looking at this separately as the model, we are exactly in the same
form and position as Adam and Eve.
Thus, the value of the first love accomplished by Adam and Eve,
right here at the center, and many millions of others who take the same
form, is equal. They are all equal. Not only Adam and Eve's father is
God, but also, every individual's father is God. God is Father of all
other couples. We are saying this centering on first love. Isn't it a
little odd when you say, "He is the father of my generation, but
he is also the father of ten generations later"? In the horizontal
way, God must be thousands of generations, grand-grand-grand father.
How can we say God is Father to every couple's first love, in every
generation? It is because the first love is the same. That is the way
the ideal of creation was set up.
The most precious one is the first love. Does anybody forget his or
her first love? We human beings are meant to inherit first loves. Where
do we perfect True Love? It is right here, at this point. If you
connect all the different levels of True Love through their axis, that
is oneself. The self has all these four within. What is the highest
point of education? Nobody has known before. It is not gained by going
to some institution and spending many years there in order to graduate.
Of course, that can be helpful, but this love training is by far the
most important crux of education. Why is it so significant? When we
achieve this, we become one with God. What more can we strive for? In
that position, God is in the mind's position and the individual is in
the body's position. Humankind has always sought for God, and even
though they couldn't find God, this is God. All religions sought the
education of perfection, but no one knew what life is all about. This
is what it is all about, the essence of life.
In this position centering on True Love, man and woman have the same
value. There should be a standard for perfection centering on love. God
recognized the state of perfection in woman, that is it. In the man,
that is it. How do we conduct ourselves, how do we avail ourselves to
be recognized? Right here at this point. Without the son's love and
the brother's love, we cannot reach couple's love. Therefore, we have
to reach here first. In order to do that, we go through son's and
brother's love, then reach here, the center point.
Also, we are reminded that we have five senses, each working in its
own way. But they must have a focal point also. Actually, we have to
regard our five senses in the dual sense; we have physical senses and
spiritual senses as well. All together, we have ten senses, then. Where
can I become one? Is it centering on the eye, the nose, or the other
senses? All these senses with their dual composition are centered on
True Love. True Love is the center of these two worlds, the physical
and spiritual.
Since the mind and body are in the position of plus and minus, why
has our body taken the plus position after the fall? What is your
answer? We must always remember that the vertical one is first. The
deepest root is True Love. The deepest root is vertical. The body is
like so and it does not reach to the spiritual depth. As a result of
the fall, we have reached a certain depth by centering on the body, but
didn't quite reach to the deepest point possible. This one does not
exist in the fallen world. Even though one has fallen, still he is made
up of Principle. Therefore, because of that characteristic of the
parents, it reaches here but not here.
Originally, this is to go deeper, without the body. Because it
reaches only here and not here, our body regards itself as the plus. We
do many things to try to improve ourselves as human beings, such as
meditation, reaching a goal by doing penance, going through difficult
times, voluntarily suffering. For what purpose? In the Oriental
culture, this is an everyday thing. It is to reach here, going deeper
and deeper to the origin or root of the spirit. This is a very simple
explanation of why the body acts as plus. I don't have much time today.
But at least remember that there is such a situation and that is why
the body claims itself as the plus in the fallen world.
Just as we get married and give birth to a child, we place ourselves
in the children's position again, the vertical thing. We must always
think of that first. When we love our own children, we cannot love with
body and mind separately. Our mind and body must first become perfect
and then start loving children. The vertical standard of True Love was
supposed to be the way which God could come back and forth, up and
down, into human beings because He is the center of True Love. No
fallen man or fallen world can do that. Because of this impact,
re-creation is possible. Where do we connect on the vertical line?
Father formed the diagram of the diamond, with the vertical and
horizontal axis aligned, which forms a perfect triangle. The distance
here, there and there is equal, exactly equal. When children grow up as
brother and sister, they are supposed to always think of each other
centering on the parents. In kindergarten, grammar school, middle
school, even if they go to college, it's the same. When they go to
college, as sons and daughters or brothers and sisters, they think of
each other, centering on their father and mother.
Spirit world is the same way. God, too, had a time of growth. Of
course, this is reasoning, but perfect reasoning is now possible.
"Oh, God must have gone through the same growth stage like human
beings, starting from a single cell. Then that cell multiplied and
multiplied and became a perfect child, and then grew to become a
perfected adult man or woman. God must have gone through the same
stages." What is the conclusion of that? The conclusion or
implication of that is that human creation, from birth to perfection,
exactly takes after the process of God's own growth process. In other
words, God is looking at a child each step of the way of his growth.
The way God grew is the same way that each child, millions and billions
of children, are growing when God looks at it.
So there was a time for God equivalent with childhood, grammar
school age, middle-school age and college-age. God, too, corresponds to
a child's growth through His own growth. And God comes down and the
child grows up, and the two meet right here at this point. What can you
say now? When a man grows up and reaches his perfection and gets
married, it is not only that individual's perfection, but also God's
perfection at the same time. Amazing!
Centering on that moment, centering on True Love, the whole ideal is
now moving forward. If someone asks you about God, how would you
explain? Certainly the worst answer would be, "Oh, I don't
know." Or you could say, "Oh, God just came into being."
That's not much better. But God has grown. Don't you see? A child
grows, you grew, and just like that, God grew. Each individual human
being born to his parents is testimony to the growth of all things that
are created, including God, too. Of course there are some short
periods, some longer periods, they may have different forms, but
basically the process is the same.
There is only one point which meets this specification. The distance
from here to here is the same, the length here is the same, and this is
only one point, not two or more. (Pointing to blackboard drawing.)
Right here becomes double or dual line, and right here the dual line,
too. This is where the spirit world and physical world become one.
Therefore, we see so clearly that without man, woman can never be
perfected. Likewise, without woman, man can never be perfected.
Until now, nobody had the foggiest idea about perfection. People
think the individual can somehow become perfect alone. Even in the
spirit world, there is no library which contains this knowledge. Now
Father is announcing all this compiled knowledge and it will be
gathered and stored in the library in spirit world. Why? It is very
simple. Spirit world is simply a warehouse, a spiritual warehouse where
the perfected fruit of True Love is stored. It is the storehouse for
the fruit of perfection. Where is that fruit perfected? It is not done
in spirit world. That fruit is born and must be perfected right here on
earth. Therefore, spirit world is the second place we go, not the
Now, at this moment, we are extremely proud of ourselves. We say,
"How wonderful I am!" You see, no part of the hemispheres,
the semi-arcs above and below, can be taken away. Everything is needed.
This is the plus hemisphere, for instance. Without the minus
hemisphere, can perfection take place? No, obviously not. Therefore,
women absolutely, no matter how they may try to get around it,
absolutely need men. And vice-versa: men absolutely need women. Each
one's highest hope and ideal is, "I want to be capable of being
with my spouse to make this perfection possible." These are the
highest goals for each individual.
When such a perfected man here on earth goes to spirit world, he can
go anywhere and become a perfect friend with any person, any being, or
any situation. This is one perfect model with which to make the ideal,
holistic perfection. This is the ideal textbook for holistic
perfection. Once you know this, you know the greatest philosophy. Once
you make perfection, you are the greatest philosopher, and you are the
greatest man and woman of religion because you have attained the goal
already. That type of man is God, he has the same value as God, the
same level as God, the same everything as God. Wherever the perfected
son goes, then the whole world and universe will follow in his wake.
Here is one daughter from a small family, and where that daughter goes,
the whole family follows, don't they? Yes. But not in confusion as we
see in this world. The world is in confusion, of course, because we do
not understand this. Once we know this clearly and follow this clearly
and perfect it, do it-first we know and then we do it-then no other
thing is necessary. You don't need to go to school, you don't need to
meditate. You don't have to do anything in the world. (Laughter.)
Because he already has the universe in his hands, he doesn't need any
more. He is "of love."
In this humble stable of Belvedere, such a historic announcement and
proclamation is made. Imagine. What did you do to deserve to be here?
All the greatest kings, saints, and the greatest of all people on the
earth and already in spirit world should be in the position of where
you are today to hear this. Have you ever heard this? Have you ever
imagined this?
It's like a crystal. If we perfect it here in woman, and in man, and
together such a couple forms a family, this is heaven automatically.
This is what we are saying when we speak of "heaven." This is
heaven. Here the whole universe has come together in perfection. Like
this, they got married and perfected, and formed the entire sphere. And
if one of them says, "I don't like this. I'm going to go
away," that means he or she will die. Can any possibility of
divorce exist here? He and she will both die, and everything will die
here. It's the most complete destruction. We know how formidable it is
by understanding Principle. Even in the fallen world, there is no one
who is happy about divorcing. They always cry. That kind of person is
not suffering alone for just that time, but eternally. What can she or
he do? He has to simply turn around from heaven and stop looking at
heaven and look at the other side. How miserable.
There is such a thing as forgiveness. "To err is human,"
they say, and, "To forgive is divine." Why? Because God
cannot help but forgive because He knows that man doesn't know this
truth and therefore makes mistakes. The pottery maker will make his
pots and if he doesn't like the way one looks, he can just put it back
into the clay and start over again. But once you make a perfected
article and finish the process, you cannot return it to clay. If it is
perfected and connected to proper parties and after that you destroy
it, you are blamed for destroying the whole thing.
When American youths come to know this Principle and are inspired
and decide they want to live like this, will America turn into heaven
overnight, or will it remain as hell? It will become heaven, literally
over night. If you are to pay for this, how much material must we
prepare? You can imagine, you are the proper judge. If you sell all of
America and you set the price, can you buy this? Think about it.
Throughout history, humankind has paid a price in search of the truth.
They have sacrificed for the sake of truth, they have been righteous,
many things, and all that price was paid. As the result of that,
standing on that foundation, this truth has come out.
This truth has been produced. When we understand that, this model
will laugh at us, spit at us. They say, "You don't
understand." They will spit at us if we don't understand this.
This pattern will beckon all of us to come. We must understand. This
model is very much alive. To repeat this, to do the same everywhere,
this is constitution. This is our standard, the measure. We can take
this and apply it to any woman, "How much percentage of perfection
does she have?" We can measure even to a fraction of an inch. We
will say, "One hundred percent, eighty percent" and so forth.
This is our everyday criteria. That's the only way of walking. You
can't jump in order to walk, and limping is not walking. That's not the
standard for walking. Everything except the normal way of walking is
That is completion, the normal standard point. How valuable it is.
How much value it has! How much more important it is. You can lose your
life, you can lose everything in the universe, but this cannot be lost.
This is with God, and because of this, based on this, creation was
made. Therefore, Satan also knows this. Satan also has to value this.
There is no way we can deny that we have the power to transmit the
counterpart to all the relations. You can never deny your spouse.
Living alone as a celibate person will make you very lonesome, no
matter what your philosophy or belief. Whoever conforms to this is
protected by the universe, but whoever does not is not only not
protected, but is actually repelled by the universe. Because we feel
that repulsion, then we feel lonesome and sad, painful and unhappy.
Here is the place where you get recognition, your degree, your diploma,
so to speak. When you attend a course, you get a certificate when you
finish, don't you? Right at this point, since we perfectly resemble
God, we can start the action of creating, like God Himself. Therefore,
each person should give birth to as perfect a child as himself or
herself. Therefore, unless we give birth to a child and help them grow
to perfection, we cannot go to heaven, because heaven is God's dwelling
place. Without going through love's history course, we cannot go to
God's country, which is heaven. Do you understand? This is clear, very
Think about this all the time: marriage. Why is marriage a source of
great joy? Because everything is catching, everything is fulfilled,
everything is connected to the center. Forever, every part, every cell
is connecting at that point. Man's cells belong to God's cells
connected to True Love. Plus and minus, horizontal parents. Man and
woman are surrounded by God. Children surrounding parents, father and
mother. The children stand in a position surrounding that. This is the
point where vertical and horizontal meet. From that combination, there
is unification of everything. So you need True Love. How much?
Father is going to erase the blackboard now. Don't ever forget what
I have taught today. Have you memorized it? No matter how difficult a
situation we are in, we have to reach that purpose, that point of
perfection. If you cannot reach that point, you cannot have hope for
the ideal. That focal point is the point of hope for the ideal. Now
many Western and American members say, "We like freedom more than
anything." Where is freedom? Upon this point, you can catch
everything, happiness, peace and hope. Otherwise, no way. Now you
understand clearly, right? Huh, huh, HUH? (Laughter.) Don't forget.
So Father even taught this at the theological seminary. Once Father
teaches this, there is really nothing more to teach you because it's
the most important thing. Without this, there is nothing we should
learn. It's a waste of time. The man who lives like this, who perfects
this, becomes like the president, so to speak, of your nation. You can
go anywhere, everywhere, with a free pass. When you appear, then God of
the White House, will make way for you. Do you need that seal, that
certificate, now? (Yes!) If we live like that, becoming perfected like
that, then wherever you go in the world, you would not starve. If you
feel hungry, the whole country will rise up and blame the people around
you. That is real freedom; such a person is truly free, isn't he?
How necessary is that for you? Absolutely! You have to incorporate
that word into your vocabulary: Absolute, absolutely!
My sermon this morning is titled, "I Will Live With the True
Parents," and if you do this, you will indeed live with the True
Parents. This was the stumbling block for Father, too, and for God,
too. Because of this, God is like the most incapable person. He just
cannot do anything. People blame God, curse Him, and do anything
against Him. We never do what He wants us to do. Still God cannot do
anything because of this. And Father, too, could not retaliate against
somebody who opposed him. What can he do? Those who do not know and do
not even think like this, you cannot stop talking with them. This is
what made Father and God most powerless in the universe. Most powerful
beings became most powerless because of this criterion of the
perfection of True Love.
Which is first, vertical or horizontal? Absolute vertical. In the
absolute dual system the horizontal comes right here, too. There is
only one intersecting point, which is ninety degrees. Absolutely ninety
degrees. In the Western world, we shake hands, up and down when we
greet one another. That's the horizontal greeting. Come to think of it,
why don't we shake hands by doing this? [Pulling each other's arms back
and forth.] It is because we have to follow that vertical way. Oriental
people greet one another in the most vertical way, don't they? Like so.
[Father bows.] If you put the greetings in order of best, second best,
and the like, which is more stylish and better? This way, or that way?
When you bow correctly, your body's movements represent the whole
universe, grouping it up and offering it as if saying, "I'm going
to occupy your love," or "I am at your disposal," or
whichever. You know, this is the proper way of bowing. When you see
Western people just bowing down like that, that's not so good. You have
to form your body into a rounded shape when you bow. Like so. Do you
see how round that looks? (Laughter.) As round as you can make
yourself. If you bow down but with the legs stretched, it's not round.
He makes a big cavity right here, as if saying, "Yes, I am going
to embrace all of you, and the whole universe I am going to occupy in
love, even God."
Western civilization will follow Eastern civilization without fail
now. That trend is already obvious, isn't it? This is the Pacific Era.
It isn't the American Era. The East is beckoning to the West,
"Come to us." When we write in Korean and also in Chinese and
Japanese, we write from up to down, from right to left. All the books
are like that. Did you know? Whereas, English is written from left to
right and up to down, like so. This has to meet here.
There are many examples of differences. For instance, when an
American beckons to someone else to come to him, he does it like this.
[With the palm of the hand facing up.] The Oriental people beckon like
this [with the palm down]. When we make that motion to Americans, they
go away! With the palm up it means, "Please give me
something," or "I'm going to receive from you." This
way, with the palm down, means "I'm going to give to you."
These kinds of hidden meanings are contained in all the simple things
we do. Can you imagine how very different Eastern and Western people
are? When Western people sleep, many of them, even adults, sleep on
their stomachs. When a child sleeps like that in the Orient, the mother
will not like it, she will worry about it. We don't even bury people
like that when they are dead! We bury them in the proper position with
stomach side up, so what do you mean by sleeping like that!
If you know the basics of these principles, even if somebody tells
you to do that, you won't do it. The insects of the field may sleep
facing towards the earth, but human beings should always face toward
Everybody agrees that America is on a crash course towards
destruction. Somebody has to intervene, somebody has to begin the
re-creation. Father is recreating. An Oriental person came here to
recreate America, saying, "Leave behind your horizontal ways and
follow me." Let's assume you don't understand complicated ideas,
but let's just ask a simple question: Have you become better or worse
after meeting Father? (Better!) You say "better" because you
feel you have become better, or by Principle? Without mistake, you
have become better? Which one? Until now, we may have gone in a certain
direction with a lot of effort. But without a focal point, without
clear criteria, one just drifts away. You must have this point in mind
always, then you can go anywhere and do anything. Eventually you will
come back to this point, but if you don't have this place, and you go
far away, then you are in trouble, aren't you? That's why we should not
drift too far away, if you are not confident. If America loses Father,
in other words, if Father stops living here or stops returning to
America, then America would be without its center. Father is right here
in the center, and everybody wants to cluster around him, like all the
Japanese leaders and their wives. Why do they come here to Father? It
is because of this. Centering on Father, they want to cluster around.
When Father goes to Korea, we all want to follow Father, don't we?
That is because it's the shortest path to perfection. Our spirit knows,
so that's why we want to be near to Father. He teaches us and he works
and acts with True Love, which we can follow. So we want to live near
him, spend time with him, being close because we can go the shortest
cut to perfection in ourselves. Do you follow? This is why our mind
always moves towards Father.
Isn't it true that religious people have been rather eccentric in
the eyes of the secular world? They do just one thing. That is because
it is all-important to find the center and find God, to find the
Principle. After that, everything else is secondary. Therefore,
religious people have given up everything for the sake of that one
purpose. In order to do that, they give up worldly things. The more
faithful a person is, the easier it is for him to give everything up.
He gives everything in the search for truth. Because God is here.
Oriental philosophy is trying to reach this. Even the highest goal of
Western philosophy is here. Because of that, they give up everything
willingly to reach here.
When couples are in the act of love, they aren't thinking about
Japanese ways, or American ways. You forget everything, don't you?
International couples do not think of themselves as representing
different countries, do they? You Western women don't love your
Japanese husbands as a Japanese representative, do you? You forget
everything but the loved one, and your focus is love. The only strong
power is True Love. How wonderful! All are the same. It is a vertical
feeling. How much excitement, how much strength! It is like you are
inflating a balloon, and finally it bursts. A balloon doesn't make any
sound while it is being inflated, but once it explodes, it always makes
a big noise, like thunder. God may be dozing somewhere, but when He
hears that sound, He will be awakened! And then He will gaze upon the
place where that sound comes from. The sound of love even wakes up the
dozing God. It's so important.
Do you need that power of True Love? Yes? (Yes!) Excellent! You know
that well! More than me! If you know this, you can forget everything
else. Husband and wife will come together, embrace, and you tumble
down, and become one. You don't have to stand in any position, but you
can roll.
God lives this way, and True Parents live this way. All sons and
daughters live this way, and when all the rest of the world lives this
way, then the world will inevitably become heaven on earth. When you
are perfected in this pattern, then it goes to the top, most lofty
place in spirit world.
We already know how many percent of perfection I have as son, as
daughter, brother and sister, and as parents, as spouse. Starting from
son's love, right at the center of this circle, it connects by axis
horizontally. It is the same way, horizontally and vertically; it is an
equal distance, too. There is no way we can go individually. We know
that, don't we? We must have our own children, we must have our own
brothers and sisters, we must have parents of our own. We must have a
spouse. Therefore, this "couple-ism" which we see so much
here in America, how far away from God's ideal, we know already.
"Couple-ism" means they deploy horizontally, but that's all.
They will go farther and farther away, but where will they end up? They
certainly cannot come back unless they have a place to come back to.
Actually, this is the reason America became such an individualistic
country with so much free sex. They went this way, then after this,
there is no other way besides individualism, free sex. Do you
understand how they became like this? As they go farther and farther
away from this crux, then everything gets in their way. At least that
is how the individual feels, so he gets rid of his wife, his children;
he gets rid of this and that. Then he finds himself all alone. This is
the fate of individualism. Each one has a certain aspect of
individualism within themselves. We all know where we are or how much
percent perfect we are.
We must think, "Am I looking at my spouse, my children, my
parents, in the place of (from the perspective of) God?" Each
child must resemble his parents because his parents are not only his
parents, but they are also brother and sister to each other. Because
they are brother and sister they will learn the brother and sister
relationship through their parents and what they are doing. And the
couple, too. They will look at the parents' couples' life. By loving
their own children, from the standpoint of parents, they do the same.
Do you follow? In other words, parents must play the lead role, the
model role. Parents must show their children how to love other
children, and how to love brothers and sisters, how to serve parents.
The father and mother must show the children all these things. The
children can only learn from them. Therefore, all education takes place
in the family. When children become as perfect as their own parents,
then their parental perfection is also attained.
In the Garden of Eden, the brother and sister, Adam and Eve got
married. But after the fall, in order to embrace everybody, the
farther away your partner, the better. Therefore, Father has been
matching people internationally. We all know how much we benefit from
that. So we all know we don't have to go more in detail, we already
know about ourselves through this measure, this principle. Do we or do
we not understand this about ourselves, centering on this formula?
(Yes.) Because, "I know faster than God does, I know this first,
and then God knows."
Until now, nobody knew. We didn't know and therefore we were
forgiven and we were not blamed so much. But now we know. If we still
don't do that, then that is where the real anger comes from. Reprimands
come. Now that we come to understand this, everyday life should be
different. In the morning, when we are washing our face, say, "I
have to resemble God. God invested and forgot, He gave and forgot He
gave. He was always persecuted, but loved even more. Are my eyes going
to do the same things, is my nose going to do that?" We have to
continually ask the same question of every part of ourselves, "Is
my body, my hand resembling God's?" We must always have this focal
point in mind.
American people don't want to live like that, do they? Do they say,
"That's too much effort"? This is why the Bible says it is
very, very difficult for the rich man to go to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Poor people, who are more humble, can be more focused on this than
anything else. Do you follow?
There is such a thing as a ticket to heaven. It is a one direction
course, straight. You will bump right into God and meet with Him if we
have that straight route. The individual is there, family is there,
clan is there, the nation and world are there. Starting from God, it
has been deployed. Now we are returning to God. Therefore, in there is
everything. God is my friend, God is my subject, God is my partner. We
are that close to God centering on True Love. The grandchildren and
grandparents are so close to each other, like dear friends, like
brothers and sisters, even. If that happens, is that a tragedy or is
that happiness? Inside, we are so respectful of our grandfather and
grandmother, isn't that true? But that loving child will just climb up
on the grandfather's head, and even perhaps lose control and wet his
head, even. The loving grandfather would be only happy. "Oh, this
is warm," he would say. He would laugh and be so happy, and say,
"Nobody else has this much love toward my grandson." He would
laugh and laugh. Do you like that? (Yes!) I don't know. Liking
something is up to you, not me.
This is so simple. I, like my parents, with the vertical in mind,
will live like this and the re-creation will become complete. When we
live like this, that's the end goal of our life. That is what our life
is all about, to live like Father, to live like Mother. Now we know
clearly the standard of perfection. Here on earth is the easiest place
to achieve this. Now that we have the standard, how soon we realize it
is up to us. We have to realize it here on earth. If we go to spirit
world, we will have to come back to realize it, which is enormously
more difficult. Therefore, we must do it here, very quickly.
Earth is the center, not spirit world. Whatever is done here, is
done up in heaven. Whatever is entangled here is entangled up there.
Therefore, earth is the center. Think about some rich man, some
millionaire, even billionaire who always spent his money for the sake
of his community, his clan and country. If he lived that way all his
life, and then came back to his homeland and died, would he go to
heaven or to hell? (Heaven.) Even though he gave everything away and
then went back to his homeland and died with nothing in his hands,
would he still go to heaven? (Yes.) Why, through what Principle does
that happen? It is because he followed God's standard. God still is
alive, He is not dead, and He continues doing the same things after
thousands and thousands of years.
God's position has always been like a vacant place, like a low
pressure zone. One time a high pressure zone comes in and blows down
that empty place. That's God's hope, the end of time, the time of the
Second Advent. Do you understand?
Raise your hands if you can say, "Now, Father, I understand
clearly and you have helped me so much already. But now that I know
this, I don't need any more help. I can do it, all by myself, and
surely I will get there. Don't worry about me." Father gathered
all the men together, and Korean residents here in America. They are
lonely people. They are kind of miserable because they are away from
home, trying to do God's work, without anyone knowing. So Father gave
this talk to them. Today is the time of the Women's Federation, so all
the women gathered together and received the same message. Father
encouraged all the Korean residents here, "Teach this to every
person in this country." Now American men and Korean men know
this. Are you American men, you proud, first-rate nation, going to be
outdone by the Koreans? Or are they going to be outdone by you? Father
says keep your hands up for one hour, but you know you will do it
without fail? Until now, whatever Father taught you was virtually
forgotten by the time you got back to the New Yorker. Not this time.
Those who say, "I won't forget, Father, I will never
forget!" can lower their hands. That means you will do it! (Yes!)