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2: How is Peace to be Attained?
2.1 The fall and restoration of humankind, and the world of peace
We know that the history of pain, misery and wretchedness commenced on this earth the day mankind fell. This is not the original purpose God planned at the time of creation. God did not hope for such a world. Nor did man hope to be born and live in such a world. Therefore God has been liquidating this wretched, miserable and painful history, setting up a plan to restore the world of peace, happiness, freedom and goodness that He originally desired, and regaining control of this fallen world. This is the way of restoration and the way of the providence of salvation.
Man failed to cherish the true ideal in his heart as he should have. Man, who should have lived in an environment of happiness, let the garden of happiness slip away. He should have been singing songs of freedom and peace with a joy-filled heart, returning glory to God, but he failed to do that. We must understand from this that we cannot be more pitiful and sorrowful than this.
Since the dawn of the history of death, this earth has been a world of agony, not a world of peace. Since the day when destruction started to gnaw at this earth, mankind has been walking through the historical course of conflict, not a course of peace. All of you should know that there has never been a history of peace anywhere in the world, either in an individual, a family, a society, or in any nation.
Cain and Abel, born from the ancestors of mankind, Adam and Eve, were not children born centered on God's love. Adam and Eve were expelled from the garden of Eden by God. "My beloved son, Adam, and my beloved daughter, Eve, I created you in order to build a garden of love and a world fulfilling the purpose of creation of the entire universe. You both are the king and queen of peace and happiness." They should have originally received such blessing from God. No other being on this earth can be its king or queen. Only our ancestors were to be the rulers of the world. Adam could have been the eternal king of heaven and earth. For the first time since the creation of heaven and earth, since the beginning of the relationship between God and man, the title of "king" could have been given to our ancestor, Adam.
Satan trampled on our true parents, true brothers and sisters, true family, true clan, true tribe, true society, true nation and true world. He is the ringleader who has been driving God to distress and adversity. Until the day we die, we must repel this enemy who has left behind traces of historical resentment in the universe. We have to establish before God the world of peace, love and happiness that He has desired. Let us rouse ourselves to action, knowing well this is our responsibility as His children.
Centering on God, man originally should have lived in the garden of Eden while enjoying perpetual freedom, peace and the ideal. Due to the fall of our ancestors, Adam and Eve, the original world was destroyed. Though we are the descendants of the fallen Adam and Eve, we are moving toward the world God desires since we have an original mind that aims for an original world. That hope of ours will remain as an ideal that we must strive to achieve. If a central figure who can move the world does not appear, gathering all people together to work for one common purpose, then true freedom, true peace and the true ideal will not be realized on earth. Mankind then cannot avoid the universally predestined historical course of restoration through indemnity. Under such circumstances, God is unable to come looking for us in glory, with peace, freedom or the ideal. Instead He can only come on the condition of man's sacrificial offerings.
Fallen man has to regain the original state before the fall. As man lost God, man has to retrieve the position of not having lost Him. As he has lost the true parents of mankind, he has to return to the place of not having lost them. Man must find and enter the position where he can live as God's child in the garden of peace, centering on God and the ideal True Parents. Hence, the providence of salvation remains to be accomplished.
According to the providence in each age, God has been working to give fallen mankind a new ideal and heart. Man, as the substantial embodiment of both the spiritual and physical realms, was to live in the world of purpose, standing on the absolute standard of heart. Due to the fall, however, he lost that world. Through mankind's long history, he has been searching for that world of purpose - an ideal, happy, peaceful and free world overflowing with joy - where his heart can rest peacefully. If that world were realized without setting up a standard of heart, it would have to be recreated at some time in the future. The ideal world of peace can be established through the unity of the whole world. If an individual does not achieve the standard of heart of becoming one with that ideal world by thinking of and responding to that world and following its movement, that world has no relationship to that individual, no matter how much he or she may desire it.
Among the many countries in the world, there are some with a bad environment but good seeds, and some with a good environment but bad seeds. It is the same for history. If all countries in the world have good seeds, the world would not be a problem. If the original world had grown in an ideal environment with good seeds taken from a good tree, it would have become a world of peace and hope, where the future is secure. The world we are living in is neither a world of peace and hope nor a world that guarantees a good future, but a world struggling between goodness and evil. Our environment is more evil than good. Even though the seeds may be good, they are surrounded by an evil environment.
If our human ancestors had lived a life of joy, happiness, satisfaction, freedom and peace, and passing it on to the countless generations that followed, and this had expanded into the eternal world, then that world would have become a world dominated by God through love, a world demanding to walk alongside God, and a world of eternal rejoicing with God. As a result of the human fall, that dream was shattered. The result was wretched and miserable. We are witnessing the realities of life in this world: war and struggle instead of peace, torment and sickness instead of happiness, and confusion throughout the course of history.
If man had not fallen originally, his mind and body could have stood in an absolute position centering on God's love. Due to the fall, however, he came to stand in a contrary position. To prepare a foundation where world peace could be created and settle, man had to undergo a bloody history of ordeals and sacrifices, coupled with religious rites and rituals known as the providence of salvation or restoration.
When we look at human history, we see that if man had not fallen, he would have welcomed an ideal garden of spring, and matured as a people whom God could rejoice with. Had man grown up in that way, he would have created a new culture on earth. He would have lived peacefully and happily in the midst of that culture. Just as all things move in a cycle according to the four seasons, the history of mankind should have become an everlasting cycle of spring, summer, autumn and winter. However, the fall saw the departure of the joy with which he would have ushered in the day of glory.
What would have happened to man if he had not fallen? Every cell of his mind and body would be crazy for love. Even while going through hardships he would be intoxicated with love. A person who lives that kind of lifestyle will surely go to the heavenly palace rather than somewhere else. What did Jesus accomplish on earth? Receiving persecution and going the way of the cross, he never ceased to love mankind. Even as he died on the cross he was enraptured by love. He did not say we should receive love; rather, we should even love our enemy. A world of peace will come when the world changes its direction. A world of peace will never come to the place where people only think of getting love. A world of peace and unity cannot come unless people can love. We have to understand this is God's final proclamation to mankind. Fate is unchanging. Fortune can be changed through one's efforts, but not fate.
The fall began at the point when Adam and Eve were awakening to themselves. As they brought about the history of destruction, failure and war, we must now make a clean sweep and start looking for the source of God-centered love and of living for the sake of others. Otherwise we will not be able to discover the source of peace. If we cannot discover the source of peace, we will not be able to build a world of peace.
Society in general does not attach importance to the term "indemnity." Though there is such a word, people do not understand its contents and meaning. Indemnity would not be needed if there were only God and man, and heaven and earth. It became necessary because Satan exists. Due to the fall, everything went amiss when Satan invaded.
What is the relationship between God and man? God is the vertical Father and our human ancestors are the horizontal parents. Our horizontal parents fell from 90 degrees to 75 degrees. Struggle between the mind and body occurred due to the difference in angle, so man cannot say peace exists and he cannot be happy.
Many nations exist in the world. They are not designing the ideal of peace, but their own ideal, and they continue to groan in confusion, sorrow and distress. This is not the nation original man desired, because this world is a consequence of the fall.
2.2 How does the garden of peace come about?
Today, the world is talking about a world of peace and unity, yet all that sounds like words blowing in the wind. The question is whether I can make a world of unity within myself. If we say that there is an all-knowing God, and that there is a great man with a certain will, we conclude that there is someone who is determined to carry out the task of unification.
Most of you often talk about loving, serving and sacrificing for each other. That is great. Loving one another means fervently giving to, not taking or requesting love from the other party. The basis of peace emerges in an environment where people serve one another. Flames of revival blaze up when people sacrifice themselves for the benefit of others. Where people mutually serve each other, flowers bloom and spread their fragrance.
Just like the negative pole of a magnet, which never fails to attract the positive pole, we can perceive and comprehend God by the force of our conscience. The more we approach God following our conscientious mind, the more we can feel the peace, happiness and fullness of our mind. If we follow God's love, which is the womb of peace, our internal organs will receive stimulation and convulse with emotion.
Having thus lived my life, I should end it gloriously and confidently. Even if I bear a grudge against death, I have to pray desperately that I will pledge my allegiance and fulfill all my responsibilities within my lifetime. If I pray for the world to be saved even at the expense of my life, today's world will not become a pile of rubble like an untended grandmother's grave. No matter how I hate to see your face furrowed by old age, the wrinkles on your forehead symbolize the conditions for peace. Our walking posture may be haggard, but when we realize that in that way lies the beacon of hope, we will stamp out the real identity of resentment on which the foothold of evil broadens. If we work only for ourselves, we become a friend of evil. Our fate is predetermined to reinforce the foundation of goodness in our life just once. You must measure your life against the standard and realize you have a diabolical twin living only for your selfish interests. You must break away from this being who is expanding its influence with each passing day, and bear a bitter grudge against it. You must clearly understand that you are on the pressing path of destiny, that you must make your own foundation of goodness yet a little more before you pass away. Therefore you must constantly busy yourself without taking any breaks. In my lifetime, I was imprisoned six times, was vilified in a foreign country for being a cult leader and have faced intense opposition. If the path of devotion I am walking on is a path on which people of different skin colors can keep pace with me, I will run anywhere. I have always lived my life in this fashion.
You must keep in mind that only when we become the elite troops of Heaven and win the victory can we rejoice with God eternally and, at the same time, rejoice with Jesus and the Holy Spirit for eternity, and the time of peace when we can also rejoice can come to this earth.
The individual battle turned into a family battle, the family battle turned into a clan battle, the clan battle turned into a social battle, the social battle turned into a national battle, and the national battle turned into a worldwide battle. If the spirit world exists, there will be a battle between the spirit world and the earth. If God exists, only when the war between God and the countless evil spirits of the earth is over will the age of peace come to this universe. You should realize God's situation, who is working through such a process of the Principle. The age of cosmic peace will come only when God resolves all the problems after a clash with Satan and the evil hordes on the earth.
If the moment God's sorrowful heart is uprooted and the sadness deeply etched in His heart is liquidated does not arrive, humankind will never find peace and the ideology of Heaven will never come to fruition in this world.
If a true individual comes who will eliminate this world's sorrow, liberate Heavenly Father's sorrow, and bring forth an ideology capable of establishing a peaceful nation on this earth, that individual will have to pass through every difficulty and experience desperation, starting from the sorrow of personal tribulation, all the way to the sorrow of the tribulations of humanity. Furthermore, he would have to delve into the whole sorrowful and desperate heart of Heaven to come out with something that can resolve it. If that is not achieved, the world of humanity cannot push aside the sorrowful and miserable history to establish the world of peace, the world of happiness, and the garden of freedom inviolable by sorrow.
If you become the person who can act in place of the ideology of the universal Kingdom of Heaven to unfold the movement of God's love, life and truth, then the world of peace will be built on this earth. Therefore, your own parents are not the only parents, your own siblings are not the only siblings and your own children are not the only children. When you become the person who can regard all people as your parents, siblings and children, when you look upon the many people who are suffering in the world of death, you will not be able to relate with them without tears. When you look at your siblings or someone younger, you will feel a strong sense of responsibility to save them, and with tears you will make every effort to carry it out. If you truly become this kind of person, then the Kingdom of Heaven will be constructed on this earth centering on you.
God's strategy is to take the first blow from Satan, do everything for his good and love him, and later to deprive Satan of everything. God does not take away by force from the satanic world, but first He freely gives love, sacrifices Himself, accepts the blow and is even willing to lose His life. It is evident that God cannot implant the source of world peace if He does not apply this strategy.
You must lead your family and live for your nation and the world. Spanning the ages of the individual, family, clan, tribe, society and nation, you have to play the role of showing the world's peoples and nations the right direction based on my experience. Having fulfilled this, you must be able to serve God from a mutually inseparable position. Only then will the spirit world and the physical world become the unified world of peace. For the first time in human history, the guide will establish himself in the position of the eternal leader of the historical age and be awarded the glorious official commendation of the heavenly world. You have to know this indisputable fact.
A person who fights and bleeds profusely in the harsh process of building a new kingdom of peace, a heaven of freedom, will not perish. The blood he sheds is not the blood of death, but a source of life. What he has achieved in this manner is the base we have to reach, embody in our lives and bequeath to our future generations. It is a painful reality.
"Oh, Heavenly Father! Your divine Will, which You have always wanted to take pride in, centering on the ideal of creation, has reached fruition in me. The man You have appointed has achieved union with the internal heart, which You have eternally wanted to take pride in before the world." You have to pray like this before Heaven and crave for the day of moving into the heavenly kingdom of liberty and peace where God can rejoice.
Who is the owner of Korea? He is the one who loves and values that nation more than anybody else. Therefore, if Unificationists cherish and love Korea more than anybody else, they will become the owners of its people even if they do not become its owner. Only then will the age of peace arrive.
We have to liberate God by dissolving His resentment. Even a young man, who takes the responsibility to remove a tiny obstacle offensive to the eye or ear, and who has a heart of serving God as the majestic, absolute being that can govern with the authority derived of freedom for all nations as the heavenly kingdom of freedom and peace, will truly be a great man. The future world will take on a new direction owing to this young man. If you vow to be like him, no matter how ragged you may look, you will not appear ugly. Infinite hope dwells there. That figure will become the foundation for God's hope and happiness. It is the same for us. Being in the position where we can harvest and in the position of the harvested grain, we have to be able to digest all our hardship and emotions with the element of happiness. Expanding that foundation to the nation and the world, as long as our subjective spirit does not deviate from the unified state, is it not true that the heaven of peace will be connected to the world on that foundation?
Where must the restoration of heaven begin? It has to begin from prison. Have you tried humming a song in jail with an independent heart of peace, a heart with the original standard, and a heart with a standard that has restored subjectivity? When the apostles went through that same woeful ordeal in the past, did God not give them the authority to open the prison doors and freely move about in order for their situation to be transformed into Heaven? Have all of you become the people in whom God can have hope and expectation that is higher than that for the apostles?
In the Last Days, there will be no way to survive if the direction of history is not reversed. To change its direction, we have to understand in what direction it is moving now. Since history has drawn to an end through the sacrifices of a third party, peace will definitely not come to the world if man does things in the same way as he has until now.
How can we get over the crossroads? We have to put the nation before our spouses and ourselves, the world before the nation, and heaven and earth before the world. If we walk unhindered down a path in normal stages, the crossroads where all our enemies are waiting will vanish. Reaching the flat highway, liberation brings forth freedom, and the kingdom of peace in heaven and on earth, the ideal world desired by God, will be realized.
We have to look for a God-centered pattern in that world too. The parental duty of loving the children has become the moral obligation of humankind. How do we gauge the standard of the ideal, original state grounded in parental, conjugal and filial ties, and the principle of the four-position foundation, which God designed and the Unification Church teaches? This is the issue. In dreaming of world peace and unity, this fundamental question remains. If it is not resolved, a world of unity cannot come. You must know that centering on the individual male and female patterns, a world of unity will emerge where the familial pattern shall be established.
Even if you, your family and your nation become a sacrifice, if there is an ideological system which can launch a new set of values capable of benefiting all nations of the world, then through that ideological structure, a new gate of history will undoubtedly open before our very eyes. Like the law that states that what goes up must come down and vice versa, you must know that since this world is a world of sin and evil, the time to build a victorious heaven in the evil world according to a single direction, in which we can be delivered from sin, will come.
The strategy for creating a realm of equality, as there has never been one, is sacrificing for others, wishing them luck, subjugating those who strike you and giving them the same amount of blessing in return. The history of a realm of total equality will begin here. Since the stage for eliminating the final showdown with the enemy was set up in this way, the notion of founding a nation of peace will be established for the first time. An ideal model of world peace and unity will start out from here.
To shorten the way to heaven, the Messiah, a specific people or individual must take responsibility through self-sacrifice. Many saints have given up their lives for this cause. The rise and fall of many nations was to fill the valleys and level the hills. History to this day has consisted of people making themselves merry, thus it is a history of ups and downs. It goes on a spree, rising and falling. Equality like that of the present was established in this manner. Equality is peace.
Originally, Adam and Eve, on perfecting themselves centering on God's love, could come to stand in a God-centered position by becoming one. This is called the four-position foundation in the Unification Church. The base for completing the four-position foundation was lost. As long as it remains to be established, no matter what historical age has been traversed, even if the peace of mankind, a utopia or an ideal world has been designed, it is of no avail. There cannot be an ideal situation that denies, breaks away from and opposes the principle.
For two thousand years, Christianity developed in the vortex of untold pressure such as during the period of persecution under the Roman Empire. Why did Christianity, which had absorbed Rome as well, decline and fall away like that in the course of a few decades in freedom loving modern-day America? This is a riddle. Judaism taught belief in God and all Jews loved God, yet Hitler massacred six million Jews. Why? This is an incomprehensible mystery. This was because religions did not go the original way they should have.
So, what should our central focus be in order to reorganize the world? As historians and intellectuals have mentioned today, we need someone who can lead the world. How should he guide us, what should he teach? There are plenty of people qualified to teach us how to live with politics or political power as our central focus, though they cannot lead without money or a political system. There is no order of love that can be connected to God and His ideal. If we find a truth by which the order of original love and the source of peace can grow on a worldwide foundation, then man's original mind can rest for the first time.
The beginning and the end of the truth must be the same. Today, we do not need religion. A person who can connect his heart directly to heaven and earth would be enough for that purpose. Peace comes from the heart too. When my mind expresses happiness, the vast expanse of the universe becomes my bosom friend and runs wild within the world of my mind.
In what manner will the ideal world come to the human world in the future? If the proper use of our sexual organs is not laid bare, the world is doomed to perish. We cannot find a world of peace. Look at Rome and America. The degeneration of the United States was not due to lack of money. Until now they have not been able to recognize the owner of the sexual organ, its origin and the manner of its creation. They did not know these things because of Satan. To bring that to light and to clear up all the chaos caused by that vicious and treacherous cosmic Satan, I will hoist my banner and sally forth.
As the wintry wind from a frigid zone blows into the temperate zone, the trees stand bare, stripped of their foliage and fruits. However harsh its blast, it cannot suppress the life-bearing seeds. Yet, breaking out of these very seeds, that demonstrate such hardiness and strength, a new spring garden of peace for mankind can be found. As the spring garden of liberation and hope is found when seeds of new life are sown on the earth in this new age of mankind, let us move into the temperate zone of liberation where there is no winter. It will fit in perfectly with the teachings of the Unification Church.
To improve myself, we have to go the way of difficulty. Unifying Korea is nothing. Is North-South Unification an easy thing to do? Is unifying ourselves easy? However much we may be able to unite the North and South, we still fail to achieve unity within ourselves. However much we may achieve world peace, we still fail to achieve peace within ourselves.
If the direction the world takes on tomorrow can unify the past, the present and the future, the hope for unification can be found anytime, anywhere. In the light of the past and present, we can see we must head toward one purpose. That one purpose is one peace and unity, not two. That is as easy as A-B-C. The question is: When will I unify myself? Am I qualified to govern the unified world without first unifying myself? It cannot be achieved logically. The issue of unification is a serious one. It is the historical problem of the universe.
There were no nations in Adam's world. Managing just his own family would have sufficed. Therefore, Rev. Moon instructed you to organize for your families based on tribal messiahship. It will be enough if your family stands upright. The ultimate is the unity of the conscience and the physical body and the family. The problem is whether a couple becomes one, whether a man and woman unites. If that is achieved, the world will enter the land of peace. The world's problems are not difficult, as long as the mind and body are one and men and women are one.
As this is an evil and belligerent world, it loves to engage in struggle. This is because the mind struggles with the body. The battle of the sexes has become the norm. Where in the world is the base of peace? Not in Japan nor the world nor in heaven but in oneself. If we do not bring peace between the warring mind and body, there never will be world peace.
How will the world of peace come? What is the most necessary condition? A unified source. If we cannot locate this, it would mean parting from the world of unity for all eternity. Your mind is at odds with your body, is it not? A man and woman cannot be happy when they quarrel. There can be no peace or hope. In the end, the mind and body become divided into two separate parts. A couple is divided into four parts, there being two pairs of mind and body, and there is conflict among them.
A woman tries to become one centering on her mind, but her mind repels her body. She then tries to become one centering on her body, but this time her body drives away her mind. There is no possible place to establish a stronghold. We cannot find the starting point of peace on this earth. Can two people meet and find the concept of peace by having money as the center of their focus? Do you think they will want to keep money for themselves, or not? The money my father keeps in his tobacco pouch is worthless to me compared to the little penny wrapped in a rag in my tattered pocket. Still, doesn't my father want to put the money from his pocket into mine? He even wants to put his children's money into my pocket. Until everyone discards covetousness, there will never be unity.
The Unification Church is different, though. Equipped with a logical, organized system, which no religion or ideology can imitate, it can become the base of world peace, a base for individuals, couples, families, tribes, races, nations, the world and, ultimately, the cosmos. The Unification Church teaches that since heaven and earth are divided, a man can find true happiness if he unites with God in a unified world of peace; that there is hope; and it strongly encourages man to earnestly seek a world of peace. Everyone welcomes these ideals.
What will become of the world in the future? Regardless of sex or age, all people living in the world today are longing for a world of unity. That world of unity is not a world of war, but a world of peace and freedom. There are no such things as national segregation, racial strife and barriers ensuing from cultural differences. The world's people are yearning for a nation of peace and freedom corresponding to a cultural sphere of unity.
The question is how to integrate everything into one. A world of peace is a world of unity. There is only one way, not two, in aiming for a world of peace. A world of hope and peace that men and women, young and old are craving for is a world of unity. Even within the different nations, we see various organizations, each having its unique thought, methodology and objectives. Surveying the political landscape of Korea, the ruling and opposition parties seek to run their own party in their own way. How many directions will there be? Problems stem from this.
Since the dawn of history, a great number of people has worked for world peace. Those capable of leading humankind with hope into the sublime unified world of tomorrow are gradually dwindling, however.
Human history is interwoven with recurring warfare because it takes place in the realm of Satan's dominion. It has to be completely liquidated no matter what. How can we transform this fallen world into a world of peace? Among the many religious groups, ideologies and individuals, those claiming superiority have all collapsed. Communism collapsed; democracy, and many religions too, have lost their power and gone into decline.
From where do we start to determine the structural system of society, going beyond all studies, research and conventional practices? This is a problem. The starting point must be God. God made man from the beginning, having passed through different stages. If we do not rediscover the Creator, the ideal of creation as known in the Unification Church, the realization of the ideal and the destination we can reach, a world of peace cannot be established.
Why? This is so because a world of peace is a world of unity. If man moves in a direction different from that of God, the unified world of peace cannot come. The conclusion is that the two directions have to inevitably become one. Breaking down the man-centered world, if we do not decide on a God-centered world, we cannot discover the way to the unified world of peace.
Students graduate from first-rate or third-rate universities based on having evaluated human values. Can knowledge be the center of our focus in forming a relationship with God and in attaining a world of peace? Can knowledge be a bridge on the path of peace? Knowledge is multidirectional and multifarious. The humanities are subdivided into innumerable major disciplines. The question is which one to opt for.
In the world of mind and body, the issue of setting up a standard of peace is the most valuable thing in life. The mind is battling against the body. Those whose mind and body are not at war, raise your hands. Are your mind and body harmonized, unified and equalized?
Looking at this problem squarely in the face, where is the standard of peace? Not in the world, the nation, religion, or anywhere. To be religious leaders, you must be able to establish the standard of peace within you to create the absolute mind and body unity. All the education and all the training are to realize that very humanitarian purpose. You may believe in any religious teaching or you may be a wonderful religious leader yourself, or a great saint reigning over this world, but you will not be able to achieve unity from the same standpoint as the eternal God.
All of you have heard the Divine Principle many times. The problem is that if I do not establish the source of peace beginning from my individual level, I would be talking about ideal religions, heaven or whatever, and it would be nothing but a pipe dream that has nothing to do with me. Where is the standard of peace? Is it in Islam, Christianity or Judaism? No, it cannot be found in any religion. Is it in an individual? You must know that it is ideal people who precede religions. As everything has broken down, are you not seeking an ideal man, an ideal woman, an ideal family and an ideal nation?
The obverse and reverse of a body experience alternating brightness and darkness. Is that not true for the earth? Do not day and night constantly stand in opposite positions? Revolving, the earth achieves equilibrium, mutuality and peace. When we consider the issue of uniting East and West, as day is one and night is one, it does not denote that the two would merge into one. How do we connect them? The unified body of the interior and the exterior is analogous to a substantial body and its shadow.
2.3 The mind as the stronghold of peace
If God is alive today, He has to drag us to the right position of motive, of purpose, in order to bring a solution to the path of our lives. Thus, He has carried out this providential work by means of religions, and has stressed the paramount importance of living a life centering on the mind. At the same time, He did not command us to live a worldly life but emphasized life in the afterworld. Not even Christian dogma teaches about living a life centering on this realistic world. Nobody tells men to eat and live well in this world. Our minds will surely come clamoring for peace in the world of spirit, thus teaching us, "Where is heaven? Not in the world, but within our mind. Heaven is in the world of mind, and will be realized in the Last Days." Heaven in the Last Days refers to heaven realized from a position that has nothing to do with this world. Therefore, it requires mankind to walk through the course of history, but does not teach the valuable contents of the historical course. Religions should originally have done that.
We desire to harmonize with and praise Heaven and that the whole world is equal and lives well together. When we ask where the source of that desire is, the answer is that it does not exist in our body but in our mind. The desire of the mind based on goodness is not that people treat one another as enemies, fight with or even kill one another, but that we can have a love relationship with one another in an environment where freedom, peace and happiness dwell. This is the hope of all men. Does hope come from the body? No. If the body hungers for food, it will desire to snatch away even the only remaining morsel from the hand of our brother or sister and eat it. Our physical desire is like that. On seeing that, our mind hopes that our body would stop doing such things.
Our minds tend to thirst for a perfect origin, passing over imperfect ones. Going beyond the historical environment and strong waves of the era, this tendency is throbbing actively in the human mind. The stimulus and source of such a force remain. The original body, the causal existence, the original stronghold, which can be the subject of that force, is the absolute existence. Mankind is always seeking for something new, ideal, peaceful and happy through his mind.
With what strategy does the omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent God make this world peaceful? Where will He look for the stronghold of peace? Not in America, Russia or any other country but in the original human mind. That means abandoning all things belonging to this mundane world and returning to the standard of the original mind. It means entering the inner mind. Therefore, Jesus said the Kingdom of God is in your heart and mind. If we do not liberate the goodness in our mind, it is impossible to achieve an ideal world or a world of happiness.
The wider the gap between our mind and body is, the more grief expands. Agony is interposed between them and tragedy dwells there. Therefore we have to unify our mind and body by narrowing the gap between them, or else peace and happiness cannot exist in the human world. A person, who cannot bring his own battle, the battle in his individual self, to a halt, even if the world's battle has ceased and he is living in that world, cannot secure the conditions for hope, happiness and peace. The problem lies in me. I must resolve my fundamental problem. When I welcome the ideal environment of the external world, I can, for the first time, feel peace and happiness soaking into my mind. Only if it is connected to the world on that foundation will a free and happy heaven be realized. I cannot deny the fact that even though I may have the environment ready, I cannot harmonize in a happy environment if I have yet to resolve my own problem.
Many people on this earth today are living life without knowing what the mind is. In other words, man is unaware that the mind itself is the foundation for shaping his personality, and for it to rest centering on God's love. The mind is boundless and great. There is room at the core of the mind to welcome and let God in. So long as a man has an upright mind, he would like to move the people of all nations of into the palace of peace all at one time.
The fundamental problem is the unity of our individual self. Achieving unity of the mind and body, we can say that the fundamental mind has fulfilled the condition for happiness, which is not exchangeable for the entire world. If you do not become a person with a center that does not give way or break even in a collision with something in the world, you cannot find the source of world peace.
From the starting point from which I can share happiness and sadness with God, I must uphold the standard by which I can prepare the foundation for peace, freedom and happiness in my mind. With that standard as the central focus and totally suppressing the body, I have to initiate a movement on the surface of the earth with the ability of unifying the world. Putting it in another way, this movement is the new ideal Jesus had come with. Please do not forget this.
Those who hope for world peace: please raise your hands. Where does the standard of peace start? In East and West Germany, Russia and America? Where is it? [In the mind and body of man.] None of you has the ability to unify them. If God exists, there is only one God. That is not a pretext; it is a logical and definite conclusion.
The world of peace to which many are dreaming of going is not located elsewhere. Jesus emphatically taught that the Kingdom of Heaven is within us. A person who does not have heaven in his mind cannot be moved to tears even if heaven is in the world of another party that has planted happiness in his heart. A relationship cannot be formed there.
Your mind is God's sentry post and your body the battle line of Satan. Just as the Panmunjom truce village [at the demilitarized zone which divides North and South Korea], the confrontation point of democracy and communism, exists, all of you have to know there is a Panmunjom, a boundary line, in the world of your mind. The Panmunjom of the world of the human mind has become the world's Panmunjom. It is the only one in the whole world. From that viewpoint, Korea is a country of great significance.
Is there peace in your mind? Just imagine an eternal center appearing in the world, saying, "There is already everlasting peace in me." It would become the center of everything. Nothing and nobody could change that center. If such a foundation has been established, nobody, not even God, could ever change it. No matter how evil a world is, it cannot occupy that center. On the establishment of such a foundation, God will look down and trust you. What about all of you? Is there peace in your minds? I cannot even see the root! That which wanders about anytime is not a root and cannot settle down in one place. If I let peace take deep root, nobody, not even God or myself, could uproot it. Neither your parents, nor history, nor America, nor humankind, nor knowledge nor authority-not even love could pluck it out. Looking at this as a foundation, unless I commanded you to follow me, re-creation would be impossible. There are no other methods. Is the base of peace in your mind? This is your responsibility.
Nobody could take your foundation away by force. You have to build your own foundation. Others cannot assist you. You have to erect the throne of your palace alone. Only then, would all things on all sides acknowledge it, saying, "Please take your seat at the center." After that, sitting there is the natural thing to do. You achieve this by force. Each of you must build the foundation for the base of peace in your mind. It is of vast importance. No matter how much you think of heaven, you cannot be connected to God's original ideal without such a foundation. This is a historic conclusion. No matter how much history flows, it cannot alter today's conclusion.
2.4 Mind-body conflict, and peace
Where is the source of our peace and happiness? You misunderstood that it is in a future you are searching for. It cannot come from there. Why? If you, whose mind and body are in conflict, established a family, then it would be like four people with four different purposes fighting each other. Four family members imply eight purposes (each person having a mind and a body), a hundred members imply two hundred purposes, 100 million implies 200 million, and 3.5 billion implies 7 billion purposes. The nation and world are established like that in the human world, but that world absolutely cannot be the ideal.
Where is the base of the solution that will bring peace? You have to know it is not in America or Russia. The question is where the base is. How can a man whose mind and body are in conflict ever take the view of the universe of peace and the view of a happy world of peace to heart? This is a very important issue.
Is your mind at loggerheads with your body or not? [Yes, it is.] Does that indicate there is peace or conflict? [Conflict.] When will the problem be solved? When will wars in the world end? Have you given it any thought? That's not necessary. When and how do I completely end the war within my body? The wars of the world will end when I put an end to the war within my body. The peace of my body is directly linked to the achievement of peace in the world.
What is a hard-fought battle? The First and Second World Wars were horrific wars. Which has been the fiercest war? The fight with Satan centering on myself is the fiercest war. You must know this is the severest war. World peace will not exist before this problem is solved. We have to sing songs of peace, of complete liberation and of complete victory. Until we can establish such a realm of the victorious Prince, a world of peace will not arise on earth. Where does peace come from? It comes from true religions centering on God. This is the most theoretical conclusion. From where? From Korea? From my home? From my father and mother? No. It begins with me. As heaven is in my mind, I have to make it appear as my own heaven.
My body is Satan's front line in battle and my mind is God's. Wars break out from there. As long as I do not discover the flag of peace within my body, world peace cannot come.
All men have two conflicting entities within themselves. If two people are fighting like cat and dog, how many sides will be formed? Four. When five people have an argument, we get ten opposing sides. If the entire population of 3.6 billion fights, we get 7.2 billion adversaries. As each and every one is in the sphere of dispute, how can peace and unity be achieved in the world? We have to address that problem.
When you look at your individual self, the person of your mind and the person of your body are different. These two "people" are in your individual self. If we look at the husband and wife of a family, there are actually four "people" fighting. Ten members would mean twenty "people" were fighting. Can peace and happiness be found in that family?
In the Bible, mankind is referred to as being orphaned - countries without owners. Does Korea have an owner? You may think, "My country will last for a hundred or a thousand years. My people will live for a thousand or ten thousand years" - you think like this. But this is nonsense. You do not know when some robbers might take over the nation. We cannot trust our countries. We do not know when our families will be violated. Hence, we cannot put trust in our families, tribes, cultures or lifestyle. We cannot live in an atmosphere of horror in which we are unsure when or how things will go. Moreover, our mind and body are on bad terms. Therefore, they cannot become the basis for peace.
The source of misery is the self. When has your mind had a peaceful time? My mind and body are always at war. If there are two people in the family, it will be divided into four warring factions. A family of five will be divided into ten. As the population of Korea stands at 30 million, 60 million protagonists are in fact residing in this nation. As the population of the world stands at 3.6 billion, 7.2 billion fighters are living on the earth. So, does there seem to be peace here? It is out of the question.
We cannot tell when we will run across someone with the nature of a thief. Does there seem to be peace, happiness and a sweet home in such a place?
Though God has long been waiting for peace, just by leaving the body of troublemakers as they are, unity is absolutely inconceivable. To achieve an ideal, a unified world that all nations desire, first the mind and body have to be united. Again, unity cannot be achieved just by leaving the mind and body in a divided state as they are. It is the same for the mind and body. Between the mind and body, one of them is a combatant. Do any of you like combatants? Everybody feels mad at the mention of fighters; we like pacifism that does not advocate fighting. However, there is a combatant in our bodies. The reason for its existence is the fall. Just by looking at my individual self, elements pointing at two purposes, one of goodness, one of evil, are in my body. Though there is a mind oriented toward goodness, there is also a body oriented toward evil that acts to the contrary. If we cannot solve this in the course of history, the body - a monstrous enemy - will forever remain in that state. Caught between two purposes, what a man needs is to reach the point at which he can be connected to one purpose only. Only that will be in accord with the original purpose of man's existence and God's purpose of creation. Because of the fall, man was torn between two purposes, and old age creeps upon him without his being aware. His life becomes one in which peace and happiness cannot dwell. Not only is life a sea of agony and anguish but also an ocean of tragedy and lamentation. Connected to the present in this way, God cannot help but look for a way of dealing with man on this earth.
All of you are fighting now. You are firing a cannon centering on your life. Your mind and body are fighting before facing the world. How can you do it peacefully? Does the body win the fight, or does the mind win? You must become people who can say, "My mind definitely wins." A person whose mind wins is on the side of goodness. Likewise, a person whose body wins is on the side of evil.
Mankind has walked a course where each person has been in conflict based on the mind and body. It failed to see the day when peace and unity reigned, a day when they followed the heavenly law and ran toward their clear purpose. In other words, since the struggle between mind and body has been the author of history to this day, this has inevitably let to a division into two worlds [of good and evil].
If we were originally born as people whose mind and body are in constant conflict, the ideal, philosophy and peace would all be nothing but impractical theories. They would all be futile. If mankind were not originally created thus, these things would be feasible, but if man were originally created in this state, they would be in vain. Man is a resultant being, not a causal being. Since his creation was due to something, the result must be one with the cause. Cause and effect cannot be different. As effect occurs with cause as its content, they unite. Therefore, the course has to be in unison, too. This is scientific.
In the future, where will the base of peace be established? How must we solve the fundamental questions? Someone said, "Oh, our society has deteriorated, so we have become like this." That is not true. This world turns out like it is today as an effect of man's image planted in the individual self. When the mind and body of a person are fighting, then if two people meet, it becomes a gang of four fighters. Then, how can we make them one? With money or authority? Men have even killed their own sons to gain power. The fundamental problem is how to unify them. The world where 4 billion people live becomes a fallen world where 8 billion entities are slogging it out. No matter what we do, peace cannot come. We have to tackle the problem from the fundamentals.
Your mind and body have become the battlefield of good and evil, God and Satan. Intense fights are taking place. Rev. Moon has a maxim, "Before one can hope to dominate the universe, perfect domination of the self is necessary." How do we get rid of our habits? Koreans are addicted to hot pepper paste and soybean paste. Can we overcome this? We have to work during the day and sleep at night. Could we not go without sleep? This is a problem. We have to overcome the desires for sleep, food and sex. Without overcoming myself, heaven will leave. How do we liberate man's image, which is surrounded by fog and concealed behind a wall? We have to first make the wind blow to clear the fog away, and then detonate the wall. Who do you ask to blow up the wall? Not me. It will be done automatically. Satan has erected the wall; it is his to demolish.
As these are the Last Days, the world is divided into two and is in conflict. Unless it becomes a world of unity, we cannot survive. None of you thinks the world of mind has to become one, too. This is a problem. Looking at the world externally, a world of peace and unity, an ideal world, has to come; but we do not think that in the world of mind. The external world has to become a world of unity and at the same time has to unite with the world of mind. How do we unite the world of mind at this point in time when we have to leap toward a world of unity?
What is Korea's vision and the world's vision in the twenty-first century? It is a world of peace, a unified world. This is the sublime utopian world in which the ideal is reality. Even if there are 4 billion people living in different countries, they have a common hope. Prior to creating a world of unity, North and South have to unite. Prior to North-South unification, our individual selves have to become one. Even if North and South have achieved a union, or the Republic of Korea is a unified nation of peace, if the individual self cannot become one, the North-South unity has nothing to do with me. Even if that nation is a happy nation of peace and that world is a happy world of peace, if I myself am in agony, groaning in uneasiness, that happiness and peace have nothing to do with me. Even if the nation and world have become one, and if my mind is struggling in great pain, I cannot participate in a nation or world of peace.
If you look at fallen men, their minds and bodies are fighting. If you see a population of 4 billion living in this way, 8 billion contenders will be formed in the end. Is this unity? It is impossible to become one. You may sing of peace all you like; unity is out of the question. So many philosophers have appeared throughout history. They have advocated many ideologies, ideals and teachings and have exerted themselves to build a better world, but they gradually went into decline.
Can people who have not achieved unity of the mind be peaceful and happy, even if they were to welcome a unified environment in the nation? It is impossible. In an environment where the nation is not unified, even if the world has achieved unity, can we be happy and in an ideal state? The answer is no.
Rev. Moon has the maxim "Before you can hope to dominate the universe, perfect domination of the self is necessary." He has fought for decades. That was my first motto, too. Is it all right to fight within my heart after unifying the world? I should be spraying perfume, dressing myself up and going to a dance hall. Nevertheless, where can I go in rags and tatters? I feel ashamed. The universe - the four seasons - does not want that. I have the responsibility to direct the fundamental strife and battle in my individual self, which has a shameful history, toward peace.
Yin and yang, internal nature and external form, have a reciprocal relationship and cannot be in contradiction. Nevertheless, in today's fallen world, we can hear the sound of the mind and sound of the body. The mind and body have not become one yet. How did the mind and body of a man and woman born to resemble God become divided? This is a problem. As God is an absolute being, the mind and body have a central role to play, becoming absolutely one and being assimilated into God's entire world. How did they become separated into two? If the mind and body had freely divided themselves as they pleased, then God does not exist and we cannot find the basis for unity, happiness and the ideal.
Even Saint Paul lamented, "So I find it to be a law that when I want to do right, evil lies close at hand. For I delight in the law of God in my inmost self, but I see in my members another law at war with the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin which dwells in my members. Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?" (Rom. 7:21-24) I am not able to set out on a voyage toward happiness if I do not have the base of peace in a mind and body that are not at war.
Wars are not a means to shorten the path to world peace. Not even the UN could do that. Centering on fallen men of the world, who behave according to their individual desires, no matter how many ideals we design they are always buried in a history of confusion and strife. If this problem is not eliminated, we cannot find a path to peace. To do that, we have to know the fundamentals, that the historical background is smeared with dispute. Due to the fall, history began with the war between God and Satan. We must eradicate this.
There are human laws as well as heavenly laws in our lives. If human affection exists, heavenly affection ought to exist, too. These two harmonize all the time, and a peaceful world would not come if contradiction occurs between them. No matter how peacefully people try to live their lives, if they do things as they please, it will call forth the judgment of God.
2.5 Peace, the point of mind-body unity
No matter how hard you try searching for happiness, if your mind and body are not one, it is just a daydream. Even if you try to design peace, it is merely a vain hope. Freedom is only achieved from a unified position. A subject partner and object partner are in the environment. They exist in a pair system, don't they? When they are mutually giving and receiving, there is freedom. Is there freedom in a place of conflict? There is freedom in a place of unity. If an argument erupts within a married couple, assuming that they sleep in separate bedrooms [as was traditional in times gone by], is the one spouse free to enter the other's room that night? It would cause a disaster. Many circumstances are blocking the way. If you have lived for forty years, forty years of experience are blocking the way.
A couple's freedom cannot exist in a place where there is no unity. It is the same for peace. If you want to see peace, your mind and body must be absolutely one. This is Article 1 of the Rev. Moon's teachings. No saint or sage has ever thought that the whole world except he or she was evil, or that Article 1 was wrong. If husband and wife were not one, the world would spit at them. If husband and wife are one, if your first to third generations are one, the world will come and seek you out.
We know God is a neutral Subject of dual characteristics. God possesses both positive and negative characteristics, which have to be one within Himself. From a unified standard, the base of peace arises. If we achieve harmonious union of mind and body, we will not feel agony. Therefore, love takes off for the first time from the position where God is the Subject in whom the dual characteristics of positivity and negativity are in total harmony.
In realizing heaven, what is the one important standard? What is the one element that can realize heaven? That is unity. If unity does not go through a principled course, heaven will not appear. Only in a unified position will heaven come. All conditions of peace and happiness that mankind desires today are fulfilled from a unified position. As we all know, in a situation where the mind and body are not united, no matter how much one tries to be happy, he cannot be. No matter how hard one tries to keep the standard of peace, he will not be able to. Hence, you have to know that unifying yourself is more important than anything else.
For all things created by the absolute Creator, receiving love from Him and becoming one with Him is their purpose. If man today wants to stand in the position of dominating all things of creation, he must represent God's Heart. When he faces all things from that position, he can be connected there, but if he is not in unison with God's level of heart, no matter how much he tries to be connected, he leaves behind traces of misery and conflict. Then, happiness, peace and joy cannot exist there. On that foundation, if a man and woman whose mind and body are united become one, centering on love, as it is unified love from that God-centered source, they will be united with God's heart of hope that intends to see mankind's happiness and world peace, with the central focus being God's love. At that point, God can rejoice for the first time.
A man has a mind and a body. Centering on the discipline of his original mind, the body becomes one and if it cannot be separated, he would be a perfected, unfallen person. The mind and body would not have separated without the fall in the Garden of Eden, but they have been fighting to this day. Since the dawn of history, the mind and body of each person in the world have been at war. There is resentment at not being able to create the union of the mind and body. If they are not unified, peace cannot exist and we cannot dwell in happiness. Hence, life is one of misery and grief; life is full of irritations and worries.
Assuming the mind and body of a man are unified, if his eyes are the subject, the things his eyes see would be the objects. The state of peace and love, in which you can gaze at the original things of creation and give love to them as a man and as their master, would dwell in the midst of your line of vision, in the atmosphere and environment. The sounds you would hear would be so, too. You could sing songs of peace from the sounds you hear, and you must be able to taste sweet love there. You must listen to those sounds. Likewise, you must feel and think.
You know very well that the world we are living in today is not a world of goodness. You can feel in your life that an individual fails to become the womb of peace. You will discover that the direction your mind wants to go differs from that of your body. If you find another person is your type, what could you do for him or her? You must know how to set up standard for the entire world that measures whether that other person is indeed suited to you or not. Yet, do you bicker over a small piece of land? The mind has to exist on the worldwide level. You must be able to say, "The world suits me well." You can have a peaceful life if you and the world are well suited.
When we look at our own family, though every family hopes to be prosperous, we also see ruined families. There are more evil families than good ones, and more discordant families than peaceful ones. It is the same if we look at our individual selves, we can see there are more miserable conditions than happy and favorable ones.
Many people today are hoping for the world to be one and groping for a world of peace. However, as individuals, societies and nations that cannot achieve unity, how can we ever search for a world of peace where we can be one? If I reflect on the fact that my individual self, which could be the cause and source of realizing world peace, cannot be one, needless to say, the world of purpose, namely, the world of effect that we desire cannot be unified as one.
If the individual, who is the necessary element for mankind to be good, cannot first be good himself, it does not make sense. If the individual cannot be good, mankind can never be better. In the end, men become good, one by one, and standing in a true position, either become the motivation for peace or forever stand in the position of creating a good effect. If not, no matter much how they hope for a peaceful world, this world could never be such.
There are two people in each of you. When the person of your mind and the person of your body fight, two groups will form. When four such people begin to fight, how many groups would there be? There would be eight groups. Do you think peace could exist there? If there are 3.6 billion groups, then 7.2 billion groups will land up fighting, how could there be peace? It is absurd.
When we say there are a person of the mind and a person of the body in an individual self, as long as they fail to unite, peace cannot ever be realized. Religions are dealing with the question of how the mind and body can achieve unity.
The standard of world peace is not inherent in the Last Days, but, rather, is set through being victorious in the struggle between mind and body. If we cannot accomplish this, the unchanging, utopian world will not come. Can you possess an unchanging self while having a changing self? That contradicts logic; it is absolutely impossible. The problem is whether I have discovered my realm of unity and a happy self, prior to looking for an ideal world.
Looking at the future world, we cannot find the path to peace within the realm of social activities. Then where should we search for it? The issue is how we discover the realm of union, where the mind and body can be one, in the original world of mind.
The issue now is how I make my mind and body one. Before I complain about the world and shout for peace and true happiness in the world, the problem is whether I am creating a source of peace by uniting my mind and body, or whether the sole source of peace has become God. It is not enough for the source to only consist of the mind. I have to be the body that can be in unison with that God-centered mind.
With the central focus being true love, we have to unify the spiritual sense organs and physical sense organs. Without true love, we cannot make the world of mind and world of body into one. The world where the mind and body, on dividing, declare war against each other is the fallen world. The mind must absolutely be the center, and the body must absolutely not complain. The body has to always assume the negative (-) position, and the mind the positive (+) position. If the plus stands in front, there is perpetuity. The body, centering on the force of the mind, must create that place. If not, you cannot be connected to the ideal world even if the world becomes a peaceful world. Of special importance is how we make the mind and body into one, centering on the axis with true love at its center and the axis of vertical love. God exists as the center of the vertical axis.
Only on a unified foundation will there be peace, happiness, freedom and hope. Your mind and body are not one yet. Is freedom there? Even at your place of work, your mind and body are engaging in world wars and cannot settle down. Is freedom there? Even freedom itself hates the word "freedom." When my mind and body are fighting each other, will happiness reside there? All of you are suffering from your problems of life. This is the major fundamental problem. At a place where the mind and body are not one, where can we find happiness and peace? All problems stem from this line between mind and body. Peace, happiness, freedom and hope are achieved there. On the day when this line is crushed, everything breaks. When Marx, Hegel and the Communist groups saw the struggle between the mind and body, they thought it was the essence of man, but did not know it was due to man's fall. The concept of conflict, therefore, originates there.
The ideal of a man whose mind and body are unified is established when he completely possesses God's true love. From the place where the mind and body are unified centering on true love, the true ideal of freedom and peace can take off. On the foundation of the mind and body being one, a free and peaceful individual, family, clan, tribe, society, nation and world are achieved. This is why we have to seek for the source of peace, not from the nation or world, but from between the individual mind and body.
What is the most imperative issue in today's world? The world wars have come and gone. The strife between nations comes to a halt in the Last Days, but the never-ending war between the mind and body goes on. No saints or sages have ever pointed this out and declared that they would rectify the matter. Only one person, the Rev. Moon, proclaimed this. If you listen and follow what he teaches, you will totally subjugate your body centering on your mind. The criterion of peace lies there. The base of peace on which fathers and mothers can become one eternally, husbands and wives can become one eternally, relationships between fathers and sons can become one eternally, and kith and kin can become one eternally is set up. Only when that base of peace, transcending the individual, family, clan, tribe, race, society, nation and world, reaches that standard will world peace come. Therefore, revolutions for the reform of humanity are necessary.
Languages divided because of conflict. After a quarrel, the father said to his son, "I hate to even see the bread you like." So he did not call it "bread," but "rice cake" or "pancake" instead. He called it a different name. After an argument with his spouse, the man told her, "I do not want to see or talk about what you like, so I'm going to call it something else!" Languages became divided because of conflict. Therefore, when everything becomes one, entering an age of a world of peace and an age of unity, language will have to be unified.
So many saints have come and gone until the present time, but they did not know where the enemy was or where the standard of world peace was. They failed to see that the battlefield of struggle with demons and with Satan is within us. Rev. Moon advocates the union of mind and body.
2.6 Emphasizing the internal and the spiritual
The Republic of Korea determined to revive its economy in the 1970s. It should not put emphasis on materialistic things alone, however, but ought to more greatly elevate the spiritual aspects - which could be supportive of an economic revival. This world has been divided into two. Can it last forever in this state? If all people were to live in such a perpetually divided state, they would be wretched. If they are not headed toward a clear goal, no purpose can be fulfilled. So long as the purpose remains unaccomplished, neither happiness nor peace can come to that individual, nation or world. If contradictory elements remain between two people, happiness cannot come.
The ideal world is not something that centers on a certain hope alone. As it is a source of peace and happiness, it will be realized only on the foundation of stressing the spiritual sphere. Let us assume there was someone who has authoritative power in a certain world. No matter how much power he had, could he be happy alone? No. He would be a miserable person. If, based on conditions of relationships, he stood on the foundation of heart on which he could pledge ideal global values deeply, widely and highly, his external authority would shine internally. If he had an external standard but no internal standard, he would instead bring misfortune on himself.
We are living in the fallen world. Through what did this world become fallen? Within the fallen realm, not only the world, but also the country, nation and family are found. The question is how these fell. We can form the conclusion, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that it was a spiritual fall. Up to now, we have been seeking world peace and happiness in the external world, but have not been able to find them. As we have sought them with our central focus being on the external world, the end result is our having lost everything.
We have to accomplish absolute, internal unification rather than external. If heart is taken away from happiness or peace, nothing is left. The heart has the highest authority. Transcending history, it starts out from an absolute standard.
Your mind and body are waging war against each other, are they not? Your individual self fights all day and all night. Multiplied by two, it forms a family; numbering in the tens, it forms a village; in the thousands and tens of thousands, it forms a race; in the millions and hundreds of millions, it forms mankind. Peace has to be restored from the individual. We have to dispose of the physical things and reinforce the mind's desire. Religions, therefore, begin from where we completely deny all physical conditions.
Our original mind craves for peace, happiness and oneness. This is an unchanging truth. What changes and gives rise to problems? Our body is the problem. It travels to the north, south, east and west, and makes changes of 180 degrees. The more frequently it changes, the closer it gets to evil. Similarly, the less frequently it changes, the closer it gets to goodness. This is logical.
If you can subjugate your body, you can unite your clan and tribe. The most difficult thing is to subjugate one's body. Thus, Father's motto for the work of the providence: "Before you can hope to dominate the universe, perfect dominion over the self is necessary." No matter how much you may long for the world of peace and happiness, it will not come without your subjugating your body.
Our body is the kingdom of Satan. Thus, God teaches, "Subjugate your physical self!" Unless we can unify ourselves, world peace will never come. Today, people are attempting to establish the world of peace and unity centering on democracy or communism, but that is the wrong idea. The world of peace cannot be made amid the battle between mind and body. True peace begins from oneself.
The body originally inherited God's blood lineage through true love, but then inherited the blood of Satan, the enemy of God. As a result, humankind was taken to hell. In other words, the family, the garden of peace and happiness centered on God, changed into the garden of unhappiness and hell centered on Satan. God was thereby expelled from the family.
We believe that our conscience and body are alive; yet we are the dead, who cannot practice goodness in our daily lives, and who are captive to Satan. Thus, we have to destroy the barriers Satan has erected and escape. Moreover, since our mind is host to two owners, we cannot live in peace, and the suffering continues. What should we do in this situation? Since the prison holding us is our very body, we should escape by pushing aside our bodies through our consciousness. That is what the Last Days entail.
For the sake of human beings, who are prisoners, God has established religion and led people to be able to live according to their conscience. Even though human beings are living in the world of death, God has carried out His providence through saints and sages, who have been leading people toward a new world of peace.
2.7 Men and women, and peace
Only Rev. Moon's philosophy can bring peace to the world. Both communism and democracy have failed. The only concept that can save the world is the philosophy of living for the sake of others, true love emanating eternal life, and self-recognition of having the same value as God. The eternal and peaceful kingdom of heaven can be established only based on that ideology.
If men and women could have followed the eternal true way, the complicated problems of the world would not have occurred. All the problems derive from the relationship between men and women. If they unite with the original standard of creation, the world of peace will be established soon. No matter how good an environment may be, if your mind and body are fighting each other, the good environment has nothing to do with you. The problem lies in you. This is a serious matter.
The sun, the moon and the stars never rest. They are in constant motion, marking the days. Those who move forward like stars will develop, while those who do not will perish. The purpose of moving forward is for the sake of the world of hope, love, peace and happiness. You should know that there is no peace and happiness without love.
We have to restore the ideal family in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Because Adam's mind and body were divided, and Eve's mind and body were divided, the couple became each other's enemies, and their children hated and killed one another. Since the family was destroyed, there was no way to establish the ideal world without restoring the family. The base of peace is neither the country nor the tribe; it is the family.
Rev. Moon's motto is, "Before you can hope to dominate the universe, perfect dominion over the self is necessary." Peace starts from oneself. You should be strongly determined to fulfill your responsibility as the basis for peace, happiness, true love and the restoration of the country.
You should know that all the problems in the world were derived from the problems between man and woman. What should the Youth Federation for World Peace do toward establishing a world of peace? Through solving the fundamental problems between man and woman, over 80 percent of problems of the external world will be solved automatically. Because of the man-woman problem this world is confused and has deteriorated. Why do mind and body fight each other? Because mind and body pursue different respective purposes, and the desire of the body is stronger than the desire of the mind. Why did this contradiction occur? That must be clarified.
The problems of a man and woman in a family brought about the problems of society, country and world. If the family were to be regained, all problems could be solved. The world of peace would be established soon. If an ideal man and ideal woman, approved under the Principle, form a family, the world would be happy and peaceful. You should know that fighting in the family, by extension, means world war. Without stopping the fighting in the family, no peace and happiness is possible in the world. God cannot dwell where people are fighting one another.
The world, having lost its direction and peaceful center, is struggling in the agonies of death and of evil. The individual, family, society, nation and world became sinful. The world became evil because the fight between mind and body started at the beginning of history and has continued until now. History started from conflict within the individual and the sinful world has resulted. Since the body is the headquarters of hell and the mind is the headquarters of the Kingdom of Heaven, we have to unify our mind and body, and have to inherit God's blood lineage so that we may enter the bosom of God.
What is the fundamental problem in human life? It is how to solve the problem between men and women. This is an important problem that religious leaders, political leaders, scholars and other kinds of leaders have to solve. No matter how the church or country may develop, the world of peace cannot be established without solving the man-woman problem.
The world of peace should start from oneself. One has to have a peaceful mind, which could not even be exchanged for the whole world. Human desire is limitless so that we may wish for all of heaven and earth. Man wants to be in a position of central value. In order to achieve this, one has to follow a public course toward unity, by which one can arrive at the destination. No matter how great one's desire may be, it cannot be realized without such a course. The system of the universe is governed by such laws. Scientific development is also based on such laws.
The origin of unity and peace is oneself. Many sages and saints have come and gone, but no one taught or emphasized the importance of the unity of mind and body, as has Rev. Moon. Even though many saints educated people to deal with social problems, they did not teach them to complete themselves and be seeds for a peaceful world. Only Rev. Moon teaches to unify oneself before wishing for a peaceful world.
If God exists, where would He want to go? He would want to dwell in the place where husband and wife love each other and where parents and children love each other. Peace starts from you. If you say that you will be a changeable person before the unchanging God, you defile Him. To seek changeable love in front of the subject of unchangeable love is to defile Him. You should know that to seek changeable peace in front of the subject of unchangeable peace is a profanity. The problem is within "myself."
As True Mother resolves Eve's inability to fulfill her responsibility, a women's liberation movement will start. We should create a national foundation through women's liberation within three years. Because we brought 360,000 blessing couples from Satan's realm, Satan's world will begin to decline. Rev. Moon's ideal of the family will become the mainstream of history, and people of the world will know that Rev. Moon's philosophy is the shortcut to liberating mankind and building a world of peace.
Since the Last Days have come, Heaven's side is constrained to advocate the time of women's liberation. Thus, the Women's Federation for World Peace was established centering on True Mother on 10 April 1992. Men are not the ones who can establish world peace; women are. The global trend is shifting, with the central focus being the second generation under the realm of woman. The first generation is dominated by Satan. As the second generation and mother unite and advocate the liberation of women, Satan's world will collapse.
When society is purified by woman leaders and the world of peace is established through true love, the unification of the world will be achieved.
When True Parents come, war, violence, oppression, extortion and crime, which were brought about by men, will end, and the leading roles in establishing the ideal world of peace, freedom and love will be filled by women.
Today is the time of the return of the Messiah, the unification of South and North Korea through true love and truth, and the unity of religions. God will bless you, woman leaders, who are called to create the new world of peace transcending race and ideology.
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